《HIKARU NO GO》Episode 16 Synopsis

Lin Li sets up a trap to test Hong He

Shi Shi knew that if he wanted to compete with Yu Liang in the Young Lions competition, he must enter the top eight in a group.This is both a challenge and an opportunity for him.He made up his mind to work harder than others to win this precious opportunity.
Thus, Shi Shi began his arduous career of practicing chess.He gets up early every day and stays up late at night, studying chess records and simulating games over and over again.However, despite his tremendous efforts, progress seemed to be modest.Shi Shi began to feel a little frustrated. He didn't know if he could really catch up with Yu Liang's pace.
At this moment, Chu Ying appeared.He saw Shi Shi's confusion and confusion, so he patiently guided him and helped him analyze his problems.With Chu Ying's help, Shi Guang gradually overcame the psychological barriers and began to find his own rhythm and feeling.His chess skills have also improved significantly. Although the progress is difficult, he becomes more determined every step of the way.
Hong He has also been silently supporting Time.He was invited by Lin Li Jiuduan and took Shi Shi to his house to help with housework again.However, when they arrived at the door wearing dirty clothes, they discovered that this was actually a chess game set up by teacher Lin Li to test Hong He's Go level.
Facing this sudden test, Hong He seemed a little nervous.He was worried that he would miss this rare opportunity and not be able to show his strength to Lin Li Jiuduan.However, under Chu Ying's guidance, Hong He gradually calmed down and began to think carefully about every move.In the end, he successfully passed the test, was recognized by Lin Li as a ninth-level master, and was invited to attend his seminar.
Hong He was full of gratitude for time.He knew that without the encouragement and help of time, he might not be able to take this step.However, when Hong He mentioned the game on Weda Go Online, time suddenly became tense.He was worried that Hong He would doubt his true identity, so he designed his grandfather to replace “Chu Ying” to eliminate Hong He's doubts.
After a lot of hard work, Shi Guang finally entered the top eight in a group and qualified to participate in the Young Lions Competition.He felt extremely excited and proud because he knew he was one step closer to his dream.Yu Liang also got the entry list. When he saw that he would meet the time in the second round, his heart was full of expectation and excitement.He knew that this would be a fierce contest and an important test between the two of them.
Shi Guang and Yu Liang are both silently preparing for the upcoming competition.They are all working hard to improve their chess skills and hope to show off in the Young Lions competition.And their story continues in the world of Go.

Lin Li sets up a trap to test Hong He