《MI XIAO QUAN SHANG XUE JI》Episode 16 Synopsis

Episode 16: Owl

In an ordinary family, Mi’s mom and Mi’s dad were rummaging around in the room.It turns out that they are very sensitive to things like feathers, so they are looking for possible sources of allergic reactions.Mi Xiaoquan, this lively and cute little boy, has just come back from outside, with excitement and anticipation on his face.He told his parents that the teacher took them to the bird market today and saw many beautiful birds.Mi Xiaoquan's eyes sparkled with the desire to raise birds, but before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by his father.His father firmly told him that he could not keep birds at home because his mother was allergic to bird feathers.

Episode 16: Owl

Mi Xiaoquan was confused. He didn't understand why he wasn't allergic, but his mother was.He saw that his friends, such as Li Li, Che Chi and Jiang Xiaoya, all raised various birds. Their birds were so beautiful and cute.This made Mi Xiaoquan even more eager to have a bird of his own.

One day, Mi Xiaoquan accidentally discovered a bird egg when he hit a tree.He suddenly had the idea to hatch the egg and make it his own bird.So he started a secret hatching plan.He protected the eggs carefully, and even dreamed that he became the mother of the bird and talked to the eggs.Finally, one morning, he found that the egg had broken out of its shell, and a little bird appeared in front of him.

However, the plan to raise birds is not that easy to implement.Mi Xiaoquan must carefully hide his little bird to avoid being discovered by its mother.He started looking for a hiding place in the room and ended up hiding the bird in his shoe.However, her mother's sensitivity made her realize something was wrong, and she suspected that Mi Xiaoquan was secretly raising birds.In order to cover up, Mi Xiaoquan had to come up with various methods, including blocking his mother from entering his room, and even deliberately getting the sheets wet to make her mother think that he had wet the bed.

Under Mi Xiaoquan's careful care, the little bird gradually grew up.Mi Xiaoquan discovered that the bird turned out to be an owl, and he couldn't put it down even more.However, the life of raising owls is not easy, and Mi Xiaoquan must always be on guard against his father's discoveries.Once, the owl was almost discovered by his father, and Mi Xiaoquan had to hide the owl deeper.Seeing his mother's face flushed due to allergies, Mi Xiaoquan couldn't bear it, so he decided to give the owl to his good friend Jiang Xiaoya to take care of.

Although Mi Xiaoquan was reluctant to let go of the owl, he still gave it to Jiang Xiaoya.However, the next day, Mi Xiaoquan found that the owl was missing. He looked around anxiously, but came back disappointed.He stood crying under the big tree sadly, but unexpectedly found the owl coming back with a mouse in its mouth.Mi Xiaoquan was very happy, but he also found that the owl brought some strange gifts every time, which made his home messy.

Mi Xiaoquan felt angry when he saw Jiang Xiaoya's pet coming home.He felt that his bird had taken everything else in and made the house a mess.However, he did not realize that this was natural owl behavior.Papa Mi also began to feel something was wrong, and he decided to find out the cause of the chaos at home.

Finally, Mi Xiaoquan learned that the owls would leave when they grow up, and he sadly accepted the reality.He began talking to the owl on the phone at night while dreaming, but woke up to find that he had wet the bed.