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《Medical Heart Redemption Destiny Turn》Plot Introduction

Auth:Enchanting Ice Time:Oct 14, 2024 Source:Network

《Healing Heart Redemption Destiny Twist》The short drama is a very popular short drama that was aired recently. Many friends were touched by the wonderful emotional lines in it. The editor brings you "Medical Heart Redemption Destiny".The star list of the short drama with a turning point and the plot introduction are also available, come and take a look!

《Medical Heart Redemption Destiny Turn》Plot Introduction

Starring list

Starring Zhao Huinan and Zhao Zhendong

Plot introduction

Nan Yi, who has a ghost doctor's vest, took the blame for her father and was released from prison, but was threatened by his father with his twin sons. After marrying Si Mohan, she unexpectedly learned that her youngest son had died, and she was extremely sad!

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