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《New Year's boyfriend 2》Episode 4 plot introduction

Auth:Little Diu Time:Oct 21, 2024 Source:Network

Recently - New Year's boyfriend 2 - just aired, and after a period of airing, the audience's response to it was beyond imagination.The storyline of the show is extremely attractive, full of various plot turning points and emotional lines of the characters, making people unable to stop following it. The recent discussion on the Internet about the plot introduction of the fourth episode of New Year's Boyfriend 2 can be described asThere are a lot of discussions, and here are some relevant contents compiled by the editor for everyone.

《New Year's boyfriend 2》Episode 4 plot introduction

《New Year's boyfriend 2》Episode 4 plot introduction

Arisa (Asuka Kawazu), who aspires to become an actor, returns to her hometown where she runs a car repair shop and meets Yamamoto (Taro Yoshikawa) who works in the factory.Arisa, who was depressed after failing the audition, was very depressed because she failed to perform as well as her family and people around her expected.

He even had disputes with his father over trivial matters.Arisa ran out impulsively in tears, while Yamamoto spoke to her gently...

The above is all about the plot introduction of episode 4 of 《New Year's boyfriend 2》.If you are interested in this film and television drama and want to know more information, we sincerely invite you to continue to pay attention to the latest developments in the line class.In the future, we will provide you with more detailed plot analysis, rich character introductions and more background stories.

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