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smile code

smile code

Conquer with joy and smile
《smile code》 Summ

Hu Piao talk show actress Gu Yi works in a magazine during the day and gives talk shows at night. She has no lofty ambitions, she just wants to make all the audience laugh.But one day suddenly came Liang Daiwen, a male audience member sitting in the front row. Gu Yi couldn't make him laugh no matter what, which made her extremely frustrated.Gu Yi vowed to win the smiles of the male audience, and a funny romance between a funny woman and a cold man began.Another group of urban young people working in Shanghai gathered at Oz Bar for fun. They all have the troubles and helplessness of working as workers. They love to listen to talk shows that hit the pain points of life. The humor is light and easy, but they are also full of optimism, inspiration and open-mindedness.The expression also made them feel happy and inspired.Gu Yi devoted himself to the talk show career and conquered Liang Daiwen, a % male audience member who could not laugh out loud, with happiness. He gained a beautiful love and took root in this city.

《smile code》Cast
Shen Yue / Gu Yi Lin Yi / Liang Daiwen
《smile code》Character Info
《smile code》Stills
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《smile code》Related Info

On November 17, 2023, the play premiered the healing version of the stills.

In November 2023, the production unit of the show was changed from Beijing Perfect World Film and Television Co., Ltd. to Hubei Perfect Chaohua Film and Television Co., Ltd.

On January 5, 2024, the drama officially announced the release of the final picture; on May 8, the drama released Lin Yichenyue's World Smile Day poster

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