《HIKARU NO GO》Episode 5 Synopsis

The uncrowned king

Shi Shi entered high school and officially became a member of Wu Di's Go club.His friend Jiang Xueming also enthusiastically joined the Go club and took on the role of manager.However, a new problem soon emerged - the Go club lacked funds and found it difficult to carry out normal activities.
Faced with this dilemma, Shi Guang, Wu Di and Jiang Xueming had to start thinking of ways to raise money.They ran around looking for sponsorship, but the results were not ideal.Shi Shi knows very well that in order for the Go club to truly come to life, it must have sufficient financial support.
On the other side, Yu Liang has been waiting for Shi Shi's call during the summer vacation.He originally thought that the confrontation with time was just a matter of time, but after a summer vacation, there was still no news.Yu Liang couldn't help but feel a little anxious, and he decided to find Shi Shi himself.
He came to No. 13 Middle School, hoping to see time again.However, Shi Shi felt a little surprised and uneasy about his arrival.He knew that his chess skills were far from enough, and playing against Yu Liang would only make him feel inferior.Therefore, he sternly rejected Yu Liang's request.
Although Yu Liang was a little disappointed, he did not give up.He is well aware of Shiguang's talent and potential, as well as Shiguang's inner struggle and uneasiness.He decided to use his own way to encourage and support Shi Shi, so that he could face his shortcomings bravely and work hard to improve his chess skills.
After returning to school, Yu Liang decisively joined the Go club of the High School Affiliated to Normal University.He hopes to improve his strength by participating in the league and playing against more experts.At the same time, he also hopes to meet again in the league and use his strength to prove his determination and belief.
As for time, in order to participate in the new league, a new round of recruitment activities has also begun.They hope to find more students who love Go and contribute to the development of the Go club together.At this moment, Guyu, who solved Wu Di's life and death problem, came into their sight.The appearance of Guyu gave Shi Guang and Wu Di new hope.They believe that as long as everyone works together, the Go club will get better and better.

The uncrowned king