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《the timbo》 Episode 2 plot introduction

Auth:Little Butterfly Time:Oct 11, 2024 Source:Network

Recently, as long as you open a social app, you can see discussions about 《the timbo》, and among them《the timbo》the plot introduction of episode 2 is definitely the thing that everyone is most concerned about. Today I will discuss it with you.Opinions and thoughts on the plot introduction of episode 2 of 《the timbo》.

《the timbo》 Episode 2 plot introduction

《the timbo》Episode 2 plot introduction

Ye Xiao began to investigate the cause of the building collapse and found Luo Haoran's second wife Yuan Mei to learn about the situation. Yuan Mei, who had divorced Luo Haoran at this time, actively cooperated with the investigation and took Ye Xiao to Sancheng Construction Group, the designer and builder of Luo Bai Commercial Building., but everyone learned that engineer Wu Jianjun committed suicide a month ago.Ye Xiao discovered a shocking news among his relics: there is a sinkhole under the building. According to the simulation in the computer video, the building may fall into the sinkhole at any time and become a ruin!After receiving the news, the command center immediately ordered the firefighters to suspend the clearing of obstacles and quickly evacuate the scene to draft a new plan.Zhu Wei quickly informed Xiaoguang of the seriousness of the accident, but before Xiaoguang received the news from Zhu Wei, Yang Bing accidentally detonated the leaked natural gas while smoking, and the building collapsed again in an instant, causing the escape passages, communication equipment and elevator shafts inside the building.All were destroyed, forming a thick layer of ruins. As a result, the building settled and became stuck in the sinkhole.After the shaking ended, Xiaoguang gathered everyone and rescued Luo Haoran and the injured Wu Hanlei who were trapped in the secret room.At this time, everyone learned that the reason why they were trapped in the building was illegal construction, and Luo Haoran suddenly became the target of public criticism.After the entire rescue, Ye Xiao approached Zhu Wei to learn about Xiaoguang's past, and Zhu Wei originally gave full affirmation.

The above is all about the plot introduction of episode 2 of the timbo.If you want to know more, we sincerely invite you to continue paying attention to the line class.We will provide more detailed and rich plot analysis, character introductions, filming locations, etc. in the future.

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