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《Seven Nights of Snow》Why did Huo Zhanbai insist on saving Mo'er?

Auth:Overlord Time:Oct 18, 2024 Source:Network

《Seven Nights of Snow》, Huo Zhanbai is a late-minded person. He always has no way to get ahead of others emotionally. His implicit emotions keep him in a passive state. In the play, Huo ZhanbaiZhan Bai insisted on saving Mo'er, even risking his life. Many viewers were confused and didn't understand why Huo Zhanbai did this. Let us analyze the reasons why Huo Zhanbai did this!

《Seven Nights of Snow》Why did Huo Zhanbai insist on saving Mo'er?

In order to fulfill his senior brother's last wish, Huo Zhanbai rescued Mo'er and decided to take on the responsibility of taking care of Qiu Shuiyin and Mo'er.

The reason why Huo Zhanbai insisted on saving Mo'er was because he owed Xu Chonghua a favor. Xu Chonghua asked Huo Zhanbai to take care of his wife and children before he died.

Huo Zhanbai and Xu Chonghua were brothers. Xu Chonghua gave the sword to Qiu Shuiyin as a relic before his death. As a result, Qiu Shuiyin was born prematurely and was dying, and was full of resentment towards Huo Zhanbai.

Before Xu Chonghua committed suicide, he begged Huo Zhanbai to take good care of his wife Qiu Shuiyin and son Mo'er.

Mo'er was born prematurely, had a weak constitution, and was in critical condition. Ordinary doctors could not treat her, so they had to turn to Xue Ziye for help.

Xue Ziye found an ancient recipe that might be able to save Mo'er's life, but it required various elixirs.

In order to collect these drugs, Huo Zhanbai embarked on a journey to find them, which also became the reason why his fate with Xue Ziye began.

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