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Korean drama《Class 0 is Insider Time》Cast list

Auth:Little Butterfly Time:Oct 22, 2024 Source:Network

《The 0 class hour is Insider Time》It is a Korean TV series starring Kim Woo-seok, Kang Na-yeon, Choi Gun, Son Dong-pyo, and Han Chae-rim. It will be broadcast in November, with a total of 8 episodes. If you are interested, you can watch it《The 0 class hour is Insider Time.》Korean drama cast list!


Korean drama《Class 0 is Insider Time》Cast list

Kim Woo Seok

Role: Jiang Yubin

Introduction: Kim Woo-suk plays the popular King Kang Woo-bin in the play. He is also a trainee of a large entertainment company and is respected by all students as a perfect being.

Kang Na-yeon

Role: Kim Ji Eun

Introduction: Kang Na-yeon plays Kim Ji-eun, a girl whose recognized existence is almost zero.

Cui Jian

Role: Li Dongmin

Introduction: Cui Jian plays Li Dongmin, who has a warm appearance and charm.

Son Dong-pyo

Role: Mou Fengjiu (also translated as “Mao Fengjiu”)

Introduction: The character played by Son Dong-pyo has outstanding intelligence ability. Although he is often praised as “warm man” and “handsome” when he does not speak, he cannot stop once he speaks, so he is also called “motor mouth”.He is a character who gets along well with anyone.

Han Cailin

Role: Min Seol Hee

Introduction: Han Cailin plays Min Xuexi in the drama. You can learn more about the specific character setting and plot development by watching the drama.

The drama is produced by Studio V Plus, directed by Bae Ha Na, and written by Go Yi Chan. It is planned to be released on Cinema in November 2024.It will be broadcast on Heaven and will be broadcast on IPTV and OTT platforms tving, wavve and watcha the next day.The series has a total of 8 episodes and tells the story of becoming an anonymous community application “InsiderThe ”Outsider“ who is the manager of Time”, learns all the secrets of all the students in the school and enters into a series of secret romances among teenagers who want to get together with the “Super Insider” group.

The above is the complete content of the Korean drama - Insider Time - cast list compiled by the editor for you. I believe that in the subsequent plots and character relationships, the audience will still encounter some things that they do not understand.place, so pay attention to the line class, we will continue to bring you more exciting content.

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