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《Filled with love》 Episode 19 plot introduction

Auth:Little Butterfly Time:Oct 18, 2024 Source:Network

Recently - Filled with love - has been highly discussed. Every update can make the audience discuss it for a long time, and the various developments in the play also affect everyone's hearts. - Filled with love - Episode 19The plot introduction is one of them. Below is the organized content brought by the editor. Come and take a look.

《Filled with love》 Episode 19 plot introduction

《Filled with love》 Episode 19 plot introduction

Gu Dan and his party passed through the stone gate and found many large golden characters on the ground, which looked like Xixia script, but every character was missing. Guan Mubai analyzed that it should be the second level. Those who are familiar with Daxia culture can be protected.So he pieced it together based on the knowledge he had, and then Gu Dan passed through the involved fonts one by one and arrived at the opposite side safely. Then Guan Mubai and others followed Gu Dan's traces and broke through the level.

Liu Buchang arrived at the secret room late, saw through the Miaoyiniao trap and entered the stone door. Seeing Guan Mubai and He Dongliang walking towards the opposite side, he pulled out his pistol and fired. Kang Jing saw that Qiao Yu was about to be shot, so he hurriedly stepped in front and received two shots., and then fell to the ground and died. Several of Liu Buchang's men rushed into the font formation and were instantly burned by gold powder. Liu Buchang had to stand where he was, not daring to move forward.

Gu Dan and his party entered the next level. Qiao Yu was still aggrieved by Kang Jing's death, so he turned around to seek revenge from Liu Buchang. He Dongliang and Gu Dan stopped him and analyzed the current situation. Fighting Liu Buchang with bare hands was equivalent to death.Only by leaving safely can we avenge Kang Jing.

When the group was about to move forward, they saw an eagle sculpture. Just as they were thinking about what it meant, Liu Buchang had cracked the second level and came to them. He asked Gu Dan to hand over the newly discovered clues and claimed that he was the queen of Xixia County Liu Yuanchang.People, so all treasures should belong to themselves. Guan Mubai blamed Liu Buchang for being crazy, and Liu Buchang shot directly at Guan Mubai.

Qiao Yu held the compass and said that he had the responsibility to protect the treasure after Kang Jing's death. Yu Xiaoxiao took a closer look and seemed to see a princess coming from a distance, so she forced Qiao Yu to hand over the compass with a gun, and then opened the cellar door.

Liu Buchang took Yu Xiaoxiao into the cellar, and sure enough they found a glittering treasure.Gu Dan and Qiao Yu teamed up to defeat the guards, grabbed the gun and entered the cellar. Gu Dan asked Liu Buchang again where his conscience was. Liu Buchang was too lazy to explain and wanted to shoot Gu Dan. Qiao Yu stepped forward with a gun. Liu Buchang suddenlyHe hid, appeared behind Qiao Yu a moment later, and shot Qiao Yu to death.Yu Xiaoxiao's thoughts were confused for a while, as if she was aware of the sins of Lu Yun and Liu Buchang. When he was about to shoot, Liu Buchang beat him to it. Yu Xiaoxiao collapsed to the ground. Gu Dan hurriedly picked up Yu Xiaoxiao and left the cellar.

He Dongliang found the exit, Gu Dan ran over with Yu Xiaoxiao in his arms, He Dongliang followed and was also hit by Liu Buchang.Gu Dan ran along the passage and finally came to the tomb he had discovered before. Yu Xiaoxiao was exhausted and died.Liu Buchang followed closely, and Gu Dan prepared to fight to the death. After the two fought, Gu Dan entered the time and space tunnel. No one was dead, so he simply told Liu Buchang directly where the treasure was, but he still couldn't escape.

Gu Dan used the compass to open the Gate of the Sun and traveled back to an earlier time. The moment Liu Buchang appeared in the desert, he shot everyone directly. Gu Dan took one last breath, picked up a pistol and shot Liu Buchang.Bu Chang.

The vast wind and sand traveled through the world with thoughts, and Yu Xiaoxiao returned to Xixia. She was the princess Li Qingqing. She was entrusted by her father to find the treasure of the country. When she was escaping in the desert, she was besieged by Mongolian soldiers. General Gray led his troops to rescue him in time.Li Qingqing couldn't help feeling that if there was no war, the two could marry across identities and live a peaceful life.

On the other side of the capital, the king has been captured, and the princess of Lianshan County is pregnant. At the critical moment, Lianshan County Prince handed over an ancient book and told him to give it to his child in the future to complete the mission of restoring the country, and then surrendered with his entourage..

When Li Qingqing learned that his father had been kidnapped, he shed tears sadly, and the tears fell on the head of Miaoyinniao. Suddenly, a pattern appeared on the horizon, which was consistent with the map in Gray's hand. From this, he guessed that the treasure was under the Helan Mountains, in Mongolia.When the king of Lianshan County surrendered, the Mongolian prince persuaded him to join him to find the treasure. Daying sent a message that the Mongolian soldiers were approaching, and Gray led the troops to drive them away. When he returned to the place, he found that Li Qingqing had long disappeared.

These are the full text on the topic of 《Filled with love》 Episode 19 plot introduction. Afterwards, the line class will continue to update the latest information and related content, as well as in-depth analysis and discussion of the characters. I hope to be able to join the audience.Participate in the discussion, everyone is very welcome to pay attention to the line class.

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