《the rise of ning》classic lines

Auth:Core Water Time:Oct 18, 2024 Source:Network

《the rise of ning》 has been on the air recently. Before it started, not many people paid attention to this drama. However, a few days after it was aired, the popularity skyrocketed. Information about this drama was available in all major media software.In particular - the rise of ning - the classic line has been the most discussed by the audience recently.

《the rise of ning》classic lines

“Who wants to be a brother and sister with you” “I no longer feel like a brother and sister to you”

“ A woman's beauty is all-encompassing, so long as she is healthy and plump.It's all these people's fault, they are too demanding on women”

"If I don't eat, what's the point of living?"

"Do you know that there is a kind of bird that does not spread its wings for three years, but it flies to the sky? Although it has no song, its song is amazing."

"How can a person have no shadow? Unless she is a dead ghost."

"Do you think that love, hate, madness and ignorance are all sins, and people should live like puppets?"

"You still have me. Even if you want to be the enemy of the whole world, I will definitely be on your side.""

"There are no relatives on the battlefield, only life and death, and swords have no eyes. You think you got this Anbei Hou Mansion for nothing."

"I can't live without Huaiji, Huaiji is like my shadow."

"What's wrong with the Merchant's Family? Every cent of our Merchant's Family pays attention to etiquette, justice and integrity."

That’s it for the interpretation of the topic of the rise of ning-classic lines. In the following time, we will provide you with more detailed plot introduction and plot interpretation as soon as possible.Welcome everyone to continue to pay attention to our website and let us explore the wonderful stories in dramas and movies.

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