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《Seven Nights of Snow》Why did Hitomi help Miao Huo complete her mission?

Auth:Core Water Time:Oct 18, 2024 Source:Network

《Seven Nights of Snow》This drama has introduced us to many wonderful characters. Among them, the characters of Hitomi and Miao Huo left a deep impression on everyone. In the latest 18 episodes, Miao Huo was not available due to the mission.Completed, ready to be punished, but found out that Hitomi helped Miao Huo complete the task, why should she help Miao Huo?Let's analyze it together.

《Seven Nights of Snow》Why did Hitomi help Miao Huo complete her mission?

Although Miaohuo looks stupid, he is not a heinous bad guy in essence. Everything was caused by Chang Wujue's coercion.It can be seen that many people around Chang Wujue are controlled by him using despicable means and have to sacrifice their lives for him.Even if this is the case, they cannot receive everlasting kindness. They are often mistreated and persecuted, and may even be eliminated directly.

Tong secretly helps the Zhongyuan martial arts sect to fight against the forces of Yuanyigong.We have seen before that Hitomi is still very careful in doing things, but she is also very witty and cautious.In his plan to pretend to be Huo Zhanbai and provoke a fight between Dingjiange and other sects, he deliberately left the human skin mask and clothes at the entrance of the alley so that people who came to investigate could find out what the problem was.In addition, he heard that Dingjiange might attack Yuanyigong, but Hitomi still insisted on completing the task.It can be seen from these actions that Hitomi does not really want to assist Chang Wujue in conquering the Central Plains Wulin.

Secondly, rescuing Miao Huo exposes Hitomi's idea, which is to overthrow Chang Mujue's brutal rule.Combined with the plot, we can see that Hitomi also has her own elaborate arrangements in Yuanyigong.On the one hand, it is to win over the people around you for your own use.For example, he has an ambiguous relationship with Miao Shui, and he also helps Miao Huo overcome difficulties. This is obviously to win people's hearts.On the other hand, he asked Chang Wujue for the Shura Field, which was nothing more than cultivating his own killer organization for his own use in the future.

It can be seen that Hitomi has already launched his own layout in Yuan Yi Palace, and the purpose is naturally to get rid of Chang Mujue's control, and even seize power and replace it.

This is actually Hitomi's only way out.Why do you say this?If you choose to escape from Yuan Yi Palace and wander around the world from now on, you will be hunted and killed for the rest of your life, and you will have no way of escaping.In addition, if you succumb to Chang Wujue for the rest of your life, you will either fail to perform the mission and be killed, or you will sooner or later be replaced by a new killer he trained, and you will only become Chang Wujue's flower fertilizer in the future.This ending is also predictable.

Therefore, Hitomi secretly helping Miao Huo was actually preparing for his overthrow of Chang Wu Jue and making arrangements in advance.

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