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《Dali Village Superman》Plot introduction

Auth:Little Butterfly Time:Oct 10, 2024 Source:Network

《Dali Village Superman》 is a short drama broadcast during the National Day. It is highly recommended by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television. What is the charm of this short drama? This is a short drama that tells the story of starting a business and revitalizing the hometown. The editor will bring it to youHere it comes - Dali Village Superman - plot introduction, come and watch it together!

《Dali Village Superman》Plot introduction

Dali Village Superman is a short drama that tells the story of young people born and raised in Rongjiang, Guizhou, who jointly organized a village super competition in order to revitalize their hometown, and found the material and spiritual meaning of returning to their hometown in the competition.

The protagonist Azhi (played by Guan Yunpeng) is a young man who returned to his hometown from a big city. He is a security guard in a first-tier city, but after returning to his hometown, he actively participated in the construction of the village super.He was a security guard at the beginning of the story, but after returning to his hometown, he used his own strength to participate in rural development with his fellow villagers, showing the enthusiasm and firm belief of modern young people in pursuing their dreams.

《Dali Village Superman》is not only a call to the younger generation, but also injects new vitality into rural culture.Through the form of film and television art, it conveys the fire and enthusiasm of the village super, shows the growth of rural youth in setbacks, and inspires a firm belief in changing their lives.The play is jointly produced by China Mobile Migu and Huace Film and Television Group. It aims to show the close connection between individual and collective dream pursuit through the story, so that people can feel the warmth and tenacity of the countryside through laughter and tears12.

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