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《Loverly Runner》Episode 2 plot introduction

Auth:Core Water Time:Oct 17, 2024 Source:Network

A lot of people like the recent broadcast of 《Loverly Runner》, which also makes this TV series very popular. Various things in it have become the focus of public discussion. 《Loverly Runner》Episode 2The episode plot introduction is one of the most interesting parts for everyone. Next, let’s take a look at the introduction content of the episode 2 of Loverly Runner--Loverly Runner.

《Loverly Runner》Episode 2 plot introduction

《Loverly Runner》Episode 2 plot introduction

In the rain curtain, Lin Sol's tears intertwined with the rain. Shan Zai silently approached and held up a sky for her.He asked softly the reason for her sadness, but Lin Su's heart was flooded with memories of the future, when he had also asked so gently.This memory made her burst into tears and attracted the attention of those around her.In order to make her calmer, Shanzai decided to take her away from this noisy place.

They took temporary shelter under a building in the rain. Lin Sol's embarrassment and confusion were palpable, while Shan Zai hoped to share some of the burden with her.She finally spoke and revealed that she was a fan of his swimming, and his figure reminded her of the otter, her pet dog that once accompanied her.This dog is as vigorous as Shanzai in the water. Whenever she recalls that time, her heart is always filled with warmth.

However, Lin Sol's story left Shan Jae a little confused, and he couldn't completely believe her words.He gave the watch back to her, but it brought back embarrassing memories of the day before.In panic, she grabbed his umbrella and fled the scene.

When Lin Su returned to the classroom, she tried to remain calm when facing the concerned eyes of her classmates, but the turmoil in her heart could not be calmed down.Her best friend Hyun Joo is worried about her unusual behavior.

At the same time, Fushun was busy at home, chatting with his neighbor Ms. Quan.She was worried that the vacant house next door would be difficult to rent, and Ms. Quan suggested that she consider selling the property and buying an apartment in Banqiao.The two also talked about the fact that a DVD rented by Liu Jiande was not returned. Although Jiande denied it, Ms. Quan was still a little dissatisfied.At this time, Lin Jin interrupted their conversation. He was preparing for his upcoming role as a monk. His dream of being an actor has never been extinguished.

Lin Su, who returned to school, tried to concentrate, but the mystery of traveling through time and space always troubled her.Suspecting the watch to be the key, she accidentally pressed the button.Although she expected a new time jump, everything turned out to be surprisingly peaceful.At this moment, the teacher asked her to come forward to answer a math problem, but she avoided it because of a stomachache.The teacher sent her to the infirmary, but she took the opportunity to come to Shanzai's school.

In the gymnasium, Lin Su saw Shan Zai's figure from a distance.However, the smell of cigarettes caught her attention and she found three boys smoking.Just as she was about to step forward to question, Taicheng appeared and he quickly subdued the boys.Despite Tae Sung's performance, Im Sol couldn't help but intervene.Unfortunately, more gangsters appeared, and Tae-sung grabbed her arm at the critical moment and urged her to escape.They successfully evaded the pursuit of the gangsters and hid in a safe place.

In this shelter, Tae-sung lights a cigarette and Im Sol tries to stop him.In the process, she recalled that she had a crush on this handsome but naughty boy.Taicheng is a member of the band. His handsome appearance and rebellious character attract many girls.He noticed something strange in Lin Su's behavior and recalled their encounter the morning before.While they were arguing, a teacher walked into their hiding place.Taicheng quickly fled the scene, leaving the cigarettes and lighter in Lin Su's hands.Faced with the teacher's questioning, Lin Su was unable to explain the truth of the matter and was eventually forced to kneel in front of the school to accept punishment.

Shan Zai met Lin Su by chance and mistakenly thought she was a smoker.He sternly warns her to quit smoking and reveals that the surveillance cameras are just for show, implying that she can leave with impunity.However, on the way out, Lin Su met Taicheng again unexpectedly.Tae Sung tells her in a tough manner to stop interfering in his affairs.The dispute between the two was interrupted by a girl who was very interested in Taicheng, and Taicheng left in a hurry to avoid her.The girl and her friends turned to threaten Lin Sol, warning her to stay away from Tae Sung.

Back home, Lim Sol seeks advice from his friend Hyun Joo on how to approach someone.Hyun-joo reminds her of the importance of first impressions, but then jokingly says that Im Sol is hopeless.Still, she suggested that Lim Sol send friend requests to his crush on social media.Hyun-joo's teasing reminds Im Sol to recall that she wrote a love letter to Tae-sung the morning before, but was rejected.Due to the influence of time and space travel, Lin Su has forgotten this experience.She found the dusty love letter at home and was laughed at by her brother Lin Jin.

Meanwhile, Sun Jae is working on improving his swimming skills.He saw Lin Su's friend request, but chose to refuse.Early the next morning, the two met at the bus station, and Lin Su looked a little depressed.She hopes to return Sun Jae's umbrella and tries to talk to him.While riding the bus, Shanzai extended a helping hand in time to prevent Lin Su from falling.However, when parking at the station, Lin Su was pushed by the crowd and his umbrella accidentally slipped.She was unable to get off the bus in time, so Sunjae decisively chased the bus and asked the driver to stop.His heroic actions attracted the admiring eyes of the girls around him.However, Sun Jae insisted that he did not act out of concern for Lin Sol, but just wanted his umbrella back.

Despite this, Lin Su was still moved by Shan Zai's words and attitude.During the conversation, Sun Jae hinted that he rejected Im Sol’s friend request because he thought she was a smoker.In order to prove his innocence, Lin Su asked him to smell his fingers to see if there was any cigarette smell.However, Sun Jae refused her request and was accidentally poked in the nose by her.This scene was witnessed by Renhe, who couldn't help but laugh at Shanzai.Like Hyun-joo, In-hyuk is also surprised by Im Sol's excessive attention to Sun-jae.

In Hyuk told Shan Jae that Lin Sol had actually been secretly in love with Tae Sung and even secretly left him chocolate.Shan Jae knew nothing about this and had no impression of Tae Sung.However, after learning the news, his mood seemed to fluctuate.At the same time, Lin Su saw a banner about a swimming competition, which reminded her of an important event that was about to happen in the future.It was this race that ended Sun Jae's swimming career.He discussed his decision to retire in a television interview.Lin Sol is determined to prevent Sun Jae from participating in this swimming competition.

In order to convince Sun Jae to give up the game, Lim Sol tries to reveal his future destiny to him.However, every time she mentions the future, time freezes.So she changed her strategy.She learns that Sun Jae is recovering from an operation and that his teammate Hyun Goo is full of jealousy and ridicule about his comeback.Im Sol persisted in persuading Sun Jae to give up the game, even suggesting that he check the condition of his arm before the game.

On the other hand, Sun Jae's father and Lim Sol's mother continue to argue over a rented DVD.Taicheng was also in trouble and was reported to the police for fighting.His father, a lieutenant officer, personally came to take him home.It can be seen from the conversation between the two that the relationship between them is not harmonious.

Lin Li's danger came. When she was walking home and facing the danger of an imminent car accident, she tried to keep calm.Although she panicked the first time she tried to cross the street, she didn't give up.Just when she was about to be hit by an oncoming car, Shanzai appeared in time and rescued her from danger. This time she broke the bad luck of being paralyzed.

Shanzai's feelings for Lin Sol have long gone beyond simple friendship.From the first meeting, he silently did many things for her, although Lin Su knew nothing about it.When Lin Su started to notice Shan Zai and confessed to him, Shan Zai's inner surprise and joy were beyond words.His refusal was not out of malice but out of concern for his identity and concern about fans' reaction.

Drama review: The comedy elements and emotional entanglements of this episode complement each other, and the superb acting skills of the actors add a lot to the plot, allowing the audience to have a deeper understanding of the characters' inner world.

The second episode, while keeping it light and interesting, also delved into the emotional entanglements and growth processes between the characters.Whether it is the comedy elements or the emotional scenes, the audience can enjoy watching it.I look forward to seeing more exciting stories about Lin Sol and Sun Jae in the following plots, and how they face various challenges in life together.

The above is the editor’s interpretation of the plot introduction of the second episode of Loverly Runner. Next, we will provide you with more detailed plot introductions and more in-depth plot interpretations.Line lessons will be continuously updated to bring you the exploration of wonderful stories in movies and plays.We hope that everyone can continue to pay attention to our website and experience the surprise and touch brought by this work together.

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