Home TV Run off the tracks
《Run off the tracks》Episode 11 Synopsis

Episode 11: Jiang Xiaoyuan seduces Qilian

《Run off the tracks》第11集分集剧情故事

In the beauty class, Jiang Xiaoyuan was bored. Knowing that Qi Lian's investigation was progressing, she wanted to leave to find Qi Lian, but was blocked by Jiang Bo.Jiang Xiaoyuan was originally dissatisfied with Jiang Bo's skills. Jiang Bo was ridiculed and asked Jiang Xiaoyuan to paint a makeup that satisfied him in exchange for his release.

Jiang Xiaoyuan directly used Jiang Bo as a model for makeup, and the makeup she painted amazed everyone. Jiang Bo recognized Jiang Xiaoyuan's strength and learned that Jiang Xiaoyuan had studied painting but not makeup, and agreed to let Jiang Xiaoyuan leave.

Jiang Xiaoyuan and Qi Lian arrived at the company that makes the locator. Jiang Xiaoyuan wanted to call the police, but Qi Lian was worried about alerting the enemy, so he decided to enter as a self-media interviewer and asked Jiang Xiaoyuan to pretend to be an assistant.

Qi Lian established contact with Director Zhong of the company through the story of a white dolphin equipped with a locator and was rescued, and gained Director Zhong's trust. Later, through inquiries, he learned from Director Zhong that the positioning found by the mobile phone was customized by the laboratory. Director ZhongUnable to recall the specific person, he went to the archives room to look for files but found that the relevant files were missing.Immediately ask someone to investigate the surveillance of the archives room.

When Director Zhong called for surveillance, he heard a noise and went to investigate and was attacked and fainted.

The clues were interrupted and when Director Zhong was knocked unconscious, Qi Lian was worried about Jiang Xiaoyuan's safety and took him away immediately.

In the dormitory, Jiang Xiaoyuan learned from Qi Lian that the locator battery could only last for one year. She thought she would be able to return to her own time and space in a year and was very happy.Qi Lian used this to encourage Jiang Xiaoyuan to do what she likes and promised to continue investigating.

Qilian realized that someone was watching him, and immediately contacted Lao Shang and asked him to go to the hospital to watch Director Zhong.

In class the next day, Jiang Xiaoyuan was very disdainful when she saw Jiang Bo showing up to ask for Huamei.Later, in practice, Jiang Bo was always dissatisfied with Jiang Xiaoyuan's eyebrows, and the problems he pointed out made Jiang Xiaoyuan speechless.

Jiang Bo was dissatisfied with Jiang Xiaoyuan's inexplicable sense of superiority and pointed out in public the problem with the makeup Jiang Xiaoyuan put on her yesterday. Jiang Xiaoyuan was kicked out of class because she could not refute.

Jiang Bo's words to Jiang Xiaoyuan reminded Jiang Xiaoyuan of what Feng Ruixue said in another time and space. She was unconvinced and decided to prove herself, so she returned to her position and continued to draw eyebrows.

Knowing that Jiang Xiaoyuan and Jiang Bo were having a conflict, Qi Lian asked Jiang Xiao to have supper together, but he arrived late due to work. Unexpectedly, when he arrived, Jiang Xiaoyuan had finished painting everyone's eyebrows in the store.Jiang Xiaoyuan cut her hand with an eyebrow pencil, and felt warm after receiving a band-aid from the landlady.

Jiang Xiaoyuan was ridiculed by Jiang Bo in class, but she still studied eyeliner with Jiang Bo seriously. She failed to get Jiang Bo's approval in class, so she studied it by herself after class and put on makeup.Qi Lian, who came to find Jiang Xiaoyuan, was fascinated by Jiang Xiaoyuan's makeup.

Jiang Xiaoyuan and Qi Lian were walking together and remembered that in another time and space, everyone was close to her for profit, but they still wanted to go back to their own world. Then Jiang Xiaoyuan received the ice cream sent by Qi Lian and was very moved.