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《the rise of ning》Episode 23 plot introduction

Auth:Enchanting Ice Time:Oct 22, 2024 Source:Network

In the past few days, several new dramas have begun airing, including one that many have been waiting for - the rise of ning.This high-profile film and television work achieved great success and widespread attention once it was broadcast.Not only has its popularity remained high, but topics and hot searches related to it have also appeared frequently on major social platforms.Therefore, what the editor wants to discuss with you this time is《the rise of ning》the plot introduction of episode 23.

《the rise of ning》Episode 23 plot introduction

《the rise of ning》Episode 23 plot introduction

The British public servant had irrefutable evidence of Wang Yuan's corruption. He was about to face the emperor, but unexpectedly ran into Wang Yuan on the way.Seeing this, Wang Yuan hurriedly stepped forward to ask for help, trying to find out the news.He was secretly surprised when he learned that the emperor had handed over Chen Jiuheng's case to the British Duke, but the British Duke pretended not to know, causing Wang Yuan to leave in anger.In the past, Wang Yuan was deeply favored by the saints and often made things difficult for the British Duke to provide frontline food and fodder. Now that his glory is no longer good, the British Duke has long been resentful and vowed to settle old scores.

On the other side, the Luo family was bustling with family because of Luo Shenyuan's victory in the Yuan Dynasty, and Lin Yueru held a special banquet to celebrate.Luo Mansion, which used to be sparsely populated, is now crowded with guests, especially those who have girls from various families waiting to be married, who come in droves with the intention of forming a good relationship with Luo Shenyuan.

There are so many beauties in Luo Mansion that even Luo Shenyuan's mentor introduced his beloved daughter to him.Miss Liu is gentle and virtuous, with both talent and beauty. When talking to Luo Shenyuan, her eyes moved, and she seemed to be affectionate.However, Luo Shen was far away from home and was unmoved by all the girls. He even declined Luo Yining's kind advice.

During this time, the eldest princess also came to Luo Mansion to congratulate her, and brought her son Han Zheng with her.Since meeting Luo Yixiu, Han Zheng has developed an appetite and often comes to visit.Upon seeing this, the eldest princess was quite satisfied with Luo Yixiu and intended to promote a marriage between the two.However, Luo Yixiu was not enthusiastic about Han Zheng, but got close to Lin Mao, which made Chen Lan furious and grounded him to think about his mistakes.

Lu Jiaxue also visited the Luo family and attended the feast with the righteous daughter of the British Duke.During the dinner, the foster daughter suggested that calligraphy be used to entertain the guests, and Luo Shenyuan splashed ink with vigorous brushstrokes.Luo Yining watched the battle, feeling anxious, fearing that Lu Jiaxue would see through his disguise.Fortunately, Luo Shenyuan taught well on weekdays. Luo Yining's imitation of his handwriting was almost real, which surprised Lu Jiaxue.

After the calligraphy competition, Lu Jiaxue invited Luo Yining to paper-cut for fun, and asked Luo Yining about her sister.Luo Yining dealt with it easily, but Lu Jiaxue suddenly used a clever trick to hold Luo Yining's hand and talk about his past feelings, accidentally causing him injury.Luo Shen saw the situation and immediately intervened to play chess with Lu Jiaxue to rescue him.Lu Jiaxue took the opportunity to remind Luo Shenyuan that there are many dangers in overturning Chen Jiuheng's case, and the trial in Dali Temple is imminent, so it is still unknown whether Dao Yan can speak.

This statement made Luo Shenyuan alert and vowed to rescue his senior brother.He mobilized his brothers to plan a prison robbery, and entrusted his savings and Liuhe Liquor Token to Chang'an to be handed over to Luo Yining in case of an unexpected event.At the same time, he also purchased exquisite shelves and display cabinets for Luo Yining's new store to show his deep affection.After everything was arranged, Luo Shenyuan bid farewell to Luo Yining with determination and embarked on the road to save his brother.

That's it for the plot introduction of episode 23 of 《the rise of ning》. If you are very interested in this topic, be sure to follow us.We will continue to push more interesting content on this topic so that you can have a deeper understanding of the film and television series.

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