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《The judge from hell》Episode 1 plot introduction

Auth:Overlord Time:Oct 21, 2024 Source:Network

Recently, “《The judge from hell》” has become one of the hotly discussed topics in the film and television industry, because its TV series has attracted a large number of fans and audiences.What's even more exciting is that some hot topics in the show have aroused widespread discussion. Among them - The judge from hell - the plot introduction of the first episode has made everyone full of curiosity and doubts.Let’s chat together today.

《The judge from hell》Episode 1 plot introduction

《The judge from hell》Episode 1 plot introduction

In front of everyone, Jiang Guangna claimed that she was actually a demon from hell and had taken over her body.When asked if she had passed away, she responded confusedly. She could only remember vague fragments of being assassinated in the park, but the truth was as unclear as flowers in the fog.Later, Jiang Guangna's soul unexpectedly stepped into the hall of trial for murderers. Justitia, the goddess of justice, was waiting here, wanting to include her in the trial.However, a reminder from her subordinate broke her original intention - Jiang Guangna's name was not on the list.But Justitia insisted on her own opinion, believing that since the person was here, she should make the decision herself.Just as the trial was about to fall, the god Baal intervened and sent Justitia to the world on the grounds of misjudgment. She was given an arduous task: to find ten murderers who had escaped legal punishment on earth and showed no regrets, and lead them back.hell.

Although Justitia was unwilling, she had no choice but to agree, and immediately possessed Jiang Guangna's body and returned to the world.Faced with doubts from around her, she sometimes called herself a devil, and sometimes laughed and said it was a joke, but no one believed her.The hospital's diagnosis of delusional disorder added to the confusion, but she knew she had a heavy responsibility.In a trial of Police Officer Han Dowin, she examined the case from a unique perspective and finally found him innocent, demonstrating extraordinary justice and wisdom.

After that, Justitia conducted an in-depth investigation into Cha Minzhen's case and discovered the complex emotions and truth hidden behind it.Faced with Cha Minzhen's escape and Wen Qingjun's threat, she cleverly planned to protect Cha Minzhen and reveal Wen Qingjun's true face.In this battle between justice and evil, Justitia uses law as a sword and wisdom as a shield, vowing to maintain fairness and justice in the world.

The above is the entire content of this article about the plot introduction of episode 1 of The Judge from Hell.If you want to learn more about the film and television series, you can continue to pay attention to our relevant information content and plot updates.

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