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《Okaido》Full episode plot introduction

Auth:Little Butterfly Time:Oct 08, 2024 Source:Network

The currently being aired - Okaido - can be said to have become one of the most popular film and television dramas currently. Its excitement is not only visible on the screen, but also spreads to the audience, forming a wide resonance.Next, the editor will mainly talk about 《Okaido》the complete plot of the series in episodes.

《Okaido》Episode 1 plot introduction

《Okaido》Full episode plot introduction

At the 2018 Tour of Xinjiang Rally, Harrick saw Lin Hao falling and tried to help him but was refused.Lin Hao insisted on completing the race on his own, treating his injuries as nothing and vowing to never give up until the finish line.Harik was worried about his safety and urged him to seek medical treatment, but he was criticized as a coward.The two quarreled and had very different personalities, which added twists and turns to the game.

Many years ago, while playing with his friends, Harrick witnessed a spectacular scene of motorcycle master-disciple inheritance, and his infinite yearning for motorcycle skills was ignited in his heart.Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, in 2013, Harrick announced to everyone with enthusiasm that he was about to participate in a special performance - a motorcycle show, as the highlight of the barbecue restaurant's anniversary celebration.He sincerely invites everyone to participate in the grand event and go to the barbecue restaurant to witness this exciting moment.

At the same time, Lin Hao and others planned a unique screw-driving competition on the other side to relieve the boring work and add fun to life.When the leader asked Lin Hao why he did this, he explained with a smile that this was just a small activity spontaneously organized by colleagues to adjust the work atmosphere, aiming to allow everyone to enjoy a bit of relaxation and laughter while being busy.

Faced with the severe criticism from the leader, Lin Hao's attitude seemed particularly indifferent and unruly.The boss mentioned that Lin Hao had accumulated multiple punishments and hinted that he would be punished again. However, Lin Hao responded with a nonchalant attitude. He even ignored the rule of not getting off work and bluntly stated that he would skip work and leave. This move undoubtedly angeredlead.

At this time, the arrival of Xilin and Hao Qiang added some variables to the tense atmosphere.As the new secretary, Xilin is particularly concerned about traffic safety issues, and the accident during Harrick's motorcycle show touched her sensitive nerves.Facing Harik and others who were not wearing regular helmets, Sirin severely criticized them and pointed out that they were only wearing helmets and could not provide sufficient protection.

Lin Hao's sudden appearance interrupted Xilin's lecture. He tried to intercede with Hao Qiang for Harik and others, but Hao Qiang also seemed quite helpless.Siren was surprised by the acquaintance between them and insisted that Harik and others choose a confession as punishment, and at the same time impounded their motorcycles.Faced with this decision, Harik and others were extremely anxious. They knew the importance of motorcycles to them and asked to be allowed to take the cars away, but Xilin did not let go.

Harrick had no choice but to stay where he was and kept trying to convince Siren to change her decision.Hao Qiang silently observed from the sidelines and thought to himself, thinking that Harrick and others really needed someone to provide effective management and guidance to avoid similar safety accidents from happening again.This accident not only tested the sense of responsibility and safety awareness of Harik and others, but also made everyone present deeply reflect on the importance of traffic safety.

Harik stubbornly stayed where he was without any sign of leaving, and even thoughtfully arranged for someone to bring barbecue and naan to show his friendship and respect for Hao Qiang.Hao Qiang tasted the delicious food, but did not forget to stick to his principles. He clearly informed that the car could not be returned, and humorously suggested that if Harik could not live without the car, he would stay here overnight.Later, Hao Qiang approached Lin Hao and Harik, feeling helpless and a bit reproachful for their behavior, implying that if they were not restrained, they might cause greater conflicts, and guided them to the hall to rest.

At the same time, the leader visited Lin Hao's father to discuss how to better guide Lin Hao back on track.Lin Hao himself showed up at the car repair shop. Faced with his father's expectations conveyed by his boss, he was full of confusion and resistance, thinking that his current work was of little significance.

On the other side, Shen Di was extremely anxious because a person was missing in the team. This person was Mr. Zhao's best friend.She tried to contact Lin Hao for help because the route was planned by Lin Hao, but the call was not connected.The next day, when Siren mentioned the rescue issue after going to work, Harik came forward and said that they knew Okaido well and were eager to participate in the rescue operation.Soon, Lin Hao also joined the discussion, provided the rescue team with three key search locations, and decided to work separately with Harik and others to jointly explore the traces of the missing people.

《Okaido》Episode 2 plot introduction

《Okaido》Full episode plot introduction

Lin Hao and Harik met again in the desert after they grew up. Lin Hao's motorcycle fell over after flying down a slope. His car broke down. Harik decided to take him out of the desert to repair the car while driving. Although Lin HaoThis man is a bit arrogant, but Harik still admires him because he has good flying skills, and they have seen each other when they were children. Harik fell down and was hospitalized after chasing Master Lin Hao's car.A seed was planted in his heart, and from that moment on he vowed to learn to ride a motorcycle.

The itinerary arranged by Shen Di went wrong halfway, which made her client Mr. Zhao unhappy. Mr. Wang was also admitted to the hospital because of being drunk. In order to get the balance, she had to pretend to be a grandson and go to the hospital to make up for her smile.Lin Hao's motorcycle repair costs 15,000 yuan, and payment must be made in advance. The boss's wife is worried that she will not be able to contact others.Lin Hao went to find Shen Di and found that he was not there. Harik suggested a meal. However, Lin Hao was short of money and had no money to treat him to dinner, so Harik took Lin Hao to a place where he did not need to pay for meals.It's my brother's wrestling gym.Lin Hao happened to see Shen Di here who came to apologize to Mr. Zhao. Shen Di saw that Mr. Zhao was not satisfied with wrestling because the opponent always gave in to him. Shen Di decided to accompany Mr. Zhao in person. He would definitely be able toTo make Mr. Zhao happy, Mr. Zhao felt that this was her plan. He hurt her and might have to pay a sum of money. Shen Di threw Harik's brother next to him over his shoulder, which made Mr. Zhao look at him with admiration..

Lin Hao came to Shen Di to ask for car repair fees. He believed that the crash of his car had a lot to do with Shen Di.As the ground pick-up person, Lin Hao lost contact because his mobile phone was out of battery, which caused a problem with the customer. Shen Di hadn't settled the account with Lin Hao yet, but Lin Hao first asked him for money to repair the car. Shen Di was very angry, and the two of them were angry because of this.Always arguing about theories.

Lin Hao couldn't solve the problem and had to go to his master Elken for help. Elken gave him a scolding. Just as Harik came to be his apprentice, he volunteered and offered to repair the motorcycle. Elken said that as long as he was willing to repair it, he would accept him.Teach him to fly uphill.Lin Hao took a nap, but when he woke up, he found that the car had been completely dismantled by Harrick. He was frightened and told Harrick to assemble it quickly, otherwise he would inevitably receive a lesson from the master.Sure enough, Harik didn't modify the car. When Erken came back, he was furious and drove them away. Lin Hao was also very angry and felt that nothing good would happen if he met Harik. This made Harik a little overwhelmed.

Hao Qiang has worked hard to organize the Red Date Festival in the town. Although he wants to lead the people in the town to get rich, he is now encountering difficulties due to investment promotion. Although the superiors support his plan, the funds are indeed limited and he also hopes that the town will get rich.You can think of your own solutions.Through this Red Date Festival, Hao Qiang also wanted to showcase the motorcycle skills of local young people. After all, this is also a local characteristic, and local young men like to play with motorcycles, and they can do it in different ways.Back in town, Hao Qiang left the motorcycle playground to Harik. Harik was very happy and said that he would definitely do a good job in it.However, arranging a venue also requires expenses. Hao Qiang had no other choice, so he went to his wife's stationery store to borrow money from her. He also wanted to steal some stationery and take it away, but his wife discovered it. Hao Qiang's wife originally didn't want to pay., but couldn't bear to see him in trouble, so when Hao Qiang was leaving, he asked him how much he wanted this time.

《Okaido》Episode 3 plot introduction

《Okaido》Full episode plot introduction

Harrick actually took the initiative to cooperate with the Red Date Festival, which surprised Sirin. After all, yesterday Harrick was dissatisfied with them occupying the space in front of his repair shop, but today he took the initiative to arrange it and fully cooperated with them.Xilin knew that it was because the Red Date Festival asked him to ride a motorcycle, so he stopped embarrassing herself. The two almost had a quarrel about riding a motorcycle. Xilin thought that Harik was careless because he liked riding a motorcycle. XilinI was worried that he would be in danger while riding a motorcycle.

Lin Hao's father drove a steam train. He suffered a heart attack and fainted while driving to cooperate with the tour group. After Lin Hao got the news, he hurried to see his father. Unexpectedly, Shen Di was also there. Shen DiSaid that it was an accident that he was here.Hao Qiang personally subsidized 5,000 yuan, but it was still not enough to buy protective gear. This made everyone very embarrassed. Xilin was going to report to Hao Qiang with the activity plan, but overheard that there was no protective gear.Hao Qiang wanted to hide it, but now the issue of protective gear has become a major concern for Xilin. She will not let everyone play motorcycles without protective gear.

Lin Hao found out that his father was assigned to work overtime and went directly to the leader to argue. Unexpectedly, the leader thought that no one was killed and it was nothing to make a fuss about. Lin Hao became even more angry when he heard what he said.The workers stopped him.Harrick went to the factory to find Lin Hao. Hearing the fight between Lin Hao and Director Luo on the radio, he hurried over and took Lin Hao away.Harik came to Lin Hao and wanted him to teach him how to fly. Seeing that Harik seemed sincere, Lin Hao agreed and explained in advance that the discipline would not be ignored. Harik was very happy. He felt that he was very smart.Emmanuel, if you follow Lin Hao, you will definitely learn it.

The problem of protective gear has been solved, thanks to Hao Qiang. For this event, I was really exhausted, but everyone is in order to make this event a success, and no matter how much you pay, it is worth it.When Lin Hao was teaching Harik to fly uphill, an accident happened. Harik fell out, but he was not seriously injured, but the car was damaged, and the two of them were scolded by Elken again.

Shen Di wanted to take over the agency of the Red Date Festival. She took the plan to propose to Hao Qiang and others. Through the performance of the mayor, she guessed that the current investment plan for the Red Date Festival was not going well, but she still finished her talk.Plan, after all, she still wants to win this project to make some money, but she didn't expect that everyone is short of money now.After the chat, Shen Di unexpectedly got a thankless job and paid a deposit of 50,000 yuan.Because of the meeting, Xilin did not go to get the protective gear. Hao Qiang arranged for Xilin and Harik to get the protective gear.

Everyone in the town is working hard for the Red Date Festival and everyone is looking forward to the opening.The Red Date Festival opened, and the town was extremely lively. Everyone was very happy. Lin Hao's mother, Mr. Sheng, also came. He deliberately avoided his mother because he still couldn't forget the scene when his mother abandoned him and left.When Harik was performing a motorcycle show, the front was very exciting and he won a lot of applause. However, the car behind him broke down. Professional people heard that something was wrong with the sound of the car. Harik had no way to brake, and an accident was about to happen.

《Okaido》Episode 4 plot introduction

《Okaido》Full episode plot introduction

Harrick controlled the motorcycle without any accident. He felt that it was not flying high enough and decided to try again. Lin Hao drove out and rushed out. Lin Hao's wonderful display made everyone cheer at the scene.Mr. Sheng also saw it. Mother and son looked at each other. Mr. Shen was also very sad. She turned and left.The Red Date Festival was a complete success. Harik was a little disappointed because of the mistakes he made in his performance during the day. This time Xilin encouraged him. Although she did not object to him riding a motorcycle again, safety still came first. In the future, Hao Qiang willThis has become a motorcycle town, and traffic safety is even more important.

Mr. Sheng took advantage of the fact that Lin Hao and his father were not at home to visit Lin Hao's grandfather. Mr. Sheng deliberately chose a time when the father and son were not around because he did not know how to face them.Grandpa gave Mr. Sheng the address of Lin Hao's master Erken. Although the child was older, the love between mother and son could not be separated. As for whether she wanted to see her son, she decided by herself.In fact, Mr. Sheng recognized Lin Hao yesterday, but did not speak. Grandpa also saw that Mr. Sheng asked him for a photo of Lin Hao when he was eighteen, otherwise he would not meet this cruel mother today.

Erken signed up Lin Hao for the Kunhai Motorcycle Rally. Lin Hao was very happy, but they still lacked a motorcycle.Mr. Sheng asked Bota to hurry up and order a motorcycle. It was a very good motorcycle. She wanted to give it to her son Lin Hao, but she was too embarrassed to deliver it herself, so she got rid of Shen Di and delivered it.Harik came to give Lin Hao the subsidy from the town for the Red Date Festival performance. Lin Hao did not expect that he would still have the money to get it. If Harik hadn't asked him to sign and fingerprint, he wouldn't have believed that the money was really given to him.

After this time, the relationship between Lin Hao and Harik became better and better, and Lin Hao decided to seriously teach Harik to fly.As expected, Harik liked motorcycles and had a very bright mind. He learned it quickly. Lin Hao hoped that Harik could practice more and become a professional motorcycle rider in the future, so that he could participate in competitions with him.

After Harik learned how to fly, he went to tell the good news to his good brother Kerim. Kerim discovered that he had secretly given his subsidy to him and decided to return it to him. However, Harik said that he had no place to use the money and Kerim needed it.To support my family and children, I gave him the money out of hand.However, Harik came here not only to tell the good news that he had learned to fly uphill, but also to tell Kerim about the Kunhai Rally, because they both like motorcycles. If they can form a motorcycle team in the future, they can become professional riders together.Motorcyclists have not wasted their feelings.

Participating in the competition is not as simple as just signing up. You need to pay a fee, you also need a car, and you also need professional protective gear. When it comes to money, Kerim has some difficulties. Harik decided to sign up first and he would figure out a way to deal with the money..Fortunately, these brothers are very generous. Those who have money contribute money and those who have no money contribute their efforts.

Shen Di followed the instructions of Mr. Sheng Linsheng and personally delivered the motorcycle to Lin Hao. Lin Hao learned that it was a gift from his mother and did not intend to take it. Elken felt that now was the time to need a car, and it was his mother.It was a gift, so why not just accept it? I didn't expect Lin Hao to be as stubborn as his father.

Lin Hao pulled the car back and planned to let Shen Di take it back. Unexpectedly, Shen Di was not there, but he met Harik. Seeing this, Harik wanted to take Lin Hao to try the car, and also give him some advice on modifying his motorcycle.Afterwards, Harrick took Lin Hao home. Unexpectedly, at the dinner table, Harrick brought up the idea of ​​becoming a professional driver and participating in a rally. Lin Hao was worried that he would not be able to eat after a fight. Unexpectedly,His family agreed immediately, and the atmosphere was harmonious. Harrick's brothers also came, and several of them who played musical instruments were also invited.Harik solemnly introduced Lin Hao to everyone. Lin Hao suddenly gained several brothers. Seeing everyone's happiness, he gradually opened his heart.

《Okaido》Episode 5 plot introduction

《Okaido》Full episode plot introduction

Sheng Lin fondly recalled her past with Lin Hao, deeply regretted that decision, and had firmly chosen to leave.During the years of struggle in Shenzhen, she saw all Lin Hao's difficulties.Every year, she would carefully prepare birthday gifts in an attempt to maintain her care for Lin Hao in this way, but every time she was declined by Lin Hao and the gifts were returned intact.Knowing that Lin Hao loved motorcycles but was unable to own one due to limited conditions, Sheng Lin decided to give a motorcycle as a gift. She begged Shen Di to let Lin Hao accept it. If Lin Hao really didn't want to accept it, she wouldIt is regarded as a loan and will be repaid when he is able to do so in the future.This intention is both compensation and blessing.

Lin Hao's eyes turned red after hearing Sheng Lin's deep affection. He insisted on writing an IOU and asked Shen Di to deliver it to her, in order to express his inner gratitude and principled attitude.Shen Di, standing aside, couldn't help but feel a hint of envy in his heart. He lamented the complicated emotional entanglement between Lin Hao and Sheng Lin, and at the same time silently lamented the loneliness of losing his parents.

At this time, Bota mentioned Buick's inquiry about the tour group project. He took a fancy to this potential business opportunity and believed that it was expected to become a stable source of business for Shen Di in the future and a win-win situation for both parties.On the other side, Harimu and others were sweating profusely on the training ground, surrounded by enthusiastic children. Their cheers came and went, adding a bit of vitality to the scene.

Hao Qiang and Xilin were chatting aside. Xilin went from being initially confused to gradually understanding why motorcycles have become a major feature here.Hao Qiang shared what he saw and heard in Shenzhen. He was deeply shocked by the high-rise buildings and rapid development there.But he also emphasized that the most precious thing here is the eternal light in the eyes of young people, and Xilin is one of the people with such light.

Harimu's team deeply analyzed the videos of past rallies and faced the gap in equipment and technology. He encouraged the team members to observe carefully and learn from the strengths of their opponents.Faced with the scrutiny of his own equipment, Harimu is full of confidence and believes that his car is enough to cope with it and does not require major modifications.At the same time, Shen Di personally transformed a classic 212 model, which was highly appreciated by Mr. Zhao, who loves the military.

As the rally approached, Harimu and his entourage were ready to go. Hao Qiang and the villagers came to see them off one after another, expressing high hopes and urging safety.On the sidelines of the competition, the Shen Di team is also making intensive preparations. Botta admitted that it is his first time to prepare for a rally and everything is still in the exploratory stage.Niu Ju's arrival affirmed and expressed appreciation for Shen Di's hard work, while Shen Di humbly stated that the success of the rally was due to Niu Ju's support and leadership.

The Harim team achieved good results in the rally, and Kerim won the runner-up. Everyone was happy.Although Lin Hao was unwilling to do so, he recognized Kerim's strength and lamented that although he came from a wild background, it did not affect his pursuit of excellence.The next day, Shen Di anxiously searched for the lost necklace to commemorate the death anniversary of his parents. Fortunately, Lin Hao helped find it in time.

At the same time, the Crime family was immersed in the good news broadcast on TV, and their joy was beyond words.However, the good times did not last long. During the second day of the game, Kerim encountered an accident and fell down.When Lin Hao saw this, he was very anxious and quickly stepped forward to pick up Kerim, his eyes filled with sadness.At the critical moment, the ambulance roared in to buy precious treatment time for Kerim.

《Okaido》Episode 6 plot introduction

《Okaido》Full episode plot introduction

Kerim died in an accident during the competition. This incident dealt a huge blow to Harrick. He locked himself in the repair shop and refused to come out. The families of the brothers around him also did not agree with them riding with Harrick anymore.Motorcycles are very dangerous, and it also makes Hao Qiang start to think again whether it is still feasible to build this place into a motorcycle town.Lin Hao came to Harik with Kerim's helmet. He hoped that Harik would understand that the rally was not a group of people traveling on motorcycles. It was a competition, and even a competition that cost lives.Lin Hao told the story about his master. Before every competition, the master would give him a box. Either he would win the championship, or unless there was an accident, he would put himself in the box and let Lin Hao bring him back.Lin Hao knew such things. Unless Harik figured it out himself, no matter what anyone said, it would be useless.

Shen Di was also very sad about Kerim. She remembered the car accident that happened to her parents when she was a child.The mayor discussed with Hao Qiang and decided to put the motorcycle issue aside. Now the parents here have confiscated their children’s motorcycles. They are all farmers and they still have to do farm work down-to-earth. The matter of riding motorcycles is true.It's too dangerous.Kerim's parents were also very angry with Harik's parents. Even if they wanted to help, they had no chance to enter the house. Because of this incident, it caused deep harm to both families, especially Kerim.Mu, his daughter is still young, and she doesn’t know how she will live in the future.

The house of Kerim's family has not yet been built, but the house of Harik's brother Jilili has been built, but his marriage has not been decided yet. Now Harik's father has decided to give Jilili's house to Kerim first.Mu's wife and daughter asked them to stay first.In fact, it was very difficult for Harik's father to make this decision. He felt very distressed when he saw Ji Lili's sad look, but for now, this is the best he can do.

After careful consideration, Lin Hao decided to resign. He wanted to concentrate on contacting motorcycles. He wanted to plan carefully in order to participate in competitions and become a professional motorcycle rider. He should treat the things he loved well and could no longer ride in two different boats.When Lin Hao's father learned about his resignation, he angrily went to Elken to find Lin Hao and wanted to take him back to apologize to Director Luo, saying that he had just made a wrong decision on impulse.Lin Hao spoke his true feelings to his father this time. He didn't understand why his father always wanted him to live like him. He didn't want to waste his limited life in the mine. Lin Hao said something that hurt his father. He felt thatWhen my mother left, it was because my father was reluctant to leave the mine and felt that he had no future, so he left.Lao Lin slapped Lin Hao in anger, and the father and son broke up unhappy.

Lin Hao went to the bar at night and drank with Shen Di. The two kissed passionately while the wine was intoxicating. The two slept in the same bed the next day, but Shen Di woke up after receiving a work call.They are all adults. Lin Hao said that he would be responsible for Shen Di, but Shen Di only said that Lin Hao would be responsible for himself.Kerim's wife will not accept the Harik family's house, and she will not accept it if they think she will feel at ease if they give her a house. She wants to live with Kerim until they grow old and watch it together.As their children grew up, if Harik hadn't taken him to ride a motorcycle and participate in competitions, such an accident would not have happened. Harik was speechless and left on the motorcycle. Xilin was very worried and chased him all the way.Fortunately, he met Shen Di and Lin Hao halfway. Shen Di drove Xilin to chase Harik.Harik rode to the training ground and burned the motorcycle. The words of Kerim's wife rang in his mind over and over again. Kerim's unexpected death became an eternal wound in Harik's heart.

《Okaido》Episode 7 plot introduction

《Okaido》Full episode plot introduction

Hao Qiang's wife fell from the ladder while packing things in the store. Her arm was fractured and she needed a steel plate. She went to the hospital for treatment and then returned to the store. Hao Qiang originally thought of picking up his wife, but he didn't expect her.He came back alone, and his wife knew that he was busy with work, so he handled many things alone. Hao Qiang felt very guilty because of his work. He did owe his wife and family a lot because of his work.

Harik went to Ji Lili's wrestling hall as a sparring partner, but he was inexperienced and could only earn points by wrestling. He wrestled with Mr. Zhao. Mr. Zhao felt that he was inexperienced and always wrestled him alone, which was not enjoyable.However, he remembered that Harrick once participated in a rally and performed well. It was a pity to learn that he no longer rides a motorcycle.

The Buick boss came to Hao Qiang personally because of the rally. This time Buick came up with a very well-designed and professional plan. His team referred to many foreign events, which was greatly improved compared to the previous rally.However, this time Hao Qiang and the mayor declined Buick. Considering the previous accident, they now have no way to participate in such an event again.Lin Hao is now concentrating on studying motorcycle racing. After Elken saw his plan, he felt that it was not realistic because they did not have enough money to realize their dreams. Lin Hao was still too idealistic.Seniors and elders understand Lao Lin very well, because reality is cruel after all. Sometimes it is really impossible to realize your ideals without money. Elken persuaded Lincoln to go back to work and stop wasting time on his own. Becoming a professional racing driver does not happen overnight.things.

Lin Hao had nowhere to go after leaving Elken's place, so he had to find Shen Di. It happened that Shen Di returned to the store after buying food, and he had a chance to grab a bite.Shen Di learned about Lin Hao's resignation from the mine, had conflicts with his family, and had unpleasantness with Elken, so he came to find him.But Shen Di has no time to take him in at the moment.As soon as she kicked Lin Hao out of the house, she received a call from her friends. Because they wanted to cooperate with the mine during the day, they needed to find someone with credibility in the mine. Shen Di thought of Lin Hao, and finally forAsking Lin Hao for help, he reluctantly took him in.Shen Di felt that Lin Hao's father was a senior train driver in Hongshanling, so he wanted to ask him to help contact Lao Lin. The two parties would formally communicate and cooperate. This time, Shen Di explained the situation to Lin Hao first, and did not want to wait until Lin Hao learned about it in the future.situation, saying that he was bypassing him.As long as Lin Hao agrees, he can live here for free.Lin Hao really had nowhere to go now, so he could only agree to Shen Di first.

Elken looked at the notebook left by Lin Hao. It listed all the motorcycle races this year compiled by Lin Hao. In fact, Elken also had regrets. He also wanted to participate in the competition, but he didn’t have enough financial support. It was really difficult to do so.arrive.Kerim's daughter was one year old. Harik's mother, Ava Khan, personally went to give the child a first-year gift, but Kerim's family would not accept it. They could not forgive the Harik family, if Kerim had not followed Harik.If you participate in the competition, you will not die at a young age.Xilin passed by and saw Ava Khan very sad, so she came to understand the situation. She learned that Kerim's family wanted to level the training ground. Xilin could not make the decision and could only go to Hao Qiang and the mayor to report the situation..

Elken called Lin Hao last night. Lin Hao was asleep. Shen Di saw the call and answered the phone. So the two communicated and worked out a plan. The next day, Elken came to Shen Di's store.Erken came to take Lin Hao back. He first praised Lin Hao, but Lin Hao noticed something was wrong with his master and refused to follow him back.However, Lin Hao was not Elken's opponent at all. When he heard that Elken decided to participate in the competition, he immediately followed his master back.

Harrick also got into trouble in the wrestling hall. When he was a sparring partner, he accidentally fell and injured a client. The client made a fuss in the wrestling hall, demanding compensation for medical expenses and rectifying the staff.Harrick didn't want to embarrass the director or cause trouble to his brother, so he offered to use his salary to compensate the guests for their medical expenses, then apologized to the guests and left the wrestling hall on his own initiative.

《Okaido》 Episode 8 plot introduction

《Okaido》Full episode plot introduction

When Harik walked out of the wrestling hall, he met Sirin who came to see him. Sirin helped Ava Khan bring dates to Harik and told Harik the news that the training ground was going to be bulldozed. Harik was very calm., Kerim's unexpected death made him gradually alienate from motorcycles.Sirin asked Harik about his future plans. Harik doesn't know yet. He only has one goal, which is to make more money, because Kerim's daughter still has a lot of money to spend in the future, so he has to work hard.Xilin did not persuade him to return to the castle, but instead recommended him opportunities to make money. Xilin got to know Harik better and better. She knew that Harik's heart was not only about motorcycles, but also about his family and brothers.If she works hard to become Rimu's daughter, then she will fully support her.

Siren recommended Harik to be a ramen chef at her cousin's restaurant, which allowed Harik to put his abilities into full play. Siren's sister saw that Harik was very professional in making noodles and thought it was pretty good.Harik successfully got a new job, and he is under control here. Siren hopes that he will work well, but she knows that Harik will not always be here to make noodles, but as for what he wants to do in the future, he needs to think clearly. As for training,At the scene, Xilin said she would discuss with Hao Qiang and try her best to keep it.Erken took Lin Hao to eat ramen, but unexpectedly saw Harik.Lin Hao told Harik his goal, but now Harik just wants to make money steadily. As for becoming a motorcyclist, he still can't get over the hurdle in his heart.Lin Hao did not let him go to the competition with him, but Erken looked at the two of them and felt that it was still unknown whether Harik would continue riding motorcycles in the future.

Elken decided to form a team, but he needed three people. He wanted to bring Harik with him, so he and Lin Hao went to find Harik at night. He really hoped that Harik could join.However, Harik has no such idea at all now, and Erken decided to give up. In this case, Lin Hao can't form a team. Lin Hao was excited when he heard it, and he was determined to conquer Harik.

Lin Hao knew that Harik blamed himself for Kerim's accident, so he planned to provoke Harik. He deliberately took Harik to the train track and then rushed onto the track. Harik saw this and rescued him.Lin Hao was very grateful to him. Harrick knew Lin Hao's intentions. He really didn't want to touch the motorcycle anymore. Lin Hao knew he was deceiving himself.No matter what Lin Hao said, Harik did not agree to form a team with him, but he sincerely wished Lin Hao could succeed. When Lin Hao saw this, he no longer persisted, so he had to give up on Harik.

Shen Di couldn't wait any longer and dragged Lin Hao to his house, hoping to get Lao Lin to help. Lin Hao's grandfather admired and liked Shen Di very much, and promised Shen Di that he would help convince Lin Hao's father that Lin Hao was gone.I thought grandpa agreed so quickly.Lin Hao went to the mine to find his father. Lin Hao took the initiative to ask his father for help. Old Lin agreed before he heard what was going on, but only if Lin Hao came back to work. When this matter was mentioned, the father and son would quarrel, and in the end they stillThey parted on bad terms, not even finishing the meal.Lin Hao snatched Harik away from the hotel, took him and his motorcycle to the Gobi Desert, and drove back. Now Harik had two choices, either burn the motorcycle or ride it back.

《Okaido》Episode 9 plot introduction

《Okaido》Full episode plot introduction

Harik stared at the motorcycle, thinking a lot.The memories of him and Kerim riding motorcycles together as children came to mind. The two had agreed that one would continue riding while the other would open a repair shop to serve the public.This dream and friendship still inspire him to move forward.

Lin Hao met Shen Di by chance on his way home, tasting instant noodles in a simple environment.The two chatted happily, talking about their dreams and persistence.Shen Di bluntly said that everyone has thoughts. Lin Hao yearns to ride a motorcycle and hopes to be recognized by his family. This is his obsession. Harrick vows not to ride a motorcycle because of his best friend Kerim. This is his obsession.Lin Hao was curious about Shen Di's aspirations, but Shen Di was frank and expressed his desire for wealth to get rid of the helplessness and humiliation of being oppressed by debt in the past.Lin Hao initially thought it was a joke, but Shen Di took it seriously, saying that he was now self-reliant and had paid off his old debts.Lin Hao admired Shen Di with admiration and had high hopes for his grand development in the Hongshanling tourism industry.When it comes to Lin Hao staying alone in the desert, Shen Di is worried, but Lin Hao is full of confidence, because he knows that Harik knows the desert well and can keep him safe.

Sainaim came anxiously and told Harik that he had not returned all night, and that her side was facing the dilemma of being overcrowded and unable to receive guests.Lin Hao was shocked when he heard the news, and immediately drove with Elken to find Harik.On the way, Erken learned that Lin Hao had not prepared enough food for Harik, and couldn't help but admire Harik's tenacity.Finally, the two found Harrick who was slowly returning.Lin Hao decisively arranged for Elken to escort the tired Harik home, while he continued to look for the crucial motorcycle.

At the same time, Bota revealed to Shen Di that Gu Chengfeng's team had borrowed a car here with the intention of filming an advertisement.Shen Di had already heard about Gu Chengfeng, the first Chinese driver to complete the Dakar Rally, and felt that this matter was not a trivial matter and he had to do it himself.However, Bota reminded him that there is another strong competitor, Mr. Zhao, who is making full preparations and vows to meet all the needs of Gu Chengfeng's team.

On the other side, the family was overjoyed by Harik's return.He used the excuse of missing his mother's craftsmanship, but in fact he was full of plans for the future.When no one was around, he and his father quietly provided help to the Kerim family, showing their deep friendship.Kerim's grandfather suddenly appeared and handed a diary to Harik. This diary became a witness to their determination.Harik gave the money to his mother and insisted that his father hand it over to the Kerim family, expressing his cherished friendship.

Looking through Kerim's diary, Harik felt deeply that time was running out and was determined not to waste time.He recalled the accident of the motorcyclist in the video. Although he was afraid, he understood that fear could not stop him from moving forward.He and Kerim reached a consensus that no matter how difficult and dangerous the road ahead is, they must move forward bravely, and even if they face the test of life and death, they must make their dreams come true.

Harik stared at the training ground that was about to be bulldozed, with mixed feelings in his heart.Hao Qiang's arrival added a sense of urgency, and his words were like a wake-up call, making Harik reflect on his true love for motorcycles.Over dinner, Harrick shared his confusion with Siren and decided to delve deeper into the minds of those who truly love motorcycles.

At the same time, Erken challenged Harik during the ride, recalling the past when Harik asked him to be his master, but now he asked Harik to drive him and encouraged him to speed up.On the other side, Sainaim was troubled by Harik's resignation and return to the motorcycle world, and the operation of the ramen shop was also affected.

At Lin Hao's home, his father asked Lin Hao to tell Shen Di that he had communicated with the drivers and planned to convene everyone to discuss development plans.However, Shen Di's proposal encountered a lot of resistance, and everyone declined for various reasons, which made Shen Di feel frustrated and resorted to drinking to drown his sorrows.Lin Hao silently stood by his side, providing support and comfort.

《Okaido》Episode 10 plot introduction

《Okaido》Full episode plot introduction

Shen Di invited Lao Lang to join the team as a ground operator. Lao Lang still admired Shen Di's courage and agreed without hesitation. Shen Di was very happy.Harik came back and he kept practicing motorcycles at the training ground, but Mardan kept making trouble. He had sealed off the training ground and was determined to bulldoze it. Harik stopped him and did not allow him to do so, and the two sides quarreled.

Hao Qiang appeared at the critical moment, and he took all the responsibility on himself. He has always supported children riding motorcycles, hoping that local young people can make a difference.Seeing this, Mardan could no longer bulldoze the training ground.When Mr. Zhao held a meeting with the bosses, he proposed the idea of ​​forming a R&D team. He did not want to just expand the production line, which would always be constrained by the brand. At the same time, he also announced his decision to sponsor the Okaido Rally, which madeThe company's financial director was very surprised. Sponsoring the rally requires more than five million, which is not a small amount of money. Moreover, the investors are not positive about their product upgrades and have different ideas on product development. Therefore, the financial directorDirector recommends discontinuing support for Okaido Rally.

Gu Chengfeng came to Dabao to shoot a commercial. He had just finished the Dakar race. Lin Hao and the others knew the news. Shen Di asked him to do the ground pickup, so Lin Hao brought Harrick and several brothers to see Gu Chengfeng.Chehuiyou.The director suggested that Gu Chengfeng go flying down the slope, but Gu Chengfeng felt that the slope was steep and the car was borrowed for filming the commercial, which hurt the car. Just as he was communicating, Elken appeared on a motorcycle and flew directly over the steep slope.slope.He and Gu Chengfeng were old acquaintances, but their previous relationship didn't seem to be harmonious. Elken didn't give him a good look. Gu Chengfeng told Elken that there was no way to win the rally with only courage and instant speed.Erken wanted to show off in front of Gu Chengfeng, but unexpectedly his car broke down on the way back, so he had to push the car and sneak in.Lin Hao and Harik caught up on motorcycles. They were shocked by Elken's flying skills just now, and hoped that he could teach them.

Township work cannot be done with enthusiasm alone, and the mayor still does not support the continuation of the training ground and the children practicing motorcycles.Xilin thought of herself. She felt that if she didn't have passion, she wouldn't be able to do anything well.Hao Qiang understood the emotions of the old comrades, and it would not be easy to persuade the old comrades to change their minds, so he gave the mayor the antihypertensive drug Tocillin he bought.

Gu Chengfeng followed Mr. Zhao's arrangement and helped him form a team. If Lin Hao and the others participated, they would be able to use KTM motorcycles in the competition, receive professional training, and have someone sponsor the competition fees. Basically, they would not have to worry about anything.But Lin Hao and the others did not agree. They already had their own team, and this time they would participate in the Okaido Rally with the Desert Wolf Team.Although they were ambitious, they realized after they calmed down that they really had no money to participate in the competition or buy a car. Elken took out the “meteorite” given to him by someone he had saved and decided to do it the next day.You have to go to the strange stone market to sell it for money, so you don't have to worry about money.Later, it turned out that it was just a simple stone and was worthless at all. Elken was very angry.There was also a problem with Mr. Zhao. Investors were not interested in his biotechnology company. If it were not for the expansion of the production line, they would not have decided to participate in the investment. Mr. Zhao did not force it, he decided to find a way on his own.

《Okaido》Episode 11 plot introduction

《Okaido》Full episode plot introduction

Harik took Lin Hao to visit the stone market, intending to try his luck. They saw an old man selling stones outside the market. Harik saw a green stone and thought it was jade, so the two of them took out all the money they had.They bought a bag of stones from the old man for more than 1,000 yuan. Later, when they inspected the stones, they found out that they had been cheated. They were artificially colored stones. Not only did they not make any money this time, they also paid more than 1,000 yuan to buy them.A bagful of broken stones.Originally, they thought they had made a profit by spending more than one thousand dollars to buy a bag of stones that originally cost more than three thousand, but they did not expect such a result.

The two people returned to the castle with the stones and were taught a lesson by Erken. It was useless to call the police. The police did not accept the case because the uncle who sold the stones never said that the stones were jade and that Harik and the others bought them voluntarily.The behavior is not fraud.Now it seems that there is no chance of hoping for pie-in-the-sky things to happen. All we can do is to think of ways to make money in a down-to-earth manner.

Because the training ground was not bulldozed, Mardan was even more hostile to the Harik family. Not only did he not sell fertilizer to Harik's father, but he also deliberately threw wine bottles at their house. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Harik came home and found out about this., decided to go find Mardan and Hao Qiang, but were stopped by his parents.Sirin went to the car repair shop to find Harik. Harik told Siren about the incident. Sirin decided to go to the police station the next day to explain the situation to the director. Harik felt that he had brought trouble to his family and he should not have done so in the first place.Stopping Mardan from bulldozing the training ground, Sirin didn't want him to have such an idea.Xilin told Harik that Hao Qiang was already in trouble with the mayor because he kept the training ground.Harrick knew Hao Qiang's hard work, but he didn't want to embarrass Hao Qiang, his family, and Xilin because of things at the training ground.The Hao Qiangbao training ground is not just because of Harik, he also wants to develop motorcycles and protect the dreams of the children.

Lin Hao, Harrick and Elken each started to think of ways to raise money. Elken went to the mine to ask if he needed workers to pull coal. Harrick decided to rent out the car repair shop. Lin Hao went to find Gu Chengfeng, but Gu Chengfeng's conditionsIt was Lin Hao who wanted to join his team. Lin Hao couldn't leave Elken and Harik behind, so he declined Gu Chengfeng. In Lin Hao's eyes, friendship was more important, so he rejected Gu Chengfeng without any hesitation.Then Lin Hao went to Shen Di, hoping that Shen Di could hand over some of the ground connection work to him.Shen Di did not reject him, but the commission was still 37. If Lin Hao could design a new travel route, the commission could be increased. Lin Hao agreed to Shen Di.Xilin thought of a way to help Harik raise money, which was to do crowdfunding in the village. Harik firmly disagreed. He would not use money from people in the village to compete, which would be even more embarrassing for Kerim's family..Xilin did not expect that Harik would refuse and said that she would no longer care about his affairs. Harik believed that this was not a matter that she needed to take care of in the first place. Silin left the car repair shop angrily.

Elken invited Lin Hao to have dinner with Elken. He announced that he was going to run in the unsupported group. The purpose was to find out the relationship between himself and motorcycles. Only a person riding a motorcycle can figure it out. He didn'tWe formed a team. In fact, this was done to allow the two young people to have better development opportunities. Only by following a team like Gu Chengfeng could they have a chance to stand out. It was just that they were unprofessional and had no training., and have to run around to raise money. Even if they participate in the competition, they will not get good results.Lin Hao was a little disappointed with Elken. The team he finally formed was disbanded so quickly. In fact, Elken felt uncomfortable. He didn't want to participate in the rally, but for Lin Hao and Harik, he was willing to give up this opportunity.

《Okaido》Episode 12 plot introduction

《Okaido》Full episode plot introduction

Mr. Zhao’s financial director, Lin Ye, no longer wants to see him going his own way. The payment cannot be recovered, the investors give up the investment, and Mr. Zhao still has to spend 5 million to support a rally that has nothing to do with the company’s business. In the past twelve years,, she does respect Mr. Zhao, but she also has to live her own life. She left a letter and a USB flash drive of the accounts, but took away five million. Her shares and bonuses totaled more than five million, soShe wants to sever ties with this company now and can only hope that Mr. Zhao's wish comes true.Mr. Zhao did not expect Lin Ye to do such a thing, so he had no choice but to call the police.

After such an incident, Mr. Zhao could no longer invest in the rally project. He really had no money to invest. His ex-wife contacted him and said that he could take out the money he left for her when they divorced, but the gap was relatively large. Mr. ZhaoAfter rejecting his ex-wife's offer, the money was kept for her and her daughter to spend.His ex-wife told him to tell him if he couldn't hold on any longer and she would help him.

Buick lost Mr. Zhao's investment and only had 30,000 yuan left in his account. He was also very anxious. Bota knew that he was in a bad mood, so he took him to Kunhai to relax.Bota knew that Buick did not dare to ride a horse, so he took him to ride a horse, so that he could express his unhappiness. It was also through this time that Buick opened his heart to Bota. He had feelings for the grassland. He had feelings for the grassland back then.He almost couldn't walk out in the Gobi Desert, but a motorcycle team saved him. He didn't dare to ride a horse because his feelings for the grassland were still scarred. Later, it was because the motorcycle healed the scars in his heart. From then on, he andHe got attached to motorcycles, so organizing a rally was his wish.Bota told Buick that he had nine motorcycle shops that could be used. Buick said that there were only eight, and Bota included his own shop. Buick was very moved and hugged Bota and cried.

Buick mortgaged its store, and Bota also gave him the mortgage information of his store. Buick planned to send the motorcycle bought by Mr. Zhao to him. In the past, new models of motorcycles had always arrived in the store., Mr. Zhao will buy it.Bota hoped that Buick and Mr. Zhao would have a good chat, but Buick didn't know how to face Mr. Zhao now, so he put the motorcycle at the door of his garage and left.

Harik took the initiative to apologize to Sirin, but Sirin felt it was unnecessary. She also reflected on herself. At that time, she really just wanted to raise money as soon as possible and did not consider it from Harik's perspective. It was really rash, so Harik didn't need to apologize to her.Apologize.

Harik's father spent 90,000 yuan, which was the money from selling Jilili's wedding house. He hoped that his son would not have any regrets and work hard to realize his dreams. He also saw that Lin Hao and Harik worked hard to raise money.It’s hard work, so I’m willing to support them.Harik felt very guilty. He did not expect that his father would sell his brother's marital home and what his brother would think.But seeing his father cheering him up, Harik didn't say anything more.

After Buick and Bota worked hard to prepare money, it was still not enough, so they had to borrow money. Bota first thought of Shen Di. After understanding the situation, Shen Di planned to take out the money in his account and lend it to Bota first.Elken bought a second-hand motorcycle from a friend and planned to ride it to participate in the competition. However, when the police found him, he realized that he had been cheated. The car was reported stolen and now he was going to be taken away.Assist the police in investigating the situation.

《Okaido》Episode 13 plot introduction

《Okaido》Full episode plot introduction

The rally was held as scheduled, but only those who participated could understand the difficulty behind it.Buikbota, together with Shen Di, put all the money they could raise in front of them, all in cash, and now the money must be spent wisely.Buick is very grateful to Bota and Shen Di for being able to help him in such a difficult situation.

Lin Hao didn't contact Elken until before the game. The game was about to come, and they couldn't care too much and could only play with peace of mind.In the first stage, Harik won the championship with outstanding results, while Gu Chengfeng was slightly inferior and ranked second.Everyone was cheering and applauding Harik, and Lin Hao was also very happy.There are still four stages to go, and Gu Chengfeng is also full of confidence. He said that he will overtake.Lin Hao was not intimidated. They would not easily let Gu Chengfeng overtake him.After the game, Lin Hao contacted Sainaim to ask about Elken's whereabouts. Sainaim lied that he had something to do at home and took Elken back to his hometown of Yili. Lin Hao was dubious.

The terrain conditions in the second stage were more rugged, and many runners fell down during the process, but Harrick maintained his lead.But in the end, Gu Chengfeng had the advantage and won this stage.At the start of the third stage, Gu Chengfeng was in very good condition and rushed to the front.However, Lin Hao's performance in this round was very impressive. He surpassed Gu Chengfeng, but Harik was not in good condition and did not appear at the media shooting spot.Lin Hao successfully reached the finish line first after passing through the sand dunes.This stage is a big challenge for the drivers. Once the navigation is wrong, they will get lost and run counter to the finish line.The track was coming to an end and the drivers were arriving one after another, but Lin Hao was still unable to see Harik. He did not expect that Harik's car broke down halfway, and he was busy repairing the car at this time.If there is a problem with the vehicle and you call for rescue, you will be deemed to have retired from the race. Therefore, Harrick will not call for rescue easily. He will persist until the end of the race.Harrick crossed the finish line in the final time.But Harik ranked poorly and fell out of the top five.

Harik's wheel axle was broken, and they did not prepare spare parts. Gu Chengfeng's team did, but they only prepared one set, which was reserved for later stages, so he would not lend it to Lin Hao and the others. Lin Hao and HarikI can only think of other ways.Lin Hao thought that this place was not far from Hongshan collar, so he took Harry and the motorcycle to the workshop to see if there were any accessories. Unexpectedly, he met Director Luo, who helped them find suitable accessories. Director Luo's enthusiasm andLin Hao was at a loss when he offered to help. In fact, Director Luo's son was going to live in Guangdong, so he didn't have much time here. He was reluctant to leave.They stayed up all night and finally repaired the motorcycle. Director Luo hoped that Lin Hao and the others could get good results, but they must also pay attention to safety.

Buick's funds were still not enough. Shen Di proposed asking Sheng Lin for help. Sheng Lin expressed her support and would provide funds to help them complete the competition. However, the funds arrived a little late, and the remaining money on Buick's side could no longer support that.It's time. Fortunately, his eldest brother Ye Quan sent some money to help him stand up. He also brought good news that this competition has been noticed by the Bureau of Culture and Tourism. He hopes that Buick can insist on running it and will do it later.OKIn the end of this race, Lin Hao won the championship and Gu Chengfeng came in second. Harik's car broke down again and broke down halfway. Harik failed to finish the race smoothly.

《Okaido》 Episode 14 plot introduction

《Okaido》Full episode plot introduction

After Lin Hao and Harik finished the game, they still couldn't contact Elken. The door of Elken's house was locked. After going to see Naim to find out the situation, they found out that Elken was defrauded when buying a car. Later, he took the car thief away.The beating resulted in minor injuries and he was admitted to the hospital. The other party demanded a private compensation of 100,000 yuan, but Elken could not afford the money at all.Lin Hao Harrick decided to find a way to make money and rescue Elken first.But things did not go well. Lin Hao originally received a motorcycle show for a hotel opening, but before the show, he was told by his boss that the property did not allow such dangerous activities. There was no way Lin Hao and his plan to make money were aborted. Not only didHe didn't make any money and even paid for the tow truck. The boss apologized and gave each of Lin Hao and Harik a big red envelope. Harik just touched the red envelope and didn't say much. When he opened it on the way back, he found that it was all change.It’s only 66 yuan together.Not only that, the house leaked but it rained all night, and their car tire blew out on the way.

Lin Hao had dinner with his family and had another unpleasant encounter with his father because of his insistence on riding a motorcycle.Shen Di asked someone to pay Lin Hao. Lin Hao accidentally learned that Sheng Lin invested in the last leg of the rally because of Shen Di's suggestion. However, this time he did not blame Shen Di and instead gave the money to Shen Di.She hoped that he could be her agent, but Shen Di refused because she didn't understand motorcycles at all, and she had her own career and would not give up because of Lin Hao.Shen Di believes that Lin Hao should choose Gu Chengfeng's team because they are professional and have first-class security. Lin Hao does not want to join.

Lin Hao and Harry had no choice but to sell their motorcycles, but neither of them wanted to sell their motorcycles. After thinking about it, Lin Hao decided to go to Gu Chengfeng. Gu Chengfeng also admired him very much. As long as he joined, they wouldHe will receive an entrance fee of 30,000 yuan and will still have salary in the future, which is a good thing for Lin Hao.But Lin Hao's father didn't want him to go. In his father's eyes, Lin Hao was equivalent to signing a contract of selling himself, and he would unconditionally sell his life to others. His father was willing to pay 30,000 yuan to get Elken out first, but Lin HaoI don't want to use my father's money.Because Gu Chengfeng did not agree to let Harik join and because he did not meet the membership conditions, Lin Hao was still confused. After thinking about it, he decided to sell the motorcycle first.

No matter how Lin Hao lowered the price with his boss, he could only negotiate 40,000 yuan. As a result, there was still a gap of 20,000 yuan.Lin Hao didn't expect that Harik would also come to sell the car. This motorcycle was exchanged for the house of Harik's brother Ji Lili, so he cherished it very much.But now that Harrick came to sell the car to save Elken, Lin Hao was quite moved.However, Harik's car was not sold because there was a problem with his engine and the boss would not accept it because it would cost a lot of money to replace the engine after taking it.Harik did not give up, tried hard to communicate with the boss, and started the motorcycle as required by the boss. Unexpectedly, it could not be started, and Lin Hao was speechless.He told his boss to keep his motorcycle and never sell it. He would definitely come back and buy the motorcycle back.Lin Hao contacted Gu Chengfeng again and decided to join his team. Only in this way could he get the membership fee as soon as possible and rescue Elken.

《Okaido》Episode 15 plot introduction

《Okaido》Full episode plot introduction

Hao Qiang has been thinking deeply recently. He is eager to create a motorcycle rally platform here.However, he began to question the purpose of the platform: What exactly did it bring?Has it truly benefited the people?As secretary, Hao Qiang believes that these issues deserve his deep reflection.Harrick returned to the garage and said with a sad look on his face that no one cared about the motorcycle.At this time, he noticed that there was another car in the shop. After asking, he learned that it belonged to Mr. Zhao, who was riding a motorcycle to Okaido.Hearing this, Harik quickly dissuaded Mr. Zhao and reminded Mr. Zhao that there was a sandstorm today and it was extremely dangerous to travel. He decided to go to Mr. Zhao immediately.

After some twists and turns, Harik finally found Mr. Zhao.At this time, Mr. Zhao was in a bad mood and chose to go to the Gobi to relax.Facing the coming sandstorm, Harik anxiously pointed out that it was too late to return at this time, but he knew a refuge from the sandstorm - a gap in the mountains.

The two quickly headed to the shelter.While escaping from the sandstorm, Mr. Zhao mentioned the rally and said that he originally planned to help, but was unable to do so for some reason.Harrick expressed understanding and revealed that Buick had mortgaged its store for the rally.Regarding Mr. Zhao's failure to keep his word, Harik said he didn't mind, thinking that Mr. Zhao must have encountered difficulties.

Harik took Mr. Zhao back safely and said enthusiastically that if Mr. Zhao still wanted to ride a bicycle, he would be willing to accompany him at any time, but the prerequisite was that he had to choose a good weather without sandstorms.On the other side, Lin Hao came to Gu Chengfeng to sign a contract with great expectations. Gu Chengfeng generously offered to pay Lin Hao part of the money in advance.At this time, Erken's appearance made Harik overjoyed, and he planned to prepare a delicious meal to celebrate.

However, when Harrick asked Lin Hao the source of the 20,000 yuan, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.Lin Hao admitted that the money was earned from signing with Gu Chengfeng Racing Team.After hearing this, Harik became very angry and struggled with Lin Hao, accusing Lin Hao of being the team he proposed to form, but now he just left without taking the team seriously.Lin Hao retorted that Harrick had no right to accuse him because he raised the money himself.Elken showed up just in time to stop the fight.

Later, Erken came to Sainaim's house and felt that he needed to make money to pay off his debts and could not let Lin Hao and Harik pay for him.Sainaim proposed that she still had some savings, but Erken declined her offer.He talked about Lin Hao joining the Gu Chengfeng Racing Team and thought it was a good opportunity. If he had had such an opportunity when he was young, he would have joined without hesitation.Sainaim said affectionately that no matter what Erken chooses, she will always be by his side.

At the same time, Xilin came to see Shen Di, who was planning a project.He believes that although motorcycles attract a large number of tourists, the service quality in the Gobi region cannot keep up.Therefore, he plans to establish a base to provide better services to tourists.Hao Qiang also joined the discussion. He handed Xilin a study application form and encouraged her to fill it out and submit it.This series of events not only shows the entanglements and conflicts between the characters, but also indicates the new opportunities and challenges they are about to face.

Lin Hao came to Shen Di and told him excitedly that he had joined Gu Chengfeng's team and planned to develop well.He revealed that the team's headquarters is in Shenzhen and sincerely invited Shen Di to go with him.However, Shen Di firmly expressed his decision to stay in Haning.He fondly recalled the first time he saw them competing. Regardless of success or failure, the drivers showed extremely vigorous vitality, which was given to them by this land.He believed that Lin Hao should face his own heart. Even if he didn't have this opportunity, he would have wanted to join the Gu Chengfeng Racing Team.

On the other side, when Harrick and Xilin had dinner, they talked about Lin Hao.He said that he had no objection to Lin Hao going to a better team, but he just blamed himself a little.Siren encouraged Harik to become an excellent driver first so that he can truly have his own team.After hearing this, Harik's eyes shone with unprecedented determination, saying that he had never been so eager to win.

《Okaido》Episode 16 plot introduction

《Okaido》Full episode plot introduction

Shen Di proposed the idea of ​​starry sky camp. On the one hand, it is to attract outdoor cycling enthusiasts. On the other hand, it is also very important to mobilize the enthusiasm of local residents. Only in this way can we better showcase the local humanities and expand other possibilities.Sex, such as Xinjiang cuisine.Both the mayor and Hao Qiang were very satisfied with Shen Di's plan, and the mayor looked at Shen Di with admiration.

Erken called Lin Hao and Harik to have dinner together. He hoped to put an end to their conflict. Lin Hao said that the incident had passed in his heart. Harik didn't say much, and just asked Lin Hao whenleave.The two people talked face to face this time. Motorcycles are everything to them both, but Harik wants to ride motorcycles with his good brothers and participate in competitions together. But Lin Hao understands that there is a difference between no brothers and no cross-country. He wants toTo be an excellent racing driver, every driver on the field can be a brother. Brothers do not have to stick together all the time.Harrick understood all this, and the two of them would eventually walk on different paths.

There are fewer and fewer brothers around Harik, and many of them have gone to other cities. Sirin came to find Harik. Harik didn't want to be separated from Sirin, so he wanted to express to Sirin, but he couldn't.The words came to my lips but they couldn't come out.Siren hugged Harik. She knew Harik's heart and expressed her love. The two hugged each other.Lin Hao also came to say goodbye to Shen Di. He knew that Shen Di didn't like flowers, so he made a sunflower with his own hands and gave it to Shen Di. It was not a token of love, but he wanted to leave something for Shen Di before leaving.Accepted.

Harik is now wandering around the castle all day long. Seeing him like this, Erken kindly advised him to join a convoy. A small convoy can also be used. At least there will be a motorcycle to ride on it, but Harik hasn't figured it out yet., I still plan to find a way to make money first and buy a motorcycle.Xilin bought a scooter. After Harik taught her to ride a scooter, she rode it out every day. She took Shen Di to the training ground. The two of them looked at the mound of dirt in front of them with emotion.Shen Di decided to use the scenery to tell the story well, so that every visitor would leave with a story, and then pass on the story here to more people.

Lin Hao received professional training from Gu Chengfeng's team. The people here were very kind to him and would help him in training. Gu Chengfeng also strictly controlled his rhythm.The coaches here feel that Lin Hao trains very hard. Lin Hao just wants to catch up with his teammates as soon as possible. He feels that all his efforts are worth it.

Aishamu was playing in the square and got separated from her family. Fortunately, she met Sirin and Harik. Sirin had work to deal with, so she asked Harik to send Aishamu home. Aishamu liked Harik very much., also likes the skirt he gave her. Seeing Ayi Xia Mu very happy, Harik is also very happy.Xilin told Harik that she would go to Haning Party School to study for half a year, so she would always live in Haning.She hoped that Harik would come back to see her. Harik was a little slow and said that he would visit her every weekend when he had time and would bring delicious food.Before Xilin left, Harik suggested having hot pot together, and Xilin agreed very much.

Lin Hao has never had a chance to touch the car with Gu Chengfeng. He is a little anxious, but Gu Chengfeng feels that the time has not come yet, so he keeps asking Lin Hao to train intensively. He needs to change Lin Hao's thinking. Now Lin Hao is too nervous., he gave Lin Hao two days off, hoping that he could relax and unwind.

《Okaido》Episode 17 plot introduction

《Okaido》Full episode plot introduction

When Lin Hao returned home, his grandfather was full of joy, and his father also specially prepared his favorite dishes for him.Lin Hao also thoughtfully brought gifts for his family, and his grandfather was even more happy.During the dinner, Grandpa asked with concern whether Lin Hao had contacted Shen Di. Lin Hao admitted that he had not yet, and Grandpa reminded him that he should at least inform him.On the other side, Harik's mother worriedly asked her son if he had really decided to ride a motorcycle, expressing his concerns.Harik knew that he had never made his family worry-free, but he still firmly stated that this time he really wanted to try.

Hao Qiang took the initiative to come to Secretary Liu to discuss a certain project. Secretary Liu immediately called Hao Qiang and informed him that a boss in Shenzhen was interested in the project, but put forward some conditions.After hearing this, Hao Qiang immediately asked Secretary Liu to provide the contact information of his boss, hoping to negotiate in person.At the same time, Harik came to Mr. Zhao and proposed a wrestling match with Mr. Zhao, but Mr. Zhao declined him, fearing that he would accidentally hurt him.In fact, Harik hopes that Mr. Zhao can invest in his team.Mr. Zhao believes that Harik has not achieved any results yet and it is difficult to prove his worth, but he can lend Harik a motorcycle.Mr. Zhao proposed that if Harik could defeat Lin Hao once, he would consider investing.

On the other side, Lin Hao returned home to visit Elken. Elken excitedly asked about his training and proposed to go out for a test ride.Lin Hao agreed, but Erken misunderstood that Lin Hao did not dare to ride a bicycle. Lin Hao explained that he did not dare to speed up due to sandy conditions.Lin Hao now realizes that those seemingly boring trainings are crucial to improving his riding skills. He is now very different from before.

When Hao Qiang and Shen Di had dinner, they talked about investor Mr. Wang's interest in the project.Mr. Wang intends to take the project as his own, believing that it will be a good starting point for his development in the Gobi region.But he also generously stated that since Shen Di is the founder of this project, no matter who completes it in the end, as long as it succeeds, he is willing to regard it as a gift to the Gobi.After hearing this, Shen Di left the table silently without commenting.

On the other side, Harik shared hot pot time with Xilin. He carefully prepared a bouquet, confessed his love to Xilin, and asked her if she would always accompany him.Siren readily agreed.The next day, Harik sent Xilin to Haning, but he was too excited the night before and forgot to charge the car. As a result, the car ran out of power halfway and had to change the route.At the same time, Lin Hao came to look for Shen Di, but came to nothing.He immediately called Shen Di, and the two finally met to discuss the current situation.When Hao Qiang returned home, he found that his wife was still coughing and asked with concern whether she needed medical treatment.My wife laughed and said that it was just a cold she caught last time and it was nothing serious.

At the training ground, Harrick experienced the Gu Chengfeng Racing Team's car and couldn't help but marvel at its excellent performance. He seemed to understand Lin Hao's original choice.At the same time, Buick, Big Brother and others are planning a large-scale rally, aiming to increase the scale and influence of the event.The eldest brother took the initiative to ask Ying to take the lead, Buick was responsible for the execution, and invited Mr. Zhao to join.Mr. Zhao readily agreed, and a grand rally was about to begin.

Hao Qiang arranged a meeting between Mr. Wang and Shen Di to discuss the project details in depth.Mr. Wang proposed that since Shen Di has a deep understanding of the project, he hoped that she could lead the team to join his company and continue to promote the project.Shen Di responded confidently that this project was built by her and she was the most familiar with it. Only she could ensure the success of the project. She suggested that Mr. Wang should only be responsible for the investment and leave the project execution to her.

《Okaido》 Episode 18 plot introduction

《Okaido》Full episode plot introduction

Lin Hao's father and grandfather saw an old photo seller on the street, and unexpectedly found the wedding photo of Lin Hao's father and Sheng Lin. It turned out to be left behind after the demolition of an old photo studio, so Lin Hao's father bought it back..After Harik decided to form a team, he trained hard every day and didn't even give himself any time to rest.This time he had to get Mr. Zhao's investment, and then meet Lin Hao on the field.Shen Di won Mr. Wang's investment through her professional plan, which made Hao Qiang's evaluation of her even higher. He could see that Shen Di had made a lot of contributions to Dabao over the years. Recalling that timeHe held the Red Date Festival and wanted to scare Shen Di, which really made him feel a little guilty. He told the mayor that people who had contributed to Dabao in the future must be treated kindly.The mayor discovered that Hao Qiang had been suffering from stomachaches recently and suggested that he go to the hospital for a check-up. However, Hao Qiang did not take it seriously. He felt that he would not be like the grassroots cadres in the TV series who finally suffered from physical exhaustion. He said that there was nothing wrong with his health.

Before Lin Hao returned to the team, he came to see Shen Di to say goodbye. This time he returned to the team to participate in the trials. The competition was very fierce, and he was very busy next.Shen Di knew the rules of the commercial racing team and wanted to retain sponsors through performance, so it was normal for the competition to be fierce, but Lin Hao was strong and she had confidence in Lin Hao.Harik specially rushed from Dabao to Haning to find Lin Hao, saying that he wanted to compete with him. Lin Hao did not expect that he would make a special trip to compete with him. Gu Chengfeng arranged a car for Harik because HarryKe's car can't run at their training ground, and the showdown between the masters is quite exciting.After Harrick got familiar with the car and the venue, he started the competition with Lin Hao.Harik finally lost to Lin Hao. He was a little disappointed because Mr. Zhao had promised that only if he beat Lin Hao would he invest in his team. Now it seemed a bit difficult. Lin Hao told Harik that he needed to have scientific knowledge.Methods and cognition to break through bottlenecks.

Lin Hao went to the car shop to redeem the car he had sold, but the boss raised the price to 55,000. He didn't have that much money in his hand. While bargaining, Elken and Harik came, and Harik originally wanted to pay.Money, but Elken was recognized by the boss. He is the boss’s idol. For the sake of his idol, it was cheaper. However, the boss asked Elken to take a photo with him, and he was very happy. Harik also helped Elken fix his hair..Elken felt that Harik had almost forgotten his original intention. He learned flying slope because he liked and loved it. Now, he seems to only see losing and winning. Elken asked him why, but Harik seemed to answerNot coming up.

The New Year is here, and Hao Qiang and Shen Di's team celebrate the New Year together, because today is also the day when the Starry Sky Camp is completed. Everyone is very happy and hopes that we can work together to build the castle even better in the future.Hao Qiang's wife kept coughing and was not getting better, so she took a photo and asked Rouzi to go to the hospital to ask for help. Later, she found out that it was medicine for treating lung cancer. Rouzi asked Hao Qiang if his wife's cough was serious. Hao QiangI don’t think it’s a very serious state, but Rouzi thinks it’s a mistake.Hao Qiang recalled his wife's condition and realized something was wrong.Hao Qiang drove home, only to realize that he didn't bring the key. When his wife opened the door, he asked her what the medicine she was taking was for. His wife choked up, looked away, and only said Happy New Year, without answering Hao Qiang's question.Qiang understood at this moment that he didn't care enough about his wife, and he didn't know until she was so seriously ill.

《Okaido》Episode 19 plot introduction

《Okaido》Full episode plot introduction

When Lin Hao was flying downhill in the trial, he flew away with his car and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. Lin Hao's father and Harry rushed to the hospital immediately after receiving the news.Lin Hao suffered three fractures on his body. The fracture in his leg has been repaired, but the fracture in his lumbar spine cannot be treated at Haning Hospital and needs to be transferred to Urumqi.

Hao Qiang's wife came home from the hospital after surgery and was a little weak. She was also a woman who cared about the overall situation. The reason why she hid it from her family was because she was afraid that they would worry, because even if she told them, nothing would change.Xilin's family began to urge her to return to Haning's matter, but Xilin still wanted to wait.

Lin Hao's mother rushed to the hospital. She and Lin Hao's father had another dispute about Lin Hao's surgery. Sheng Lin wanted to find the best expert in Shenzhen to perform the surgery, but this would waste time. Lin Hao's surgeryHis father disagreed and decided to let Lin Hao have surgery in a hospital in Urumqi.Lin Hao really didn't want to listen to their quarrel. He just thought about whether he could catch up with the game. But with his current physical condition, nothing was certain. It would only depend on the surgery and his post-operative recovery.Lin Hao suffered heavy bleeding during the operation, and the doctor issued a critical illness notice. Sheng Lin blamed Lin Hao's father even more. Although the doctor tried his best to save her, the whole family was still worried.

This time the starry sky camp was not very profitable. The villagers paid for renting the site but did not get much profit. They went to Hao Qiang to make trouble. Hao Qiang hoped that they would give him another chance. If after a while, the benefits would still be the same.He will refund the rent to everyone.Xilin took the initiative to talk to Hao Qiang about her family's plans for her, but she is still conflicted and does not want to leave the big family of Dabao.Hao Qiang couldn't give her any advice because he hadn't figured it out yet.

Lin Hao's operation was successfully completed, but it is very likely that he will not be able to ride a motorcycle in the future. Lin Hao's father hopes that the doctor will not inform Lin Hao of this matter first, because motorcycles are too important to Lin Hao, and heI was worried that Lin Hao wouldn't be able to bear this blow.Now Lin Hao's treatment and physiotherapy fees add up to hundreds of thousands, which puts Lin Hao's father in trouble. He didn't know the amount at first and rejected Sheng Lin, but now he doesn't know how to solve it.He wanted to sell his collection, but he could only sell it for 3,000 yuan, which made him even more angry.Gu Chengfeng was also looking for ways to help Lin Hao, but the investors above him did not want to renew the contract because Lin Hao's contract had expired. When it came to compensation, they did not want to pay more. Gu Chengfeng could only look at it by himself.Let's do it.

Gu Chengfeng gave Lin Hao 20,000 yuan as compensation, but now Lin Hao does not have a probationary contract, so even if the contract is renewed later, it will depend on Lin Hao's physical recovery.Harry on the side was very angry and hit Gu Chengfeng with a pillow. Fortunately, Lin Hao's father stopped him in time.Lin Hao was also disappointed. It turned out that he was only worth 20,000 yuan as a driver.Shen Di came to take care of Lin Hao. Lin Hao didn't want to delay Shen Di, so he got angry with her and wanted to drive her away. Shen Di knew Lin Hao's thoughts very well, but she would not leave Lin Hao because of this.Lin Hao's father knew that Gu Chengfeng wanted to abandon Lin Hao with just 20,000 yuan. He angrily found the team and beat Gu Chengfeng with his helmet.

《Okaido》Episode 20 plot introduction

《Okaido》Full episode plot introduction

Harik went to the hospital to accompany Lin Hao. Lin Hao felt very guilty. The more he saw everyone's care and concern for him, the sadder he became.The video of Hadir singing became very popular on the Internet, and his brothers were very happy. This also gave Shen Di and Xilin new ideas. They wanted to let Hadir perform at the Starry Sky Camp, and maybe they could give the Starry Sky Campzone brings a wave of traffic.Xilin proposed new ideas to the secretaries, and now they have decided to promote Dabao through the Internet. This is an area that Xilin is good at. She can learn from her classmates, and now everyone's confidence has doubled.

Hao Qiang has become more and more considerate of his family since he found out that his wife was sick. He knows that he has failed his wife and now he can only try his best to make up for it.He deliberately traveled two hours after get off work to go home to do housework, cook for his wife, and then send it to the stationery store for her to eat.Now he has proposed the idea of ​​closing the store, but his wife does not agree. This store can provide some income, otherwise Hao Qiang's family will have no money to come in.Hao Qiang did not force it and suggested that he open the store in Dabao. He had never thought about it before because he was worried that people would take special care of his own store, which would have a bad impact.

Harik accompanies Lin Hao for rehabilitation. Lin Hao is in a wheelchair, recalling the feeling of riding a motorcycle. With Harik's company, his confidence in recovery is still relatively high.When they returned to the ward, they realized that their family and nurses were anxious, thinking that they could not find him. Lin Hao told Harik that he would bear all the consequences, after all, he was taken out by him.Hao Qiang asked Shen Di to talk about Starry Sky Camp. Hao Qiang still admired Shen Di, so he was positive about most of the ideas she put forward.Elken finally found out about Lin Hao, and he hurried to the hospital to visit Lin Hao.Erken knew that Gu Chengfeng no longer wanted Lin Hao, so he was furious and beat him up again. Gu Chengfeng contacted Lin Hao. This time he told the truth. The club did not compensate Lin Hao. The 20,000 yuan was given to him out of his own pocket., but as a result, he was still being troubled by his family, so he had no choice but to contact Lin Hao. After being beaten twice, Gu Chengfeng couldn't bear it anymore. If they made trouble again, he would sue them.

Lin Hao asked his father if he had gone to see Gu Chengfeng. Lin Hao's father said that if his son bullied him, he would be beaten. Lin Hao did not expect that his father had such a side. Although it was wrong to beat people, he knew that his father was doing it for himself.I still felt a little moved in my heart.Lin Hao's teammates are quite good to him and came to the hospital to visit him, hoping that he could return to the team as soon as possible.Harik took Hadir to the hospital, where Hadir played for Lin Hao, but was scolded by the nurse, and they closed the door and lowered the volume.Lin Hao looked at the good brothers around him and was very moved. The future was unknown, but now everyone was so kind to him and had more confidence in himself than he did, and he gradually regained his confidence.

Shen Di found out that Lin Hao had blocked him and was very sad, so he blocked him. Lin Hao figured it out and decided to go to a rehabilitation center, so he sent a message to Shen Di, only to find that he had also been blocked..

《Okaido》Episode 21 plot introduction

《Okaido》Full episode plot introduction

Harik went to the rehabilitation center to visit Lin Hao. This time he did not just come to visit, but synchronized the news of the rally to him. Lin Hao was surprised. Surprisingly, Harik believed that he could still participate in the competition. Harik knew Lin Hao very well.Hao, he is not a person who gives in easily.Harik went to Haning to find Siren, celebrated her birthday, and recorded this happy moment.Xilin asked Harik seriously if he had the idea of ​​leaving Dabao and living in Haning. Harik had no such idea. After all, Dabao was also Harik's hometown. However, Xilin thought more long-term. She hoped thatShe has always been with Harik, but she is the only child in the family, and her parents are old and need to be taken care of.So she will consider leaving the castle, but Harik will play more and more games in the future. Even if she stays in the castle, she won’t see Harik every day, so it would be a good idea for them all to go to Haning.choice.

Lin Hao decided that he would participate in the Tour of Xinjiang Rally. When he was having dinner, he talked about it with his family. Lin Hao’s parents actually agreed. Lin Hao’s father began to reflect on the situation before Lin Hao’s surgery.At that time, what he thought about was not that he failed to dissuade Lin Hao from riding a motorcycle, but that he failed to make him truly happy. If riding a motorcycle is what makes Lin Hao happy, then he will support Lin Hao unconditionally.

The affairs of the Tour of Xinjiang Rally have been settled, and many sponsors want to join in. This time the event will be held more smoothly than before.Hao Qiang wanted Dabao to join in. It would be great if it could be used as the starting point. This would also promote the starry sky camp project. However, the scale of this competition is relatively large, and there is also a car team to join. The leader above thinks that Hao QiangThe idea is good, but Hao Qiang needs to discuss this matter with Mr. Ye and Mr. Buick. After all, they are the ones who invested in this competition.

Because someone deliberately mentioned her father in front of the Crimean children, Harik heard it and couldn't hold back his anger and hit him with his helmet. As a result, the two of them were arranged by the mayor to write a three thousand-word examination. They couldn't write it.Not allowed to leave at all.Siren was very disappointed with Harik. He had always been so childish and would fight when things happened. He had written an inspection because of this incident before, but he had not changed at all.Lin Hao frequently contacted Shen Di to report his situation, and Shen Di took the initiative to visit Lin Hao in the hospital. The two reconciled and added WeChat friends first.

In order to get the chance to start the rally in Dabao, Hao Qiang took the initiative to invite Mr. Ye and Mr. Zhao to have dinner with Buick. However, Buick said that they had decided to finish the rally in Dabao because the drivers in Dabao were very good and won the championship in their hometown.To win the championship would be a great joy.After hearing this, Hao Qiang felt that Buick's words were reasonable, so he decided to finish the job in Dabao.

In order to support Harrick, Mr. Zhao paid 100,000 yuan to buy his car shop. He could see that Harrick was a racing driver worth training, so he was willing to help him.Lin Hao came to Shen Di with flowers and admitted his mistake. Shen Di also forgave him, took the flowers, and the two hugged each other happily.

《Okaido》Episode 22 plot introduction

《Okaido》Full episode plot introduction

After Lin Hao recovered, he trained motorcycles with Harrick. Now Lin Hao has matured. He no longer works hard, but considers his physical condition and understands the principle of gradual progress.Hao Qiang told Harik the news that the game would end in Dabao. Everyone was very happy and their confidence in the game doubled.Harik's consciousness is also improving. After discussing with Hao Qiang, he decided that his team would be called the Dabao Okaido Team.

The Tour of Xinjiang Rally officially kicked off. Gu Chengfeng won the first stage. However, the closing point of the second stage was changed due to weather conditions. Xilin organized everyone's transfer at the scene. Hao Qiang saw that Xilin was on her own.He looked very pleased, and the two agreed to have a good chat after the game, because they both had better ideas and decisions for the future.

Lin Hao suddenly felt unwell during the game. He remembered Shen Di's problem. After all, for athletes, sports career is limited. If Lin Hao stopped riding a motorcycle one day, what would he want to do? Lin Hao at that timeHao said that he will ride until he is 65 years old, because the oldest racing driver in the Dakar is 65 years old, so he will work hard towards that goal.Lin Hao felt that it would be better to die if he could not ride until he was old enough to ride, so he never thought about not riding a motorcycle, so he started over again after adjusting his condition.The most interesting part of this competition is Harik and Gu Chengfeng. Lin Hao was indeed affected by his body, and the competition results were much different than before.Lin Hao used his last bit of strength to reach the finish line before the closing time.

Shen Di has met Lin Hao's rehabilitation doctor. She already knows that Lin Hao cannot participate in such a high-intensity competition, so Shen Di is very worried about Lin Hao, but Lin Hao is still determined to complete the last leg of the race. Shen Di supports him, telling him to protect himself during the game.The fourth stage is the devil stage, the road conditions are very difficult and dangerous.Sure enough, Lin Hao had physical problems again. He persisted with his own will, but he still fell and fell to the ground. Fortunately, Harrick missed the check-in point and saw Lin Hao on the way back. Lin Hao did not want to quit the game., he asked Harik to leave quickly and catch up with the time without affecting the game results.There would be no achievement if he called for rescue. Lin Hao did not allow Harik to call for aid. Harik was afraid that he would lose another teammate. He would not abandon Lin Hao anyway, so in the end the two of them left together, and Harik used his own car.Pulling Lin Hao's car all the way to the finish line.When the competition has reached this level, the results are no longer important to Harik and Lin Hao. Their previous brotherhood and comradeship are precious.

Lin Hao can no longer participate in the competition. If he does not pay attention to his health, there will be a risk of paralysis in the future. Lin Hao has no choice but to withdraw from the race. Now only Harik is left in the team. Lin Hao hopes that he can fully participate in the next race.Contest.Lin Hao could no longer ride a motorcycle. He cried sadly in Elken's arms. He was very aware of the condition of his waist and just wanted to try again, but the miracle did not happen after all.

Harik was also influenced by Lin Hao. He gradually lost his way. His previous enthusiasm was gone. Now the competition only made him feel scared. He no longer had the answer to what the meaning of the competition was.

《Okaido》Episode 23 plot introduction

《Okaido》Full episode plot introduction

Harrick leads all the way in the Dabao Town section, but they still need to pass through a section of no-man’s land. After entering the no-man’s land, the competition will become increasingly fierce. Okaido’s uncertainty adds more uncertainty to this competition.In the end, Harik won the championship in the motorcycle category. His family and brothers came to celebrate him. This grassroots athlete who ran out of the Gobi finally stood on the top podium. Mr. Zhao looked at Harik and alsoVery pleased.Harik walked through the crowd towards Lin Hao. He realized the dream of both of them, and the two hugged each other.

Xilin officially informed Hao Qiang that she wanted to stay in Dabao, not because of Harik, but because she really fell in love with this land.Lin Hao disappeared after celebrating Harik. No one could find him and everyone was very anxious.Harrick and the others went out to look for Lin Hao, and found a piece of Lin Hao's coat with a blood stain on it. Lin's father was so frightened that he fainted.Lin Hao dug a pit for himself in the Gobi Desert and lay in it. He didn't want to die, but he didn't know how to survive. It wasn't until Harik found him that he pulled him out of the pit.Elken also arrived, and he kicked Lin Hao hard. He didn't expect Lin Hao to be so naive. Elken said that this was the last time he cared about Lin Hao's life and death.Xilin brought her parents to the castle and took them to have a good look. She was preparing for her stay in the castle. At the same time, she also allowed her parents to formally meet with Harik. Harik was very nervous and did not even pick up Mr. Zhao.After Xilin’s parents left, she called Mr. Zhao back.The two got better and better and met in Haning.Lin Hao and Shen Di went to pick up Lin's father from the hospital. Lin Hao was cautious for fear of making his father angry again.

Shen Di asked Lin Hao to relax outdoors. Lin Hao solemnly apologized to Shen Di. Shen Di knew that Lin Hao's parents were a knot in his heart, so he wanted to help him open his heart. Lin Hao felt that he was not cared about by his parents., but Shen Di said that when Lin Hao was ill and hospitalized, his parents asked the attending doctor about the situation. Later, the reason why they still supported Lin Hao was because they loved him, because they did not want their children to have regrets and wanted toHe is happy.Shen Di took out a photo, which was the wedding photo of Lin Hao's parents. It was in Lin Hao's collection. If Lin Hao wanted to, he could go and see it. Lin Hao chose to go and see it.This time, father and son finally opened their hearts to each other. Father Lin said that he can face and accept his own ordinaryness. He clearly knows what he wants, so Lin Hao needs to know what kind of life he will live without his motorcycle.Hao didn't think about it well. He just wanted to bury himself like an ostrich. Dad Lin thought that he should bury himself first and wait until he figured it out.

The purpose of Mr. Zhao to find Harik is that he and Gu Chengfeng have reached a cooperation, and he wants to hand over Harik to DK and join the training of their team. Mr. Zhao remembers their Dakar appointment. Since he has this goal, he needs toWith professional team training, he fulfilled his original promise and gave Harrick the team he wanted.Xilin's father did not agree with her staying in the castle. Xilin tried hard to persuade her. She had never violated her parents' wishes since she was a child, but this time she wanted to live her own way and hoped to get her parents' support. Xilin'sAlthough the father was very sad, he looked at his sincere daughter and couldn't bear to say any more.The mayor reported Hao Qiang's situation to the superiors, so the leader talked to Hao Qiang. He will be transferred back to the district. Hao Qiang was very disappointed with the mayor. The mayor said that in life, he is Hao Qiang.As the eldest brother, he hasn't smiled for a long time, and now Xiao Yuan is seriously ill. As the eldest brother, he can't bear to see him like this, so he might as well transfer him back to the district. After all, there is only one in the family.

《Okaido》Episode 24 plot introduction

《Okaido》Full episode plot introduction

Since Harik joined Gu Chengfeng's team training, his training results and competition results have not been very satisfactory.Gu Chengfeng believed that Harik's strength was more than that, but he always felt that Harik was resisting something in his heart.Harrick always had problems with his left arm when he was on the training team due to previous injuries.Harik contacted Lin Hao to accompany him to the doctor.At that time, Harik was injured and no film was taken. He always felt that he was fine and felt that the discomfort was caused by the long training time. However, Lin Hao believed that this was not the case because someone from DK told Lin Hao that Harik's training situation was a bit bad.The condition is very bad.Harik listened to what Lin Hao and the doctor said and took the film. Lin Hao asked Harik to rest for a day and help him get the film tomorrow. Harik didn't want to take a rest. The reason why he asked Lin Hao to accompany him to the hospital was because he felt that Lin HaoAble to understand myself.Lin Hao didn't expect that he would be defeated by Harrick.

Lin Hao took Harik's examination results and found out that there was nothing wrong with his hand. It should be psychological reasons that caused his resistance, so he asked Xilin to cooperate with him, and he personally told Mr. Zhao and Gu Chengfeng that the reason for Harik's hand wasOvertraining caused problems, and the doctor recommended a month's rest. He hoped that during this month, Mr. Zhao could take back the motorcycle given to Harik.Mr. Zhao was confused. He saw Harik's test results and it was clear that there was no problem. Later, he talked with Lin Hao alone and finally understood what Lin Hao meant.Lin Hao asked Xilin to give his handwritten letter to Harik, expressing in the letter that he would accompany Harik and become his team manager, because Lin Hao understood that Harik needed someone who understood him.During Harik's month of rest, all Harik's former good brothers returned to the castle to accompany him.Within a month, Harik relieved the pressure. No matter how he played, his right hand and right arm never hurt. It was because of the fear in his heart that always affected him.

A month later, everyone returned to their own lives. Harrick prepared for the game with all his strength. When the game came back, he would propose to Sirin.Lin Hao also treasures his motorcycle and will work hard to be a team manager in the future.The Okaido team was officially established and was finally going abroad to compete. Mr. Zhao presented the prepared team uniforms to Harik and the others.

Hao Qiang has decided to leave the castle. He handed over the task of building the castle to Xilin. Xilin was very reluctant to let Hao Qiang leave, but she could completely understand Hao Qiang.Harry Klinghau and others set out for Dakar to participate in the competition. Mr. Zhao went to the airport to see them off and hoped that they would protect themselves while working hard to compete and return safely.Under the leadership of Lin Hao, Harrick created the best results among Asian riders in the Dakar race.After returning home, Harik and Siren held their wedding.Everyone present happily celebrated the newlyweds. Being able to marry their beloved girl was like winning a battle.Lin Hao successfully proposed to Shen Di at Harik's wedding, and both of them decided to take root in Xinjiang and continue to move forward hand in hand.Botha and Buick started a dual cooperation in career and life, and lived a prosperous life.Mr. Zhao’s company’s second round of financing was successful, and the company’s independent research and development transformation was completed, completely switching from production in China to manufacturing in China.His financial director was arrested and brought to justice for absconding with money and received legal sanctions.But Mr. Zhao fulfilled Cheng's promise and transferred his shares to her bank account at a discount.Hao Qiang is also doing well in his new job, and he is also paying attention to the development of Dabao.

There will be too many hardships on the road of life, but as long as you keep moving forward, you will be able to see the smooth road ahead.

The above is the editor's interpretation of the episode-by-episode introduction to the complete plot of 《Okaido》. Next, we will provide you with more detailed plot introductions and deeper plot interpretations.Line lessons will be continuously updated to bring you the exploration of wonderful stories in movies and plays.We hope that everyone can continue to pay attention to our website and experience the surprise and touch brought by this work together.

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