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《just between us》Episode 24 Synopsis

Episode 24: The real purpose is the butter cake recipe

Wang Tingzhi tried to confirm Wu Guilian's identity, which made Wu Guilian feel extremely disgusted.When she learned that Wang Tingzhi and Huang Yilin's real purpose was to get the butter cake recipe, her face immediately darkened.No matter how Wang Tingzhi explained how much damage it would cause to Macau's food industry if the butter cake recipe was lost, Wu Guilian refused to reveal the recipe and even got up and drove them away.

However, Wang Tingzhi was determined and he did not want to break his promise.Despite Wu Guilian's indifferent attitude, he and Huang Yilin worked hard to irrigate a forest with pesticides.In the hot weather, Wang Tingzhi was sweating profusely, but he still insisted on completing the work before picking up the bucket and returning to Wu Guilian's residence.

Wu Guilian saw it and felt Wang Tingzhi's sincerity and hard work.She stopped Wang Tingzhi who was about to leave, and finally agreed to teach him her skills.This unexpected harvest made Wang Tingzhi excited, Huang Yilin was also overjoyed, and her smile bloomed like a flower.

Wu Guilian looked at Wang Tingzhi's excitement and couldn't help but sigh that Huang Yilin had found such a good partner.She told them that she would go find them in a few days.Wang Tingzhi excitedly shared today's experience with Huang Yilin and expressed that he understood why Wu Guilian did not want her formula to be abused.She hopes to pass on the recipe to those who are truly interested in carrying it forward.

Huang Yilin stayed in the sun all day and was so exhausted that she couldn't walk.She squatted down and refused to leave.Wang Tingzhi had no choice but to carry Huang Yilin on his back and take the boat home.