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《angels fall sometimes》Episode 11 Synopsis

Episode 11

Angels Fall Sometimes Episode 11 Plot Introduction: Lin Tuo and An Zhique had a big quarrel

Episode 11

Lin Tuo read Yang Qiuguo's Moments from beginning to end and was deeply moved by his optimism and strength.An Zhique bought a dining table and chairs designed by Lin Tuo. An Hegui was reluctant to eat on them for fear of damaging Lin Tuo's design.A week passed in the blink of an eye. Lin Tuo came home from the hospital. He sent a message to An Zhique and then fell asleep on the sofa.

An Zhique bought breakfast for Lin Tuo early in the morning and smelled the smell of hospital disinfectant on his body. Lin Tuo hurriedly went to take a shower, and An Zhique didn't ask any questions.As soon as Lin Tuo arrived at the company, he explained the truth to Wei Haiyang. He was afraid that he would not be able to work as a designer because of ALS. Wei Haiyang encouraged him not to give up and face it with strength and let him continue to be an assistant. Lin Tuo was grateful to him and asked Wei HaiyangHaiyang concealed his illness.

Wei Haiyang did not allow Lin Tuo to join the emerging designer team and asked him to continue to be an assistant. Han Yuxi misunderstood that Wei Haiyang deliberately suppressed Lin Tuo, and Wei Haiyang did not explain.Lin Tuo's right hand was not flexible, so he learned to write and draw with his left hand. He practiced very seriously.Jiang Chucheng went to An Zhique Coffee Shop to sell coffee beans and casually mentioned Wei Haiyang's refusal to let Lin Tuo participate in the designer competition. An Zhique was very puzzled, just like Lin Tuo asked about the reason. Lin Tuo didn't want to explain too much, An ZhiqueQue was worried that he would be bullied, and Lin Tuo was very impatient. He was angry and refused to be a designer, and even yelled at An Zhique. An Zhique felt that he was unreasonable, so he slammed the door and left in anger.

Lin Tuo didn't contact An Zhique all day, so An Zhique told He Xindi about their quarrel. He Xindi defended An Zhique and suspected that Lin Tuo had cheated. An Zhique believed that Lin Tuo was notThat kind of person.Chen Guangpu met a girl on the Internet. He Xindi insisted that she had fallen into the pig-killing trap and nagged in front of him. Chen Guangpu was so disturbed that he had to hide at Lin Tuo's house.

Chen Guangpu persuaded Lin Tuo to reconcile with An Zhique to prevent An Zhique from becoming suspicious. Lin Tuo was very impatient and simply hid in the bathroom and refused to listen to his nagging. Chen Guangpu saw Lin Tuo practicing his calligraphy with his left hand and laughed at his handwriting.ugly.Lin Tuo felt sorry and took the initiative to come to An Zhique to apologize and bought her a large bag of lollipops. An Zhique immediately forgave him and the two reconciled as before.

Lin Tuo wanted to go back to see his grandpa on the weekend. An Zhique couldn't accompany him because he was busy at the store, so he asked him to take his grandpa to live with him in Chongqing.Lin Tuo went home to see his grandfather and persuaded him to stay in Chongqing for a few days. Grandpa wanted to watch the basketball game before talking.When Lin Tuo heard that his father was on duty, he went to the hospital to see him. He talked to his father about work, but his father was too busy to talk to him and asked him to go home first.

Lin Tuo went to visit Lin Ye at school and encouraged Lin Ye to apply for his favorite university and learn the music he liked. Lin Ye was worried that his parents would object, so Lin Tuo promised to give him tuition and living expenses.Lin Tuo wanted Wei Haiyang to take leave and go to the hospital to get the results. Wei Haiyang wanted to accompany him, but Lin Tuo insisted on facing it by himself. The doctor told him the test results truthfully. Lin Tuo was diagnosed with ALS. Lin Tuo learned about ALS from the doctor.The disease will greatly shorten his life, and there is currently no specific medicine. The doctor suggested that he tell his family about his condition.