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《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Introduction to the full plot and episodes

Auth:Hungry Wolf Time:Mar 04, 2024 Source:Network

The recently aired Season 2 of Classics of Mountains and Seas left a deep impression on people, both in terms of the various details of the characters and the climax of the plot.The following is some content that the editor has provided for the audience on the episode-by-episode introduction of the second season of Classic of Mountains and Seas.

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Episode 1 plot introduction

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Introduction to the full plot and episodes

In distant ancient times, a group of ancestors lived in the eastern land.They looked up to the sky and down to the earth, trying to understand and describe this mysterious and vast homeland.Their observations and thoughts were condensed in the ancient book - The Classic of Mountains and Seas, which became an important document for future generations to study the Eastern Continent.

《The Classic of Mountains and Seas》is not only a geographical work, but also a cultural treasure full of magical fantasy.The book records in detail 550 famous mountains and 300 water veins, showing the ancestors' detailed observation of natural geography.These mountains, rivers and water veins are not only symbols of nature, but also the residence of the gods in their hearts and the source of mysterious power.

The more than 400 mysterious beasts in the book are the crystallization of the imagination and creativity of our ancestors.These strange-looking mythical beasts are not only their awe of the unknown power of nature, but also their attempt to understand and master the laws of nature.The existence of these mysterious and strange beasts makes "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" full of mystery and magic, which makes people marvel.

At the same time, the Book of Mountains and Seas also records the stories of more than 100 historical figures and more than 40 states.These historical figures and states are true reflections of the social life of our ancestors.Through their stories and legends, we can get a glimpse of the social style and cultural characteristics of that time.The heroic deeds of these historical figures and the rise and fall of states also provide valuable historical information for future generations.

The Book of Mountains and Seas is unique in its writing form. It uses geographical location and mountain and river trends as its structure to systemize all kinds of strange and magical fantasy.This structure makes the whole book feel both systematic and free, rigorous and mysterious.This unique book form not only demonstrates the ancestors' profound understanding of nature and society, but also reflects their unique aesthetic pursuit and cultural characteristics.

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Episode 2 plot introduction

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Introduction to the full plot and episodes

In the long history of mankind, life and death have always been an unavoidable theme.You, me, and we, as part of all living beings, witness the birth and death of life together, and participate in this eternal replacement of life.In ancient Chinese mythology, the cycle of life and death is endowed with mysterious and sublime significance, becoming the source of the beginning of the world.

In mythology, the image of Nuwa stands at the beginning of time. She is not only a god of creation, but also a symbol of the cycle of life and death.The death of Nuwa is not the end of life, but a new starting point.Her body turned into mountains and rivers, her breath turned into wind, clouds and thunderstorms, and her blood flowed into rivers, lakes and seas.From her death all things came to life.This philosophical thought of interdependence between life and death and endless reincarnation is deeply rooted in the cultural tradition of the Chinese nation.

In the myth of Nuwa, we can see mankind's profound thinking on the issues of life and death.The end of life does not mean the disappearance of everything, but the beginning of another form.This cyclical process is the embodiment of the orderly replacement of life.The death of Nuwa and the birth of all things form a perfect closed loop, symbolizing the eternity and immortality of life.

For every individual, life and death are equally important topics.The birth of life means a new beginning, a future full of infinite possibilities.The end of life is the end of a cycle, a process of returning to nothingness.But in this process, we should not only see the opposition between life and death, but also the connection and transformation between them.

In the journey of life, we may not be able to change the facts of life and death, but we can choose how to face it.We can cherish every moment and live out the value of life; we can also leave our own traces at the end of life and become the memory of future generations.

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Episode 3 plot introduction

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Introduction to the full plot and episodes

In ancient myths and legends, Jianmu is a magical and solemn giant tree.Its image is described in detail in the Book of Mountains and Seas, and it has become an important symbol that connects heaven and earth and communicates between gods and humans.

The tall and straight trees, green leaves and purple stems, and Xuanhua and yellow fruits give people a solemn and mysterious feeling.Its trunk is straight and slender, as if it can reach straight into the sky and touch the edge of the sky.It has no branches, which means that it has no slanting branches on its huge body, making it look particularly simple and solemn.However, at the top of the tree, there are some winding branches growing, which are coiled up like a huge umbrella, providing a mysterious and solemn space between heaven and earth.

According to the "Book of Mountains and Seas", Jianmu is not only a huge tree, but also a sacred existence located at the center of the world at the beginning of the world.Its roots are twisted and intertwined, going deep into the ground, as if they are integrated with the earth.This deep foundation makes Jianmu an important bridge connecting heaven and earth, and communicating between gods and humans.

What’s even more surprising is that wood is not only a miracle of nature, but also an important element in myths and legends.It is said that at the top of the building, the emperors of the heavens could go up and down, and it became a mysterious road to heaven.This mysterious attribute makes Jianmu taller and more sacred in people's imagination.

The image of Jianmu has been widely mentioned in ancient documents and myths and legends. It is not only a natural landscape, but also a cultural symbol.It represents people's awe and worship of nature, the universe, and mysterious power.Through the image of Jianmu, people try to understand the mysteries of nature and explore the relationship between humans and the universe.

In modern society, although we can no longer see the solemnity and mystery of Jianmu with our own eyes, we can still feel its charm through ancient documents and myths and legends.As a part of ancient culture, building wood not only enriches our spiritual world, but also provides us with a new perspective to understand and interpret ancient culture.

Jianmu, this mysterious and majestic giant tree, will continue to stand in people's imagination and become an eternal symbol that connects ancient and modern times and connects heaven and earth.

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Episode 4 plot introduction

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Introduction to the full plot and episodes

In China, almost everyone's growth is accompanied by some magical stories, most of which originate from an ancient and mysterious book - The Classic of Mountains and Seas.This work, known as an ancient wonder book, is not only a precious material in geography, but also a shining pearl in the cultural treasure house of the Chinese nation.

《The Classic of Mountains and Seas》has attracted the attention of countless readers with its unique geographical pattern and fantastic biological descriptions.The concentric geographical layout described in the book, surrounded by mountains and seas, shows the ancients' profound understanding of the relationship between heaven, earth and all things.The strange people and animals recorded in the book are full of mystery and imagination, and have become the source of literary and artistic creation for later generations.

More than three hundred years ago, a geographical painting called "General Map of the World" appeared in Korea.With its fine brushwork and accurate composition, this painting clearly presents the geographical pattern described in the Book of Mountains and Seas.This not only proves the wide spread and far-reaching influence of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" at that time, but also demonstrates the deep roots of cultural exchanges between North Korea and China.

In China, the research and inheritance of the Classic of Mountains and Seas has never stopped.The emergence of Ming Dynasty illustrated books has presented the strange people and animals in this ancient book to the world in a clearer and more vivid image.These exquisite illustrations not only provide readers with an intuitive feeling, but also provide valuable information for future researchers.

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Episode 5 plot introduction

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Introduction to the full plot and episodes

The Classic of Mountains and Seas, an ancient Chinese document, is known as China's oldest geographical museum.It describes in detail the geographical features, rich products, profound history and colorful folk customs of various places.However, it is this seemingly real and credible information that is filled with a strange atmosphere of religion, mythology and witchcraft, making readers feel like they are in a fantasy and mysterious world.

In this natural history, it is not difficult to find descriptions of various astonishing exotic animals.These strange beasts not only have strange appearances, but also mix and match the characteristics of various creatures, ignoring the normal biological order.They may be huge and powerful, or they may have strange shapes and strange functions.Among them, the man-eating monsters described in Nanshan, Dongshan, Beishan and other places are even more impressive.Their body structure is full of incredible mix and match elements, showing an image that is both powerful and muscular.

Among all the exotic animals, the roe owl is undoubtedly the most eye-catching one.It also has a more familiar name - Taotie.The image of this monster often appears in ancient Chinese culture and art, and it represents greed and excessive desire.The image of the roe owl is usually depicted with huge, protruding eyes and a huge, devouring mouth, symbolizing endless greed and desire.

These strange beasts and fantasy elements in the Book of Mountains and Seas make this geographical natural history not only a record of nature and humanity, but also a mysterious work full of fantasy.These seemingly absurd descriptions actually reflect the ancient Chinese people's exploration and imagination of nature and the unknown world.

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Episode 6 plot introduction

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Introduction to the full plot and episodes

In the deep space 150 million kilometers away from the earth, there is a huge nuclear reactor, which is our sun.The light and heat of the sun are like fire in the universe, sowing in the endless space of the universe, bringing the light of life to the earth.Under the rays of the sun, the earth captures one-ten thousandth of the sun's energy, and then gives birth to a variety of beautiful life.

In ancient Chinese mythology, the sun is not alone, it has many brothers and sisters.These myths and legends are the ancestors' simple understanding of the universe and nature, as well as the poetic expression of their desire for the reproduction of life and light.The sun, as an important role in mythology, together with many gods, constitutes the fantasy world of Chinese mythology.

The ancient Chinese mainland, with its vast land and complex topography, became the starting point for our ancestors to understand the world.By observing nature, they felt the trends of mountains and rivers, the flow of water veins, and the various mysterious and strange beasts living on this land.These rich natural elements and mysterious life forms are recorded in the ancient book - The Classic of Mountains and Seas.

《The Classic of Mountains and Seas》with its unique written form and content, shows the ancestors' knowledge and understanding of the world.The book contains more than 31,000 words. It is structured with geographical locations and mountain trends, and connects all kinds of strange and magical fantasies.This unique arrangement not only makes the contents of the book clear and organized, but also gives readers a sense of freedom, mystery and magic.

The 550 famous mountains, 300 water veins, more than 400 mysterious and strange beasts, more than 100 historical figures and more than 40 countries in the book are all fantasy worlds constructed by ancestors through observation and imagination.These elements are intertwined with each other to form magnificent and colorful pictures, showing the infinite imagination and creativity of the ancestors about the world.

The book form and content of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" not only amazed later generations of researchers, but also provided us with a window into ancient Chinese culture and thought.Through this book, we can understand the awe and curiosity of our ancestors towards nature, life and the universe, and we can also feel their yearning and pursuit for a better life and future.

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Episode 7 plot introduction

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Introduction to the full plot and episodes

In ancient Chinese myths and legends, there is a shocking story, which is recorded in ancient books such as "The Book of Mountains and Seas".It was an unprecedented disaster, with scorching heat steaming the earth, scorched vegetation, volcanoes erupting, and lava overflowing.Such a disaster scene is vividly described as "ten suns on top", which means that ten suns appear in the sky at the same time, scorching the earth mercilessly.

Imagine how difficult life would be in that extreme environment.The blazing sunshine not only makes the earth dry and cracked, but also makes it difficult for life to survive.It is said that witches on earth were eventually killed by the heat because they could not bear the extreme heat.This scene is not only an exaggerated description of natural disasters, but also a profound reflection of the survival crisis faced by ancient people.

However, in desperate moments, there are always heroes who stand up.In this story, Yi, the hero who shot the sun, is such a being.He stood up bravely and decided to fight against the ten suns.He held a bow and arrow and shot down nine suns, restoring life to the earth.

This story is not just a myth, it also contains profound cultural connotations.It tells us that when facing huge disasters and challenges, humans need to have the courage, wisdom and strength to deal with them.The image of Yi has become a heroic model in the hearts of ancient Chinese people, and his story has been passed down to this day and has become a spiritual symbol.

For all of us, life is precious and fragile.Although the change of life is orderly, the relationship between life and death is full of countless challenges and possibilities.In this world full of unknowns, we need to have the courage, wisdom and strength to face the difficulties and challenges in life like Yi.

At the same time, this story also reminds us to cherish natural resources and protect the environment.In the face of natural disasters, humans need to unite and respond together.Only in this way can we create a better future in this challenging world.

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Episode 8 plot introduction

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Introduction to the full plot and episodes

In the ancient book - Classic of Mountains and Seas, Great Eastern Classic -, there is a hidden narrative about mysterious creatures and natural wonders.In this narrative, there is a one-legged beast named Kui and a giant tree named Jianmu, which together form a mysterious scene at the beginning of the world.

One-legged Kui, this strange creature lives in Liubo Mountain deep in the East China Sea.Its image is strange and eye-catching, like a green bull without horns, but with only one foot supporting its entire body.Whenever Kui comes in and out of the water, the sky will be filled with wind and rain, as if its appearance is closely related to the breath of heaven and earth.Kui's body has its own light, which is as bright as the sun and the moon, illuminating everything around him.And his voice is even more deafening, like thunder roaring from the sky, which is awe-inspiring.

The existence of Kui is not only a strange creature, but also a symbol of the mysterious power of nature.Every time it appears, it is accompanied by changes in wind and rain, as if nature is showing its endless majesty and power.Kui's unique appearance and voice have become a mysterious legend spread among people and a unique scenery in the depths of the East China Sea.

And in the center of the world, there grows a giant tree called Jianmu.This huge tree is hundreds of feet tall, but it doesn't have a single branch. Its trunk is straight and tall, like a pillar between heaven and earth.Jianmu's leaves are a verdant color, while the stems have a purple sheen, its flowers are a deep black, and its fruits are bright yellow.This giant tree is not only beautiful and spectacular, but also full of mysterious power.

The existence of Jianmu is not only the magnificence of a tree, but also a symbol of the beginning of the world.As a giant tree at the center of the world, it carries the breath and power of heaven and earth.Every leaf, flower, and fruit seems to be telling ancient secrets and legends.

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Episode 9 plot introduction

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Introduction to the full plot and episodes

Dragon, this mysterious and majestic creature, has been deeply rooted in the cultural tradition of the Chinese nation since ancient times.The images of dragons are ever-changing, but each one carries profound historical and cultural connotations.

In the Song Dynasty, which was nearly 800 years away from us, there was a painting called Nine Dragons. The image of the dragon in the painting was vivid, as if it were alive on the paper.They bared their teeth and claws, turning over the clouds and rain, showing a domineering attitude.This painting is not only a delicate depiction of the image of a dragon, but also a reflection of the social culture at that time.Dragon, as a symbol of imperial power, represents supreme power and majesty.

And when we go back to ancient China five thousand to six thousand years ago, we will see another completely different image of dragons.In the ruins of the Hongshan Culture, the dragon-shaped artifacts unearthed show another style.These dragons have smooth bodies, long snouts on their heads, flying manes, and hook-like bodies. They are known as the first dragon in China.This image of the dragon is more original and closer to the original intention of the dragon as totem worship.

There is more than one dragon-shaped artifact unearthed from the Hongshan Culture, which shows that the worship of dragons began in ancient times.As a totem, the dragon represents the strength and faith of the tribe.By worshiping the dragon, people hope to receive blessings from the gods and ensure the prosperity and prosperity of the tribe.

Over time, the image of the dragon has gradually evolved. From primitive totem worship to a symbol of imperial power, to today's cultural symbol, the dragon's status continues to change.But what remains unchanged is that the dragon has always been an important part of the Chinese culture. It represents the wisdom, courage and strength of the Chinese nation.

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Episode 10 plot introduction

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Introduction to the full plot and episodes

Among the cultural heritage of ancient China, the Classic of Mountains and Seas is undoubtedly a very unique book.It is known as China's oldest geographical museum and describes in detail the geographical features, product resources, historical heritage and colorful folk customs of various places.However, it is precisely these seemingly real and credible descriptions that hide supernatural elements such as religion, mythology, and witchcraft, constructing a mysterious world full of fantasy.

In this mysterious world, people use rituals such as burning incense, wearing heavy makeup, and beating gongs and drums to try to communicate with God and expel the monster named - Ba.Ba, as a god that symbolizes drought, its appearance often heralds the coming of disaster, causing drought, no rain, and no harvest wherever it goes.Such beliefs and customs not only reflect the ancient people's helplessness and fear of natural disasters, but also reflect their desire for a better life and their worship of supernatural powers.

The strange beasts recorded in the Book of Mountains and Seas are full of fantasy and mystery.These strange beasts not only have different shapes, but also have extraordinary abilities. They ignore the normal biological order and exist in this mysterious world in a mixed way.The depiction of these strange beasts is not only an imagination and exaggeration of unknown creatures in nature, but also a manifestation of people's worship and awe of supernatural powers.

Although many of the descriptions in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" have strong religious, mythological, and witchcraft overtones, we cannot simply regard them as absurd and weird works.On the contrary, it reflects the ancient people's cognition and imagination of the world, and is their unique thinking and expression on issues such as nature, society, and life.These thoughts and expressions not only enrich our cultural heritage, but also provide valuable clues for us to understand the beliefs, customs and cultural mentality of ancient societies.

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Episode 11 plot introduction

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Introduction to the full plot and episodes

In ancient Chinese myths and legends, the sun is not only an astronomical existence, but also a symbol of culture, faith and vitality.There is a myth about a giant racing against the sun. This story not only reveals ancient people's understanding of the movement of the sun, but also deeply reflects their desire for light and life.

It is said that in distant ancient times, there was a giant with infinite strength who persistently chased the sun in the sky.The cane in his hand became his support in his race against the sun and a symbol of his fight against fate.Finally, he caught up with the sun and entered the blazing ball of light.The heat of the sun made him thirsty, so he drank all the water from the Yellow and Wei rivers, but his thirst was still not quenched. Finally, he went north to find water in Daze, but died of thirst on the way.His discarded walking stick turned into a lush peach forest, providing shade and fruits to subsequent travelers.

This mythical story not only shows the ancient Chinese people's understanding of the movement of the sun, but also gives the sun color of life and emotion.The sun is not only a fireball in the sky, but also the source of life and the messenger of light.The giant's pursuit of the sun is not only a pursuit of life power, but also a yearning for light and hope.

At the same time, we have to mention another wonderful book in ancient China - The Classic of Mountains and Seas.This strange book records 550 famous mountains, 300 water veins, more than 400 mysterious and strange beasts, more than 100 historical figures and more than 40 countries. It has a unique writing form and a sense of freedom and mystery.and a sense of magic, providing abundant imagination space and research materials for future researchers.

《The Classic of Mountains and Seas》Using geographical location and mountain and river trends as a structure, it combines all kinds of strange and magical fantasies to form a huge and mysterious fantasy world.This world is full of magic and unknowns, as well as the ancient Chinese people's awe and curiosity about nature, life and the universe.

Through the study of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas", we can get a glimpse of the ancient Chinese people's understanding and imagination of the land they lived in.By observing nature and feeling life, they integrated their emotions, beliefs and expectations into these magical fantasies, thus creating a colorful and vibrant mythical world.

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Episode 12 plot introduction

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Introduction to the full plot and episodes

In Chinese myths and legends, there is a mysterious bird hidden in Zhang'e Mountain - Bi Fang.It has an elegant appearance, resembling a crane but not a crane. It has only one foot and green and red feathers. It is beautiful and unique.What's even more peculiar is that when it chirps, the sound seems to be calling its own name: - Bifang, Bifang.——Some people describe its cry as similar to the crackling sound made when burning bamboo wood, as if it heralds the coming of some kind of disaster.

In the imagination of the ancients, the appearance of the Bifan bird was often related to fire.Perhaps because its cry is similar to the sound of fire, or perhaps because its appearance often heralds the coming of natural disasters.In the Book of Mountains and Seas, there is a vivid description of the Bi Fang bird and the scorching natural disaster.

It was a terrifying period called the Ten Suns, when ten suns appeared in the sky at the same time, scorching the earth.The vegetation withered under the endless sunshine, volcanoes erupted, magma overflowed, and the earth seemed to have turned into a sea of ​​fire.Witches in the human world could not survive in such hot weather, and they died one after another, leaving behind tragic memories of that era.

In this context, Yi, the hero who shot the sun, appeared.He shouldered the heavy responsibility of saving the world and shot down nine suns with divine arrows, restoring tranquility and peace to the earth.

Although the Bifan bird and the scorching natural disaster are just myths and legends, they reflect the ancients' deep fear of natural disasters and their desire for heroic rescue.These stories are not only depictions of natural disasters, but also profound reflections on human nature, courage and sacrifice.

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Episode 13 Plot Introduction

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Introduction to the full plot and episodes

During the Spring and Autumn Period, amidst the changes in history, a dream of Duke Ping of Jin caused quite a stir.According to historical records, Duke Ping of Jin saw a red bear in his dream. The bear seemed to be peeping at him through the screen, causing him to wake up with lingering fears.

Duke Ping of Jin was deeply disturbed by this dream, so he asked Zichan, a wise man at that time, for advice, hoping to get the answer to the dream.After hearing this, Zichan pondered for a moment and then began to tell a long-standing legend.

He said that in the ancient prehistoric era, the Gonggong clan had a capable minister named Fuyou. He had a red face, always looked left and right when walking, and always seemed to be smiling when he spoke.But this minister does not seek benefits for the people of the world, but often brings harm to the king.According to legend, Fuyou was defeated by Zhuanxu. After his defeat, he chose to sink into the abyss of the Huaihe River.

Zichan continued to explain that according to ancient books, if the king sees floating above the court, it means that his life will be in danger; if he sees him under the steps of the court, the world will be in turmoil;If you meet him at the door, the ministers of the Imperial Guard may cause trouble; but if you see him in the hall, although it is somewhat unlucky, the harm is relatively small.

Zichan finally told Duke Ping of Jin that now you only see this red bear in your dream, which is a symbol of floating. It peeks at you through the screen, but it does not hurt you. This may be a warning from the gods..In order to pray for peace of mind, you may wish to offer sacrifices to Zhuanxu and Gonggong to show respect and hope to resolve potential ominous omens.

After hearing this, Duke Ping of Jin, although he was still a little uneasy, felt that what Zichan said was quite reasonable, so he followed Zichan's suggestion and performed the corresponding sacrificial rituals in order to achieve inner peace and national tranquility.

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Episode 14 Plot Introduction

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Introduction to the full plot and episodes

In ancient Chinese myths and legends, the story of Dayu's flood control is a household name, and his wisdom and perseverance are praised by future generations.However, in the history book Wu Yue Chun Qiu, a more mysterious and fascinating episode is recorded: a nine-tailed white fox visited Yu, indicating that he was about to get married.This prophecy soon came true, and Yu married a girl from the Tushan clan.With the passage of time, the images of Tushan Nvjiao and the nine-tailed fox gradually superimposed in the legend, as if Dayu really married a nine-tailed white fox. This strange and profound plot triggered endless reveries of future generations..

The nine-tailed white fox, as a mysterious creature in ancient Chinese mythology, is often regarded as a symbol of auspiciousness or disaster.In many ancient texts, nine-tailed foxes play an important role. They are either charming, clever, or sometimes even the incarnation of gods.In the Wuyue Spring and Autumn Period, the appearance of the nine-tailed fox is closely connected with Dayu's marriage. This detail not only enriches the connotation of the mythical story, but also provides rich interpretation space for future researchers.

Tushan Nujiao, as the wife of Dayu, also has an extraordinary background.The Tushan clan is an ethnic group with a long history and culture in ancient China. As a member of it, Nvjiao is not only beautiful, but also has innate wisdom and talent.Her union with Dayu is undoubtedly a beautiful story in mythology.

However, with the passage of time, the images of Tushan Nvjiao and Nine-tailed Fox gradually merged in the legend. The cultural significance and symbolic value behind this phenomenon attracted widespread attention.On the one hand, this fusion reflects the awe and curiosity of ancient people for mysterious things, and they tried to explain and shape the real world through myths and stories; on the other hand, this fusion also reflects the ancient culture's views on marriage, family, and mysterious power.multiple understandings and imaginations.

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Episode 15 plot introduction

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Introduction to the full plot and episodes

The common imagination about nature and the origin of the universe also reflects the profound exchanges and influences between different cultures.

In Chinese mythology, Xi soil is a magical soil that can grow to infinity.It is recorded in the Book of Mountains and Seas that when the flood was raging, Gun secretly stole the emperor's soil to block the flood in order to save the people.However, he acted without permission from the Emperor of Heaven and was eventually killed.In this story, the flood symbolizes chaos and disaster, while the Emperor of Heaven represents the supreme divine power.Gun's behavior of stealing soil not only demonstrated his bravery and wisdom, but also reflected his love for life and challenge to order.

At the same time, there are similar plots in Indian mythology.In Indian culture, the chaotic water is a stage before creation, and the creator god is responsible for creating a new world.In this process, there is a theory that the Creator God fished out soil from the deep sea and used it to create land.This is similar to the plot in "The Book of Mountains and Seas" in which Gun obtained soil from the Emperor of Heaven to create land.However, in Indian mythology, the animals that scoop up the earth are usually appointed by the creator god, which is in contrast to Gun's unauthorized actions.

Although the two cultures differ in detail, their commonalities are also evident.Whether it is the Emperor of Heaven in Chinese mythology or the Creator God in Indian mythology, they all represent the power to create and control the world.The soil and the soil fished out from the deep sea symbolize the origin of life and the birth of the world.Gun and the animals that pull the soil are the executors of these forces. Through their actions, they achieve the transformation from chaos to order.

It is worth noting that although the two stories are different in form, they both express human beings' awe of nature and the universe, as well as their exploration of the origin of life and the order of the world.This commonality not only reveals the diversity of human culture, but also emphasizes our common pursuits and experiences when facing nature and the universe.

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Episode 16 Plot Introduction

《The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2》Introduction to the full plot and episodes

In the long river of history, there are always some doors that quietly open, revealing to us the secrets hidden deep in the dust of time.The age of myth, that period full of fantasy and mystery, is gradually transforming into legend, becoming the stories in our mouths and the yearnings in our hearts.And at the intersection of this era and legend, there is a book that quietly tells those - Hong Dan's boastful - - strange and suave - myths, and at the same time leaves us with countless precious stories of mountains and rivers.Detailed records.This book is - The Classic of Mountains and Seas -.

《The Classic of Mountains and Seas》is not only an ancient book recording myths and legends, but also a natural geography full of fantasy.It is said that this great work was co-authored by the ancient legendary flood control hero Dayu and his right-hand assistant Boyi.They walked the land, visited famous mountains and rivers, and recorded breathtaking natural landscapes and mysterious mythical stories.These stories and records not only became a source of inspiration for later generations of literature and art, but also provided us with valuable information for understanding the ancient natural environment and human culture.

The mythical stories in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" are full of magnificent imagination and strange ideas.From Jingwei filling the sea and Kuafu chasing the sun, to Nuwa mending the sky and Houyi shooting the sun, these popular stories not only show the wisdom and courage of the ancient people, but also reflect their awe and exploration of nature and life.In these myths, we can not only see the harmonious coexistence between human beings and nature, but also feel the indomitable and forging ahead spiritual power.

In addition to myths and stories, the Book of Mountains and Seas also left us a large number of detailed records about mountains and rivers.These records not only include various landforms, distribution of animals and plants, mineral resources and other natural geographical information, but also involve ancient ethnic groups, countries, religions, cultures and other aspects.These precious materials reveal to us the natural environment and human society in ancient China, and provide an important reference for us to study ancient history and culture.

《The Classic of Mountains and Seas》as an ancient book that spans mythology and reality, and integrates imagination and reality, it not only shows us the magnificent picture of ancient China, but also provides us with precious keys to explore nature and humanity.In today's era of advanced technology and information explosion, we can still draw wisdom and inspiration from this ancient work and feel the spirit of curiosity and exploration of the unknown world.

That's all the content about - The Legend of Mountains and Seas Season 2 - the full episode plot introduction. We hope to be able to help you while you are watching the drama. At the same time, we look forward to your attention and will continue to work hard to present you with moreSurprising content.

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