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《Start the reasoning 3》Introduction to the personnel list

Auth:Big Stuffy Head Time:Oct 18, 2024 Source:Network

《Let's Start Reasoning 3》 is an immersive plot reasoning variety show created by Tencent. Everyone is curious about the list of 《 Let's Start Reasoning 3》. The editor has compiled it here. If you are interested, you can watch it.Look!

《Start the reasoning 3》Introduction to the personnel list

《Let's start reasoning 3》They are the original cast members

Let’s start the reasoning in the development-based reasoning variety show

It is planned to invite the original cast members Ma Bai Yu, Dilraba Dilraba, Liu Yuning, Zhang Linghe, Zhou Keyu and Heli Moyu Team to set off again.

There will also be a mysterious guest joining the show, which we really can’t help but look forward to!

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