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TV series《Romance in the Alley》Novel ending

Auth:Holy Son Time:Oct 22, 2024 Source:Network

《Romance in the Alley》There have been a lot of viewers and fans since it first aired. They all want to know the ending of the TV series《Romance in the Alley》the novel. The following is the editor's carefully compiled information about the TV series《Romance.in the Alley》the ending of the novel, come and see if there is anything you want to know.

《Romance in the Alley》The ending of the novel

In the ending of the novel Romance in the Alley, the love story between Zhuang Tunan and Li Jia did not have a fairy tale ending as some readers expected.Although Zhuang Tunan's parents are very satisfied and happy with Li Jia, who is about to become their daughter-in-law, this ending is not enough to cover the bitterness of Li Jia's growth and the huge sacrifice she has made for her family.Li Jia has been indoctrinated in the idea that she must return to Shanghai and go back with her whole family since she was a child. She endured everything silently, and even sacrificed herself for her parents and younger brother.This kind of growth experience can be said in modern terms to be a kind of "family-supporting devil", that is, one person needs to bear the hopes and burdens of the entire family.The situations of Zhuang Xiaoting and Li Jia have many similarities. As an older brother, Zhuang Xiaoting has the protection and support of her mother, while Li Jia can only rely on her own strength to fight.Other characters, such as Zhuang Hualin, Wang Fang, Wu Shanshan, etc., are also representatives of victims under traditional concepts.Overall, the ending of this novel reflects the multi-faceted and complex nature of the characters' fate in the social and cultural context.

TV series《Romance in the Alley》Novel ending

《Romance in the Alley》 is a social novel written by Da Mi.Completed.

Content introduction

In the late 1970s, three families, namely the Zhuang family, the Lin family, and the Wu family, lived in an alley in the family area of ​​a cotton spinning factory in Suzhou. Changes in the times such as the resumption of college entrance examinations, the return of educated youth to the city, and reform and opening up, have caused earth-shaking changes in the fates of the parents and children of the three families.change.A small courtyard, with smoke rising from the kitchen, tells the story of several families and two generations.

Excerpts from the novel

Huang Ling stood in front of the bulletin board and was happy and worried. She was happy that she was assigned two bedrooms, but she was worried that she and the flower shop were assigned to the same small courtyard, and the two families shared a kitchen.

A family of four only had one room. The children had gone to bed and the lights were turned off. Huang Ling and her husband Zhuang Chaoying were still excited and sat at the small dining table in the dark, whispering.

The sound insulation of the dormitory in Tongzilou was not good, and the footsteps in the corridor and the snoring next door could be heard clearly. The couple saw the uncontrollable smile on each other's faces under the hazy moonlight.

Zhuang Chaoying told his wife, "Only our family has been assigned a house on our floor. We must keep a low profile these days. We must keep a low profile."“

Huang Ling didn't dare to smile for fear of waking up the children, but the corners of her mouth kept turning up, and she asked, "I've already told the children not to talk too much in school."”

Zhuang Chaoying said, "You can't hide it. Just don't be too arrogant and make people hate you."“

Huang Ling said lightly,”I really didn't expect...“

Huang Ling's words were unclear, but Zhuang Chaoying fully understood what she meant. "You are a veteran employee and have been a model in production every year. In terms of length of service and job title, the factory has given you a house to set a model."”

Huang Ling nodded.

Zhuang Chaoying said, "By the way, two families live in one hospital. Do you know who the neighbors are?"“

Huang Ling hesitated to speak, and thought for a moment before replying, ”Song Ying, she and I are not from the same workshop, and we are not very familiar with her.“

Zhuang Chaoying intuitively felt that there was something wrong with her wife's words. Wasn't it good?”

Huang Ling said that when she was young, she was a famous factory belle in the factory. She was very beautiful and fashionable, and was said to be unforgiving and shrewd. Her son was in the same class as Xiao Ting. Xiao Ting said he was very naughty and was often criticized by the teacher.%

On the big bed, Zhuang Xiaoting turned over and seemed to be awakened. The couple immediately held their breath.

Zhuang Xiaoting turned over again and fell asleep again.

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