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《Loverly Runner》Episode 5 plot introduction

Auth:Hungry Wolf Time:Oct 17, 2024 Source:Network

Loverly Runner, which has recently caused a lot of discussion, has quickly gained attention from all walks of life since its broadcast.This drama not only attracted a large number of viewers' attention, but also became many people's favorite.Among them, the topic that everyone is most concerned about is undoubtedly《Loverly Runner》the plot introduction of episode 5.Today, we’ll discuss this topic in depth.

《Loverly Runner》Episode 5 plot introduction

《Loverly Runner》Episode 5 plot introduction

Yesterday night, Ryu Sun Jae bravely rescued Ren Sui who accidentally fell into the water and gently sent her home.Ren Sol's heart was filled with emotion, but what she cherished even more was being able to be with Yoo Sun Jae every moment.This kind of companionship is the greatest happiness and satisfaction for her.

The first ray of sunshine in the morning shone on the balcony, and Ren Su called out Liu Shanzai excitedly. She held a watering can in her hand, creating beautiful rainbows, hoping to add a touch of color to this new day.However, this move aroused criticism from his mother, and Ren Shu was chased and beaten in a hurry.Liu Shanzai looked at this scene and couldn't help but smile happily. He knew that Ren Su could always bring him small blessings in life.

On the way to school, the two buried a time capsule together.Ren Sol mysteriously told Liu Shanzai that the gift she gave him was hidden in the capsule, which could only be taken out on January 1, 2023.She also agreed that at 12 o'clock that night, the two of them would meet on the Han River Bridge and see you there.Although Liu Shanzai felt that this was just the work of a capricious childlike innocence, an inexplicable expectation surged in his heart.

When they arrived at school, Ren Su suddenly realized that he had forgotten to tie his tie. Liu Shanzai took off his tie without hesitation, put it on for her, and took the initiative to accept the teacher's punishment.Seeing this, Kim Tae Rae deliberately joined the punished team, hoping to compete with Yoo Sun Jae.However, as an athlete, Ryu Sunjae was naturally no match for him and won the game easily.

At this time, Liu's father was watching the Beijing Olympics games at home, especially Park Tae-hwan's games.He was worried that his son Liu Shanzai would feel sad after seeing it, so he hurriedly turned off the TV.Similarly, Ren Sol also noticed Ryu Sun Jae's emotional changes. She didn't want him to be sad about his retirement.So she cleverly invited Yoo Sun Jae to watch a movie together in an attempt to divert his attention.

However, their plans were interrupted when the cinema's fire alarm suddenly rang.The two people hurriedly escaped from the cinema. The Olympic Games were being played on the big screen in front of the door.Ren Su looked at Liu Shanzai, feeling full of guilt, but Liu Shanzai comforted her, saying that he had let go and would not affect his current life because of the past.

On the way to send Im Sol home, Ryu Sun Jae came across an intimate conversation between Im Sol's mother and a middle-aged man.Ren Su suspected that his mother was in love, so he took Liu Shanzai to hide. The two looked at each other and smiled, and the little secret in their hearts increased.

《Loverly Runner》Episode 5 plot introduction

At night, Ren Su passed by the small bridge where she fell into the water alone. People gathered around the bridge and talked about it.Some people said that the murderer hid the body on the other side. At this time, a clear ringing sound came to Ren Sui's ears, which was the sound of the key hanging on it.There seemed to be such a scene in her memory, but she couldn't recall it.She watched the man holding the bell gradually move away, feeling an inexplicable emotion well up in her heart.

Ren Sui remembers that her father once wanted to see her learn to ride a bicycle, so she launches the dusty bicycle.However, her riding skills were not very good and she almost fell down several times.Upon seeing this, Liu Shanzai immediately stepped forward to support her and patiently taught her how to ride a bicycle.Accompanied by Liu Shanzai, Ren Su gradually mastered the skills of riding a bicycle, and the relationship between the two also quietly heated up in the process.

Yoo Sun Jae began to realize that his feelings for Ren Sol had gone beyond the scope of friends. He wanted to pursue her, but he didn't know how to start.What's more, Jin Tailai has been standing between them.Yoo Sun Jae decided to solve this “obstacle” first. He began to compare with Kim Tae Rae everywhere, and even bought the same clothes as him, trying to show his charm in front of Ren Sol.

However, love is not a competition, it requires sincerity and sincerity.Liu Shanzai gradually understood that he could not win Ren Su's heart in this way.He began to try to approach her in a more natural and sincere way to understand her inner thoughts and feelings.

Ren Su also gradually felt the changes in Liu Shanzai during this process.She began to realize that her feelings for Liu Shanzai had exceeded the boundaries of friends.She began to look forward to spending more time with him, and began to expect him to become an indispensable part of her life.

The above is all the content about the plot introduction of Lovely Runner Episode 5 that the editor has compiled for you. In fact, as the plot develops, there may be more eye-catching plots and some things that are difficult for the audience to understand.detail.In order to allow the audience to fully understand the plot and details of the movie/TV series, we recommend that you continue to pay attention to our line lessons.

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