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《love of nirvana》 Episode 38 plot introduction

Auth:Hungry Wolf Time:Oct 08, 2024 Source:Network

Recently, as long as you open the social app, you can see discussions about “《love of nirvana》episode 38 plot introduction”. This is definitely what fans are most concerned about. Today, the editor will discuss with you about《loveof nirvana》Opinions and thoughts on the plot introduction of episode 38.

《love of nirvana》 Episode 38 plot introduction

《love of nirvana》Episode 38 plot introduction

In the desperate situation of being isolated and helpless, Wei Zhao showed extraordinary courage and wisdom.Faced with the enemy's pursuit and the temptation of a huge reward, he resolutely chose to lead the enemy to himself, gaining a precious escape opportunity for the brothers of the Light Guard.In the desperate struggle in the dead end, Wei Zhao almost exhausted his energy. At the critical moment of life and death, those loyal members of the Bright Guard resolutely returned to the rescue regardless of their personal safety, demonstrating their deep brotherhood and fearless spirit of sacrifice.

On the other side, Jiang Ci was so anxious after learning about Wei Zhao's danger that he went to Yueluo in person to request reinforcements.After learning about the situation, Hong Jie and his group of elders made a quick decision and resolutely decided to send troops to help, demonstrating the deep friendship and common determination between Yueluo and Da Ming to fight against the enemy.

Tengrui's cruel methods aroused Wei Zhao's anger and sense of justice. He could not sit back and watch innocent people suffer because of him, so he showed up resolutely.The timely arrival of Yueluo's army was like a divine force descending from heaven. It not only rescued Wei Zhao, but also completely defeated Teng Rui's arrogance.Teng Rui's escape and eventual death not only brought justice to Xiaolan's family, but also demonstrated that justice will eventually defeat evil.

Within the captain's kingdom, Gao Xiu was furious at Teng Rui's death. Lu Yu took the opportunity to offer a trick, trying to use You Ran's eagerness to do meritorious deeds against Wei Zhao.However, Pei Yan's keenness and decisiveness allowed him to understand Lu Yu's conspiracy in advance, and he cleverly planned to give Lu Yu a fatal blow during his escape.However, An Cheng's sacrifice cast a tragic color on this plan, and also highlighted the cruelty and ruthlessness of war.

Xie Che and the prince's decision to fight in person not only boosted morale, but also demonstrated the determination of everyone in Da Ming to work together to defend against foreign enemies.The wit and bravery of A Liu, the Moonfall Man, added a touch of brilliance to this battle.He took advantage of Lu Yu's greed and arrogance, successfully led him into a trap, and eventually died together with Lu Yu, contributing to the defense of his homeland at the cost of his own life.

The above is all about the plot introduction of the 38th episode of 《love of nirvana》.If you want to learn more about this film and television series, you may wish to pay attention to our website.We will continue to bring you exciting content related to this film and television series.

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