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《Daydream Me》Starring List

Auth:Overlord Time:Aug 14, 2023 Source:Network

“《Daydream Me》The starring list” is a hot topic in the recent high-profile TV series, which has attracted a large number of fans even before filming started.As the series aired, more people joined the fan base.Many viewers are very excited and look forward to seeing more exciting plots.At the same time, they are also very curious about the - Daydream Me - starring list and can't wait to know more.

Zhuang Dafei as Lin Yujing

Zhou Yiran as Shen Juan

Chen Heyi as Fu Mingxiu

Fan Shiran as Gu Xia

Bian Tianyang as Wang Yiyang

Wang Chuan as He Songnan

Liao Yinyue as Xu Ruyi

Liu Jieyi as Li Lin

《Daydream Me》 is a youth growth drama directed by Deng Ke, starring Zhuang Dafei and Zhou Yiran, and starring Chen Heyi, Fan Shiran, Bian Tianyang, Liao Yinyue, Wang Chuan, Liu Jieyi, Jin Chao and others.

《Daydream Me》Starring List

The play is adapted from Qi Jian's novel of the same name. It tells the story of Lin Yujing's reunion with his former high school classmate Shen Juan in college, only to find that he has been immersed in the trauma of the death of his loved one.With the help of Lin Yujing and his classmates, Shen Juan walked out of the gloom and returned to the arena of life.

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