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Film and TV series《Kill me love me》Is the ending of the novel good or bad?

Auth:Holy Son Time:Oct 15, 2024 Source:Network

A recent movie - kill me love me - is taking the internet by storm and has received an excellent response after being aired.Netizens' enthusiasm for it is also rising. Major forums are also discussing its content. Netizens have launched heated discussions. Many people want to know the specific content and plot details.Today, the editor will introduce in detail the ending of the film and television drama 《kill me love me》 and the novel, whether it is good or bad, so that you can better understand the film《kill me love me》.

《kill me love me》The ending of the novel

《kill me love me》's ending is a happy ending.The male protagonist Murong Jinghe eventually became the emperor, while the female protagonist Mei Lin faked her death, but was eventually found by the male protagonist, and the two finally came together.This novel depicts the various efforts made by the heroine Mei Lin in order to survive, as well as the complex emotional entanglement between her and the hero Murong Jinghe.Although they experienced a lot of sadomasochism in the process, in the end the two were able to overcome many difficulties and achieve a happy ending.

The TV series《kill me love me》is adapted from Hei Yan's novel of the same name.

What can a person do to survive?Mei Lin doesn't know about others, but she can sacrifice everything for it, including her body and dignity.She longed for life to bloom as freely as the spring flowers in February, even if it was short-lived.In reality, she lived like a toad in the mud, shrunken, ugly and dirty.

She only knew that she could only talk about other things if she had a life.Even his life is gone, what else is there to say?But she never expected that in the end she would fall into the hands of Murong Jing and that bastard, the man who once treated her as a plaything to please another woman and was severely repaid by her, the man who was petty and unyielding.

Film and TV series《Kill me love me》Is the ending of the novel good or bad?

Novel Catalog:

Chapter 1 Kill Me Love Me (Hei Yan) Wedges of peach red, apricot powder and plum white, the spring branches are full of flowers swinging in the wind, and the begonias are blooming freely.It's February...

Chapter 2 Before dawn the next day, Mei Lin was kicked awake.Murong Jinghe let his attendants arrange his clothes while using his feet carefully...

Chapter 3 The Jingbei Prince's Palace in Zhaojing is located at the foot of Fushan Mountain in the north of the city. It is unexpectedly large, covering an area of ​​hundreds of acres, with carved beams and painted buildings, Luo Wei embroidery,...

Chapter 4 The sky is high and high, the forests are dyed, and the southern geese chase the wind.For the soldiers in training in the Yan Kingdom, this is an exciting moment...

Chapter 5 The young man’s name is Yue Qin, and he is fifteen years old. The Battle of Qiujiang was the first war he participated in after joining the army. Unexpectedly, he was so confused...

Chapter 6 Before Murong Xuanlie and the others arrived, Mei Lin had done some work in a forest near them according to Murong Jinghe's instructions...

Chapter 7 The stone forest is backed by the verdant Zhishan Mountain that towers into the clouds. The other three sides are surrounded by lush bamboo forests, separated by a few...

Chapter 8 The white bones are like a dividing line. The further you go, the more bones there are on the ground.Either prostrate on the ground, or lean against a boulder, or...

Chapter 9 Outsiders only think that the burning ground is a ghost land with no trace of people, but they don’t know that there are always a few people who are not afraid of death who rush in every year, and then...

Chapter 10 Mei Lin feels very fortunate that her wounds have gradually healed over the past few days, otherwise she would have just dragged Murong Jing and Du...

Chapter 11 Tai Chi generates two yangs, yin and yang, which are the roots of each other and operate endlessly.When Mei Lin heard a flick, then a series of...

Chapter 12 No matter what Mei Lin had thought before, she was really out of danger, but she didn't know how to deal with Murong Jinghe.She does it too...

Chapter 13 Mei Lin walked to the window.Murong Jinghe had an impatient look on his face and said angrily: "Come into the room, what do you say when you stand there...

Chapter 14 When the light golden morning light shone on the well, a man in black clothes fell silently into the well like a black cat...

Chapter 15 After being released from prison and being served well and well-dressed, Mei Lin couldn't think of any use for herself...

Chapter 16: Gentleman Gu is poisonous and can cause the internal energy to grow endlessly in a short period of time.So people who have no martial arts skills are poisoned by gentleman...

Chapter 17 Early the next morning, Yan Litou used the excuse that he was short of some medicine and wanted to go to the drug store to choose it himself.The waiter informed me of the banquet, and...

Chapter 18 Mei Lin certainly wouldn't take Murong Jing's words seriously, but when he saw him saying it in front of so many people, he even opened his eyes...

Chapter 19: Traveling was not easy. We got up early and stayed overnight, walking in the snow, but no one complained.After passing through Yecheng, we went south for a while...

Chapter 20 It was night, and a group of people spent time at Huangtan Mountain. The next day, they crossed the ridge and river and crossed the extremely dangerous Litu Beach. There was a large ship outside the beach...

Chapter 21 The location for melting the ice is the Ningbi Pool in the Wang Mansion. The Ningbi Pool is a natural hot spring pool located in Laon Cuiyuan, halfway up Fushan Mountain...

Chapter 22: In the early summer of Zhaoming 33rd, the King of Jingbei used the Tibetan Taoist Army veteran Yang Zexing and the supervisor Qingyan to lead the Southwest Army and suppressed Xi Yan...

The above is a detailed introduction about whether the ending of the film and television drama《kill me love me》the novel is good or bad. There will be more exciting plot content in the future. The line class will continue to update relevant film and television information. I like this TV series.Friends, don’t miss it.

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