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《Insect Detective 2》Full episode plot (episodes 1-36)

Auth:Holy Son Time:Jun 03, 2024 Source:Network

The long-awaited Insect Detective 2 has already started airing, and we have to arrange the essentials for you to follow the show.Okay, this is what you have been waiting for - Insect Detective 2 - the complete episode plot (episodes 1-36). Collect it quickly. The editor will update it for you at any time.

《Insect Detective 2》Episode 1 plot introduction

《Insect Detective 2》Full episode plot (episodes 1-36)

In Thailand's red light district, a sudden murder broke the silence of the night.A woman was found dead in her bed by a foreigner who panicked and ran and called the police.Police responded quickly and upon arriving at the scene they discovered what appeared to be knife wounds on the woman's back, a discovery that further complicated the nature of the case.

Sheriff Chai was involved in this case while evading a blind date arranged by the chief.At the same time, Jin Ling, a forensic doctor who was sent to Thailand for exchange and study, also rushed to the scene.Due to the lack of surveillance equipment in the hotel, the detection of the case relied entirely on the professional skills of forensics and trace examiners.

As the investigation progressed, hotel guests were taken to the police station for questioning.In the process, Jin Ling accidentally met her boyfriend Tan Jingtian, and his appearance on this occasion surprised her.Tan Jingtian explained that he came to the taxi driver to retrieve his luggage, but he was accidentally involved in the incident.Although the occasion was unusual, Jin Ling still chose to believe Tan Jingtian's explanation.

However, things developed unexpectedly. Tan Jingtian admitted that he had entered the victim's room, an act that forced him to be taken away by the police according to procedure.At the police station, Tan Jingtian recounted his experience in detail: He took a taxi at the airport, and the driver suddenly accelerated after answering a phone call, as if there was something urgent.After arriving at the destination, the driver disappeared. Tan Jingtian entered the crime room to find the driver, but did not see the driver.

Tan Jingtian was particularly interested in one thing - a pendant on the driver's chest. It was a pendant in the shape of a blinding butterfly.Since Tan Jingtian is a graduate student in entomology, he is particularly interested in this insect.He secretly took a photo of the pendant and found the room where the driver might have been based on the instructions of the hotel staff.

After investigation, Tan Jingtian was eliminated as a suspect.When he left the police station, he ran into the taxi driver who made the report.The police sergeant was suspicious of the driver's behavior and asked the driver to look him in the eyes and tell him that he did not kill anyone.The driver was unable to do this and was taken away by the police.

Tan Jingtian's senior brother Liu Xiaoyu came to pick him up, and they will live together in Thailand.During the conversation, Tan Jingtian noticed some details on the back of Liu Xiaoyu's hands, but did not ask directly, but tentatively tried to understand his current situation.Tan Jingtian felt something unusual, but since his senior brother didn't say much, he couldn't ask further.

At the same time, Sheriff Cha and Jin Ling examined a charred corpse from 15 years ago.This body has never been found corresponding to the missing person, and the case has not been solved.According to the reporter's description, Chai suspected that Pai Tun, a former police colleague, was related to the case, so he arranged for officers to arrest him.

Paitun saw the photo of the deceased Shachu at the police station and was shocked by the news of her death.He admitted that he had met Shachu, but firmly denied that he would hurt her.When he saw the photos of Sha Chu's scars all over his body, he was heartbroken.Chai took Paitun to see the imprisoned driver, but the two parties did not know each other.Paitun said frankly that the relationship between him and Shachu was pure and mutual, and there was no exchange of interests.

By chance, when Paitun went to the bathroom, he found the driver hanging upside down from the ceiling, looking at him with a weird expression and a weird smile.This scene made Paitun shudder. The truth of the case seemed to be more complicated and profound than what appeared on the surface.

《Insect Detective 2》Episode 2 plot introduction

《Insect Detective 2》Full episode plot (episodes 1-36)

Tan Jingtian had just settled in the dormitory when he received a call from Jin Ling.Jin Ling informed that he would visit Liu Xiaoyu’s mentor’s home with Tan Jingtian in the evening.Although Tan Jingtian originally planned to pick up Jin Ling with his senior brother, Jin Ling said that he could go directly to his tutor's house after get off work and did not want to cause any trouble to them.

At Professor Tang's home, Tan Jingtian met Professor Tang for the first time.Professor Tang’s wife Sister Li Guo also came together.There is a portrait of Professor Song, an entomologist, who was the early mentor of Professor Tang and Liu Xiaoyu.Seven years ago, Professor Song bravely sacrificed himself to protect Professor Tang and other students from a swarm of wasps during a field collection.Therefore, Professor Song is not only their mentor, but also their savior.

During the dinner, Professor Tang repeatedly invited Liu Xiaoyu to come back to the laboratory to work together, but Liu Xiaoyu always deliberately avoided the topic and even refused to look at Professor Tang, as if he was deliberately hiding something.Although Professor Tang was not aware of these details, he still said that the door of the laboratory was always open to Liu Xiaoyu and he was welcome to return at any time.

Tan Jingtian noticed Liu Xiaoyu's abnormal behavior, including his lack of drinking, vomiting, and scars on the back of his hands, which convinced him that Liu Xiaoyu must be hiding something.At the same time, forensic doctor Mario discovered after an autopsy of a corpse that the deceased died of suffocation and had had sex with someone before his death. The evidence left in the body was consistent with that at the scene.After further investigation, the identity of the suspect Paitun was confirmed, but the injuries on the deceased were not caused by items in the room, and the specific situation required further investigation.

After dinner, Tan Jingtian, Jin Ling and Liu Xiaoyu returned to the dormitory together.Jin Ling prepared daily necessities for Liu Xiaoyu. She knew that researchers like them usually had no time to take care of their personal lives.Liu Xiaoyu keeps various ants in his room, and he likes to conduct research in the room.Jin Ling smelled a strange smell in the room, but did not mention it out of politeness.

Later, when Tan Jingtian sent Jin Ling home, Jin Ling smelled the same smell on Tan Jingtian.Tan Jingtian explained that this was the smell of neem oil, which is used to repel insects. His senior brother also used it in his room, mainly to prevent ants from crawling into the bed.Jin Ling suddenly remembered that he smelled the same smell at the scene of the Shachu crime. The driver who reported the crime claimed that it was the smell of aphrodisiacs he had brought, so it did not attract the attention of the police at the time.But Tan Jingtian was very sure that it was the smell of neem oil.

Jin Ling realized that the driver who reported the crime might have lied, and she decided to go to the police immediately.Tan Jingtian was worried about Jin Ling's safety and decided to accompany her.At the police station, they provided the police with information about the murder weapon.In the interrogation room, Paitun seemed very nervous. He did not admit that he had heard any abnormal sounds.But police found injuries under his clothes that were consistent with stab wounds from a soft sword.At this time, the driver who reported the crime had escaped from the detention center, leaving only a pair of shoes, and Paitun was probably the one who helped him escape.

《Insect Detective 2》Episode 3 plot introduction

《Insect Detective 2》Full episode plot (episodes 1-36)

In a complicated case, a driver who reported the crime became a key figure.The driver originally just wanted to find Paitun, but when no one was found, he broke into Shachu's room.Eager to learn the whereabouts of Paitun from Shachu, the driver used excessive force during questioning and accidentally strangled Shachu.Afterwards, he panicked, pretended to be scared and fled the room, and took the initiative to report the crime, trying to get close to Paitun in this way.

A bottle of neem oil was left at the crime scene, and it was an accident - the driver accidentally knocked it over, leaving a lingering odor that was difficult to remove despite his attempts to clean it up.To cover up the truth, he lied that it was an aphrodisiac he had brought with him, as the discovery of aphrodisiacs in a women's room did not seem to arouse much suspicion.In addition, the police accidentally disclosed the information of Paitun's mobile phone and credit card during surveillance, which made the driver realize that Paitun may have violated the regulations.

With the help of Tan Jingtian, the police found records of Paitun's use of credit cards from his mobile phone, and also used a power remote control application.This raises new questions: Why did Paitun use this control app, and why did he sit back and watch the driver Chopra leave the scene?Tan Jingtian speculated that Paitun may have deliberately set a trap and kept silent just to let Chopra fall into it.As a result, Chopra's life may be in danger.

Based on Tan Jingtian's analysis, the police decided to go to Paitun's home to look for clues.They believe that due to Patun's abnormal behavior, traditional interrogation methods may not be able to obtain effective information.After arriving at Paitun's house, they found some signs of being disturbed, indicating that Chopra had been here.Tan Jingtian found assassin caterpillars in the room, which contain enough toxins to cause death.This suggests that the app Paiton was operating on his phone may have been used to release these deadly caterpillars.

At Paitun's home, the police also saw photos of Paitun's wife, which made them realize that Shachu and Paitun's wife looked very similar, which may be one of Chopra's motives for the action.Tan Jingtian warned that if Chopra did come to Paitun's house, he may be in great danger now, because the venom of the assassin caterpillars takes a while to develop, and once it does, it must be treated immediately.

In order to find Chopra and solve all this, the police decided to release Paiton, hoping to find Chopra through him.As expected, Patun went straight to the hospital as soon as he was released from prison, trying to find and kill Chopra to avenge Shachu.However, all this was discovered by the police.At the last moment, Chopra expressed his willingness to pay for Shachu's life. He handed over his pendant and told the police the location of the butterfly specimen he found in Paitun's house.Tan Jingtian obtained these precious butterfly specimens, which were not only priceless, but also related to Paitun's past illegal act of smuggling insects to save his wife.

This case reveals the complexity of human nature and the gray area of ​​morality. Each character has his own difficulties and choices.In the process of solving cases, the police are not only tracing the crime, but also revealing the story behind each person.Ultimately, it was thought that these smuggled butterfly specimens should be returned to where they originally belonged and restored to their due dignity.

《Insect Detective 2》 Episode 4 plot introduction

《Insect Detective 2》Full episode plot (episodes 1-36)

In a convoluted series of events, Patun and Chopra's cases set off a chain of consequences.The police officer on duty was fired for dereliction of duty, and although the police sergeant made a major mistake, he was able to partially make up for it by catching Chopra in time.Despite this, Chai was sentenced to one year of probation.During this process, Chai's colleague De felt very sorry for his mistake, although Cha did not blame De for it.

On the other hand, Liu Xiaoyu's life is also full of twists and turns.His landlord couldn't stand the bugs he kept and asked Liu Xiaoyu to move out, which almost triggered a conflict between the two parties.Fortunately, Tan Jingtian intervened in time to dissuade him and avoided possible violence.Afterwards, Tan Jingtian apologized to the landlord and gave him a bottle of perfume as a gift of reconciliation. The landlord was finally moved by Tan Jingtian's sincerity and accepted the gift.

During the communication with his senior brother, Tan Jingtian found the medicine bottle on his bedside and learned that his senior brother had a history of inducing vomiting.The two candidly shared their respective states of depression, which also explained Liu Xiaoyu's emotional instability.Liu Xiaoyu revealed that the reason why he was unwilling to cooperate with Professor Tang in scientific research was because he did not want to see more beautiful butterflies disappear.This news surprised Professor Tang and Sister Li Guo and made them blame themselves. They realized that they might have ignored Liu Xiaoyu's feelings.

Tan Jingtian suggested that Liu Xiaoyu return to China temporarily to help him regain emotional stability, but Professor Tang had reservations about this.Professor Tang arranged a trip to Wat Arun to commemorate the anniversary of Professor Song’s death, hoping it would provide a shared moment of mourning.

Unfortunately, the landlord was found dead in his bed the next day.In an accident, Liu Xiaoyu was hit by a car while crossing the road and died on the spot.This series of tragedies made Tan Jingtian feel deeply guilty. He believed that his unfortunate physique may have brought disaster to the people around him.

At the police station, Jin Ling accompanied Professor Tang and Sister Li Guo to learn the details of the accident.The driver who caused the accident was an experienced driver, but his operating error led to the tragedy.In a meeting at the police station, Tan Jingtian mentioned the perfume he gave to Ji Layu, which attracted the attention of the police.During the subsequent investigation, the police discovered a lizard after re-examining the scene. The lizard was mistakenly considered unimportant and taken home.

Eventually, the police found traces of ants in Jilayu's room, which are considered the most poisonous insects in the world.This discovery brought a new twist to the case and gave Tan Jingtian and Chai a new understanding of the case.In this series of events, everyone is trying to find the truth while dealing with their own emotions and responsibilities.

《Insect Detective 2》Episode 5 plot introduction

《Insect Detective 2》Full episode plot (episodes 1-36)

In a shocking case, police found a Texas horned lizard and several insects in Jirayu's room.Through careful analysis, police detective Tan Jingtian showed his colleagues the possibilities hidden behind these findings.He explained that the Texas horned lizard is a natural enemy of the Maricopa bearded ant, and Gilayu's state of death suggested that there should have been hundreds of ants in his room.However, only a handful of ants were found at the site, which raises two possibilities: the ants may have flown away, or been eaten by the horned lizard.

Tan Jingtian further speculated that the existence of horned lizards may be premeditated, because the coexistence of horned lizards and ants will not only make the ants more active, but also prompt them to release more pheromones, increasing their toxicity.This made him suspect that Ji Layu's death was not an accident, but a carefully designed murder.During the case discussion, Tan Jingtian's analysis was recognized by the leadership, but some people had reservations about his credibility. After all, he was also one of the suspects in Ji Layu's death case.

During the investigation of the case, Tan Jingtian decided not to conceal the dispute between Liu Xiaoyu and Ji Layu.Under Jin Ling's persuasion, he confessed the situation to the police.Jin Ling hopes that Tan Jingtian can cooperate candidly so that the police can find out the truth.With the support of Jin Ling and other colleagues, Tan Jingtian shared his views with the police and participated in a more in-depth case analysis.

As the investigation deepened, the police received a report of a missing woman.The missing woman's name is Supan, a tattoo artist who specializes in butterfly tattoos.Photos found by police in her room showed that the butterfly she had tattooed was very similar to the one on a previous female body.This discovery quickly attracted the attention of the police, who began to suspect that there might be a connection between the two cases.

During the case discussion meeting, the police analyzed Supan’s background and living habits.She is a traditional girl with no bad habits.However, a butterfly tattoo on her arm appears to be technically imperfect and inconsistent with her usual approach.This attracted the attention of the police, who speculated that this tattoo may have been given to her by her boyfriend, and that this tattoo symbolized love.This clue provides a new direction for the investigation of the case.

In this series of complex cases, Tan Jingtian's role becomes more and more important.Although there are some doubts about his credibility, his expertise and contribution to the case cannot be ignored.Police continue to rely on his expertise in the hope of gradually uncovering the truth behind the case.In this process, Tan Jingtian is also working hard to prove his innocence while protecting those he cares about from further harm.

《Insect Detective 2》 Episode 6 plot introduction

《Insect Detective 2》Full episode plot (episodes 1-36)

In a small town in Thailand, a sudden memorial service was being held. Friends of Liu Xiaoyu came to the scene one after another to express their condolences for this good friend.As a close friend of Liu Xiaoyu, Li Guo was in extremely sad mood. Although the project she collaborated with Professor Song had made significant progress, she still couldn't calm down.In addition, her and Professor Tang's return plan has been finalized. They will leave Thailand the next day and return to China to handle the follow-up matters of the project.

In this emotionally heavy atmosphere, Jin Ling has been providing comfort by Li Guo's side.At the same time, Tan Jingtian also planned to return to China with Professor Tang, but because his residence was blocked by the police, he had to face accommodation problems.Jin Ling suggested that Tan Jingtian temporarily live in Chai's home. Although Tan Jingtian hesitated, he finally agreed with Jin Ling's continued persuasion.

Tan Jingtian's hesitation mainly stems from his fear that his %dangerous constitution may cause trouble to others.At the same time, Decha is investigating a bottle of homemade perfume that Tan Jingtian gave to Ji Layu. This bottle of perfume contains a variety of fruit ingredients, but strangely it does not contain alcohol.This causes the ants to be attracted to the scent and become extremely excited once Jirayu uses the perfume.De therefore suspected that this was a way for Liu Xiaoyu and Tan Jingtian to conspire to kill Ji Layu, but Cha had a different view.

Cha believes that the appearance of the horned lizard in Ji Layu's room is no accident, which is enough to prove that Tan Jingtian and Liu Xiaoyu have a motive to commit murder based on perfume alone.He further pointed out that Tan Jingtian took the initiative to provide information about the ants and horned lizards, which showed that he was unlikely to be the real murderer.

On the eve of leaving Thailand, Tan Jingtian and Jin Ling went to the police station to report their plans to return to the country.This news made De very angry because he still had doubts about Tan Jingtian.Chai analyzed the possible suspects in Ji Layu's case to De, and although De insisted on his own opinion, Chai still believed in Tan Jingtian's innocence.

Cha also pointed out that since both Liu Xiaoyu and Tan Jingtian have the habit of not locking the door before going to bed, and both take medication before going to bed at 11 p.m., even if there are outside sounds, they are unlikely to hear them.This adds to the complexity of the case, because the person who can move the ants from Liu Xiaoyu's room to Ji Layu's room is likely to be an acquaintance of Liu Xiaoyu.

At a critical moment in the investigation of the case, Chai Hede visited Professor Tang and Li Guo.Li Guo accidentally revealed the conflict between Professor Tang and Liu Xiaoyu during the conversation, which attracted Cha's attention.Cha hopes to get more details from Professor Tang about his relationship with Liu Xiaoyu.However, in order to avoid causing more trouble when he was about to leave Thailand, Li Guo chose to conceal the fact that Professor Tang was not at home on the night of the incident.

The investigation of the entire incident gradually deepens, and every detail may be the key to solving the mystery.In the process, everyone's roles and motivations are re-examined, and the truth is often hidden in seemingly ordinary details.

《Insect Detective 2》Episode 7 plot introduction

《Insect Detective 2》Full episode plot (episodes 1-36)

In a series of complicated events, Chai fully developed his speculation and suspected that Professor Tang was related to a mysterious case.As a senior scholar, Professor Tang was well aware of Liu Xiaoyu's living habits. However, Professor Tang's alibi that night was only provided by his wife Li Guo. Such evidence is obviously not convincing.Nevertheless, due to the lack of direct evidence, Chai could only allow Professor Tang to return to China temporarily.

Tan Jingtian, a professional detective, was confused by Cha's suspicion.He couldn't understand why Professor Tang would become a suspect.After returning to China, Tan Jingtian immediately threw himself into the investigation of another case - the death of famous sculptor Lin Meifeng from a bee attack.Lin Meifeng has been working with bees for many years and is well versed in their habits, so he should not be attacked by bees.Tan Jingtian's bold actions and in-depth understanding of bee behavior finally led the police to realize that this may be a murder.

Further investigation revealed the peculiarities of the case.Lin Meifeng's wife recalled that Lin Meifeng was stung by a bee during a wedding photo shoot a month ago, but the injury was not serious.However, Tan Jingtian found a green cover at the crime scene, which was consistent with Lin Meifeng's red-green blindness, indicating that this was a premeditated murder.In addition, the lighting at the crime scene was abnormal, and a green cloth cover was used instead of the usual red cloth cover. This detail was confirmed by a friend of Lin Meifeng's wife.

In another clue, Chai and De investigated Ji Layu's social relationships and discovered that he had a complicated private life and had seduced many young women, some of which ended in tragedy.Ji Layu's death seems to be related to revenge.They also discovered that the daughter of Wenren, the driver who killed Liu Xiaoyu, was once a student of Ji Layu and had a relationship with him.This discovery makes the case even more confusing.

Wenren had an alibi on the night of the crime. He worked in the night market, and many people could testify for him.However, the police found a video on his mobile phone from the night of the incident, revealing that he may be involved in Jirayu's death.This discovery has once again plunged a seemingly clear case into mystery.

The investigations of these cases reveal a complex interweaving of relationships and motivations, where every detail may hold the key to solving the mystery.In the process, Tan Jingtian and Chai's professional skills and intuition are pushed to the limit, and they must find the truth among the intricate evidence and testimony.

《Insect Detective 2》Episode 8 plot introduction

《Insect Detective 2》Full episode plot (episodes 1-36)

In a complicated case, Tina's father Wenren was taken to the police station for questioning.He revealed a shocking news: Liu Xiaoyu had reached a fatal deal with him.Liu Xiaoyu planned to kill Ji Layu, and then Wenren killed Liu Xiaoyu with a car at the agreed location, because Liu Xiaoyu was tired of life and wanted to end it this way.Wenren also mentioned that the video evidence in his possession regarding Ji Layu's death was originally sent to him by Liu Xiaoyu.

Wenren has been searching for Jilayu's whereabouts for many years, frequently changing working places to follow clues, but to no avail.In desperation, he uploaded the photos to the dark web in the hope that someone could help.Surprisingly, someone actually contacted him and promised to help him deal with Ji Layu.The other party asked Wenren to execute the plan at a specific time and place, and the target was a man wearing a black suit and holding flowers.

Tan Jingtian of the police learned all this, but he could not believe that his senior brother Liu Xiaoyu would be involved in such a conspiracy.Due to regulatory restrictions, the police cannot provide more evidence to Tan Jingtian, and there is currently no other evidence to prove that Wenren's words are false.

At the same time, another case is also under intense investigation.Lin Meifeng was murdered, and the police's suspicion turned to his young wife Kong Xue and her ex-boyfriend Li Yue.Kong Xuegang graduated from university and soon married Lin Meifeng. The circumstances of the crime scene made anyone related to the victim a possible suspect.Captain Ru speculated that this might be a love killing. The murderer might have intended to kill Kong Xue, but accidentally killed Lin Meifeng, or some of Lin Meifeng's actions inspired the anger of revenge.

Lin Meifeng's life was complicated. He had affairs with multiple married women, and some even committed suicide or suffered car accidents because of him.The police investigated his ex and other contacts and found that Lin Meifeng had many enemies.As for Li Yue, although he was taken to the police station for questioning, his behavior seemed to indicate that he had no motive for murder.

Tan Jingtian was unwilling to give up. He decided to investigate on his own and firmly believed that Liu Xiaoyu was innocent.He couldn't accept being accused of murder after his senior brother died.During a dinner, Cha revealed Wenren's confession to Jin Ling and expressed concerns about Tan Jingtian's impulsive behavior.Jin Ling then contacted Tan Jingtian, hoping that he could stay calm, but Tan Jingtian insisted on seeing more evidence.

Tan Jingtian also discovered a key piece of information: no one around Liu Xiaoyu knew that he had purchased insurance, not even his parents.This discovery makes Wenren's words even more untrustworthy.Jin Ling persuaded Tan Jingtian to stay rational, emphasizing that the police would be responsible for the investigation and would neither let go of the real criminals nor wrongly blame innocent people.

The investigations of these two cases are intertwined, demonstrating the complexity of human nature and the serious challenges of the law.Everyone is fighting for their beliefs and the people they love, and the truth is often hidden beneath the seemingly simple surface.

《Insect Detective 2》Episode 9 plot introduction

《Insect Detective 2》Full episode plot (episodes 1-36)

On a seemingly ordinary day, Chai accidentally discovered an ant box in Liu Xiaoyu's room. There was a dusty academic paper hidden at the bottom of the box.The paper, signed by Professor Song, involves a revolutionary pesticide technology.Chai realized that Liu Xiaoyu might have deliberately hidden the paper, and there must be his own reasons behind it.

Jin Ling was called in to translate the paper.He recalled Liu Xiaoyu's past actions and understood the importance Liu Xiaoyu attached to this paper.Liu Xiaoyu once said that he did not want to see the world's butterflies become extinct because of this pesticide, which may be the reason why he hid his paper.

Jin Ling sent the contents of the paper to Tan Jingtian, who immediately realized the importance of this technology.He began to delve into Professor Song's research and why the technology had not been made public.At the same time, old relationships on campus are complicated, and the emotional entanglements between Li Guo, Tang Dade, He Jingzhi and Zhou Hao gradually surface. Everyone has their own secrets and unknown difficulties.

In Thailand, the whereabouts of Tang Dade and Li Guo also attracted Tan Jingtian's attention.They seem to be inextricably linked to Liu Xiaoyu's secret.Tan Jingtian began to gradually uncover this layer of fog with the help of Team Ru.

On the other hand, Lin Meifeng's case is also gradually advancing.Captain Ru and Xiaoxiao investigated the backgrounds of the two deceased women and discovered their connection with Wang Benyi.Wang Benyi's life is full of tragedy. His wife and daughter died in a car accident. There are complex emotions and misunderstandings hidden behind this car accident.

Wang Benyi finally confessed that he was yellow-blue color blind.In his world, red and green dominate, and this is also part of the tragedy between him and Zhang Wenshan.After Zhang Wenshan learned Lin Meifeng's true identity, she decided to leave with her daughter, but encountered misfortune during the escape.

As the investigation deepened, Tan Jingtian and Captain Ru gradually figured out the ins and outs of the incident.Everyone's fate is intertwined, forming a complex network.In this network, everyone is fighting for their beliefs and love, even if it means having to hide the truth or face the cruelty of life.

This story is not only about the secrets of scientific research, but also a profound discussion about human nature, love and sacrifice.Each character has his own story, and each story is full of emotional twists and turns and moral tests.In this complex world, the truth is often hidden in seemingly mundane details.

《Insect Detective 2》Episode 10 plot introduction

《Insect Detective 2》Full episode plot (episodes 1-36)

By chance, Wang Benyi witnessed a conversation between Lin Meifeng and a woman in the corridor of the hospital, and learned that if Lin Meifeng was stung by a bee again, his life might be endangered due to hypersensitivity.This information gave Wang Benyi a dangerous idea - to use this to avenge his wife and daughter and make Lin Meifeng pay the price for his actions.

In order to achieve this goal, Wang Benyi began to plan carefully.He first conducted in-depth research on the behavior and habits of bees, and finally discovered a feasible method.He learned that Lin Meifeng suffered from red-green color blindness and decided to take advantage of this.Wang Benyi disguised himself as a sanitation worker, sneaked into Lin Meifeng's hive, and cleverly changed the color of the lampshade.In this way, when Lin Meifeng turns on the lights at night, the bees will attack because he cannot correctly identify the colors.

In another scene in the hospital, Wang Benyi notices the arrival of police team Ru and others, who are apparently here to investigate cases related to Lin Meifeng.Wang Benyi cleverly performed a play in the underground garage, pretending that he was also red-green blind, in order to deceive others and mislead the direction of the investigation.

With the successful completion of the revenge plan, Wang Benyi felt a sense of relief, although he paid a huge mental and physical price for it.He expressed gratitude for the arrival of the police, because it meant that his behavior would finally be judged and he could get some peace of mind.

However, the case did not end there.Team Ru and Tan Jingtian were puzzled by the details of the case. They suspected that Lin Meifeng's first bee sting might also be a carefully designed trap.In order to find out the truth, Tan Jingtian applied for a thorough inspection of Lin Meifeng's hive.In the hive, they were surprised to find a grimaced hawkmoth. Commonly known as the sugar moth, this insect is a beekeeper's nightmare and its appearance further confirmed their suspicions.

At the same time, He Jingzhi's body was found at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences. She also died from a swarm of bees.This incident attracted great attention from the police, and Captain Ru and Tan Jingtian rushed to the scene quickly.Through on-site investigation, they concluded that He Jingzhi died of poisoning. The specific situation still needs to wait for the autopsy results.

During further investigation, Xiaoxiao found Li Yue, who admitted that he had put the Grimace Hawkmoth into the hive, originally just to tease Lin Meifeng and make him embarrassed in public.This discovery makes the case even more confusing.

Another clue in the case points to Wang Xuan's sister Wang Xue, who changed her name to Kong Xue after her sister committed suicide and moved to another city.After looking at Wang Xue's photos, Team Ru realized that Kong Xue might have approached Lin Meifeng to avenge his sister.Although this speculation is reasonable, the police are unable to take action against Kong Xue due to the lack of direct evidence.

The entire case is complex, involving multiple characters and multiple layers of motivations.Every detail may be the key to solving the mystery, and the police must carefully comb through every clue in order to restore the truth and bring justice to the victims.

《Insect Detective 2》Episode 11 plot introduction

《Insect Detective 2》Full episode plot (episodes 1-36)

Mario seems to have a particularly deep affection for Jin Ling and always wants to find opportunities to be alone with her.As Mario's good friend, Chai sees things in his eyes, but he also understands the importance of protecting his friends.Therefore, whenever Mario plans to go out alone with Jin Ling, Chai will always find a way to join them, and even proposes an AA system to ensure that Mario will not feel burdened financially.During a common dinner, Cha revealed to Jin Ling the suspicion of Tang Dade in Liu Xiaoyu's case, which shocked Jin Ling because she had never suspected that Tang Dade and Li Guo would be involved in the matter.

After dinner, Mario insisted on sending Jin Ling home, and Chai insisted on following him. In the end, they sent Jin Ling home first, and then Chai took Mario's car back to his residence.At the same time, Tan Jingtian discovered that He Jingzhi's death was not a suicide, but a carefully planned murder.He immediately contacted Captain Ru and Xiaoxiao to analyze the case scene together.They discovered that the murderer used a unique method of wasps and water-soluble thread to bring the key into the laboratory through the crack in the door.By conducting experiments at the Entomology Institute in the laboratory, they verified the feasibility of this method. The wasps were able to successfully bring the key into the door, a discovery that surprised all the police officers.

On the other hand, Lin Meifeng's wife Kong Xue was released due to lack of murder evidence.Although Xiaoxiao hopes she can start over, she still has doubts about her past.Kong Xue explained that if she really intended to kill Lin Meifeng, she would not choose to call the police, but would make everything look like an accident.Before leaving the police station, Kong Xue handed a pair of color blindness correction glasses to Xiaoxiao, hoping that he would pass them on to Wang Benyi.Xiaoxiao fulfilled this request. After Wang Benyi put on his glasses, he finally saw the true color of the world, which also made him determined to change his life.

After leaving the police station, Kong Xue went to the cemetery to pay homage to her sister and placed a bouquet of flowers in front of the graves of Wang Ben's righteous wife and daughter.She saw a crying woman in the cemetery and felt very strange that she even looked at it a few more times.At the same time, Xiaoxiao informed Tang Dade and Li Guo of He Jingzhi's death. They were very surprised because they had been in contact with Zhou Hao the day before, but now Zhou Hao suddenly disappeared.Xiaoxiao asked them to cooperate with the investigation and learn about their whereabouts and possible witnesses in the past few days.

In Thailand, the suspicion of Liu Xiaoyu's case shifted to Tang Dade and Li Guo. Chai Hede told Jin Ling about the suspicion, but Jin Ling was dissatisfied with the indirect evidence.He Jingzhi and Liu Xiaoyu's accidents happened one after another, and Zhou Hao's disappearance caused him to suffer an extreme emotional breakdown.Despite this, he decided to disclose these matters at the press conference and planned to have children with Li Guo and live a peaceful life after the matter subsided.Li Guo hesitated after hearing this and said he would consider it after he was busy for a while.An accident occurred during the unveiling ceremony of the bronze statue at the press conference. After the red cloth was unveiled, Zhou Hao's body and a wasp were found in the glass box. This scene shocked everyone at the scene, and Tan Jingtian was also present to witness it all.

《Insect Detective 2》Episode 12 plot introduction

《Insect Detective 2》Full episode plot (episodes 1-36)

At a press conference full of tension, a shocking recording was made public, revealing the conspiracy of Tang Dade, Zhou Hao and He Jingzhi to kill Professor Song.The moment the recording was broadcast, Tang Dade collapsed emotionally. What made it even more difficult for him to accept was that it was his beloved wife Li Guo who planned all this.Many years ago, they and Professor Song jointly developed a patented technology that could bring huge wealth, but Professor Song refused to disclose it due to ethical considerations.For the sake of profit, Zhou Hao designed a cruel plan. As long as Professor Song disappears, not only the patent can be used, but Tang Dade can also get Li Guo's heart.

He Jingzhi accidentally learned of this plan. Tang Dade was unwilling to participate, but after being rejected by Li Guo, he decided to follow Zhou Hao's plan under the dual temptation of love and fame.He did not expect that Professor Song would sacrifice his life to protect them. This was something he did not expect.After the truth came to light, Tang Dade confessed to Li Guo that he was just the one being used, and everything that happened in the first place was because of his deep love for her.

At the critical moment, Li Guo handed Tan Jingtian a USB flash drive containing important information.Tan Jingtian found a syringe containing bee venom in Li Guo's bag and realized that Li Guo planned to use it on Tang Dade in the chaos.He stops Li Guo in time and notices the bee stings on her body.Tan Jingtian realized that Li Guo killed He Jingzhi and Zhou Hao in order to avenge Professor Song.Although Tan Jingtian had his own selfish motives, he tried to prevent Li Guo from continuing on the road of crime.

Faced with Li Guo's determination, Tang Dade chose to admit that he had killed He Jingzhi and Zhou Hao, although this did not make sense logically because he could not disclose his crime on such an important occasion.After Li Guo heard Tang Dade's confession, he decided not to let him take the blame for himself.She took out the bee venom syringe, pointed it at her neck, and confessed her crime.She revealed that she had murderous intentions after learning about the three people's recordings.She also mentioned that she had evidence that she was with her family on the day of the crime, and that she planned all of this in advance.

Tan Jingtian reluctantly revealed the truth. He stopped Li Guo to protect Tang Dade. Although Tang Dade was guilty, he should be tried by the law.Li Guo finally injects bee venom into her body, which is her final revenge.She hopes that Tang Dade will be miserable every day for the rest of his life, and this is her punishment for him.Although Li Guo was rushed to the hospital, the situation was not optimistic.She recalled that after Professor Song's death, she tried to commit suicide many times, but was saved by Tang Dade.However, after learning the truth, she felt extremely disgusted and painful about everything in the past.

《Insect Detective 2》Episode 13 plot introduction

《Insect Detective 2》Full episode plot (episodes 1-36)

In a tense night, Li Guo, Tang Dade and Zhou Hao returned home together and decided to have dinner together.Unexpectedly, He Jingzhi also joined the party aggressively.Li Guo keenly felt the abnormality of the atmosphere, so he found an excuse to leave early, but secretly left a mobile phone with the recording function turned on.The phone's recording was later played publicly at a press conference, revealing the truth about Professor Song's death many years ago.

After learning the truth, Li Guo lost control of her emotions for a while, but she soon calmed down and began to plan revenge.She picked up her family from the county seat, then pretended to be Tang Dade, called He Jingzhi, and invited her to Professor Song's laboratory to discuss the stock issue.He Jingzhi agreed without any warning.During this period, Li Guo began making bee venom at home.

In order to create his own alibi, Li Guo deliberately contacted Tang Dade and Zhou Hao through video calls when they went to Eling to show that he was with his family.This move was aimed at clearing himself from the suspicion of killing He Jingzhi.When they met, Li Guo took advantage of the moment when He Jingzhi was washing his hands and quickly stunned him with a prepared ether handkerchief, then injected bee venom and released the wasp.This series of her actions, just as Tan Jingtian guessed, took advantage of the wasp's sweet habit to create the illusion that He Jingzhi committed suicide.

After returning home, Li Guo hid in the bathroom alone and cried secretly.Years of pent-up emotions were finally released, and she could begin to liquidate those who had been unfavorable to Professor Song over the years one by one.She decided to retaliate in kind and let them experience the pain Professor Song suffered back then.Then, Li Guo contacted Zhou Hao, pretending that Tang Dade asked her to contact him, and asked him to meet in Eling.Zhou Hao never suspected it, but when he arrived at the scene, he only saw Li Guo.When Zhou Hao seemed guilty when asking about Professor Song, Li Guo took the opportunity to knock him out with a wine bottle, tied him up, injected bee venom into his abdomen, cleaned up the scene, and moved him to another location.On the way, Zhou Hao died of poisoning.Li Guo puts his body in a transparent box, releases the wasps, and throws his cell phone into the river.

At this point, Li Guo's revenge plan has only one unfinished goal.However, she didn't know that Tang Dade had already noticed the recording cell phone she left in the hotel.When Tang Dade went to draw the curtains, he found the mobile phone hidden behind the sofa cushion and realized that Li Guo had left it for recording.Therefore, in the recording, Tang Dade's words became cautious.In addition, Tan Jingtian deliberately mentioned the news about Liu Xiaoyu from Thailand in front of Li Guo and Tang Dade, implying that if Tang Dade had gone out with him instead of buying white chrysanthemums, the incident might not have happened.This surprised Li Guo. She became trance-like and could even see visions of Liu Xiaoyu being hit by a car on the road.

《Insect Detective 2》Episode 14 plot introduction

《Insect Detective 2》Full episode plot (episodes 1-36)

By chance, Tan Jingtian handed over his USB flash drive to the police and revealed his suspicions to them.He once deliberately mentioned Liu Xiaoyu's unexpected death in front of Tang Dade and Li Guo, and they were extremely shocked after hearing this.This made it impossible for Tan Jingtian to determine which person was suspected of the murder or whether they were complicit.In order to further test, he brought up the white chrysanthemum thing again, thinking that this could induce the real suspect to contact him actively and thus get rid of the suspicion.Sure enough, Li Guo called him later, which deepened Tan Jingtian's doubts.

Tan Jingtian disclosed his investigation results to Li Guo and believed that Liu Xiaoyu's death was probably related to an important manuscript written by Professor Song that year.Professor Song once discovered that although the technology developed by the research team he led can effectively eliminate pests and protect crops, it is extremely harmful to insects, especially butterflies, and may even lead to the extinction of certain species.Therefore, Professor Song resolutely gave up this research that could bring huge commercial benefits.But there are people who want to get this manuscript at all costs for fame and fortune.After Li Guo found out, she felt very complicated. She didn't expect that she would marry someone who might be involved in killing Professor Song.

Under Tan Jingtian's suspicion, he believed that Tang Dade might be the person who pretended to be Liu Xiaoyu on the dark web and exchanged murder plans with others.Since logging into the dark web will leave traces, Tan Jingtian hopes Li Guo can help verify this.Li Guo took advantage of Tang Dade's inattention and copied his darknet login records and chat records to a USB flash drive.This discovery made Li Guo determined to avenge Professor Song and Liu Xiaoyu.

Liu Xiaoyu's depression was also caused by Tang Dade.At that time, he was Professor Song's very trusted and optimistic student.Professor Song once asked Liu Xiaoyu to take the manuscript to the office to be shredded, and repeatedly told him that he must complete the matter himself.But on the way from the laboratory to the office, Liu Xiaoyu changed his mind and secretly kept the manuscript.After Professor Song's accident, He Jingzhi and Zhou Hao searched for the manuscript in the laboratory and destroyed all evidence against Tang Dade.They decided to make Tang Dade the research founder of this patented technology, so they could not leave any clues.

While in Thailand, Liu Xiaoyu accidentally discovered that Tang Dade had shown a strong interest in the manuscript.Although Liu Xiaoyu just casually said that he had seen the manuscript in China, Tang Dade's reaction made him alert.Later, Tang Dade took the opportunity to help Liu Xiaoyu move and tried to find the manuscript.Unfortunately, he was discovered by Liu Xiaoyu while peeking at the information.Liu Xiaoyu's mental state worsened day by day. He moved into the house rented to him by Tang Dade and Li Guo, and began to wonder whether a pinhole camera or bug was installed in the room.Every time he was alone with Tang Dade, he felt very scared.

Despite this, Tang Dade still kept looking for Liu Xiaoyu, hoping that he could continue to participate in the unfinished research.Liu Xiaoyu realized that Tang Dade's real purpose was to use him to obtain Professor Song's manuscript in order to make this technology public.After Tan Jingtian learned that Liu Xiaoyu suffered from depression, he was very worried. He privately approached Tang Dade and Li Guo and expressed the hope that Liu Xiaoyu could return to China to recuperate.This made Tang Dade panic. He did not want Liu Xiaoyu to return to China, so he decided to get rid of him as soon as possible.

《Insect Detective 2》Episode 15 plot introduction

《Insect Detective 2》Full episode plot (episodes 1-36)

After Tang Dade learned that Li Guo asked Liu Xiaoyu to buy white chrysanthemums, he quickly passed this information to Wenren so that Wenren could quickly find the target in the crowd.In the conversation with Zhou Hao, Zhou Hao hinted at the necessity of eliminating Liu Xiaoyu, which made Tang Dade strengthen his determination, although he had already made up his mind even without Zhou Hao's hint.

In the evening, Tang Dade personally delivered the horned lizard to Ji Layu, claiming that it was a favor entrusted to him by Liu Xiaoyu.He explained to Jirayu that the horned lizards could eat ants and could be kept in his room.Although Jirayu was afraid of this, after learning that the horned lizard could eat ants, he hesitated and finally decided to accept this unusual gift.Tang Dade then told Ji Layu that he needed to go to Liu Xiaoyu's room to deliver medicine. Ji Layu did not doubt this because he understood the relationship between them.

Tang Dade knew that Liu Xiaoyu would not wake up after taking the medicine, so he waited in Liu Xiaoyu's room until Ji Layu fell asleep.Then, with precise timing, he released the ants to lure them to Jirayu's room.The ants became more active due to the horned lizard's presence and climbed onto Jirayu's bed.When Jilayu woke up from being bitten by an ant, he had been poisoned. Although he struggled, he could not be saved.At this time, Tang Dade was outside the door, stretched the camera into the room through the crack of the door, and recorded Ji Layu's death scene.

After handling the scene, Tang Dade put the ants back into the incubator in Liu Xiaoyu's room, returned to the laboratory before the appointed time, and sent Ji Layu's death image to Wenren through the dark network.Wenren was very happy after seeing the image because he finally got his revenge.Seeing Ji Layu's painful death, his heart seemed to suddenly become brighter.However, he still needs to fulfill his previous agreement, which is to kill the person who helped him revenge, that is, Liu Xiaoyu, at the designated time and place.

At this time, Wenren did not know that the person he was talking to was actually Tang Dade, not Liu Xiaoyu.Without knowing it, he was used by Tang Dade and became his accomplice.When Tan Jingtian met Tang Dade in the interrogation room, Tang Dade also tried to make Tan Jingtian fall into self-blame, implying that people around Tan Jingtian always encountered misfortunes. Fortunately, Xiaoxiao reminded Tan Jingtian to stay awake and not to be influenced by Tang Dade.

Afterwards, Captain Ru, Xiaoxiao and others came to comfort Tan Jingtian. They told him that the deaths of people around him had nothing to do with him and that his appearance did not bring disaster, but brought the truth.This made Tan Jingtian feel very warm and moved.As the truth came to light, Liu Xiaoyu was buried and his reputation was cleared.Tan Jingtian now visits Wenhui in the nursing home whenever he has time. He truly cares and cares for Wenhui as his own mother.

Tan Jingtian told Jin Ling in Thailand about the domestic affairs.Jin Ling felt very sad after learning about Li Guo and cried alone in the forensic room.At this time, Chai came to see her, and after a brief greeting, the two began to discuss business.Jin Ling came up with a way to confirm the identity of the body, but this might destroy the integrity of the body.Chai agreed to Jin Ling's proposal without hesitation, and Jin Ling said he would contact relevant experts as soon as possible.Their conversation was captured by the camera on the other side. Mario was monitoring the forensic room and seemed very nervous after hearing that Jin Ling had found a way to check the identity of the corpse.

《Insect Detective 2》Episode 16 plot introduction

《Insect Detective 2》Full episode plot (episodes 1-36)

In an atmosphere full of parting, Tan Jingtian was about to leave. At the airport, Captain Ru, Xiaoxiao and others came to see him off, their eyes full of reluctance.Tan Jingtian's departure made everyone feel particularly heavy.However, this is only the beginning of the story, and Tan Jingtian's journey is far from over.

After returning to Thailand, Tan Jingtian first went to the police station, where a sincere apology from De was waiting for him.In order to express his apology, De also deliberately learned Chinese, which surprised and touched Tan Jingtian.After understanding that the good intentions behind De's behavior were to solve the case, Tan Jingtian accepted his apology, and the relationship between the two eased.

At the same time, Jin Ling accompanied Mario to testify in court on official business. In order to express his gratitude, Mario gave Jin Ling three days of vacation.Jin Ling was extremely excited. Without any hesitation, she immediately decided to go on vacation with Tan Jingtian to enjoy the rare leisure time.She hurriedly told Tan Jingtian the good news and urged him to find a suitable vacation spot.

However, for Tan Jingtian, who is not familiar with the local area, choosing a vacation location is not an easy task.Jin Ling made only one request - to leave Bangkok in case Mario suddenly changes his mind.After asking Tan Jingtian about it, although he couldn't think of any good suggestions for a while, Tan Jingtian finally remembered a place that Tang Dade once mentioned, where there were many butterflies and the scenery was pleasant.

Chai recalled that the place was not far from his hometown, but it required a long drive from Bangkok.He offered to accompany them and act as driver.Jin Ling and Tan Jingtian did not refuse, and it was more fun to have one more person accompanying them.However, things are not that simple during the journey.

During the journey, Jin Ling gradually felt unhappy.Out of politeness, Tan Jingtian sat in the passenger seat and chatted with Chai, while Jin Ling sat alone in the back seat, feeling ignored.As her emotions gradually accumulated, she decided to drive herself during a break, hoping to vent her dissatisfaction in this way.Tan Jingtian and Chai were confused by Jin Ling's sudden change of mood.

As the weather gradually worsened and heavy rain fell suddenly, the vehicle accidentally rolled into a ditch. Tan Jingtian crushed Jin Ling in the chaos, almost causing serious consequences.The three of them worked together to check the condition of the vehicle and found that they were unable to move the vehicle alone, so they decided to seek help from nearby villagers.

After trekking hard in the tropical rain forest, they found a butterfly-shaped Buddhist amulet. Following the guidance, they found a village.There happened to be a wedding taking place in the village, and according to local custom, they were also invited to the banquet.However, when the host discovered that they had eaten more, they looked unhappy.In order to express his apology, Tan Jingtian and Chai gave all the money in their pockets to the host's family.

During the communication with the villagers, they learned that an eldest sister was the bride's natal family, and other natal family members were unable to attend due to bridge damage during the rainy season.The eldest sister asked them to temporarily act as natal family members to ensure that the wedding went smoothly.Considering the current predicament, Tan Jingtian and Chai decided to stay.

As time went by, they felt more and more strange about this village.There were signs shaped like butterflies everywhere in the village. They also met a woman in a wheelchair with scars on her face. She told them not to walk around the village and to rest as soon as possible.This series of events filled their hearts with doubts and uneasiness.

《Insect Detective 2》Episode 17 plot introduction

《Insect Detective 2》Full episode plot (episodes 1-36)

In a remote village, three guests from the city, Tan Jingtian, Jin Ling and Chai, had to share two rooms because of the limited number of rooms.Chai was afraid of sleeping alone, so he crowded with Tan Jingtian and Jin Ling.There was nothing to say all night. When Chai woke up the next morning, he found Tan Jingtian and Jin Ling sleeping hand in hand. He wanted to take pictures, but found that his phone was out of battery.

The atmosphere in the village became festive because of the upcoming wedding banquet, and the groom's family was busy preparing various matters.However, the sudden disappearance of the matchmaker Dusi makes people feel that something is fishy.Despite this, the host decided not to wait any longer and started the tea ceremony directly.During the ceremony, the village chief suddenly foamed at the mouth and fainted after eating the biscuits handed by the bride. Jin Ling confirmed after examination that the village chief was poisoned by cyanide.Despite first aid, the village chief died of poisoning, which coincided with his birthday. Tragedy struck before his birthday.

The groom's mother collapsed emotionally after hearing the bad news, fainted and cried when she woke up and said this was “retribution”.When Chai asked for details, the groom's father suddenly violently stopped him. This scene shocked everyone present.Tan Jingtian and Jin Ling were arranged to another room, while Chai decided to go out to find out the truth.Due to the remoteness of the village, it is difficult for the police to arrive quickly even if they receive a call, which makes the situation even more urgent.

In another room, the village chief's wife lost control of her emotions because of her husband's sudden death and demanded compensation from the groom's family.While the two sides were arguing, several butterflies flew into the room, and one of them landed on the village chief's nose.The villagers reacted extremely exaggeratedly, kneeling down one after another and chanting the words that the Butterfly Fairy appeared.Although Tan Jingtian and Jin Ling were puzzled by the villagers' words and deeds, they saw the extraordinary status of butterflies in the hearts of the villagers.

Chai learned from the villagers that Niang Dusi was a notorious human trafficker, and many people in the village had done business with her.This made Tan Jingtian and Jin Ling realize that the bride from the groom's family might have been bought from Niang Duisi.In addition, the only telephone line in the village was cut, making calling the police a luxury.Through these clues, Tan Jingtian and others concluded that the village chief's death was not an accident, but a long-planned murder.

The next day, the groom mysteriously disappeared and the bride was kidnapped. Then they found their unconscious son in the nearby woods.This series of events makes this already extraordinary village even more bizarre.Tan Jingtian once again needs to use his wisdom and courage to uncover the fog and find out the truth hidden behind it.

Throughout the incident, the butterfly's appearance and the villagers' reactions, as well as the groom's mother's remarks, all point to a hidden secret.In this village full of tradition and superstition, every detail may be the key to solving the mystery.As for Tan Jingtian and Jin Ling, as outsiders, their roles and actions will be the key to changing the fate of this village.

《Insect Detective 2》Episode 18 plot introduction

《Insect Detective 2》Full episode plot (episodes 1-36)

This story takes place in a remote small village and tells the story of a bizarre serial murder case.The groom died mysteriously on the wedding day. Police officers Jin Ling, Chai and Tan Jingtian took over the investigation of the case.While inspecting the groom's body, Jin Ling discovered a butterfly chrysalis in the groom's mouth.The groom's mother, Tongpala, was distraught and claimed that the butterfly came to take revenge.Jin Ling determined that the groom died within 4-8 hours.

After discussion, Chai, Jin Ling and Tan Jingtian decided to first understand the "retribution" mentioned by Tong Pala.At the same time, De has brought people to look for Cha.Tan Jingtian thought of the aunt who fed them, so they decided to ask the aunt first.Chai revealed his identity as a police officer to the aunt, and the aunt told the truth.It turns out that Hu Die was the bride bought by Parra's eldest son, and this girl is Songxi, who is now sitting in a wheelchair with scars on her face.

Tong Pala's two sons have mental problems, and Hu Die has been trying to escape since being kidnapped.Later, Tong Pala's husband raped Hu Die, and then Hu Die held a wedding with her eldest son. The eldest son later fell down and died, but no abnormalities were found.Tong Pala decided to let his second son and Hu Die get married again, but there was a mysterious fire at home, Hu Die was burned to death, and Song Xi was also burned on the face.According to the aunt's description, since Hu Die's death, the family has been cursed, with accidents always happening and women crying.

Chai and Tan Jingtian came up with a method. Tan Jingtian put the butterfly in a bottle and explained to Tong Pala that this kind of butterfly was an ordinary butterfly, and the red blood was the butterfly's feces.They want Tong Pala to tell Hu Die's story.Tong Pala told that she once met a psychic master who came to the village to perform religious services. The master told her about Hu Die being burned to death, and asked her to arrange a Buddha statue for Hu Die. Six months later, he asked her to marry her second son.Daughter-in-law, if she is a mute without a father or a mother.

According to the master's jingle told by Tong Pala, Cha judged that the next person to die should be the bride, so they wanted to protect the bride.The bride was locked in a warehouse by Tong Pala's husband and sent them to find someone, but Tong Pala's husband stopped her.Chai and Jin Ling tried to find a way to deal with these people and asked Tan Jingtian to rush into the warehouse, only to find that the bride had hanged herself.The Germans had already found the car that sent them, and he decided to let everyone search separately. If they found someone, they would shoot to make it clear.

《Insect Detective 2》Episode 19 plot introduction

《Insect Detective 2》Full episode plot (episodes 1-36)

Jin Ling rescued the bride in time and put her out of danger.However, they found the hanging body of the matchmaker in another corner.Now that the bride has been saved, Cha thinks that the key target of protection is Tong Pala.Jin Ling judged that the matchmaker's death time should be three days ago, while Chai thought it was on the wedding day because she did not appear at the scene that day.Based on the 42-yard footprints seen where Chai's second son's body was found, Jin Ling speculated that the murderer should be a man, and that the man in the family who had interacted with them and knew relevant information was the psychic wizard.

Chai explained his identity to the bride and wanted to take her away from here.The bride was willing to leave with them, but not far away, she heard the screams of Tongpala's husband.They rushed back and found that Songxi was beating his father, pouring gasoline and preparing to burn him to death.Songxi no longer pretended, she revealed that she was actually Hu Die, and Songxi had been burned to death in the fire that year.

Hu Die told his story.At that time, Tong Pala's husband forced his eldest son to rape Hu Die, but the eldest son had intellectual problems and did not understand the affairs of men and women at all, so Hu Die was raped by his future father-in-law, Wulai Wang.From then on, Wu Laiwang often bullied Hu Die behind his family's back.Hu Die couldn't bear it anymore and decided to burn down the home and die with them.On the night of the fire, Hu Die was afraid that Ulaiwang would come to see her again, so she hid in Songxi's room.She wanted to escape with Songxi, but she failed and was knocked unconscious.By the time the fire was put out, Hu Die's whole body had been burned.In order to survive, she pretended to be Song Xi.

Although Hu Die survived in the name of Song Xi, she still could not get rid of U Lai Wang.Her secret was discovered by U Lai Wang, and later she was blackmailed by U Lai Wang. As long as she did not comply, he would reveal Hu Die's true identity.Hu Die has been enduring for revenge, and now the day has finally come for him to take revenge.Hu Die said that he did not kill his eldest son. He died while running. That should be the real retribution of the family.But I don't believe that Hu Die can complete the murder on his own from his mother to the village chief and then to his second son.

Hu Die stood up from the wheelchair and told them that she had grown up in the circus, and the people present may not be stronger than her. Moreover, she was not Songxi and had good legs, so it was not difficult for her to complete the murder.Hu Die took all the responsibilities on herself, and then threw the lighter on Wulaiwang. The fire spread to her body, and Hu Die committed suicide holding the gas pipe.

Jin Ling hoped that Tong Pala could leave with them and start a new life. After all, she was the only one left in this family, and she was also trafficked.The aunt and her children didn't want to leave, so she went back to get some food for them.But before they could leave, the men from the village chased them and stopped them from leaving, asking them to leave the woman behind.It's hard to reveal your identity as a police officer, but people here are not afraid of the police at all.Tan Jingtian thought of a way to use the biological phenomena of nature and acted out a play with Chai, pretending that the butterfly fairy appeared.

Tong Pala took the lead in kneeling down to worship the Butterfly Fairy and gave them time to leave.Tong Pala knew that she couldn't leave, and Cha said that she would definitely come back to find her.

《Insect Detective 2》Episode 20 plot introduction

《Insect Detective 2》Full episode plot (episodes 1-36)

Unfortunately, Tan Jingtian was held hostage by Base. Jin Ling and Chai saw this and were very anxious.Chai tried his best to persuade Base, and finally made Base loosen his hold on Tan Jingtian.Chai immediately took action to control Bakse and forced him to reveal his identity.Tan Jingtian originally didn't want Base to reveal more, but Base knew Tan Jingtian's good intentions and considering that his sister Hu Die was no longer alive, he decided not to hide it anymore.

Base and Hu Die grew up together in the same orphanage. Later, Hu Die was selected by the circus owner.Although the siblings are deeply in love and reluctant to be separated, the circus only recruits girls.Hu Die proposed to let the Base men disguise themselves as women and join the circus, and the circus owner agreed to take them both.As time went by, Bakse gradually became accustomed to dressing up in women's clothing, and even seemed to like it.As an adult, he worked in a bar and was teased by customers for dressing up in women's clothing.One day after get off work, a customer discovered his true identity and beat him in anger.Upon seeing this, Hu Die bravely stood up to protect Bakse. As a result, the two sides clashed and both were injured.Pakse was deeply shocked and began to wonder if there was something wrong with him.However, Hu Die always encouraged him to be his true self without caring about other people's opinions.

After Hu Die was kidnapped, Base searched for her whereabouts and finally came to Ulawang's house.However, the news he received was that Hu Die had died in the fire.In the house where Hu Die died, Base unexpectedly met Tong Pala and overheard his conversation, thus learning of Hu Die's tragic experience.From that moment on, Bakse was determined to avenge Hu Die.

Basse had disguised himself as a psychic sorcerer and induced Tongpala to act according to his instructions.The reason why he mentioned half a year later was because he planned to complete a crucial thing during this period - saving Hu Die.For this reason, he went to the hospital to undergo sex reassignment surgery, and then deliberately appeared in front of human traffickers, was successfully kidnapped, and was eventually resold to the Ulawang family by Niang Dusi.The reason why Base chose this path was, on the one hand, for Hu Die, and on the other hand, it was also to fulfill Hu Die's wish so that she could live the life she wanted and become a woman.

Base didn't understand how Tan Jingtian found out his identity.In fact, Tan Jingtian had doubts as soon as he noticed Base's feet, and during the pulling process, Base's abnormal strength only deepened his doubts.In addition, when his second son was killed, Base was present with him at the scene and cleverly disguised himself as the victim by binding himself, successfully avoiding suspicion.

Base admitted that he killed the village chief because he colluded with his mother to brutally abuse the abducted father and daughter.The village chief thinks very highly of himself and thinks he is the local emperor.So, according to the village custom, Base mixed the poisonous almond cake into the cake when offering it, and placed it in a conspicuous position to ensure that the village chief would choose it.In addition, Base also admitted to killing Niang Duisi because he knew that Niang Duisi had the habit of observing him on the eve of the wedding, so he took the opportunity to kill her.However, regarding the death of his second son, Basse insisted that he was not the murderer.After discovering that his second son had died in his sleep, he simply put a pupa into his mouth and threw his body into a pond in the back mountain.Base believes that whether he kills one person or two people, the crime is equally serious, but he will never admit to a crime he has not committed.

Jin Ling thought of the sudden death of her eldest son and the family photos she had seen, and speculated that the two brothers might have suffered from some kind of disease that caused organ malformations, especially heart problems.However, this is only a preliminary guess, and the details need to be confirmed through autopsy.As the investigation deepens, the truth of the case gradually emerges - Bakse came to this village for revenge.

《Insect Detective 2》Episode 21 plot introduction

《Insect Detective 2》Full episode plot (episodes 1-36)

Tan Jingtian asked Base if she had cut the phone line. Base did not know about this. He recalled that he guessed that his sister Hu Die had cut the phone line. She should have recognized it when he first arrived in the village.own.But why doesn't she recognize him? If his sister recognizes him, he will definitely take his sister away from here, so that they can be together for the rest of their lives.Tan Jingtian guessed that Hu Die learned about Base's revenge plan and decided to support him, so Hu Die did not recognize Base and secretly helped him.

It was indeed Hu Die who was secretly cooperating with Base. When Hu Die found out that Base had killed her mother, she climbed up a tree and cut off the phone line. When she found out that Base wanted to exchange for poisonous macaroons, there were too many people around.He couldn't make a move, so Hu Die deliberately knocked down his second son with a wheelchair. Everyone went to help him, and Base had the chance to make a move.Later, one rainy night, Base carried his dead second son to the back mountain. Because the roads here were all dirt, walking after rain would definitely leave footprints. Hu Die had been observing Base secretly. She waited until Base returned to the room.Finally, the footprints were blurred with a piece of wood.Base was very sad. He didn't know why Hu Die was like this.

Bakse did not plan to kill Ulaiwang, which Jin Ling could not understand, because at present, Ulaiwang is the most hateful person. Tan Jingtian analyzed that Bakse did not know that Hu Die was still alive, so he did not knowWhat Wulaiwang did to Hu Die, the only enemies in his heart were the village chief and his mother Dusi.Based on what happened in the past few days, Tan Jingtian inferred that another reason why Hu Die did not recognize Base was that she knew their police identities. Because Hu Die had been observing secretly these days, she knew that she could not recognize Base. Once they met,If the two of them left, they would soon be suspected, so she chose to expose herself and die together with Ulaiwang. This not only avenged herself, but also passed the news that she was still alive to Bakse, and took all the blame.On himself, so that Bakse can have a chance to survive.

With Tan Jingtian and Chai and the others here, Base will be taken away by them. Then he will not be suspected, and he can naturally live well.Tan Jingtian and the others now understood what Hu Die said before she died. She said that she had no family, and now for her, death was a happy thing, so she wanted to die with the beast Wulaiwang.At that time, after Base learned that Hu Die revealed his true identity, he lost control of his emotions many times. He cried very sadly. It turned out that he was not afraid, but because he knew that in this world, his only relative was still alive, and Hu Die actually replaced him.He took all the sins on himself.

Hu Die finally hoped that they could rescue the abducted women in this village and hope that they could live a good life for him.Then she committed suicide holding the gas can.Base did not expect that his only relative would live a hellish life during the days when he was separated from him, and finally die in front of him. He was in great pain.

《Insect Detective 2》Episode 22 plot introduction

《Insect Detective 2》Full episode plot (episodes 1-36)

In a quiet mountainous area, a few elementary school students who accidentally broke in accidentally discovered a body. The incident quickly attracted the attention of the police.Since the main police officer Jin Linghe Chao was not present, Officer Mario received an order to go to the scene.At this time, Chai and Jin Ling were in the depths of the tropical rainforest, facing a moral and legal choice: Tan Jingtian hoped to release Base, but as a police officer, Chai insisted on reporting the true situation to the judge and did not agree to let Base go privately.color.

Tan Jingtian is worried about Bakse's future. He knows that once Bakse enters prison, he will suffer great suffering.Although Jin Ling persuaded him to trust Cha, Tan Jingtian was still disappointed because of Cha and Jin Ling's police status.During a dispute, Chai was accidentally hit by a stone when he was taking Bakse out, and Bakse took the opportunity to escape.Jin Ling and Tan Jingtian realized that Cha might have let Base go on purpose, and they decided to testify for Cha, claiming that Base cunningly attacked the police and then escaped.

After returning to Bangkok, Chai and Jin Ling immediately went to the forensic room to continue investigating a corpse-burning case.At the same time, while working overtime, Jin Ling and Mario discovered that the charred corpse case data from fifteen years ago was missing, and learned that other police stations had taken away the data because they found clues about the missing women.Mario tried to let Jin Ling go home to rest, but Jin Ling decided to stay and continue the investigation.

Supan's case has not progressed for a long time. The director was very dissatisfied with this and Chai was under tremendous pressure.Some police officers proposed to combine the two charred corpse cases, but forensic results showed that the two corpses died in different ways. One was starved to death, and the other was tortured to death.In addition, Jin Ling feels that she has been being followed, and it turns out that it was a homeless man who developed feelings for her because of her contact with Mario.

Mario was threatened by the homeless man on his way home, but luckily a vehicle appeared and he was able to escape.After returning home, Mario recalled his childhood and felt very scared and sad.The next day, he drew a portrait of the homeless man and conducted an investigation at the homeless gathering place, and finally learned that the homeless man was called “Prince Rama”.

Tan Jingtian continued to help Chai solve cases in Thailand. He knew that Chai was currently under great pressure, so he worked harder, hoping to help Chai perform in front of the director.At the scene, Tan Jingtian discovered the eggs of the ground gidding bug, which usually appears on burned trees.He deduced that the body had been burned about six days earlier.In addition, he also found adults and pupae of burial beetles, and speculated that there may be other corpses nearby.Sure enough, after digging 30 meters deep, they found another body tied with iron chains.

《Insect Detective 2》Episode 23 plot introduction

《Insect Detective 2》Full episode plot (episodes 1-36)

This is a crime mystery TV series full of suspense and human exploration.The main line of the story revolves around a series of disturbing cases of scorched corpses. Chai (played by Tan Jingtian) and his team continue to pursue clues and try to find out the true identity of the murderer behind the scenes.At the same time, the plot is also interspersed with the inner monologues and emotional entanglements of several main characters, allowing the audience to gain an in-depth understanding of their past and present.

Chai's father was once responsible for a similar case of burnt corpses, but the case was not solved in the end.Chai firmly believed that this case was not an accident because the scene was too clean and there was nothing to prove the identity of the deceased.The current charred corpse case is giving Chai a headache. He must solve the case as soon as possible to avoid more victims.Jin Ling (played by Tan Jingtian's wife Jin Ling) and Tan Jingtian gave Chai a great deal of confidence and support.

Mario (played by Mario) cried loudly in the bathtub at home, recalling his former girlfriend Supan.The two once had couple tattoos, but Mario eventually killed Supan because he suspected she was a witch.Mario's behavior is despicable, but the plot also hints at his inner pain and distortion.

The relationship between Tan Jingtian and Jin Ling is also reflected in the play.Tan Jingtian told Jin Ling that it takes 21 days to form a habit.When the two were preparing to have dinner, Tan Jingtian received a call from the police officer and rushed to the police station.They found out the identity of the latest scorched corpse. The deceased's name was Zong Lavimon, a 26-year-old Internet writer.A reader discovered that she had not updated her work for a long time, so she reported the case.

Unfortunately, they also found Daniel who had contact with the deceased.According to the information provided by Daniel, he and Zonglavimon were young and had a good relationship.Zonlavimon once sent Daniel a story she had written, and Daniel's name was in it, but Daniel was curious why she wrote herself as a scarab.

Tan Jingtian, Chai and others went to Zonglavimon's home and found that there were no books about insects in her home, but they found a sexy red dress.According to the package information, Zonravimon was killed before he could enjoy love.Tan Jingtian guessed that she could only see men at night based on Zonglavimon's creative manuscript.Chai and Jin Ling analyzed that the man had a fixed job and it was inconvenient to show up during the day, so he only had time to come see her at night.

Tan Jingtian and others concluded that the man associated with these scorched corpses was probably the same person.The man's footprints found at Suphan's house were missing a little toe, and in Zongravimeng's fairy tale, the man who inspired her also had a disabled foot.Tan Jingtian thought about the teeth. The teeth should not be burned, and the identity of the deceased could be found out.During the inspection, they found that the deceased's mouth contained an emblem that had not been completely burned. Based on the pattern on it, Tan Jingtian found out that it was the emblem of a German insect research association.

This TV series combines suspense reasoning, human nature discussion and emotional entanglement, allowing the audience to gain an in-depth understanding of each character's inner world while pursuing the truth.The plot has twists and turns, constant suspense, and is fascinating.The actors' excellent acting skills also add a lot of charm to the plot.This work is undoubtedly an excellent work worth watching.

《Insect Detective 2》Episode 24 plot introduction

《Insect Detective 2》Full episode plot (episodes 1-36)

During an ordinary investigation, the staff of the Entomological Society unexpectedly discovered that they could not contact a woman named Lanya.At the same time, they were also involved in a new case-the death of a homeless man named Prince Rama.In the hands of Prince Rama, they found a cuff, which they speculated might have been torn from the murderer during a struggle.Faced with this situation, they decided to search Lanya's residence first, hoping to find her. If she was safe and sound, they would apologize to her; if she had been killed, this would provide a new direction for the case.

Prince Rama's cause of death was quickly determined to be a drug overdose.However, no syringe was found at the scene, leading De to speculate that someone had deliberately injected him with drugs.When re-examining the death scene, Chai Hede led a police dog and found a needle about fifteen or six meters near the body.According to De's analysis, if it was a suicide, the needle should be near the deceased; but if it was a homicide, why would the murderer bury the needle near the body?All this requires further examination and investigation.

Surveillance video from Lan Ya's workplace provides new clues to the case.The video shows that Lan Ya is a very introverted person and has almost no close contact with colleagues, especially male colleagues.However, they spotted Prince Rama in the video, who had been watching Ranya out of the window many times.This surprised Chai. There seemed to be some connection between Prince Rama and Lanya, but whether Lanya was killed because of Prince Rama requires further investigation.

Prince Rama was originally a stage actor who got his name from his role as Prince Rama.Chai and De began to investigate his social connections, especially his former colleagues.According to the information they provided, Prince Rama did have several people with whom he had quarrels, including a luthier and his nephew.Because these people could not shake Prince Rama's protagonist status, they may have secretly conspired to harm him.It is said that they injected Prince Rama with drugs while he was drunk, causing him to become addicted to drugs. Eventually, he was unable to continue his stage career and gradually became a homeless man.

On further investigation, De found some homeless people and asked them about Prince Rama.They told De that a handsome man came to see Prince Rama a few days ago with a portrait. Although they did not see it with their own eyes, they heard that this man came to see him.They also knew that Prince Rama fell in love with a girl who often brought him food. After seeing Lanya's photos, they confirmed that it was her.Prince Rama also wrote many poems for her.

During this period, Tan Jingtian and Jin Ling were dating. In order not to be disturbed, Tan Jingtian turned off his mobile phone.However, Jin Ling did not turn off her cell phone, and as a result, she called them and asked them to go to the police station.Chai took the cuff and asked Jin Ling if he had seen it before. Jin Ling remembered that Mario had worn a similar shirt, but this didn't mean anything.Later, Cha played a video of Prince Rama stalking Jin Ling and attacking Mario in the parking lot. Jin Ling was very surprised by this and couldn't understand why Prince Rama did this and what was the problem between him and Mario.

《Insect Detective 2》Episode 25 plot introduction

《Insect Detective 2》Full episode plot (episodes 1-36)

The others began to analyze the video footage and found many things they couldn't figure out.First of all, why did Prince Rama conflict with Mario? Why didn't Mario call the police after being threatened? Jin Ling has always believed in Mario. After all, he is a forensic doctor and it is impossible to do anything that violates the law, but now there are too manyThere are many doubtful points that cannot be explained clearly.

De brought the news that Lan Ya had been killed, and Cha was very angry.These good girls died tragically one after another, and now Mario is under serious suspicion.Ka followed Chai's order and brought Mario to the interrogation room. After all, he was a colleague of the police station. Kaa repeatedly asked Chai to confirm whether it was appropriate to do so. Chai looked at him, and Ka didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he had to do as he said.I have to admit that Mario has a very good psychological quality, and even though Mario showed a lot of evidence against him, he was able to cope with it easily, but he did not admit that he killed Prince Rama.

Chai really couldn’t figure it out. If Prince Rama had a motive for killing Lanya, why would he commit suicide if he killed Lanya? And where did he, a homeless man, get the money to buy those drugs? According to the information provided by other homeless people, LuoPrince Mo has been recovering from drugs for some time.Prince Rama even followed Jin Ling many times, but they didn't know each other. How could he follow her many times without any reason? There are too many mysteries now.

The Physical Evidence Section found new clues and found ant information on the needle, and arranged De to contact Tan Jingtian. Now, once there is information related to insects, Tan Jingtian's assistance is needed.Tan Jingtian indeed found an ant hole at the scene, but the number of ants in the hole was very small.Based on the location of the ant hole where the needle was found, Tan Jingtian used his professional knowledge to analyze that Prince Rama was likely to commit suicide.Because there is an ant circle in entomology, that is, under the condition of task intervention, ants will walk in a circle. Once a few ants start, more and more ants will join later, and they will not stop.down until similar.Therefore, according to the situation at the scene, it is very likely that Prince Rama used the ant circle to drag the needle to a place more than ten meters away from him. In addition, the needle was not buried deep when it was found, so it can be judged that it was done by ants.Differential Analysis The reason why Prince Rama committed suicide to create the illusion of homicide was to let the police discover the cufflinks in his hand. However, as for Prince Rama knowing so much about the ant circle theory, Tan Jingtian cannot explain this at present.

Since Prince Rama committed suicide, Mario's suspicion can be removed for the time being. In addition, the director has been urging them to release him, so they had to arrange for someone to go through the procedures to release Mario first.However, Cha still had doubts about him, so before Mario left, he deliberately knocked over a chair and hit Mario's right foot. When Mario took off his shoes and rubbed his feet, Cha looked at his feet and found that he wasIf there are little toes, then they don’t fit the portrait of their murderer.

When Mario returned to the forensic laboratory, his hallucinations became more and more serious. Even Jin Ling looked like a victim in his eyes. Jin Ling was very puzzled by Mario's state.

《Insect Detective 2》 Episode 26 plot introduction

《Insect Detective 2》Full episode plot (episodes 1-36)

In a series of complicated cases, Chai took the initiative to admit to Tan Jingtian that his inference errors were wrong. Despite this, Tan Jingtian still believed in his own judgment and was not affected by the identity of the suspect.During the in-depth investigation of the case, De found the nephew of a luthier, who revealed that Prince Rama had robbed him of drugs.What is even more shocking is that the nephew also witnessed the entire process of Prince Rama committing suicide after injecting drugs.This action of Prince Rama seems to be intentional and meant to accuse someone, as can be seen from Mario's cufflinks that he clutched before his death.

When Tan Jingtian was discussing the case with his colleagues, he recalled a case in China where a master of Jinling had mentioned that the impact of drugs on insects might cause forensic doctors to misjudge the time of death.This information provides a new perspective on the investigation of this case.Previously, there were cases where drug-influenced insects caused the death of a body to be advanced by twenty-nine hours, or more than a day.This discovery requires more detailed examination of the case to confirm the truth.

During further investigation, Chai attempted to contact Jin Ling, but was unsuccessful.De expressed alarm about this, believing that if these cases were related to Mario, Jin Ling might be in danger.After Tan Jingtian learned about this situation, he showed great nervousness and decided to find Jin Ling in person.After confirming Jin Ling's safety, they planned to go to the laboratory to collect samples.However, things were not that simple. Mario suddenly proposed to take Jin Ling to Sukhothai House to check for new clues about a charred corpse from fifteen years ago. Jin Ling followed Mario without thinking much.

After Jin Ling left, Tan Jingtian and Chai went to Lan Ya's home to investigate.There they found the wings of a prized white witch moth in a trash can, along with some vials of drugs.These bottles were also found in Jin Ling's laboratory. According to regulations, bottles with this number should not appear in private insect research institutes.This discovery made Chai decide to take pictures and ask Jin Ling, while Tan Jingtian thought it was necessary to go to the laboratory to check in person.

As the case progressed, Jin Ling's phone suddenly became unreachable and the situation seemed urgent.Chai and Tan Jingtian quickly headed to the laboratory, and also went to Mario's home on the way.In Mario's house, they found a vicious book describing the torture of women. The book also contained photos of the victimized women, including a photo of Jin Ling.This discovery confirmed Mario's criminal behavior.After Jin Ling realized that Mario was abnormal, he tried to send a message for help, but was unsuccessful.She spots the signal jammer behind the car, but before she knows it, Mario is knocked unconscious.

When Jin Ling woke up, he found that he had been taken to a remote place by Mario.Mario told her about his childhood past, including how his adoptive mother was burned to ashes fifteen years ago.In Mario's eyes, all the women he loved were ultimately considered by him to be the incarnation of witches.This delusion stems from his memories of his adoptive mother and his distorted perception of witches.

With the help of the city's police force, Chai and Tan Jingtian finally found the place where Jin Ling was held hostage by Mario and successfully rescued her.After the case is solved, Mario is diagnosed with schizophrenia, which explains his behavior of viewing all beautiful women as witches.Chai won an award for this, and Tan Jingtian, accompanied by Jin Ling, gradually overcame his fear of the truth and became more brave to face reality.

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