Home TV angels fall sometimes
angels fall sometimes

angels fall sometimes

Realistic sentimental drama
  • Reg:C-Drama
  • Genre: Urban
  • Premiere:Mar 09, 2024
  • No. Ep:Total 24 Episodes
  • Ep Duration:45 Minutes
  • Actor: Li Landi Lin Yi
  • Plat: WeTv
  • Freq:CCTV TV series and Tencent Video will be broadcast from March 9
《angels fall sometimes》 Summ

Lin Tuo and An Zhique, who were in their prime, met at a job fair during the summer internship of their junior year. They fell in love at first sight, and after getting to know each other better, they decided to fall in love.As the graduation season approaches, the two join hands to move from the ivory tower to society, taking part-time jobs, applying for jobs, and planning the future together.Although the road of life is not going smoothly, they are gradually getting on the right track with each other's encouragement.When everything seemed to be going smoothly, Lin Tuo was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, commonly known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

ALS ended Lin Tuo's seemingly ordinary but promising life. Although his life was shortened, Lin Tuo, with the warmth and love of his family, lovers, friends, and colleagues, went from trying to give up to coexisting with the terminal illness, and finally bravelyChallenge the disease.People around Lin Tuo and his patients were also inspired by him to re-examine their attitude towards life, learn to cherish the present, and decided to work hard to live every day without regrets and full of hope.

《angels fall sometimes》Cast
Li Landi/ | An Zhique Lin Yi/ | Lin Tuo
《angels fall sometimes》Character Info
《angels fall sometimes》Stills
  • angels fall sometimesStills

  • angels fall sometimesStills

  • angels fall sometimesStills

  • angels fall sometimesStills

  • angels fall sometimesStills

  • angels fall sometimesStills

  • angels fall sometimesStills

  • angels fall sometimesStills

  • angels fall sometimesStills

  • angels fall sometimesStills

《angels fall sometimes》Ep Summ
《angels fall sometimes》Calendar

《angels fall sometimes》Episodes 1-3 Update time: March 9, 2024

《angels fall sometimes》Episode 4-5 Update time: March 10, 2024

《angels fall sometimes》Episode 6-7 Update time: March 11, 2024

《angels fall sometimes》Episode 8-9 Update time: March 12, 2024

《angels fall sometimes》Episodes 10-11 Update time: March 13, 2024

《angels fall sometimes》Episodes 12-13 Update time: March 14, 2024

《angels fall sometimes》Episodes 14-15 Update time: March 15, 2024

《angels fall sometimes》Episodes 16-17 Update time: March 16, 2024

《angels fall sometimes》Episodes 18-19 Update time: March 17, 2024

《angels fall sometimes》Episodes 20-21 Update time: March 18, 2024

《angels fall sometimes》Episodes 22-23 Update time: March 19, 2024

《angels fall sometimes》Episode 24 Update time: March 20, 2024

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