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《Eleven years of waiting for the snow to come》Plot introduction

Auth:Little Butterfly Time:Oct 15, 2024 Source:Network

《Eleven Years Waiting for the Snow to Come》 is a short drama about reunion after a long absence. It tells the story of the male and female protagonists who reunited after being separated for many years due to an accident and then became happy together. It is quite worth watching. If you are interested, you can watch it.oh!

《Eleven years of waiting for the snow to come》Plot introduction


Zhao Guanyu&Weilin

Reunion after a long absence + reunion after a long separation

Plot introduction:

Jiang Xueli and Shen Sinian fell in love deeply in college, but were forced to separate due to Liang Youqi's conspiracy.

Xueli became pregnant with Shen Sinian's flesh and blood, endured the pain and loneliness alone, and raised her daughter Xiaoman to adulthood.

Many years later, Shen Sinian returned as an upstart in the business world and reunited with Xue Li.

In the eleventh year of separation, he finally waited for snow...

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