In an ordinary elementary school, Class 5, Grade 3, Qiushi Elementary School, there was a little boy named Mi Xiaoquan.He studied and played with a group of friends with different personalities and full of curiosity, and grew up day by day.Mi Xiaoquan's life is full of color, and he experiences the joy and challenges of growing up in his own way.

One day, Mi Xiaoquan and his friends decided to observe the incubation process of eggs together.They take care of the eggs carefully, looking forward to the miracle of life.As time passed, the eggs finally hatched into chicks.At this moment, Mi Xiaoquan felt the magic and greatness of life, and learned to cherish and respect life.

At school, Mi Xiaoquan also participated in the election for class cadres.Through this experience, he learned to think from others' perspective and how to consider others.He understood that as a class cadre, he should not only care about his own interests, but also consider the overall interests of the class.

Mi Xiaoquan also had misunderstandings and estrangements in his relationship with his father.But as time went by, he gradually felt his father's love and protection for him.When he encounters difficulties, his father is always the first to stand up and help him.This made Mi Xiaoquan understand that even if there are conflicts between father and son, his father will always be there when he needs help.

During the school environmental protection activities, Mi Xiaoquan was honored to be elected as the Environmental Protection Ambassador.He is well aware of the importance of protecting the environment, so he starts from scratch and calls on students to pay attention to environmental issues.This experience made Mi Xiaoquan understand that protecting the environment is not only everyone’s responsibility, but also care for our home planet.

However, the road to growth is not always smooth.Mi Xiaoquan and his good friends will inevitably encounter some conflicts and disputes.But after experiencing the seat-changing incident, they understood the value of friendship even more.They learned tolerance, understanding and tolerance, allowing the flower of friendship to bloom in their hearts.

Nowadays, Mi Xiaoquan has gradually grown up and become a more mature and confident teenager.He and his good friends will still face various challenges and difficulties, but they believe that as long as they support each other and work together, they will be able to overcome everything.

《MI XIAO QUAN SHANG XUE JI》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1: Procrastinating on writing papers

In ancient traditional virtues, helping others has always been respected as a noble quality.In order to promote this virtue, Qiushi Primary School specially planned a campus activity with the theme of helping others, aiming to encourage students to actively help those around them.In this warm campus, there is a popular small team - Mi Xiaoquan, Jiang Xiaoya and Tietou. The three of them are not only close friends, but also good students in the eyes of the teacher.

At the beginning of the new semester, Mi Xiaoquan learned that her mother would be on duty until late today, so she decided to pick her up and take her home.Mi’s father is proud of his son’s sensible and romantic genes.When they rushed to the hospital, they unexpectedly met Teacher Liu, who was suffering from oral ulcers.Papa Mi humorously suggested that Teacher Liu try eating cucumbers to relieve the fire, but Mi Xiaoquan mistakenly handed the green pepper to Teacher Liu, which made Teacher Liu's mouth even more painful.This scene happened to be seen by an old man. He accidentally stepped on the green pepper and slipped to the ground, almost hitting a vehicle.Fortunately, classmate Sima Xiaoguang who was passing by came to help in time. After the school found out about his brave behavior, he not only appeared in the newspaper, but was also named a little hero for helping others and was praised by the whole school.

Seeing Sima Xiaoguang's honor, Mi Xiaoquan and his friends also want to become heroes who help others.However, they encountered various embarrassments and misunderstandings in practice.They mistakenly thought that exchanging homework meant helping others, but they were criticized by Li Li.In the process of trying to help others, they have also done bad things with good intentions, and even misunderstood the needs of others.Once, they tried to help an uncle in a wheelchair get off the bus, only to find that the uncle just wanted to get on.Another time, they tried to help an elderly man and accidentally disabled his wheelchair, causing a false alarm.

Faced with these setbacks, Mi Xiaoquan and his friends began to doubt whether they really knew the true meaning of helping others.However, they showed true courage and wisdom when an uncle was accidentally injured.Not only did they rescue the uncle in time, but after the misunderstanding was resolved, they took the initiative to explain the situation to the police to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.Although they did not become the heroes of the whole school like Sima Xiaoguang, their actions were recognized by the principal and classmates.

After this series of events, Mi Xiaoquan and his friends gradually understood that helping others is not only an act, but also a mentality and quality.It requires us to learn to understand the needs of others and respect the wishes of others while helping others.Only in this way can we truly help others and let this virtue be passed down and carried forward in our lives.

《MI XIAO QUAN SHANG XUE JI》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2: The bicycle parts were dismantled

In class, the teacher hopes that we can learn to understand others, and he encourages us to make sentences based on our own understanding.The students tried it one after another, and the teacher couldn't hold it anymore with the various answers. These interesting sentences also brought a lot of laughter to our class.

After school, Mi's father came home. He wanted to enjoy a delicious dinner, but he found that the pot was cold and his wife had not cooked.Mi Xiaoquan looked at his father and couldn't help complaining that his mother was lazy.However, Mima has her own opinion. She feels that her husband only tightens a few screws every day, and it is not as hard as cooking for herself, so she thinks there is nothing wrong with her husband coming back to cook.

This battle over housework was staged in the Mi family. Mi Xiaoquan was stunned as he watched from the sidelines. He thought to himself, were these really his parents?Later, the couple took their son to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, but found that some vegetables had been sold out.Dad Mi asked his son to think back to what vegetables his mother used to buy, and just buy them accordingly.But Mi Xiaoquan didn't think about what vegetables his mother had bought before. At this time, an uncle came over with a mobile phone and said he wanted to buy lunch for his son. The father and son followed this man to buy vegetables.

They bought a lot of bones, and Mi Dad suddenly felt something was wrong. He turned around and saw that the man was talking to the puppy on the phone.The father and son were immediately stunned and at a loss.In order not to embarrass himself in front of his wife, Mi Dad decided to use the money to buy the vegetables bought by the aunt next to him.Mima was also confused when shopping for groceries. She didn’t know what to buy, let alone how to ask the boss.

So, Mi Dad and Mi Mom decided to exchange jobs. Dad was responsible for cooking, and Mom was responsible for experiencing what Dad did before.However, Mi Xiaoquan felt that life had become worse.He saw the burnt dishes his father had cooked and thought his father might have lost.Mi's father wanted his son to secretly ask his wife how to cook, while Mi Xiaoquan wanted his father to buy him his favorite toys, and his father agreed.

Mima didn't know that her son was trying to trick her. She just said that adding some soy sauce and vinegar would be enough, and asked her son to go to her husband's place to find out how to install bicycle parts.However, the pot exploded while Dad was cooking.Mi Xiaoquan hurried to find her mother, only to find that her mother had dismantled all the bicycle parts.Mi Xiaoquan looked at his parents who were already in chaos and felt a little burst.

When the wife came back and saw such a sumptuous meal cooked by her husband, she was a little unbelievable.Although Mima insisted that her husband did it barely, she still felt guilty.She felt she had lost, and when she was about to take out the trash, she discovered that the reason why her husband's cooking was delicious was because he ordered takeout.

《MI XIAO QUAN SHANG XUE JI》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3: Bribing the Master with Snacks

On the stage of boxing matches, Xing Tietie defeated his opponents time and time again with his outstanding skills and perseverance, winning the applause of the audience.However, on his way to promotion, a seemingly ordinary game triggered an unexpected adventure.

That day, Xing Tietie stood on the field, preparing to face a new challenge.However, the moment he saw his opponent, he couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in his heart.It turns out that his opponent is actually a boxing master known as “Perak Little Fatty”, who is the best person in this area.This news was like a bombshell, causing Xing Tietie, his friends Mi Xiaoquan and others to fall into tension and worry.

Mi Xiaoquan was worried that Xing Tietie would lose in the game, and even worried that they would become a two-man team due to Xing Tietie's absence.However, Xing Tietie showed unexpected calmness and confidence.He firmly believes that no matter how strong his opponent is, as long as he has enough faith and courage, he can overcome all difficulties.

On the eve of the competition, Mi Xiaoquan accidentally discovered that Xing Tietie had become a mysterious master.Although this master is low-key, he has amazing strength.Mi Xiaoquan wanted to find out, so they went to Master's training ground together.There, they saw Xing Tietie hammering the dough punch by punch and undergoing arduous training.

However, when Mi Xiaoquan and the others saw their master's true face, they couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.This legendary master did not look as tall and majestic as they imagined, and was even a bit unattractive.However, when the master showed his strength, Mi Xiaoquan and his friends were immediately shocked.They watched the master's performance of splitting stools and breaking bricks with his bare hands, and were so impressed that they fell to the ground.

However, just when they were about to bribe Master with snacks, Mi Xiaoquan accidentally discovered that the bricks and chairs used by Master were fake.They suspected that the master was a liar and wanted to persuade Xing Tietie to leave.However, in order to win the game, Xing Tietie firmly believed that his master had extraordinary strength.

Mi Xiaoquan realized the seriousness of the problem, so he went home and asked his father for help.Dad Mi was also a strong boxer when he was young, and he confidently expressed his intention to compete with this master.However, during the contest between the two, Mi Xiaoquan found that they were more like jumping rubber bands and did not have the intensity and intensity of a boxing match at all.

It turns out that this master is actually played by Mi Xiaoquan’s father!After learning the truth, Mi Xiaoquan and his friends were very surprised.They originally thought that the master was a mysterious martial arts master, but they didn't expect that he was the person closest to them.

Although Xing Tietie's master identity was revealed, he did not give up the game because of this.Under the careful guidance of his master, he gradually overcame his inner fear and nervousness and became more confident and determined.In the end, in the game, Xing Tietie successfully defeated his powerful opponents and won the game with his outstanding performance.

After the game, Xing Tietie and his friends sat around to celebrate the adventure.They thanked Master for his careful teaching, and also thanked each other for their support and companionship.Xing Tietie knew that this competition not only brought him victory, but also taught him the importance of facing difficulties bravely and firm belief.

Mi Xiaoquan also realized his mistake. He apologized to Xing Tietie and said that he would trust and support him more in the future.Mi Dad also became friends with Xing Tietie’s master through this experience, and the two shared the joy of boxing and the wisdom of life.

《MI XIAO QUAN SHANG XUE JI》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4: 36 strategies to deal with yourself

On a sunny morning, Li Li led the whole class to do radio gymnastics on the playground.Everyone moves neatly and uniformly according to the prescribed movements and rhythm.However, among this group of children, there was a little boy named Mi Xiaoquan who found it all very boring.

Mi Xiaoquan is a child full of energy and creativity. He is eager to have something new to break the day-to-day routine of recess.So, he took out his Allegro and started talking about cross talk, hoping to attract everyone's attention.However, Li Li, as the squad leader, did not give any explanation or pay attention to this, which made Mi Xiaoquan feel a little disappointed and confused.

Mi Xiaoquan felt uncomfortable speaking out and decided to complain to the teacher.He went straight to the teacher's office, but unexpectedly found that the teacher was celebrating his birthday.So, Mi Xiaoquan improvised and sang a song with Allegro to wish the physical education teacher a happy birthday.His move not only surprised the teacher, but also impressed the whole class.In this way, Mi Xiaoquan successfully qualified for the position of sports committee member.

Back home, Mi Xiaoquan excitedly told his parents the good news.He felt that he was very majestic now. As long as he blew the whistle, his classmates would all line up.Mima thinks it's a good thing for her son to be a cadre, but she also reminds him to be modest and prudent and not to get carried away.However, Dad Mi interrupted and said that he should tell Grandpa Second about this matter, so that Grandpa Second would be happy as well.

In the days that followed, Mi Xiaoquan began to try to manage the class in his own way.He feels that students should be more united and help each other, especially those who are lagging behind.However, in a physical education class, he caused dissatisfaction among his classmates because he provoked the monitor.Everyone thought he was a bit too much, and the students in the class complained a lot.However, the physical education teacher felt that the students in the class were very positive in this lesson and praised Mi Xiaoquan's performance.

After Mi Xiaoquan became a class cadre, he began to get carried away and showed off his authority in the class.Monitor Li Li also couldn't stand it anymore.At this time, the physical education teacher decided to re-select class leaders next week.Mi Xiaoquan was horrified when he heard the news and began to worry that his position was not guaranteed.

In order to seek help, Mi Xiaoquan decided to ask his father for advice.Dad told him that he could use the “Bitter Meat Plan” to save the situation.So Mi Xiaoquan began to try to show his sincerity and determination to his classmates.However, what he didn't expect was that those he had helped were afraid of him and did not accept his help.Mi Xiaoquan was in trouble and didn't know what to do.

At this critical moment, Mi Xiaoquan came up with a plan - to surround Wei and save Zhao.He decided to go to the physical education teacher, hoping to persuade him to let him continue as a sports committee member.So, he came to the physical education teacher's office and began to show off his medals and honors.However, when he borrowed the red flag from the teacher's hand, he accidentally broke the honor flag, which made him even more panicked.

Just when Mi Xiaoquan felt desperate, he suddenly found that the book Thirty-Six Strategies was missing from his schoolbag.He rummaged through the trash for a while and finally found the book.At this time, Teacher Wei appeared.He told Mi Xiaoquan that class cadres should serve their classmates instead of exploiting them.Mi Xiaoquan seemed to understand this truth, but was assigned to a special position by Teacher Wei - taking care of the trash cans.This made Mi Xiaoquan feel a little lost and frustrated.

However, Mi Xiaoquan did not give up.He began to think seriously about Teacher Wei's words and tried to adjust his attitude and behavior.He gradually understood the truth: as a class cadre, you must not only have prestige and glory, but also shoulder responsibilities and obligations.Only in this way can you truly gain recognition and respect from your classmates.

《MI XIAO QUAN SHANG XUE JI》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5: Is he a painter or a writer?

On a sunny morning, Mi Xiaoquan was sitting in the classroom, waiting expectantly for the painter's arrival.He likes to draw and dreams of becoming an outstanding artist one day.However, when the unrestrained painter walked into the classroom, Mi Xiaoquan and his classmates were a little surprised.The artist's painting style is very unique, but it does not seem to conform to the traditional sense of “wonderful economics”.

However, the teacher was full of praise for the artist's paintings, which made Mi Xiaoquan a little confused.He felt that his painting skills were far different from that of the painter, and he began to feel a little discouraged.He felt that he might not be suitable for painting. After all, even the teacher praised the paintings, but he could not understand the beauty of them.

After school, Mi Xiaoquan met his little cousin whom he hadn't seen for a long time.The little cousin seemed a little cautious, so Mi Xiaoquan's father enthusiastically took his hand and let Mi Xiaoquan touch it.Mi Xiaoquan felt a little pity for his little cousin because his mother always said that he had no success in learning to draw and that he was not very good at studying.These words pierced the little cousin's heart like a needle, making him feel hurt.

Mi Xiaoquan's family all realized that they needed to give their little cousin some encouragement and care to help him regain his confidence.They prepared painting tools for their little cousin, hoping that he would find fun and a sense of accomplishment in painting.However, the little cousin couldn't use these tools, not even paint, because of his inner nervousness.This worries Mi Xiaoquan and his family.

Mi Xiaoquan's mother decided to try to use strong psychological encouragement to help her little cousin regain his confidence.She took advantage of her little cousin's sleep to whisper words of encouragement in his ear.When they woke up the next day, Mi Xiaoquan and his family were all surprised to find that his cousin seemed to have changed. He confidently claimed that he had a talent for painting.

However, this overconfidence quickly turned into arrogance.The younger cousin started scribbling on the work design drafts of his brother-in-law and sister, which made Mi Xiaoquan and his family very angry.Mi Xiaoquan was even more angry with his cousin for scribbling on his picture album, but his cousin didn't care and even thought that his aesthetics were better than anyone else's.

Mi Xiaoquan's mother realized that her encouragement might be too much, so she decided to let Mi Xiaoquan and his father help his little cousin adjust his mentality.They also began to give him words of encouragement while the little cousin was sleeping.However, Mi Xiaoquan’s mother also realizes that if the hint is excessive, it may lead people to extremes.Sure enough, the little cousin became very confident, even a little excited, and kept drawing.

Mi Xiaoquan's family decided to take their young cousin to an art exhibition, hoping to allow him to see more works of art.However, the little cousin became a little arrogant because of his overconfidence, which made Mi Xiaoquan's mother feel a little embarrassed.At the art exhibition, they met an investor who satirized his cousin's paintings, which made Mi Xiaoquan's family very nervous.They quietly sneaked into the studio to call their cousin, but accidentally fell down like a joke.

Just as Mi Xiaoquan's mother was about to take her little cousin away, they met the painter who was taking classes with Mi Xiaoquan.After the painter saw his cousin's paintings, he praised him for his talent and said that his paintings were abstract.This made my cousin a little confused, but it also made him more determined to become an artist.Although Mi Xiaoquan and his family find it a bit incredible, they are also happy for their cousin's achievements.

《MI XIAO QUAN SHANG XUE JI》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7: The flea market has closed

Tietou, Mi Xiaoquan and Jiang Xiaoya are three good friends in the class. They are always full of curiosity and energy.One day, Tietou saw his elder brother selling candy in the distance. The business was booming and the children were also helping. He felt that it was a bit like hiring child labor.They decided to take a closer look. At this time, a big sister noticed them and generously gave them each a lollipop.

Back at school, the teacher asked the students to make sentences based on this situation and understand the behavior of others.The students' understandings were varied, and some even made humorous sentences, making the class full of laughter.

After school, Mi's dad came home and found that the pot and stove were cold and his wife had not cooked.Mi Xiaoquan complained that her mother was too lazy, while Mi's father started preparing dinner.At this time, Mi Xiaoquan and the others felt that the service attitude of the small street stalls was not good and was not conducive to economic development.The young lady at the stall hinted to them that if they study hard, they will definitely become economists in the future.Tietou was very puzzled, how did the young lady know that they didn't study hard?The little sister looked at her watch and reminded them that it was time for school. They suddenly realized that they were late and hurried to school.

The school will hold a flea market event soon, allowing students to experience the feeling of buying and selling things.The teacher explained that the flea market is to sell your unused things to classmates who need them more.The students were very excited and felt that there were many things to sell.As the squad leader, Li Li also actively participated and said that there were many unused items at home that could be sold.

However, during the preparations for the flea market, Tietou made an unintentional remark that made the atmosphere awkward.He said that his mother once said that his father was useless, but he felt that his father would be useless to others.This sentence made the whole class burst into laughter.Jiang Xiaoya took the opportunity to make a fortune in the flea market and achieve economic freedom.The teacher reminded him not to pursue making money too much.

Tietou suggested opening a snack bar, but Mi Xiaoquan believed that this was not a snack street and was not suitable for selling snacks.At Jiang Xiaoya's suggestion, the students decided to go to other stalls to secretly learn business skills.However, they found that Li Li's stall had a lot of traffic and attracted many classmates.Mi Xiaoquan and the others were very anxious and began to think of ways to attract customers.

After some hard work, Mi Xiaoquan and the others came up with a way: buy things that other students don’t want and then sell them at their own stall.As a result, their stall attracted many students.However, Li Li sent a few garbage bags and told them that the flea market was over.Mi Xiaoquan was very angry and decided to start a big fight to impress other students.

In order to attract customers, they came up with various methods, such as drawing lots and issuing coupons.However, none of these methods worked.In the end, Mi Xiaoquan decided to reduce the price of the remaining items.Jiang Xiaoya came up with the idea of ​​live streaming to bring goods, but the effect was not satisfactory.Just when they were about to give up, a child came over and bought a doll, and also brought other children to help take away toys and candies.This made Mi Xiaoquan realize that sharing is also a kind of happiness that cannot be replaced by money.

《MI XIAO QUAN SHANG XUE JI》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8: The Magic Chef

In an ordinary town, Dad Tietou’s casserole shop attracts many diners with its unique flavor.However, this quiet little shop is about to face a battle over recipes.

When Jiang Xiaoya, Mi Xiaoquan and Tietou were dining in a restaurant, they witnessed an old man in the distance ordering only a plate of cucumbers and a few bottles of beer, which aroused their curiosity.Tietou's father and mother watched helplessly as the old man sat in the store all afternoon, but did not dare to ask.

Meanwhile, Tietou participated in a boxing match and won.But in the promotion match, he was surprised to find that his opponent was a boxing master known as Fatty Fatty in the world.Although Tietou was scared in the face of a powerful opponent, he still insisted on his belief: if he is strong, let him be strong, and the breeze will blow on the hills; if he is allowed to be horizontal, the bright moon will shine on the river.%Mi Xiaoquan was worried about Tietou's performance in the next game, but Tietou behaved very calmly.

In order to save the restaurant, Li Xiaoquan and Tietou decided to take action.Tietou consciously came up with his own strange recipe, hoping to attract more customers.However, Tietou’s father was not very optimistic about his son’s recipe and did not modify it.Mi Xiaoquan went out to solicit customers, but came back with no success and only bought a bunch of snacks.

Just when everyone felt desperate, Dad Tietou invented a delicious casserole dish that attracted widespread attention.Many diners came here, and the store became packed.However, the appearance of Boss Hu made the atmosphere tense.He was once a friend of Papa Ironhead, but now he plans to imitate Papa Ironhead's casserole recipe to confuse the public.

Tietou and the others were worried that the recipe would be stolen and decided to take action.They sneaked into Boss Hu's restaurant and found that he was preparing a recipe similar to Dad Tietou's.In order to find out the truth, Mi Xiaoquan, Jiang Xiaoya and Tietou pretended to be children having a birthday party and successfully entered Boss Hu's restaurant.

In the restaurant, they accidentally discovered that Boss Hu was on the phone with a judge, planning to use Dad Tietou's recipe to deceive the guests.The three friends quickly returned to their restaurant and tried to change the menu.However, they were discovered by the manager on the way, and Jiang Xiaoya suddenly became wise and lied that Boss Hu was his father.The manager believed it and asked them to enter Boss Hu's office to find the recipe.

In the office, they discovered a surprising secret: It turned out that Mi Xiaoquan's father had been secretly helping Boss Hu.The friends suddenly felt that things were getting tricky.

At this moment, Boss Hu brought the judges to Dad Tietou’s restaurant.Tietou secretly hid under the table and heard Boss Hu lying that the recipe was his.He couldn't bear it anymore and rushed out to expose Boss Hu's behavior.He quietly acted on the message sent by Boss Hu and asked Tietou's father to come to the scene.

Faced with the irrefutable facts, Boss Hu could not argue.After the judges tasted the casserole made by Dad Tietou, they all praised it and thought that this dish was full of true feelings in the world.In the end, the investors decided to invest in Dad Tietou’s restaurant instead of Boss Hu’s.

Although Tietou's dad's restaurant was saved, those customers were even more enthusiastic about the strange recipes Tietou invented.This makes Dad Tietou feel a little disappointed, because he believes that his traditional casserole is the signature of the restaurant.However, Tietou became a magical chef spread by word of mouth.

《MI XIAO QUAN SHANG XUE JI》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9: Play together

On a quiet afternoon, Mi Xiaoquan was sitting on the sofa alone, looking tired and listless.Dad Mi couldn't help but worry when he saw his son so depressed when he came home, and asked softly what was wrong with his son.Mi Xiaoquan sighed and said that he felt too bored at home alone. His good friends had all gone to learn various skills, but he didn't know what he could do.

After hearing this, Mi Dad smiled and told Mi Xiaoquan that he would not be idle soon.He bought the latest 3D printer, hoping that Mi Xiaoquan would be interested in it.However, Mi Xiaoquan is not interested in the printer, even if it is a three-dimensional one, he still finds it boring.Mi's father became even more worried when he saw his son like this.

At the same time, Li Li led the whole class in radio gymnastics.Mi Xiaoquan felt extremely bored, so he came up with a way to break the boredom.He took out his Allegro and started talking about cross talk, hoping to attract everyone's attention.However, as the squad leader, Li Li ignored Mi Xiaoquan's behavior, which made Mi Xiaoquan feel miserable.So, he decided to go to the teacher's office to complain.Unexpectedly, the teacher was celebrating his birthday, so Mi Xiaoquan had an idea and sang a song in Allegro to wish the teacher a happy birthday.His move won everyone's praise and made him successfully qualified for the position of sports committee member.

One day, Mi Xiaoquan accidentally came to a basketball club.He saw a basketball and was about to pick it up when suddenly a basketball hit him directly in the head.At this critical moment, a teacher named Muscle caught the basketball and landed handsomely.This scene made Mi Xiaoquan have a strong interest in basketball, and he decided to learn to play basketball.

Back home, Mi Xiaoquan expressed his desire to play basketball to his parents.Although Dad Mi was a little disappointed and saw that his son's eyes of admiration for him were no longer there, he still supported his son's decision.

Mi Xiaoquan plays enthusiastically on the basketball court, and his skills are improving day by day.However, when his father came to the basketball court to take him home, he had a conflict with Coach Mike.Mi Xiaoquan's father refused to shake hands with Coach Mike and mocked his teaching for not being professional enough.Coach Mike attracted Mi Xiaoquan with more exciting teaching experience.At this time, a pitch from Coach Mike accidentally hit Mi Xiaoquan's father on the head, causing him to faint.

Mi Xiaoquan gave up the opportunity to play basketball in order to take care of his father.After the father woke up, in order to make his son happy, he wanted to take his son to a restaurant.However, they accidentally met Coach Mike again.Mi Xiaoquan looked at Coach Mike with admiring eyes, which made Mi Xiaoquan's father a little jealous.He tried to argue with Coach Mike, but something embarrassing happened accidentally and he took off Coach Mike's pants.Mi Xiaoquan felt that his father had insulted his image in his mind and left angrily.

In order to attract his son's attention again, Mi Xiaoquan's father decided to have a basketball game with Coach Mike.He worked hard to practice his skills in the hope of defeating his opponents.However, during the game, Mi Xiaoquan's father was no match for Coach Mike and was beaten down time and time again.But he didn't give up and still persisted.Mi Xiaoquan was so moved that he cried when he saw his father's hard work and persistence.In the end, Mi Xiaoquan's father grabbed the basketball and made a goal, which won everyone's applause and admiration.

Although Mi Xiaoquan's father lost to Coach Mike in the game, his persistence and fatherly love deeply moved Mi Xiaoquan and everyone present.They were all moved by Mi Xiaoquan's father's love and devotion to his son.Coach Mike was also arrested for false education, which made Mi Xiaoquan cherish the father in front of him even more.

Back home, Mi Xiaoquan had a competition with her mother.Mi Xiaoquan won the competition with his intelligence, which convinced his mother.This family has become warmer and happier because of the presence of father's and mother's love.

《MI XIAO QUAN SHANG XUE JI》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10: Supervision of Mi Xiaoquan

In a primary school full of laughter and tears, Li Xiaoquan, Jiang Xiaoya and Tietou formed an indestructible iron triangle.They not only support each other in their studies, but also rehearse programs together in their spare time, adding a lot to the school's cultural activities.However, this time they faced an unprecedented challenge.

In order to participate in the dance performance competition in the forest, Jiang Xiaoya transformed into a smart little ginger snake, while Tietou played the role of a powerful iron pig.During the competition, Jiang Xiaoshe won the championship with her elegant dance, but Tie Zhu accidentally fell asleep during the competition and missed the opportunity to show himself.Feeling disappointed, Tie Zhu went to the old locust tree in the forest to express his feelings.The old locust tree comforted Iron Pig with its unique wisdom, pointing out that pigs' nature is to sleep, and Iron Pig should find a game that suits him.After hearing this, Tie Zhu suddenly became enlightened and decided to participate in the sleeping contest to give full play to his strengths.

At the same time, Mi Xiaoquan also encountered a series of twists and turns at school.He originally expected the painter to teach them how to draw, but he didn't expect that the painter's painting skills were not satisfactory.What makes him even more unacceptable is that class monitor Li Li strictly supervised and trained him in order for him to bring glory to the school.In the tense atmosphere, Mi Xiaoquan gradually lost his former aura and confidence.

In a mock interview, Mi Xiaoquan's performance made monitor Li Li very dissatisfied.She thinks Mi Xiaoquan's behavior is too exaggerated and needs to be more regulated.However, Mi Xiaoquan did not agree with the monitor's point of view. He felt that he was controlled by the monitor and could not show his true self.In a tense mood, Mi Xiaoquan even had a nightmare, dreaming that he was disgusted by his classmates, disappointed by his teachers, and even the principal was very angry with him because of his failed interview.This dream made Mi Xiaoquan realize that he represents the image of the school and cannot do whatever he wants.

Under the squad leader's strict requirements and his own efforts, Mi Xiaoquan began to work hard to adjust his condition.However, when reporters actually came to interview him, Mi Xiaoquan found that he had lost his original aura and confidence.The program team reminded him to relax many times, but Mi Xiaoquan still couldn't get rid of his nervousness.In the end, the program team decided to give up the interview with Mi Xiaoquan, which made Mi Xiaoquan feel even more disappointed.

At this time, Mi Xiaoquan's good friends Jiang Xiaoya and Tietou stepped forward.They believe that the reason why Mi Xiaoquan became like this is closely related to the squad leader Li Li.Mi Xiaoquan also realized this, and decided to talk to the principal to express his feelings.After patiently listening to Mi Xiaoquan's story, the principal told him to be his true self. Only in this way can he show his true value.

With the encouragement of the principal, Mi Xiaoquan regained his confidence and aura.When the program crew came to the school again, Mi Xiaoquan interacted naturally with the host and showed his unique charm.Tietou saved the fainted Jiang Xiaoshe at a critical moment. Although he was bitten, he did not resent it, but instead showed the deep friendship between the Iron Triangle.

This experience made Mi Xiaoquan deeply realize the importance of the true self.He also understood that only in a relaxed and confident state can he show his best self.The friendship between the Iron Triangle also made him cherish the friendship between them even more.

Finally, Mi Xiaoquan, Jiang Xiaoya and Tietou performed a show together on the school stage, showing their tacit understanding and unity.Their performance won bursts of applause and cheers from the students.Mi Xiaoquan also found his original intention and dream in this process, and decided to continue working hard to pursue his dreams and goals.

《MI XIAO QUAN SHANG XUE JI》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11: A new trend quiz mode is launched

On a sunny afternoon, Mi Xiaoquan, Jiang Xiaoya and Tietou were playing on the school playground as usual.Suddenly, they noticed that a new bookstore had opened near the school with a rather strange name - “Guaguasi's Bookstore”.

“Let's go and have a look!” Mi Xiaoquan suggested.

The three of them walked into the bookstore excitedly, but found that there was no one in the store, except for a sign with the three characters “guaguasi” written on it.Mi Xiaoquan remembered that this “GuaguaSi” was their favorite children's book author.

“What's going on?”Jiang Xiaoya asked doubtfully.

Just then, they saw a store clerk holding a ladder and preparing to remove the sign.

“stop!”Mi Xiaoquan rushed forward and blocked the ladder, “this sign cannot be removed!”

The clerk was startled by their actions and asked in confusion: “Who are you?Why are you stopping me from taking down my sign?”

Mi Xiaoquan and the three of them looked at each other and smiled, and said in unison: “We are fans of Guaguasi!”

The clerk sighed and said helplessly: “The boss asked me to dismantle it, saying it was because I stopped writing books.”

The three of them were shocked. They didn't expect that their favorite author would no longer write books.

“We want to meet Guaguasi!”Mi Xiaoquan said firmly.

So, the three friends began their journey to find Gua Guasong.They first came to the editorial office, but were told that no one knew Guaguasha's true identity.They then searched for Guaguasi's characteristics on the Internet, hoping to find clues about him.

After some twists and turns, they finally found a man who might be Guagua Fool near a park.They walked into the room cautiously, only to find that it was in chaos, as if no one had lived there for a long time.

Just as they were about to leave, someone suddenly pushed the door open and entered.The three of them hurriedly hid, only to find that the person coming was Guaguasha himself.

When Gua Guasa saw them, he showed a surprised expression.Mi Xiaoquan and the others took the opportunity to express their admiration to him and asked him why he no longer wrote books.

Guaguasi sighed and said: “I can no longer find the fun of childhood and want to try something new.”

After hearing this, Mi Xiaoquan decided to help Guaguasha regain the fun of childhood.They brought Guaguasha to the school and let him experience the life of a student.Gua Guasa was infected by the children's enthusiasm and gradually regained his creative inspiration.

《MI XIAO QUAN SHANG XUE JI》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12: None of the three people got signed books

One day, when the teacher walked into the classroom, there was a burst of noise.She knew that these lively students liked Guagua Silly very much, so she whispered the three words “Guagua Silly”, and the students immediately became quiet.Everyone was eager to hear that their favorite comic book author would be holding a book signing event at school, excitedly looking forward to the day.

However, when the teacher said that this activity was only open to people outside the school and was on a first-come, first-served basis and queuing was the only way, the students all felt pressured.get out of class was over, and everyone was talking a lot. They all felt that they had to queue up early because people from outside the school would also come, and there would be a huge crowd by then.

Mi Xiaoquan, Tietou and Jiang Xiaoya, the three iron buddies, are very confident in this because they have helped Guaguasi.They believe that with this relationship, there is no need to worry about whether to queue or not.However, Li Li does not agree with their ideas. She believes that everyone has equal rights and should not have special treatment.

The next day, when Audio-Technica came to the playground and saw the dragon-long team, they were stunned.Although a little distraught, they decided to get in line.However, they soon discovered that the line was too far back and with limited time, they might not be able to get the signatures.

Tietou tried to jump in line, but was discovered and had to walk away in despair.Jiang Xiaoya wanted to use money to buy other people's tickets, but this idea did not get support from others.Mi Xiaoquan tried to gain an advantage by joining a new team, but was discovered by the monitor and rejected.

The three of them silently summarized their failure in the corner, and then decided to try again.They tried various methods, including pretending to be sick and gaining sympathy, but all failed.Finally, Mi Xiaoquan decided to sneak into the backstage to find Gua Guashan, but was stopped by Muscle Teacher.

Just when they were about to give up, Tietou suddenly thought of an idea.He pretended to be sick and asked Teacher Muscle to take him to the infirmary, and then asked Mi Xiaoquan and Jiang Xiaoya to sneak in and ask for autographs.However, this plan was also ruined.

Just when they were desperate, Mi Xiaoquan suddenly discovered that Guaguasha was allergic to peanuts.He immediately ran to the squad leader to tell him the news, hoping that the squad leader would let him go backstage to tell Guaguasha.However, the monitor did not believe him and thought he was fooling people.Li Li also believes that the organizer should know this information and make no mistakes.

Mi Xiaoquan saw that the chance was slim, so he decided to take a chance.He sneaks backstage, but is discovered by Muscle Teacher.He tried to hide but was eventually discovered.However, just when he was discovered, Guaguasi appeared.He was happy to see Mi Xiaoquan and the others, and thanked them for saving his creative ability.

Just when Mi Xiaoquan was about to get the autographed book, a kid who had been waiting in line for 11 hours appeared.Gua Guasha sympathized with him and asked him to get the signed book first.In the end, although Mi Xiaoquan and the three of them did not get a signed book, they learned many valuable experiences and lessons from this adventure.

《MI XIAO QUAN SHANG XUE JI》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13: Solidifying the Basics

In the primary school science class, the teacher announced an exciting news - the school will hold a science king competition, and each class can only nominate one person to participate.After hearing the news, the students were all eager to try, hoping to show off their talents in the competition.

The squad leader felt that he was very promising, but at this time, Li Li recommended Che Chi, another classmate in the class.Che Chi usually has a rich reserve of knowledge and a strong interest in science, but he seems a little shy and nervous when facing the expectations of teachers and classmates.He coyly expressed that he did not want to participate, which surprised everyone.

Mi Xiaoquan saw Che Chi acting like this and decided to encourage him to participate.He ran to Che Chi and encouraged him to bravely accept the challenge and become the king of science.With Mi Xiaoquan's encouragement, Che Chi finally agreed to participate.

However, when school was over, Che Chi seemed very nervous.He and a man named Wu Siyuan were chatting in a low voice in the distance. Wu Siyuan looked very confident, even a little arrogant.He laughed at Che Chi for overestimating his abilities and gave him the nickname "Che Lao Er%".Faced with Wu Siyuan's provocation, Che Chi seemed to lack confidence and hesitated to speak.

Mi Xiaoquan and the others were very dissatisfied when they saw this scene and wanted to settle the score with Wu Siyuan.But Wu Siyuan felt that they were making too much fuss.He also provocatively proposed to compete with Che Chi to see who had more knowledge.Jiang Xiaoya wanted to make a bet with Wu Siyuan, but Wu Siyuan defeated him with his rich knowledge.

Mi Xiaoquan and the others decided to help Che Chi and let him win the game.They helped Che Chi review his knowledge and printed out Wu Siyuan's mugshot to try to give him moral support.Before the game, they also discovered that Wu Siyuan's family had very high expectations for him, which put a lot of pressure on him.So they took the opportunity to participate in volunteer activities and indirectly helped Che Chi.

On the day of the competition, Che Chi was very nervous, but his three partners kept cheering him on.Wu Siyuan also came to the competition with the expectations of his family.However, during the game, Wu Siyuan's button broke and he was unable to successfully answer.At this time, Mi Xiaoquan took the opportunity to repair the button, allowing Wu Siyuan to continue playing.But Che Chi did not cheat because of this. He refused the secret help from his partners and insisted on competing on his own strength.

In the end, Che Chi performed well in the Q&A session and successfully won the title of King of Science.Although Wu Siyuan had tampered with Che Chi's things during the game, Mi Xiaoquan and the others did not report him, but kindly explained to him the reason for the failure.Wu Siyuan also received education and realized his mistake.

《MI XIAO QUAN SHANG XUE JI》Episode 14 Details

Episode 14: Play a trick on Mi Xiaoquan

In an ordinary family, Mi Xiaoquan's story is unfolding.This little boy was always full of curiosity and energy, but his neglectful habits troubled his parents.

Mi Xiaoquan's complaints upstairs were clearly heard by his parents downstairs.His car, phone and watch both broke, which left him frustrated.However, he did not know that his parents had actually heard his complaints and were somewhat dissatisfied with his behavior.Mi's father thinks that Mi Xiaoquan is too prodigal and always loses valuables, while Mi's mother thinks that Mi Xiaoquan is too much like her husband and always loses everything.

Mi Xiaoquan developed a keen interest in photography and hoped to have a camera of his own.In order to fulfill her son's wish, Mi's mother gave Mi Xiaoquan the only digital camera in the family and asked him to protect it.However, Mi Xiaoquan's father wanted to tease his son and secretly hid the camera.When Mi Xiaoquan couldn't find the camera, Mi's father forcefully asked him to take photos in order to make him more vigilant.

However, Mi Xiaoquan’s passion for photography has not diminished.He took photos obsessively in the park, even prompting a warning from staff.Mi Xiaoquan's father saw this scene and decided to find ways to get his son to take the camera seriously.However, when he tried to get the camera back, he unexpectedly discovered that he had lost it.

The father and son anxiously searched for the camera in the park, and finally discovered that the camera had been taken away by Mima.Mi Xiaoquan was disappointed. He felt that his father was deliberately making things difficult to test him.After Mima learned the truth, she also felt ashamed of her behavior.She realized that not only did children misbehave, but parents sometimes made the same mistake.

《MI XIAO QUAN SHANG XUE JI》Episode 15 Details

Episode 15: The Iron Triangle escapes in a hurry

During an ordinary class break, Mi Xiaoquan and his two friends started an imaginative shooting battle in the corridor of the school.Their goal is not to defeat their opponents, but to capture the moving red flag that symbolizes honor.They know that the competition for the mobile red flag between Class 3 and Class 6 has always been fierce, and this time is no exception.

That day, Classes 3 and 6 gained a lot of points for good people and good deeds, far surpassing their classes.Watching the mobile red flag go away, Mi Xiaoquan and his friends felt unprecedented pressure.They are determined to work hard for the honor of the class and cannot let the mobile red flag be taken away easily.

However, things didn't go as they planned.One day after school, Mi Xiaoquan, as a student on duty, found that the mobile red flag had disappeared after cleaning up.Li Li was very angry about this and asked Mi Xiaoquan why he didn't keep the red flag.Mi Xiaoquan felt wronged, and he decided to find out the truth and retrieve the mobile red flag.

After a series of investigations, Mi Xiaoquan found some clues.They suspected that the mobile red flag might have been taken away by people from Class 6.So, they decided to quietly lurk in Class 6 to find out the truth.However, their actions were discovered by people from Class 6, and a potential conflict was about to break out.

Just when Mi Xiaoquan and the others were preparing to confront Class Six, their squad leader appeared.She stopped the possible conflict and tore off the provocative paper posted in front of Class 6's door.Although Mi Xiaoquan and the others were disappointed, they also realized that their behavior might have been too impulsive.

Just when they were about to give up, things took a turn for the better.It turned out that the student on duty yesterday saw that the mobile red flag was too dirty, so he took it home and washed it, and brought it back the next day.This was all a misunderstanding, Mi Xiaoquan and the others did not realize this.After learning the truth, Mi Xiaoquan took the initiative to admit his mistake and expressed that he would work harder for the honor of the class.

Mi Xiaoquan and his friends learned a lot from this experience.They understand that impulsiveness does not solve problems and that honor can only be won through real effort and unity.They also understand the importance of friendship. Only by trusting and supporting each other can we face challenges together.

《MI XIAO QUAN SHANG XUE JI》Episode 16 Details

Episode 16: Owl

In an ordinary family, Mi’s mom and Mi’s dad were rummaging around in the room.It turns out that they are very sensitive to things like feathers, so they are looking for possible sources of allergic reactions.Mi Xiaoquan, this lively and cute little boy, has just come back from outside, with excitement and anticipation on his face.He told his parents that the teacher took them to the bird market today and saw many beautiful birds.Mi Xiaoquan's eyes sparkled with the desire to raise birds, but before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by his father.His father firmly told him that he could not keep birds at home because his mother was allergic to bird feathers.

Mi Xiaoquan was confused. He didn't understand why he wasn't allergic, but his mother was.He saw that his friends, such as Li Li, Che Chi and Jiang Xiaoya, all raised various birds. Their birds were so beautiful and cute.This made Mi Xiaoquan even more eager to have a bird of his own.

One day, Mi Xiaoquan accidentally discovered a bird egg when he hit a tree.He suddenly had the idea to hatch the egg and make it his own bird.So he started a secret hatching plan.He protected the eggs carefully, and even dreamed that he became the mother of the bird and talked to the eggs.Finally, one morning, he found that the egg had broken out of its shell, and a little bird appeared in front of him.

However, the plan to raise birds is not that easy to implement.Mi Xiaoquan must carefully hide his little bird to avoid being discovered by its mother.He started looking for a hiding place in the room and ended up hiding the bird in his shoe.However, her mother's sensitivity made her realize something was wrong, and she suspected that Mi Xiaoquan was secretly raising birds.In order to cover up, Mi Xiaoquan had to come up with various methods, including blocking his mother from entering his room, and even deliberately getting the sheets wet to make her mother think that he had wet the bed.

Under Mi Xiaoquan's careful care, the little bird gradually grew up.Mi Xiaoquan discovered that the bird turned out to be an owl, and he couldn't put it down even more.However, the life of raising owls is not easy, and Mi Xiaoquan must always be on guard against his father's discoveries.Once, the owl was almost discovered by his father, and Mi Xiaoquan had to hide the owl deeper.Seeing his mother's face flushed due to allergies, Mi Xiaoquan couldn't bear it, so he decided to give the owl to his good friend Jiang Xiaoya to take care of.

Although Mi Xiaoquan was reluctant to let go of the owl, he still gave it to Jiang Xiaoya.However, the next day, Mi Xiaoquan found that the owl was missing. He looked around anxiously, but came back disappointed.He stood crying under the big tree sadly, but unexpectedly found the owl coming back with a mouse in its mouth.Mi Xiaoquan was very happy, but he also found that the owl brought some strange gifts every time, which made his home messy.

Mi Xiaoquan felt angry when he saw Jiang Xiaoya's pet coming home.He felt that his bird had taken everything else in and made the house a mess.However, he did not realize that this was natural owl behavior.Papa Mi also began to feel something was wrong, and he decided to find out the cause of the chaos at home.

Finally, Mi Xiaoquan learned that the owls would leave when they grow up, and he sadly accepted the reality.He began talking to the owl on the phone at night while dreaming, but woke up to find that he had wet the bed.

《MI XIAO QUAN SHANG XUE JI》Episode 17 Details

Episode 17: There are really aliens

The early morning sun shone on the school playground, and Mi Xiaoquan came to the school with an obvious red envelope.He reluctantly told his friends that he had bumped into it while having a nightmare last night.However, what surprised them even more was that Xu Doudou had recently become obsessed with aliens and was looking for his classmates every day to verify whether they were from aliens.Mi Xiaoquan and the other three couldn't help but feel frightened when they saw this scene, for fear that they would become Xu Doudou's next research target.

Just when Mi Xiaoquan wanted to take leave to avoid the turmoil, Xu Doudou seemed to have discovered them.Mi Xiaoquan suddenly felt as if he had been exposed and wanted to run away.However, Xu Doudou had already walked up to them and grabbed Mi Xiaoquan's red scarf.In desperation, Mi Xiaoquan came up with a quick idea and said that Tietou and Jiang Xiaoya were people from aliens.In order to escape Xu Doudou's entanglement, Tietou and Jiang Xiaoya would rather bump into each other and be knocked unconscious than be caught by Xu Doudou.

In class, the teacher mentioned the existence of aliens in order to enrich the children's imagination.This aroused Xu Doudou's enthusiasm even more.She put up posters about aliens everywhere in the class, and even went to make trouble with her classmates after class.Mi Xiaoquan couldn't stand it anymore and decided to talk to Xu Doudou.He told Xu Doudou that the squad leader knew where aliens lived.As a result, the squad leader and Mi Xiaoquan started an extreme tug-of-war, trying to get Xu Doudou to regain his sanity.

However, Xu Doudou's energy was extremely high, which made Mi Xiaoquan and the squad leader feel physically and mentally exhausted.One day, Xu Doudou noticed that her pencil was moving while she was doing her homework. She immediately thought that this might be the aliens around her causing trouble.The whole class was avoiding Xu Doudou. Only class monitor Li Li tried to understand her thoughts.Li Li asked Xu Doudou why he wanted to see aliens, but Xu Doudou said that he had encountered aliens when he was a child and even boarded an alien spacecraft.The alien told her to pass on her love to the most promising person next to her.

This story makes everyone feel a bit bizarre and does not seem to be consistent with the real world.In order to let Xu Doudou return to the real world, the friends found the truth of the year.They told Xu Doudou that she was found by the police when she was lost, so the alien was actually the police.Xu Doudou found it difficult to accept this fact and became emotional.

At this time, Teacher Muscle felt inferior because of being tanned during the holidays.He used ultraviolet light all day long to whiten his skin, which resulted in a black and white face.After Xu Doudou saw Teacher Muscle, he felt like he was the alien he was looking for.She chased out, but Teacher Muscle accidentally triggered the power supply to avoid Xu Doudou, causing a fire.

《MI XIAO QUAN SHANG XUE JI》Episode 18 Details

Episode 18: The thief was subdued by the security guard

On a sunny morning, Teacher Mushu was giving a lively home safety lesson to the students.He told the students seriously: “ home is our safe haven, but sometimes, some criminals will take advantage of our negligence and invade our home.”In order to let the students understand this problem more deeply, he invited the students to give examples.

Li Li stood up first. She said nervously: "When I am at home alone, I will lock the door."After hearing this, Teacher Muscle gently shook his head and said: “ Li Li, although your approach seems to be protecting yourself, in fact, you inadvertently revealed to the trafficker that there is only one person in the family, which actually increased the number of people.risk.” He told the students in the class to be more vigilant and be more careful.

After class, Jiang Xiaoya gave Mi Xiaoquan a mysterious gift and told him that he could only open it when he was alone.Soon, when Mi Xiaoquan was looking at the huge express box curiously, the doorbell rang.He saw a man in security uniform standing outside the door. His demeanor made Mi Xiaoquan feel a little malicious.After Mi Xiaoquan accidentally locked the door, the security uncle easily opened the door with an instant noodle, which surprised Mi Xiaoquan.

Then, Mi Xiaoquan received the mysterious gift. He opened it excitedly and found that it was a robot costume.However, at this moment, the security uncle appeared at his door again.Mi Xiaoquan suddenly became vigilant. He suspected that this person was a thief.Recalling Muscle Teacher's words, he became frightened and pretended to be a robot in an attempt to stop the uninvited guest.

However, the security uncle was not scared away after seeing the robot. Instead, he even proudly said that he could open the door of the entire building.This made Mi Xiaoquan even more convinced that he was a thief.When the “thief” started rummaging through Mi Xiaoquan's house, Mi Xiaoquan felt very scared, but he still tried to stay calm and looked for opportunities to call the police.

Just when Mi Xiaoquan was about to call 110, the “thief” suddenly held down his hand.Mi Xiaoquan watched helplessly as he rummaged around the house, hid his game console in a drawer, and then ordered him to cook.Mi Xiaoquan felt hungry and scared, but he still tried to stay calm and looked for opportunities to escape.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaoya and Tietou suddenly came.They felt strange when they saw the security uncle, and Mi Xiaoquan took the opportunity to rush out of the room, pretending to have just woken up.He successfully rescued his friends and told them that there was a thief in their home.In order to ensure the safety of his partners, Mi Xiaoquan could only pretend that the security uncle was a good person and helped him drive away the thief.

Afterwards, Mi Xiaoquan accidentally discovered the stolen goods hidden by the thief when he was looking for something at home.The thief was very disappointed when he found that he had not stolen a penny.However, in the process, Iron Triangle became friends with the thief.The thief told them to watch out for people pretending to be thieves to avoid being deceived.

《MI XIAO QUAN SHANG XUE JI》Episode 19 Details

Episode 19: Mi Xiaoquan deserts in class

In a classroom filled with laughter and laughter, Li Li and Mi Xiaoquan, the deskmates, have long disliked each other.Mi Xiaoquan always felt that his deskmate Li Li was too picky and had to report to the teacher no matter whether it was trivial matters in study or life, which made him very dissatisfied.Li Li also became increasingly dissatisfied with Mi Xiaoquan. He felt that not only did he have poor grades, he often dragged the group back, and he was always clumsy and intolerable.

Finally one day, Mi Xiaoquan decided that he could not go on like this.He felt that he must settle things with Li Li today.Li Li was also bored, and the smell of gunpowder between the two became stronger and stronger.During a recess, the two quarreled over some trivial matters and exposed each other's shortcomings. The situation was very embarrassing for a time.

At this time, their squad leader Jiang Xiaoya and his friend Tietou also joined the discussion.Although Jiang Xiaoya is Mi Xiaoquan's good brother, he thinks that as the squad leader, it is not easy to be at the same table as Mi Xiaoquan.Tietou also agreed.These words made both Mi Xiaoquan and Li Li feel very frustrated.

So, the two decided to find new tablemates.However, none of them found their ideal candidate.Mi Xiaoquan went to find his friend Che Chi, but was politely rejected by him.Li Li also felt very disappointed. She did not feel that she could not find a suitable deskmate.

At this time, Jiang Xiaoya began to brainwash Mi Xiaoquan. He believed that the squad leader had good academic performance and knew Mi Xiaoquan's study situation, so it would be the best choice for the two of them to be seatmates.Mi Xiaoquan was inspired and decided to ask the monitor to change his deskmate.

The two promoted each other on the podium, hoping to successfully change their deskmates.However, when the students heard that they were asked to sit with the monitor, they expressed their unwillingness.This made Mi Xiaoquan feel very frustrated.In the end, they successfully changed their tablemates.

However, after changing their deskmates, both of them found that the new deskmate was not as suitable as the previous deskmate.Li Li felt that he and Che Chi had nothing in common when sitting together, while Mi Xiaoquan also felt that he and his new deskmate had different views.They began to miss their old classmates Li Li and Mi Xiaoquan.

After a class, Teacher Wei walked into the classroom and looked at the list in his hand with a complicated expression.He found that although the squad leader and Mi Xiaoquan were separated, he felt a little headache.He realized that maybe the previous arrangement had his reason.

Li Li and Mi Xiaoquan also realized this.They began to miss the days they spent together. Although they often quarreled, they also had many happy times.They began to regret not cherishing their time as tablemates and not getting along well.

During a break between classes, the two of them sat together inadvertently.Looking at each other's familiar face, both of them felt a little embarrassed, but also a little warm.They started talking about the days they spent together and how they felt now.They discovered that although there were many differences between them, there were also many similarities.

Finally, they decided to become roommates again.Although they know that there are still many problems between each other that need to be solved, they also believe that as long as they tolerate and understand each other, they will be able to get through this time and become better versions of themselves.

《MI XIAO QUAN SHANG XUE JI》Episode 20 Details

Episode 20: It’s a misunderstanding

On a sunny afternoon, Teacher Wei had just finished a vivid lesson and was about to leave the classroom.Suddenly, she noticed some teaching aids scattered on the ground, which had obviously been randomly discarded.Teacher Wei frowned. This disrespect for public goods made her very angry.

At this moment, Li Li stood up with a hint of nervousness in his voice: Teacher “, Mi Xiaoquan's teaching aids are missing.” Mi Xiaoquan turned to look at Li Li, his eyes full of boredom.He knew that Li Li always liked to gossip, which made him very uncomfortable in the class.

Teacher Wei glanced around the classroom. She understood that students may face pressure as they grow up, so she decided to share good news: “The school recently launched a tree hole activity, and everyone can write down their little secrets or worries., this is a good platform to talk.”

As soon as Li Li heard the news, he immediately flattered him excitedly: “The school is so considerate!”Mi Xiaoquan sneered, mocking Li Li for flattering him in the wrong place.Li Li was angered. He stood up and accused Mi Xiaoquan of provoking the harmony of the class, and even threatened to deduct his points.

In the tense atmosphere, Mi Xiaoquan accidentally tore up his deskmate's notebook, which made Li Li even more convinced that Mi Xiaoquan was provoking.He was determined to find out what was wrong with Mi Xiaoquan, so the two started chasing.By accident, they came to the tree hole.Just when Li Li was about to catch Mi Xiaoquan, Teacher Liu appeared and assigned Li Li a task, and Mi Xiaoquan was able to escape.

Mi Xiaoquan hid in a tree hole and heard the secrets of his classmates.He and his Iron Triangle friends laughed at classmates who shared secrets.Mi Xiaoquan feels that they can't just eavesdrop on other people's secrets, they should also get something in return.So, he pretended to be interested in Che Chi's secret and asked Che Chi to help him with his homework.In this way, the tree hole in the school was secretly occupied by these three children.

However, Mi Xiaoquan noticed that Li Li had been behaving strangely recently and seemed to be helping the teacher with some secret tasks.This made him uneasy.One day, Audio-Technica heard a classmate in a tree hole saying that he wanted to take revenge on everyone. They felt scared and decided to find this person.Mi Xiaoquan felt that the matter was serious and wanted to tell Teacher Wei.

Tietou mobilized everyone in the class to help find this classmate who wanted revenge.After some investigation, they found that no one was suspected except Xu Jiaying.Xu Jiaying's behavior of throwing things on the road made Mi Xiaoquan and others mistakenly think that she was going to blow up the school, but it turned out to be just a misunderstanding.

Mi Xiaoquan and the Iron Triangles came to the auditorium, suspecting that the classmate who wanted revenge might be here.Mi Xiaoquan sensed something was wrong and quickly asked Jiang Xiaoya to stop the security guard.Jiang Xiaoya sacrificed himself in order to complete the task, which moved Mi Xiaoquan very much.However, they accidentally broke into Teacher Wei's drama performance, and Mi Xiaoquan knew that he had really gotten into trouble this time.

Teacher Wei was surprised to find out that Mi Xiaoquan and the others knew the secret.After learning the truth, she asked them to publicly apologize to the class.Mi Xiaoquan and the Iron Triangles realized their mistakes. They sincerely apologized to the whole class and promised not to eavesdrop on other people's secrets or play pranks again.

《MI XIAO QUAN SHANG XUE JI》Episode 21 Details

Episode 21: Mi Xiaoquan has recently become obsessed with durian

On an ordinary day, Mi Xiaoquan's love for durian suddenly broke out, and this “stinky smell” permeated every corner of his home.Durian, the kind of food that people love and hate, has become Mi Xiaoquan's new favorite.However, this durian craze is not limited to Mi Xiaoquan, but also triggered a series of interesting family stories.

Mi Xiaoquan is immersed in the delicious taste of durian every day, dreaming of tasting durian from the legendary Maomao Mountain.But reality is always full of challenges. The pressure of homework and parental supervision make his dream out of reach.By chance, Mi Xiaoquan actually received a mysterious express delivery - durian from Maomao Mountain!This was undoubtedly an unexpected surprise for him.

However, the aroma of durian also attracted Mi Dad’s attention.In order to hide this secret, the father and son had to start a durian guerrilla war with Mima.Mima complained that durians were hard to buy, but her keen sense of smell made her aware of something strange at home.A family war about durian is about to break out.

As the number of durians increases, Mi Xiaoquan's family of three's enthusiasm for durians gradually wanes.However, the processing of durian has become a new challenge for them.They tried to give durians to friends, but found that no one would accept them.Thus, a late-night durian escape began.

Unexpectedly, Dad Mi accidentally hit a passerby while throwing durian.The sudden visit from the police panicked Mi's dad, but the outcome was beyond everyone's expectation.It turns out that the passerby who was hit by the durian turned out to be a missing person who had been missing for many days, and Mi Dad's unintentional act turned out to be his life-saving straw.

The police educated Mi Xiaoquan's family and reminded them not to throw objects at high altitudes and waste food.Mi Xiaoquan's family also deeply realized their mistakes. They decided to cherish food more in the future and respect the feelings of others more.

《MI XIAO QUAN SHANG XUE JI》Episode 22 Details

Episode 22: The Iron Triangle finally settled their differences

On a sunny afternoon, Mi Xiaoquan and his friends were busy in the laboratory.They were trying to make a rustic telephone, a simple voice-transmitting device.This experiment seems simple, but it is full of unknowns and surprises.

After a lot of hard work, the native phone was unexpectedly successful.When Mi Xiaoquan whispered softly on the other end of the phone, Jiang Xiaoya in the distance could hear his voice clearly.Tietou was also very excited. They were proud of this gadget they invented.The mystery of all this is due to the vibration generated by sound waves, which transmits the sound.Chechi explained this principle to everyone, which is the mechanical vibration transmission of sound waves.

However, just as they were cheering for success, Mi Xiaoxuan wanted to try the experiment again, but was unexpectedly interrupted by Li Li.As the monitor, Li Li urged Mi Xiaoxuan to go to class.Mi Xiaoquan was in a bad mood and couldn't help complaining to Jiang Xiaoya about the monitor into the phone.Unexpectedly, Li Li could also hear these contents through the phone.As a result, Mi Xiaoquan was written down in the notebook by the monitor.

Li Li criticized Mi Xiaoquan in front of the whole class in the name of the teacher.After that, every little move of Mi Xiaoquan and his friends was discovered by the squad leader in time.They felt that there must be a hidden clue in the class, so they decided to find this mysterious supervisor.

After some investigation, their suspects included Hao Jing, Zhou Ran and Xu Doudou.But after a series of observations and trials, they found that these people were not supervisors.In the process, Mi Xiaoquan misunderstood that his friend Tietou was too close to the squad leader, which almost destroyed their friendship.

Eventually, they discovered that the squad leader had not set up a hidden line, but was eavesdropping on their conversations through the phone.After learning the truth, the relationship between the Iron Triangle was repaired, and Li Li realized that his behavior was too extreme and apologized to the whole class.

《MI XIAO QUAN SHANG XUE JI》Episode 23 Details

Episode 23: Want to help Tietou improve his grades

Learning disabilities in children are a complex problem that involves many different factors, including physical, psychological, environmental and educational aspects.The views of old Chinese medicine practitioners remind us that we must comprehensively consider the child's growth environment, including nutritional status and family atmosphere.When facing learning disabilities, we need to understand and solve them from multiple perspectives.

The case of Tietou provides a vivid example.Faced with the pressure of final exams, Tietou felt very anxious and afraid.His parents have high expectations for him and hope that he can achieve good results, otherwise he will face serious consequences.This kind of pressure made Tietou feel unbearable and even gave rise to the fear of dropping out of school.

The reactions of Mi Xiaoquan and Jiang Xiaoya showed the helplessness and confusion of children when facing the pressure of learning.They know that it is not easy to help Tietou improve his grades, but they cannot sit idly by.This ambivalence confuses the children.

In this story we see multiple attempts to address learning disabilities.First, Mi Xiaoquan proposed a seemingly simple but actually unfeasible solution - cheating.However, this method not only violates ethics and rules, but also cannot really help Tietou improve his learning ability.

Then, Li Li proposed a more reasonable and effective plan - to help Tietou with his homework.She hopes to help Tietou gradually overcome learning difficulties through professional counseling and training.However, the process has not been smooth sailing.Tietou felt very painful when faced with the pressure of tutoring, and even began to doubt whether he could persist.

In this process, Mi Xiaoquan, Jiang Xiaoya and Che Chi also joined the ranks of helping Tietou.They are responsible for different subjects and help Tietou improve his performance in different ways.This spirit of teamwork is touching and allows us to see a possibility of solving the problem.

However, despite everyone's great efforts, Tietou's academic performance is still not ideal.This made Mi Xiaoquan and the others feel very frustrated and disappointed.At this critical moment, they did not give up, but began to look for new methods and strategies.

Eventually, they discovered that Tietou was very interested in food.So, they tried to combine knowledge with food, allowing Tietou to learn new knowledge while enjoying delicious food.This method not only stimulated Tietou's interest in learning, but also allowed him to improve his academic performance in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.

《MI XIAO QUAN SHANG XUE JI》Episode 24 Details

Episode 24: The second grandpa is here

On an ordinary afternoon, Mi's mother was on a business trip, but her heart was full of worries about her son Mi Xiaoquan, who was alone at home.She dialed her home phone number to hear her son's voice, but unexpectedly found that Mi Xiaoquan was hesitant in speaking, as if he was hiding something.At the same time, her husband Mi's father's tone also seemed unusually evasive, which made Mi's mother even more convinced that there must be some unknown secrets in the family.

Finally, under Mi's mother's questioning, Mi's father confessed the fact: they were building blocks with Grandpa Er.Mi's mother thought that maybe this was a good opportunity for the father and son to get close to the second grandfather, so she suggested that Mi's father take Mi Xiaoquan to visit the second grandfather. After all, the old man was quite lonely at home.

Just after hanging up the phone, Mi Xiaoquan and Mi Dad were in high spirits as if they had received an amnesty order.However, the joy was shattered by a sudden phone call - the second grandfather was sick.The father and son hurriedly prepared a lot of supplements and hurried to the second grandfather's house.They didn't expect that the second grandfather would come to them with many things prepared.

The arrival of the second grandfather made the Mi family lively.Mi's father suggested that Grandpa Er should sleep in the big room while he and Mi Xiaoquan squeezed in together.During the chat, Mi’s father mentioned that his second grandfather was very strong when he was young. Unexpectedly, after hearing this, his second grandfather pretended to be weak and said that 30“ of the treatment of diseases depends on treatment and 70” on nourishment.After hearing this, Mi Xiaoquan took out the snacks that he had treasured for a long time and wanted to share them with his second grandfather in order to help his second grandfather recover quickly.

In the days that followed, the Mi family father and son took great care of the second grandfather.Not only did they prepare a sumptuous meal for the second grandfather, they also personally massaged him, hoping to relieve his pain.However, the second grandfather's physical condition did not seem to improve much, which confused Mi Xiaoquan and Mi's father.

One day, Mi Xiaoquan proposed to send his second grandfather home after he recovered.This sentence made the second grandfather suddenly become unhappy.In order to allow himself to stay in the Mi family, the second grandfather even pretended that he dreamed of his late wife the next day, and said that his wife kept dragging him to make him stay.After hearing this, Mi Dad and Mi Xiaoquan became more determined to take good care of their second grandfather.

In order to help Grandpa Second's body recover better, Mi Xiaoquan actually thought of going to the park to dig centipedes to replenish Grandpa Second's health.Fortunately, the second grandfather stopped this “centipede storm” in time. He explained that he just had a blood blockage and that he could just move around.So, Mi Xiaoquan and Mi Dad pushed their wheelchairs and played chess with their second grandfather in the park, enjoying the rare family time.

However, as the days passed, Grandpa Er's mental state got better and better, and he even began to instruct Mi Xiaoquan to play chess, which surprised Mi's father.The father and son spent a day shopping with the second grandfather. Although they were exhausted, they felt it was worth it when they saw the second grandfather's happy face.

However, all this peace did not last long.One night, Mi's father suddenly heard a cat sound coming from the second grandfather's room.He hurriedly ran to check, only to find that the second grandfather's voice had become hoarse because of playing games.This made Dad Mi realize that Grandpa Second's illness might not be that simple.He decided that he could not delay any longer and must send his second grandfather to the hospital for professional treatment as soon as possible.