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《Goodbye, my heart is pounding》dubbing list

Auth:Little Butterfly Time:Oct 21, 2024 Source:Network

《Goodbye My Heartbeat》This TV series has a very sophisticated production team, which has done a very good job in every detail. At the same time, it also makes the audience friends curious about the dubbing list of 《Goodbye My Heartbeat》 I hope this articleThe content can satisfy your curiosity.

《Goodbye, my heart is pounding》dubbing list

Dubbing director: Xu Jiaqi@小发手-Xu Jiaqi Xu Changfan@Xu Anmiaolin

Voice actor: Bai Biqing@白小小小小青 Simple@Jian Daoan Li Cong@禾·狠王 Chongwen@ Spicy Tiaoahahahah printed full of gold @伊小Mo_xm 龙川川@龙川川杨潇然@INuTEROemmm Zeng FankeJade@婿偿偿婷婷婷婷婷婷婷婷娳媞幁灹灹灞灞瀹瀹瀹瀹瀹瀹瀹瀹瀹瀹瀹瀹瀹瀹瀹瀹瀹瀹瀹瀹瀹姚翁瀹姚皓瀹瀹瀹瀹痹瀹瀹瀹瀹瀹瀹瀹瀹瀹然

I hope the above content will be helpful to you while watching the drama. In order to better understand the plot and characters in the drama in the future, it is highly recommended that you pay attention to the line lessons, so that you can enjoy the excitement of the drama even more.

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