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《After refusing to pay the sky-high betrothal gift, I finally let my father take the lead in my daughter》Plot introduction

Auth:Little Diu Time:Oct 17, 2024 Source:Network

《After refusing to pay the sky-high betrothal gift, I finally let the father take the advantage of the daughter》This is a super good-looking and slap-in-the-face drama, and the overall plot is also very exciting. Watch how the male protagonist rejects the lion's lover and relies on his daughter to reach the top of his life., interested friends come and take a look!

《After refusing to pay the sky-high betrothal gift, I finally let my father take the lead in my daughter》Plot introduction


Wang Mustard & Kong Defeng

Plot synopsis

The male Zhang Sanping is a small security guard in a sales department. He has worked hard for most of his life and saved some money.

After seeing his daughter start a family and start a career, he also had the idea of ​​​​marrying for a second time, so he married Zhang Haixia, who had been living together before.

But at the wedding scene, Zhang Haixia suddenly opened her mouth. Not only did she want to receive a gift of 188,000 yuan, but she also wanted to build a large villa as a wedding room and...

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