《HIKARU NO GO》Episode 21 Synopsis

Time challenges Park Soo-young

Deep in the Lanyin Temple, the three chess players Shi Guang, Hong He, and Shen Yilang are conducting a unique and special training with the three Go masters in the temple.They practice hard day and night, constantly challenge their own limits, and strive to reach a new height in Go skills.After some reborn training, the three finally learned how to go down the mountain.They bid farewell to the vegetarian life in the temple and walked into a barbecue restaurant with great expectations.It was lunchtime and the store was bustling with people, but they found Park Xiuying occupying a table alone and focusing on typing chess records.
Shi Guang and others had a quarrel with Park Xiuying over the seat issue.They originally thought that Park Xiuying was just an ordinary person who was not polite, but after learning that he was a Korean graduate student, they couldn't help but become interested in him.He decided to challenge Park Soo-young to see how strong the Korean graduate student was.
The two sat in front of the chessboard and started playing evenly.Their chess skills were superb and every move was carefully thought out, leaving onlookers in awe.However, during the game, Time suddenly made an evil move, which surprised everyone.
In fact, this evil step was deliberately set by time.He used Chu Ying's tactical thinking to cleverly set up a trap, waiting for Park Xiuying to be caught.As expected, Park Soo-young fell into the trap of time.
Unknowingly, Time has surpassed everyone and became the leader in this game.Although he was not favored by everyone, he relied on his wisdom and courage to successfully reverse the chess game and win.
After Park Xiuying lost the chess game, with tears in her eyes, she asked Shiguang's name.He vowed that he would defeat time and recover today's defeat.Shi Shi smiled indifferently, knowing that he still had a long road ahead in Go, and this victory was just a starting point for his growth.He looks forward to playing against Park Soo-young again in the future and pursuing a higher level of Go together.

Time challenges Park Soo-young