Home TV Run off the tracks
《Run off the tracks》Episode 18 Synopsis

Episode 18: Jiang Xiaoyuan returns to her hometown

《Run off the tracks》第18集分集剧情故事

As the New Year approaches, everyone in the barber shop receives red envelopes from Chen Fangzhou and a half-month holiday.Jiang Xiaoyuan learned from Xiao K that Xiao K decided to get married later in the year for the sake of money and time to spend with his parents.Little K knew that Jiang Xiaoyuan was different from her and encouraged Jiang Xiaoyuan to continue her dream.

While walking, Jiang Xiaoyuan came to the door of the barber shop and saw Chen Fangzhou. She heard Chen Fangzhou mention her grandma and thought that she had nothing to do with her and did not want to go back to find her. She heard that Chen Fangzhou wanted Qi Lian to take care of her. She wanted to travel but had no money and could not go out., and later went to dinner with Chen Fangzhou at his invitation.

Huo Boyu was detained and locked up in the hospital. When the police asked about the whereabouts of the information stolen from Beichen, he refused to say anything.

Knowing that Huo Boyu was about to be taken away by the Chongqing police, Qi Lian looked for an opportunity to sneak into the ward.Huo Boyu believes that Qilian is a virus and is willing to hand over management rights in order to survive.Unexpectedly, Qilian thought that Huo Boyu was insane. On the grounds that Jiang Xiaoyuan would not experience the game cabin with the cheating Huo Boyu, he guessed that Huo Boyu was living in the real world and mistakenly thought he was in the game.

Because of Qilian's words, Huo Boyu became even more emotional. After Qilian found a doctor, he was taken away by the police.

Qi Lian faced the police inquiry and took out the recording, suspecting that the Mingguang Laboratory, which studies brain waves, had tampered with the memories of Jiang Xiaoyuan and Huo Boyu, but he could not figure out the disappearance of Xu Jingyang.

After waking up, Jiang Xiaoyuan watched her roommate leave, feeling lonely. Then she saw her roommate leave blessings and red envelopes for her and was very moved.

Jiang Xiaoyuan received a call from her grandma hoping that she could go home for the New Year. After careful consideration, she decided to go home.

Jiang Xiaoyuan and Chen Fangzhou took the train home together. During the period, they talked about science fiction movies and sleeping cabins where you can experience a different life.Jiang Bo contacted Jiang Xiaoyuan and invited her to become his assistant, promising that Jiang Xiaoyuan would grow and go further, leaving Jiang Xiaoyuan deeply entangled.

After getting off the bus, Jiang Xiaoyuan was very moved when she saw her grandma waiting for her in the snow and ate the dumplings her grandma specially brought to her.

Then, Jiang Xiaoyuan and her grandma were taken home by Uncle Qi’s public tricycle.

After returning home, Jiang Xiaoyuan entered her room and found that Jiang Xiaoyuan in this time and space had the same habit of placing and hiding things as herself. She found two books in the iron box under the bed.