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《The Survival Bliss》Full episode plot introduction

Auth:Charm Time:Mar 11, 2024 Source:Network

《The Survival Bliss》 is a very excellent film and television drama, and the plot in the drama is also very good. Next, the editor and my friends will discuss the episode-by-episode introduction of the entire episode of 《The Survival Bliss》.I hope those who have read this will like this article.

《The Survival Bliss》Episode 1 plot introduction

《The Survival Bliss》Full episode plot introduction

In the bustling Shanghai Port, a ship named “Bliss” slowly sailed out of the port and headed towards the Xiangjiang River.On this ship, there are two special passengers-Jiang Yuening and her fiancé Song Bo.Their destination is Xiangjiang, but the purpose of this trip is far more than just traveling.

The relationship between Jiang Yuening and Song Bo seems stable, but in fact it hides an unknown secret.And all this is related to a microfilm containing treasure information.Jiang Yuening accidentally obtained this film, which contained a treasure secret passed down from generation to generation.In order to find this treasure, she begged Song Bo to take her to Xiangjiang.

However, just as they were about to set off, an uninvited guest boarded the Bliss - Jiang Yuening's ex-boyfriend Sun Ruichen.Sun Ruichen has always been obsessed with Jiang Yuening. After learning that she was about to go to Xiangjiang with Song Bo, he decided to get on the ship to try to save the relationship.What he didn't know was that behind this relationship was actually a more thrilling adventure.

Facing the appearance of Sun Ruichen, Jiang Yuening was in a dilemma.She could not explain the real reason for her marriage to Sun Ruichen, because she knew that once the secret of the treasure was revealed, they would face endless trouble and danger.

On this ship, in addition to Sun Ruichen, there are other people with ulterior motives who are also secretly coveting the treasure.The most dangerous one is the number one killer “Illusionist”, who is hiding among the passengers and is always ready to seize the treasure.

As the voyage progressed, the atmosphere on the Bliss became increasingly tense.Jiang Yuening and Song Bo must be careful while dealing with the threats from Sun Ruichen and the illusionist.In this adventure, they will also get to know each other more deeply and re-examine their feelings and choices.

《The Survival Bliss》Episode 2 plot introduction

《The Survival Bliss》Full episode plot introduction

In the vast ocean, the Bliss cruise ship is like a lonely island, floating and isolated from the world.Sun Ruichen stood on the deck, his eyes fixed on the woman named Jiang Yuening.Every movement and look in her eyes touched his heart.

During this journey, Sun Ruichen discovered some disturbing signs.Song Bo, a passenger on the ship, obviously had a bad attitude towards Jiang Yuening, and could even be said to be full of hostility.He frequently molested another passenger, Luo Junjun, which aroused Sun Ruichen's strong disgust.He decided to ask Song Bo to reason, trying to find out the man's true intentions.

However, he never expected that this decision would involve him in a thrilling battle.Just as he was confronting Song Bo, a mysterious passenger named Yu Ba suddenly appeared.He has been secretly following Song Bo in an attempt to carry out some unknown conspiracy against him.In the chaos, Sun Ruichen's pen was accidentally exchanged with Song Bo's belongings.

Jiang Yuening's timely appearance broke this imminent conflict.She was obviously an important person on the ship. She not only cared about Chen Jie who had not boarded the ship, but also issued a warning to Song Bo.Her eyes shone with wisdom, and she seemed to have already understood all the secrets on the ship.

Sun Ruichen was keenly aware of Yu Ba's suspicious actions.He reminded Jiang Yuening to be careful, but this woman seemed to be prepared.In a fierce battle, Jiang Yuening successfully subdued Yu Ba and revealed the truth about his attempt to stun Song Bo.

However, just when everything seemed calm, Song Bo mysteriously disappeared.Sun Ruichen and Jiang Yuening searched anxiously, but finally witnessed a shocking scene - the illusionist actually killed Song Bo.This scene was horrifying, and the atmosphere on the ship instantly dropped to freezing point.

Sun Ruichen and Jiang Yuening stood on the bow of the boat, staring at the rough sea.They know that the journey on this cruise ship is no longer a simple trip, but an adventure full of unknowns and dangers.They must work together to uncover the secrets hidden on the ship in order to find true safety.

《The Survival Bliss》Episode 3 plot introduction

《The Survival Bliss》Full episode plot introduction

In a silent night, Jiang Yuening tracked a mysterious illusionist. Her goal was to uncover the truth of a series of bizarre events.However, when Jiang Yuening saw the illusionist, the illusionist suddenly fled into room number 206.

Jiang Yuening didn't hesitate and immediately chased after him.However, just as she was about to catch up with the illusionist, she was mistaken by the guards for the murderer and arrested.Faced with the misunderstanding from the guards, Jiang Yuening anxiously explained her identity and purpose, hoping to gain their understanding.

Fortunately, after listening to Jiang Yuening's explanation, the guard decided to break open the door and search Room 206.Surprisingly, however, they found no trace of the illusionist.Instead, they discovered an unexpected character - Yu Ba, a victim who had been teased by Jiang Yuening before.

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Jiang Yuening decided to run away.Fortunately, she got help from Sun Ruichen and successfully escaped from the guards.With the help of Sun Ruichen, Jiang Yuening hid and began to sort out the entire incident.

Sun Ruichen described to Jiang Yuening the illusionist's similar behavior in other cases.These cases all have one thing in common: the illusionist always disappears without a trace at critical moments.After listening to Sun Ruichen's narration, although Jiang Yuening did not believe in ghosts and gods, she realized that she was facing an extremely powerful opponent.

Jiang Yuening decided to continue tracking the illusionist and uncover the secret behind him.

《The Survival Bliss》 Episode 4 plot introduction

《The Survival Bliss》Full episode plot introduction

In the vast universe, the Bliss is like a bright pearl, shuttling between the stars.However, the tranquility on the spacecraft did not last long. A murder caused by an illusionist broke the tranquility.

Song Bo, a loyal subordinate who once served Xie Chengqi, has now become the first victim of this incident.He stood in the corridor of the ship, uneasiness and anxiety flashing in his eyes.His life has always been ordinary. However, his dissatisfaction with the status quo and desire for change finally drove him to the edge of crime.

He decided to steal some of Xie Chengqi's belongings in exchange for the starting point of his new life.However, he did not realize that this decision would push him into an abyss of no return.

Just as Song Bo was about to escape, his old comrade Chen Jie found him.There was a trace of nervousness and warning in Chen Jie's words: “The illusionist is looking for Xie Chengqi's old subordinates. It is too dangerous for you to do so.” However, Song Bo, who was eager to escape, did not take Chen Jie's warning to heart. He firmly believed that only escape could get rid of the shadow of the past.

So, he boarded the Bliss, hoping to find a new life on the ship.Little did he realize, however, that the ship would become his tomb.

The illusionist showed his amazing abilities on the spaceship. He shuttled through the ship like a ghost, looking for Xie Chengqi's old subordinates.His hypnotism was so unpredictable that many people revealed their innermost secrets without even realizing it.

And Song Bo became the target of the illusionist.While under hypnosis, he revealed the location of the treasure film.However, the revelation of this secret became his talisman.The illusionist killed him without mercy, leaving his body in the corridor of the ship.

The murder of the illusionist on the Bliss caused panic and uneasiness among everyone on the ship.They begin to doubt the people around them and worry that they will become the illusionist's next target.The identity and motivation of the illusionist have become the biggest mystery on the spacecraft.

However, amid fear and uneasiness, people also begin to reflect on their own actions and choices.They begin to understand that true safety is not about escaping and hiding, but about facing and solving.Only by bravely facing the mistakes and shadows of the past can we find true relief and freedom.

In the case of the illusionist murder on the Bliss, Song Bo's death became a warning.

《The Survival Bliss》Episode 5 plot introduction

《The Survival Bliss》Full episode plot introduction

On the rough sea, an ocean-going cargo ship is sailing.The atmosphere on the ship was extremely solemn, because a murder made everyone panic.First mate Luo Zhongming shoulders the important task of uncovering the truth and is responsible for investigating the murder of Song Bo, while captain Pan Yong hopes to minimize the impact of the incident. He mistakenly focuses on Jiang Yuening, believing that she is the main suspect.

Jiang Yuening, a seemingly weak but determined woman, decided to find the real murderer in order to clear her suspicions.With the help of Sun Ruichen, she skillfully put pressure on Luo Zhongming, forcing him to reveal key information - the last person to contact Song Bo was a woman.This clue became an important turning point in the investigation of the case.

Jiang Yuening quickly targeted Luo Junjun, and this mysterious woman became a new target of suspicion.During the investigation, Jiang Yuening's identity was recognized by the patrol crew, which put her into an even more dangerous situation.However, at the critical moment when Luo Zhongming was about to capture Jiang Yuening, Yu Ba appeared.He stopped Luo Zhongming's actions and revealed his true identity - a policeman.

The appearance of Yu Ba made the whole case more complicated and confusing.He claimed that he was also looking for Song Bo's treasure film, which strengthened Jiang Yuening's belief. She put forward a condition: give herself three days to find the real murderer, otherwise she would not hand over the film.After weighing the pros and cons, Yu Ba agreed to Jiang Yuening's request.

The next three days became a battle between Jiang Yuening and Yu Ba.They each used their wisdom and courage to search for clues in every corner of the ship, trying to uncover the truth.Finally, at a critical moment, Jiang Yuening discovered key evidence left by the real murderer and successfully revealed the murderer's identity.

《The Survival Bliss》Episode 6 plot introduction

《The Survival Bliss》Full episode plot introduction

In a hidden corner of the city, Yu Ba and Jiang Yuening were discussing a deal in a low voice.Although their conversation was subtle, it was enough to attract the attention of others.Not far away, Sun Ruichen, a senior reporter, was paying close attention to all this.He was keenly aware that this transaction might be inextricably linked to the captain's smuggling case he had recently investigated.

Sun Ruichen was not in a hurry to alert the enemy, but chose a safer way - contacting the captain's lover Luo Junjun.Luo Junjun is not only the captain's secret lover, but also a key insider in his smuggling activities.The information she holds is the key to uncovering the truth for Sun Ruichen.

At the same time that Sun Ruichen got in touch with Luo Junjun, Jiang Yuening also discovered Luo Junjun's existence.An inexplicable panic surged in her heart.She knew that the bag in her hand, although ordinary in appearance, contained a miniature camera disguised as a pen, which Song Bo gave to her when Luo Junjun left.Song Bo was a key figure in the smuggling case, and his death made Jiang Yuening the guardian of this secret.

Jiang Yuening knew that once this secret was revealed, she would face unimaginable consequences.So she decided to take the money and abscond. At the same time, she also used this secret as a bargaining chip to ask Sun Ruichen to let her go.After some weighing, Sun Ruichen finally agreed to her request.

However, Jiang Yuening did not relax her vigilance.She is well aware of Sun Ruichen's keenness and wit as a reporter, and she is worried that he will betray her.So, she began to secretly investigate Sun Ruichen's background, trying to find out his weaknesses.

After some twists and turns, Jiang Yuening finally discovered the connection between Sun Ruichen and Luo Junjun.She realized that the reason why Sun Ruichen agreed to let her go was probably because he had reached some kind of agreement with Luo Junjun.And this agreement is likely to be closely related to the captain's smuggling case.

Jiang Yuening did not take immediate action, but chose to wait and see.She knew that she needed to find the right time to uncover this complex transaction network in one fell swoop.

At this moment, Luo Junjun took the initiative to contact her.She said that she was willing to provide Jiang Yuening with the captain's smuggling evidence, but only if Jiang Yuening helped her make an appointment with a mysterious figure named “Illusionist”.

Jiang Yuening's heart moved, and she knew that this “illusionist” was probably the key figure in the entire smuggling case.So she decided to take a chance and reached a deal with Luo Junjun.

However, all this is under Jiang Yuening's control.She used her reasoning ability to guide Luo Junjun step by step towards the trap.Finally, on a carefully arranged night, Jiang Yuening and Sun Ruichen joined forces and successfully captured Luo Junjun and “Illusionist”.

《The Survival Bliss》Episode 7 plot introduction

《The Survival Bliss》Full episode plot introduction

After learning about Luo Junjun's danger, Sun Ruichen felt deeply guilty.His original intention was to expose Captain Pan Yong's arms smuggling conspiracy, but he did not expect to be involved in this crisis.He confessed the purpose of his investigation to Jiang Yuening, hoping that she could help him find Luo Junjun and rescue her from Pan Yong's clutches.

After listening to Sun Ruichen's account, Jiang Yuening did not choose to escape, but firmly stood on Sun Ruichen's side.She comforted Sun Ruichen and let him know that they would definitely find Luo Junjun and take her out of this dangerous ship safely.However, the problem before the two of them is that there are only two of them and Pan Yong has many men. How can they find Luo Junjun without being discovered?

After careful consideration, Jiang Yuening decided to take action personally.She decided to disguise herself as Luo Junjun to attract Pan Yong's attention and find the real Luo Junjun.She knew this was a dangerous plan, but she did not flinch because she knew that this was the only way to find Luo Junjun as soon as possible and rescue her from danger.

Sure enough, Pan Yong immediately became vigilant after learning about the news of “Luo Junjun”'s appearance.He sent people to search for Luo Junjun's whereabouts, trying to confirm the authenticity of the news.However, his plan did not succeed, because Jiang Yuening had already been prepared. She used her resourcefulness and skills to successfully avoid Pan Yong's men, while also secretly searching for Luo Junjun's traces.

Just then, the illusionist appeared.He used Yu Ba to contain Jiang Yuening and draw her attention to the deck.Although Jiang Yuening discovered the illusionist's conspiracy, she did not show it. Instead, she went along with the flow and acted according to the illusionist's plan.She took advantage of this opportunity and successfully brought out the real Luo Junjun.

Luo Junjun was successfully led to the casino under Jiang Yuening's ingenious arrangement.There, she finally met Sun Ruichen and Jiang Yuening.Seeing Sun Ruichen and Jiang Yuening taking risks to save her, Luo Junjun was moved to tears.She expressed her heartfelt thanks to the two men and promised to cooperate with their actions and expose Pan Yong's crimes together.

Sun Ruichen also gained redemption in this process.He saw his mistake and also saw Jiang Yuening's bravery and resourcefulness.He deeply felt that he should cherish the people around him more and act more cautiously.He decided not to get involved in dangerous things rashly in the future, but to use his wisdom and strength to protect innocent people.

With everyone's efforts, they finally found evidence exposing Pan Yong's crimes of arms smuggling.They handed over the evidence to the police and assisted the police in successfully arresting Pan Yong and his men.The crisis was finally resolved and Luo Junjun returned home safely.

《The Survival Bliss》Episode 8 plot introduction

《The Survival Bliss》Full episode plot introduction

In the dark corner of the casino, the illusionist used hypnosis to force Luo Junjun to reveal her past.Luo Junjun was once a shining star, but gambling pushed her into an endless abyss.Pressed by debt, she urgently needed to find a way out, so she turned her attention to Song Bo.

Luo Junjun carefully planned a chance encounter and successfully followed Song Bo aboard the Bliss.On the ship, she handled all kinds of complicated relationships with ease, dating Sun Ruichen, having a passionate fight with the captain Pan Yong, and at the same time, she continued to release her charm to Song Bo.However, when Song Bo received a mysterious note, he decided to leave and entrusted a briefcase to Luo Junjun.

Driven by curiosity, Luo Junjun decided to follow Song Bo.However, what she witnessed was a thrilling assassination scene.The appearance of the illusionist frightened Luo Junjun.She saw the illusionist's true face, a hidden demon who was good at manipulating people's hearts.

Shocked, Luo Junjun decided to use this encounter to blackmail the illusionist.She knew the illusionist's secrets and knew that his crimes were enough to ruin his reputation.And Luo Junjun also hopes to find redemption for his past through this method.

However, Luo Junjun's actions were not that simple.She must carefully manage her relationship with the illusionist, while also dealing with the suspicion and threats of others on the ship.In this process, Luo Junjun's wisdom and courage will be greatly tested.

The existence of the illusionist is not only a threat, but also a mystery.What is his purpose?What is the connection between him and Song Bo?Luo Junjun needs to solve these problems one by one.

《The Survival Bliss》Episode 9 plot introduction

《The Survival Bliss》Full episode plot introduction

In the complicated rumors, the name Luo Junjun was once closely connected with the mysterious treasure.However, as he managed to get a large sum of money and handed a pen containing a treasure map to the illusionist, things didn't seem that simple.

The illusionist, a world-famous figure for his resourcefulness and illusions, took the pen with great joy, expecting to find clues to the legendary treasure.However, when he carefully checked the pen, he found that there was no treasure film inside as expected. Disappointment and anger suddenly surged into his heart.

Luo Junjun's fate took a dramatic turn.The illusionist couldn't bear this kind of deception and disappointment, and decided to use extreme measures to find out the truth.Under severe torture, Luo Junjun's life was in danger.

At the same time, Jiang Yuening on the other side was also trying to get rid of Yu Ba's obstruction.She was so smart that she found the casino hidden in the corner of the city by tracing the ink marks on the pen.When she learned that the illusionist was interrogating Luo Junjun, she felt a strong sense of justice in her heart.

In order to rescue Luo Junjun, Jiang Yuening devised a strategy.She pretended to be Luo Junjun, and the drama of being chased attracted the attention of the patrol team.However, when the patrol team arrived at the scene, they found Luo Junjun hanged.This scene shocked everyone present.

First officer Luo Zhongming, a calm and decisive man, pushed Jiang Yuening to the ground at this moment.Appearing at the scene of Luo Junjun's death undoubtedly made Jiang Yuening's suspicion even greater.Luo Zhongming's eyes revealed deep suspicion and confusion, while Jiang Yuening faced an unprecedented dilemma.

With Luo Junjun's death, the secret of the treasure map seems to have become more confusing.Jiang Yuening not only needs to clear her suspicions, but also find the real murderer.And all this seems to be related to the mysterious pen and the treasure hidden behind it.

《The Survival Bliss》Episode 10 plot introduction

《The Survival Bliss》Full episode plot introduction

In two consecutive major cases - the Song Bo case and the Luo Junjun case, one name frequently appeared in the public eye, and she was Jiang Yuening.This seemingly weak woman was not only captured by the police at the scene of Song Bo's crime, but was also arrested again at the site of Luo Junjun's crime.Even with the protection of her friend Yu Ba, who is a police officer, she is still behind bars.

The truth behind it is far more complicated than it appears.It turned out that in order to cover up his arms smuggling crimes, Captain Pan Yong tried to use Jiang Yuening as a scapegoat, portray her as a cold-blooded murderer, and planned to create the illusion of killing her on the spot.But Jiang Yuening is no ordinary person. She has already anticipated Pan Yong's sinister intentions and secretly prepared a countermeasure.

In her adventure to rescue Luo Junjun, the key figure Sun Ruichen played an important role.Not only did he discover Pan Yong's crime, he also sent the evidence to the newspaper, causing Pan Yong to fall into the whirlpool of public opinion.Faced with increasing pressure, Pan Yong had to release Jiang Yuening and send someone to protect her.Because he knew very well that if something unexpected happened to Jiang Yuening, his crimes would be difficult to cover up.

Jiang Yuening's wit and bravery once again saved her from danger. Not only did she successfully protect herself, she also stood up for her friends and justice.However, just when everything seemed to be calming down, Sun Ruichen suddenly disappeared and was kidnapped by a mysterious man.This incident undoubtedly once again involved Jiang Yuening in an unknown crisis.

Sun Ruichen's disappearance has attracted widespread attention, and people have speculated on the reasons behind it.Is it Pan Yong's revenge?Or is there someone else?How will Jiang Yuening deal with this sudden change?

As the story progresses, Jiang Yuening's wisdom and courage once again become the key to solving the mystery.Not only does she have to face external threats, but she also has to deal with internal struggles.But she firmly believes that as long as she insists on justice, she will be able to overcome all difficulties.

《The Survival Bliss》Episode 11 plot introduction

《The Survival Bliss》Full episode plot introduction

Jiang Yuening and her fiancé Song Bo boarded the Bliss ship bound for Xiangjiang. It was originally a journey full of expectations, but it unexpectedly became the starting point of a treasure hunt.The sudden appearance of ex-boyfriend Sun Ruichen added a lot of complicated emotions to this trip.The appearance of Sun Ruichen was no accident. He tried to restore his relationship with Jiang Yuening, but Jiang Yuening's heart already belonged to Song Bo.

The reason why Jiang Yuening set foot on this ship was because she held a microfilm containing treasure information in her hand.This film has become the focus of competition, not only because of the huge wealth it points to, but also because of the secrets that may be hidden behind it.All kinds of people with ulterior motives, including the number one killer “The Illusionist”, are all lurking on the ship for this film.

Sun Ruichen's disappearance made Jiang Yuening feel extremely uneasy.She suspected that Sun Ruichen might have been kidnapped by “Illusionist”, and the other party's purpose was to obtain the microfilm.After the search on the ship was rejected, Jiang Yuening decided to review the entire incident by herself.She unexpectedly discovered that the microfilm was cleverly hidden in Sun Ruichen's pen.

At this time, Jiang Yuening received a transaction order from “Illusionist”, who asked for microfilm in exchange for Sun Ruichen's safety.Jiang Yuening agreed without hesitation, and teamed up with Luo Zhongming to set up a dragnet, trying to lure “Illusionist” to appear.However, under close surveillance, the film disappeared during the transaction.Sun Ruichen's safety was unknown, and the film was lost. Jiang Yuening fell into despair.

Luo Zhongming tried to comfort Jiang Yuening, but Jiang Yuening suddenly pointed out that Luo Zhongming was the “illusionist”.It turned out that when Jiang Yuening was reviewing the incident, she discovered some suspicious behaviors of Luo Zhongming.Although Luo Zhongming appeared to be helping Jiang Yuening, in fact he may have been secretly controlling the entire incident, and may even be an accomplice of “Illusionist”.

While Jiang Yuening and Yu Ba were discussing the deal, Sun Ruichen took the opportunity to contact the informant Luo Junjun.Luo Junjun is the captain's lover, and she has some important information about the captain's smuggling case.As a reporter, Sun Ruichen has been investigating this case.When Jiang Yuening discovered Luo Junjun's existence, she felt panicked.Because Song Bo handed the bag containing the disguised pen to Luo Junjun when she left.In this bag is the microfilm containing treasure information.

Luo Junjun originally planned to take the money and abscond, and asked Sun Ruichen to let her leave on the condition of the captain's smuggling secrets.Sun Ruichen agreed to her request after weighing the pros and cons, but Jiang Yuening saw all this.With her excellent reasoning ability, Jiang Yuening realized Sun Ruichen's betrayal.She pointed out that the greedy Luo Junjun took desperate risks to protect himself and his wealth, and met with “illusionist” to conduct transactions.

《The Survival Bliss》Episode 12 plot introduction

《The Survival Bliss》Full episode plot introduction

Luo Zhongming, an artist who makes a living from magic performances on the Bliss, his life was originally dull but full of joy.However, the story between him and Pan Yong and Lao Zhang, two inseparable friends, is full of betrayal, pain and revenge.

The relationship between Luo Zhongming, Pan Yong, and Lao Zhang was originally very harmonious. They lived together on the Bliss and shared each other's joys, sorrows, and joys.However, when Luo Zhongming discovered Lao Zhang's smuggling of arms, his world began to collapse.He tried to reveal this fact to Pan Yong, but was betrayed.Lao Zhang was executed for this, an incident that made Luo Zhongming deeply disappointed and angry.

The anger and disappointment in Luo Zhongming's heart made him embark on the same path as Pan Yong.He joined Pan Yong's arms smuggling business and secretly sought the treasure map.In the process, he killed Song Bo and Luo Junjun, kidnapped Sun Ruichen, and finally obtained the treasure map.However, he did not expect that Jiang Yuening had discovered his true identity.

The appearance of Jiang Yuening exposed Luo Zhongming's crime.Not only did she discover Luo Zhongming's true identity, she also exposed Captain Pan Yong's arms smuggling conspiracy.Faced with Jiang Yuening's revelation and Sun Ruichen's confession, Luo Zhongming's crimes could no longer be concealed.However, with the efforts of Jiang Yuening and Sun Ruichen, they successfully rescued Luo Junjun and foiled Pan Yong's smuggling plan.

In this process, Luo Zhongming's crimes received the punishment they deserved.He lost his friends, lover and dignity, and became a pariah in society.However, he also finds the possibility of redemption in pain and regret.He began to reflect on his actions and try to make amends for his mistakes.

《The Survival Bliss》Episode 13 plot introduction

《The Survival Bliss》Full episode plot introduction

On the luxurious cruise ship Bliss, a well-planned conspiracy is unfolding.Luo Zhongming, a passenger whose identity is a mystery, confessed his true identity to Jiang Yuening.However, he was full of doubts: How did Jiang Yuening discover his true identity?

Things go back to the moment when Luo Junjun was killed.At that time, the illusionist suddenly disappeared in full view of the public. This unusual phenomenon aroused Jiang Yuening's vigilance.She knew very well that the illusionist's magic was just a deception and could never really disappear.Therefore, she speculated that the illusionist must be hiding among the guards that followed.In the previous transaction, the only person who had come into contact with film was Luo Zhongming.This clue made Jiang Yuening suspicious of Luo Zhongming.

After Luo Zhongming's identity was revealed, he attempted to kill Jiang Yuening to silence him.However, Jiang Yuening had already informed Pan Yong.After Pan Yong learned Luo Zhongming's true identity, he was furious and determined to uncover the conspiracy hidden on the cruise ship.

Seeing that the situation was unfavorable, Luo Zhongming threatened to detonate the explosives on the ship in an attempt to blackmail everyone.He claimed that if anyone dared to touch him, everyone on the ship would be buried with him.This move made the situation even more tense and made him the target of public criticism.

Meanwhile, the illusionist has become the center of attention.In the casino, he used hypnosis to question Luo Junjun about her past, trying to find her weaknesses.It turns out that Luo Junjun was a famous star a few years ago, but due to gambling addiction, he fell into debt trouble.In order to repay her huge debt, she targeted the wealthy businessman Song Bo and managed to board the Bliss with him.On the ship, she not only dated Sun Ruichen, but also had a close relationship with the captain Pan Yong. At the same time, she did not forget to seduce Song Bo.

However, when Song Bo decided to leave after receiving a mysterious note, he entrusted Luo Junjun with a briefcase.Driven by curiosity, Luo Junjun followed Song Bo, but witnessed the scene where the illusionist assassinated Song Bo.This shocking discovery leads her to blackmail the illusionist.

While chasing the illusionist, Jiang Yuening was accidentally mistaken by the guards for the murderer and was arrested.After some explanations, the guards broke down the door and searched Room 206, but found no trace of the illusionist.The owner of the room was actually Yu Ba, who had been teased by Jiang Yuening before.In order to avoid being caught, Jiang Yuening ran away in a hurry, but was able to escape with the help of Sun Ruichen.

After hearing Jiang Yuening describe the disappearance of the illusionist, Sun Ruichen revealed that the illusionist had behaved similarly in other cases.Although Jiang Yuening didn't believe in ghosts and gods, she realized that she was facing an extremely powerful opponent at this moment.

《The Survival Bliss》Episode 14 plot introduction

《The Survival Bliss》Full episode plot introduction

On the rough seas, the giant ship Bliss becomes the intersection of intrigue and adventure.Luo Zhongming, a mysterious and dangerous figure, controls explosives and puts the entire Paradise under his control.His goal is clear - to arrest Pan Yong and Jiang Yuening and seize the microfilm in their hands.

Sun Ruichen, a detective with extraordinary wit, did not give up after escaping.He found Yu Ba, and the two teamed up to plan a rescue operation.They cautiously approached the place where Jiang Yuening was being held, preparing to dismantle the explosives planted by Luo Zhongming.However, their actions were noticed by Luo Zhongming, and the crisis was imminent.

At this critical moment, Sun Ruichen showed his bravery and selflessness.He decided to sacrifice himself to cover Jiang Yuening's escape.The moment the explosive exploded, Sun Ruichen's figure disappeared into the smoke, while Jiang Yuening successfully escaped from the danger.

At the same time, Luo Junjun was also involved in this dispute.She successfully obtained the money and handed the pen containing the treasure map to the illusionist.However, there is no treasure film in the pen, much to the irritation of the illusionist.He tortured and interrogated Luo Junjun, trying to find out the truth.

After Jiang Yuening got rid of Yu Ba's obstruction, she found the casino by tracing the ink marks of the pen.After learning that the illusionist was interrogating Luo Junjun, she came up with a plan and pretended to be a scene where Luo Junjun was being hunted, successfully attracting the patrol.However, when the patrol team arrived at the scene, they found that Luo Junjun had been hanged.

First officer Luo Zhongming pushed Jiang Yuening to the ground, making her more suspicious.In this illusionist murder incident, Song Bo became the first victim.As Xie Chengqi's former subordinate, Song Bo was not satisfied with his life.He decided to steal some of his belongings and escape, but when his old comrade Chen Jie told him that the illusionist was looking for Xie Chengqi's old troops, he felt in danger.Song Bo, who was eager to escape, boarded the Bliss, but was soon discovered by the illusionist.While under hypnosis, he revealed the hiding place of the treasure film and eventually died.

《The Survival Bliss》Episode 15 plot introduction

《The Survival Bliss》Full episode plot introduction

On the giant ship Bliss, chaos and unrest were like an unpredictable storm, sweeping every corner.Jiang Yuening, a seemingly ordinary but wise woman, became a key figure in this storm.Not only does she have to protect herself in a dangerous situation, she also has to uncover the secrets hidden on the ship.

When Jiang Yuening learned of Sun Ruichen's death, her heart was filled with shock and grief.But she did not indulge in this emotion. Instead, she quickly rushed to the broadcast room with Yu Ba and announced that the explosives had been dismantled, successfully calming the panicked passengers.This move not only showed her courage, but also her calmness and judgment in a crisis.

However, the crisis on board is far from over.Pan Yong, this seemingly authoritative captain, actually hides an ulterior secret.He announced that Luo Zhongming was a wanted person and led his crew to search for him.Luo Zhongming dressed up the corpse in the image of a clown and let out weird laughter, making the atmosphere on the entire ship even more tense.

In this chaos, Jiang Yuening and Yu Ba were constantly involved in various crises.They not only have to face the evil forces on the ship, but also deal with various complex clues and traps.But it was these experiences that made their relationship closer and allowed Jiang Yuening's wisdom and courage to be fully demonstrated.

When Captain Pan Yong tried to cover up the issue of arms smuggling and wanted to treat Jiang Yuening as a murderer and create the illusion of killing him on the spot, Jiang Yuening had already anticipated his methods and prepared a back-up plan.Not only did she successfully resolve the crisis, but Pan Yong had to release her and send someone to protect her.These thrilling battles made people admire Jiang Yuening's wisdom and courage.

However, just when everything seemed to be coming to an end, Sun Ruichen was kidnapped by a mysterious man.This twist makes the whole story full of suspense and crisis again.Jiang Yuening was involved again. Together with Yu Ba, she continued to compete with various forces in order to find the real murderer and clear the suspicion.

In the process, Jiang Yuening not only demonstrated her wisdom and courage, but also gradually discovered the deeper secrets hidden on the ship.She identified Luo Junjun as the last person to contact Song Bo, and this woman turned out to be inextricably linked to the evil forces on the ship.

In the end, with the joint efforts of Jiang Yuening and Yu Ba, the truth was finally revealed to the world.Not only did they find the real culprit and clear the suspicion, they also exposed the captain Pan Yong's crime.Although the process was full of dangers and difficulties, Jiang Yuening successfully resolved the crisis and protected herself and her friends with her wisdom and courage.

《The Survival Bliss》Episode 16 plot introduction

《The Survival Bliss》Full episode plot introduction

Yu Ba, a policeman with a special identity, shoulders the lofty mission of maintaining social peace and justice.Throughout his career, he has always adhered to the professional ethics and ethics of the police, is not afraid of power, is not afraid of hardships, and will do whatever it takes to uncover the truth.This time, he returned the microfilm to Jiang Yuening, which is another manifestation of his persistence in his identity as a police officer and his pursuit of justice.

The reason why Yu Ba returned the microfilm to Jiang Yuening was because he knew that there was a huge secret hidden behind this roll of film.And this secret is closely connected with a mysterious illusionist.The illusionist is a criminal who uses illusions as a means to kill people invisible.His existence not only made Yu Ba deeply uneasy, but also aroused the sense of justice deep in his heart.

In the process of tracking down the illusionist, Yu Ba came under the influence of Lao Zhao.Lao Zhao, a policeman who had had a confrontation with the illusionist, told Yu Ba from his own personal experience that the illusionist was an extremely dangerous and cunning enemy.Under Lao Zhao's persuasion, Yu Ba became more determined to bring the illusionist to justice.

After learning the clues about the illusionist's murder, Yu Ba decided to board the Bliss without hesitation.However, the illusionist seems to have already understood Yu Ba's purpose.Not only did he not stop Yu Ba from boarding the ship, he even personally gave him a ticket.All this made Yu Ba realize that this battle with the illusionist would be extremely difficult.

On the boat, Yu Ba witnessed death.It was a murder carefully planned by the illusionist, which made Yu Ba deeply feel the terror and cunning of the illusionist.However, it was this death that made Yu Ba realize the key details.He realized that in order to uncover the secrets of the illusionist, he must deeply understand the nature of illusion.

In the fight with the illusionist, Yu Ba was unfortunately injured.But he still stuck to his beliefs and did not reveal any information about the secret.He knew that once this information fell into the hands of the illusionist, he would no longer be able to protect those around him.Therefore, Yu Ba chose silence and persistence, and used his actions to interpret the belief and responsibility of a policeman.

The contest between Yu Ba and the illusionist is a contest between justice and evil.In this contest, Yu Ba always adhered to his identity as a policeman and used his wisdom and courage to uncover the secret of the illusionist.His actions not only reflected the professional ethics and conduct of the police, but also demonstrated an ordinary person's persistence and pursuit of justice and truth.

《The Survival Bliss》Episode 17 plot introduction

《The Survival Bliss》Full episode plot introduction

With Yu Ba's coma, the originally confusing case once again reached a deadlock.The clues to the case seemed to be broken with the fall of Yu Ba, making it impossible to trace.And Luo Zhongming, who was once suspected of being an illusionist, also mysteriously disappeared at this critical moment, which raised more questions about the truth of the case.

Pan Yong's mood became extremely heavy.He is well aware of the importance of the film exposed before Yu Ba fell into coma to the case.Those films may contain key evidence that can reveal the true face of the illusionist.However, Yu Ba's coma made all this out of reach. Pan Yong was anxious and anxious. He knew that time was running out and he must find the illusionist as soon as possible to uncover the truth.

At this critical moment, Jiang Yuening showed her wit and bravery.In order to lure out the real culprit, she decided to take a risk and pretend that Yu Ba was awake.She searched for the doctor with great fanfare, creating the illusion that Yu Ba had awakened, hoping to attract the illusionist to show up.

Sure enough, Jiang Yuening's plan worked.After learning about Yu Ba's awakening, the illusionist couldn't help but show up.He tried to get close to Yu Ba, but was caught on the spot by Jiang Yuening and Pan Yong, who were already prepared.After some interrogation, the true identity of the illusionist finally emerged.

It turned out that the illusionist turned out to be the son of Zhou Song's family. He boarded the ship as Sun Ruichen and pretended to be a reporter.He planned everything carefully, using Yu Ba's police identity as a cover to implement his criminal plan on the ship.The body that was previously thought to be “Sun Ruichen” was actually Luo Zhongming who was killed by him.

The truth of the case was finally revealed to the world, and the illusionist's crimes were duly punished.Although Yu Ba was in a coma, his sacrifice provided key clues for the detection of the case.The wit and bravery of Jiang Yuening and Pan Yong also made great contributions to the detection of the case.

《The Survival Bliss》Episode 18 plot introduction

《The Survival Bliss》Full episode plot introduction

In the chaos of the world, the name Sun Ruichen may not be well known, but his real name, Zhou Yun, once echoed in a happy family.At that time, his life was peaceful and warm. However, the appearance of warlord Xie Chengqi completely changed his destiny.

Xie Chengqi, a powerful warlord, his ambition and cruelty destroyed everything in Zhou Yun.With his family broken and his relatives separated, Zhou Yun's life fell into the abyss.However, he did not sink there, but turned the anger in his heart into an obsession for revenge.

Many years later, Zhou Yun transformed into Sun Ruichen and became a reporter, traveling around every corner of the city looking for opportunities for revenge.His eyes finally locked on one of Xie Chengqi's old subordinates, and the chief officer named Luo Zhongming.Sun Ruichen decided to implement his revenge plan on a ship named “Bliss”.

He cleverly used Chen Jie to lure Song Bo onto the ship, and at the same time discovered the investigation of policeman Yu Ba.Sun Ruichen cleverly used Yu Ba's identity to conceal his true purpose, making the revenge plan more seamless.However, during this journey of revenge, Sun Ruichen unexpectedly met Jiang Yuening, a beautiful and kind-hearted woman.

Their encounter was like a touch of coolness in the raging fire, making Sun Ruichen feel the long-lost warmth.However, fate played tricks on people, and Jiang Yuening actually married his enemy Song Bo.This sudden intertwining of love and hatred plunged Sun Ruichen into deep contradictions and struggles.

In the end, Jiang Yuening inadvertently revealed Sun Ruichen's true identity.At that moment, all pretense and cover-up disappeared, and Sun Ruichen once again stood at the crossroads of revenge and love.He chose to face it and let all the truth come out.

《The Survival Bliss》 Episode 19 plot introduction

《The Survival Bliss》Full episode plot introduction

In a recent confusing case, Jiang Yuening accidentally revealed Sun Ruichen's true identity. This discovery not only shocked everyone, but also prompted the two to start working together to uncover the truth of the case.

Sun Ruichen has always appeared in front of everyone with his mysterious identity and unfathomable background, but Jiang Yuening's keen intuition and unremitting pursuit finally made him unable to escape.After Sun Ruichen's true identity was revealed, he chose to cooperate with Jiang Yuening to face various doubts and challenges in the case.

As the investigation deepened, the two gradually revealed the truth of the entire case.It turned out that Pan Yong, the mastermind behind the case, was not as brave and decisive as the outside world thought. On the contrary, his timidity and cowardice became the weakness of the entire plan.During the process of placing the explosives, he left many flaws due to excessive tension and panic. These flaws eventually became the key to Jiang Yuening and Sun Ruichen solving the case.

Another key figure in the case, Luo Zhongming, originally intended to monopolize the treasure, but his ambition and greed made him take risks.However, his plan was eventually discovered by Sun Ruichen.With his extraordinary wisdom and keen observation, Sun Ruichen discovered Luo Zhongming's attempt and cleverly stopped his plan.

During the investigation of the case, Jiang Yuening discovered a shocking secret.She revealed to Sun Ruichen that there was a more unfathomable man behind the case.The man behind the scenes not only controlled the development of the entire case, but may even be involved in a wider conspiracy.This discovery shocked Sun Ruichen and made him realize the complexity and danger of the case.

Faced with this new challenge, Jiang Yuening and Sun Ruichen decided to continue their in-depth investigation and reveal the true face of the mastermind behind the scenes.They believe that only by uncovering the truth can this case be brought to a satisfactory end.

《The Survival Bliss》Episode 20 plot introduction

《The Survival Bliss》Full episode plot introduction

In the dust of history, some secrets are always hidden by the years, waiting for the moment to be revealed.Jiang Yuening, behind this name hides a shocking true identity - she is the daughter of warlord Xie Chengqi.This secret not only changed her destiny, but also inadvertently ignited a flame that spanned hatred and love.

While Jiang Yuening was following her mother's footsteps, she accidentally met Sun Ruichen.The two fell in love with each other under the influence of fate. However, behind the beauty of love lies deep pain.Before her mother died, Jiang Yuening learned a shocking secret: her mother held Xie Chengqi's treasure map. This treasure map not only meant wealth, but also was ironclad evidence of Xie Chengqi's crimes.In order to avenge her mother, Jiang Yuening decided to approach Xie Chengqi and uncover his crimes.

However, the road to revenge is not easy.On the Bliss, Jiang Yuening unexpectedly met Sun Ruichen again.Facing the daughter of his enemy, Sun Ruichen was full of inner conflicts.He was surprised by his love for Jiang Yuening, but at the same time he also understood that this love would face a huge test.Jiang Yuening confessed her true identity and revenge plan to Sun Ruichen, and she promised that Xie Chengqi would be punished as he deserved.

Sun Ruichen struggled between love and hate, but in the end, he was moved by Jiang Yuening's determination and sincerity.At the critical moment of life and death, he gave up his plan to threaten the entire ship and chose to face Xie Chengqi with Jiang Yuening.After this journey ended, Jiang Yuening embarked on a journey to find her father.Her heart was filled with complex emotions towards her father, including hatred and longing for family affection.

The above is all about - The Survival Bliss - the complete plot and episode introduction.If you are interested in this film and television drama and want to know more information, we sincerely invite you to continue to pay attention to the latest developments in the line class.In the future, we will provide you with more detailed plot analysis, rich character introductions and more background stories.

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