Home TV Run off the tracks
《Run off the tracks》Episode 25 Synopsis

Episode 25: Jiang Bo was forced to resign

《Run off the tracks》第25集分集剧情故事

Jiang Bo is Fan Xiaoxiao's adopted child. He went home that day as Fan Xiaoxiao requested and heard Fan Xiaoxiao mention that he had promised Fan Xiaoxiao that he would no longer work as a makeup artist when her contract with Zhuang Meng expired.Jiang Bo knew that Fan Xiaoxiao had been investigating Jiang Xiaoyuan. He recruited Jiang Xiaoyuan because he obtained Jiang Xiaoyuan's information from Fan Xiaoxiao. This incident angered Fan Xiaoxiao, who insulted Jiang Bo.

Jiang Xiaoyuan passed the intermediate exam, and Qi Lian felt good when he heard Jiang Xiaoyuan say good things about Jiang Bo. When he ended the call with Jiang Xiaoyuan, he saw Jiang Bo injured and leaving Fan Xiaoxiao's house.Fan Xiaoxiao also refused his interview.

In order to investigate Fan Xiaoxiao's situation, Qi Lian found Jiang Bo to inquire about the situation.

Qilian suspected that Jiang Bo recruited Jiang Xiaoyuan because of Fan Xiaoxiao's request, and then revealed that Jiang Bo had lived in a mental hospital for four years.

Jiang Xiaoyuan, who knew Jiang Bo's situation, was not in a good mood. After contacting Feng Ruixue, she received a call from Qi Lian and learned about the situation and that Qi Lian had also participated in the lighthouse experiment.

Qi Lian encouraged Jiang Xiaoyuan not to be afraid by saying that he had participated in the lighthouse experiment and it was still normal now.Jiang Xiaoyuan read the contract between Qilian and Mingguang and believed what Qilian said.

Qilian learned through Chen Fangzhou that he had participated in the lighthouse experiment. After the experiment, he did not go insane, but became better. He believed that if Xu Jingyang was behind it, Xu Jingyang's original intention in creating the lighthouse system must have been good.

Jiang Xiaoyuan decided to resign, and Jiang Bo was also forced to resign. Jiang Bo took Jiang Xiaoyuan to make the final order and decided to use this as a springboard for Jiang Xiaoyuan.

Jiang Xiaoyuan puts on makeup for celebrities and gets noticed by others.Jiang Bo's former assistant Yue Ningchuan wanted to recruit Jiang Xiaoyuan, but Jiang Xiaoyuan did not immediately agree when she learned that Yue Ningchuan was related to Fan Xiaoxiao.Afterwards, Jiang Bo also reminded Jiang Xiaoyuan not to choose Yue Ningchuan, but Amy Labs.

Feng Ruixue and Qilian both came to the Galaxy Fashion Festival.Jiang Xiaoyuan was held accountable for problems with her makeup for celebrities, and Jiang Xiaoyuan discovered the problem.