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《MR.DELICIOUS MISS.MATCH》 Episode 30 plot introduction

Auth:Charm Time:Oct 17, 2024 Source:Network

Recently - MR.DELICIOUS MISS.MATCH - has attracted astonishing attention and has become a hot topic among many viewers. Information about it is available on all major mobile apps.《MR.DELICIOUS MISS.MATCH》The plot introduction of the 30th episode is what everyone is paying most attention to right now. Here are some contents compiled by the editor for you.

《MR.DELICIOUS MISS.MATCH》 Episode 30 plot introduction

《MR.DELICIOUS MISS.MATCH》Episode 30 plot introduction

Under the dim lights of the tavern, Tang Xingzi drank to soothe his sorrows and poured out all his anguish to Chen Moyu.Chen Moyu cleverly guided the topic and gradually extracted the details about Wang Tonghao's car accident and more insider information from Tang Xingzi.Knowing that the situation was urgent, Chen Moyu embarked on a journey to France without hesitation.

At the same time, Ruan Tang decided to let go of the past, draw a clear line with Chen Moyu, and re-plan his future.She carefully prepared a renovation plan for Guihua Building and showed her determination and creativity to Dad Ruan.Dad Ruan is extremely pleased with his daughter's growth and independence, but he is still worried about his daughter being under excessive mental pressure.Ruan Tang firmly stated that he had made his choice and planned to resign at the R&D center and bid farewell to the past with Chen Moyu.

In France, Chen Moyu reunited with his mother, and mother and son exchanged information amidst surprise and worry.Chen Moyu told her mother that she might have been targeted by Wang Tonghao and asked her to help find information about the recent car accident in Paris.On the other side, Wang Songrong noticed Ruan Tang's low mood while he was busy and tried to ask about the changes in her relationship with Chen Moyu. However, Ruan Tang chose to remain silent, just treated each other with courtesy, and encouraged Wang Songrong to understand Yang Zigeng's struggle and pressure.

Yang Zigeng secretly launched his own investigation. He discovered the secret connection between Tang Xingzi and Tang Mingkang, and doubted the identity of the real eldest lady of the Tang family.While the Wang family was out, he cleverly entered the Wang family and found key evidence in Tang Xingzi's room - a photo album in which a photo was strikingly similar to Ruan Tang's childhood photo.This discovery filled Yang Zigeng with doubts and shock.

At the same time, Ruan Tang discussed the innovation of new dishes with Mi Ge in the restaurant, and Wang Songrong's arrival added a bit of complexity to the discussion.Wang Songrong was frustrated by the difficulty of finding the company's shareholder Cao Shikai, but Mi Ge gave him confidence in a mysterious way.On the other side, the unexpected addition of Fan Susu and Xi Xiaowan made the dinner more lively. However, everyone still knew nothing about Chen Moyu's whereabouts.

At night, Ruan Tang tried to contact Chen Moyu, but there was still no response on the other end of the phone.Not long after, Yang Zigeng showed up at Ruan Tang's door on the pretext of looking for graduation photos. When the two looked through the photo album together, Yang Zigeng secretly compared the photos, but failed to find the key photo.It turned out that the photo had already been taken away by Chen Moyu.Yang Zigeng could only leave with regret, but Ruan Tang had no idea about all this.

After Chen Moyu in France learned of Lang Bolton's betrayal, he decided to let his mother move away first to ensure safety.At the same time, Tang Xingzi also discovered traces of tampering in her photo album. Thinking of Yang Zigeng's visit, her heart was filled with anger and uneasiness.The chance encounter between Ruan Tang and Tang Xingzi in Yunfa made the relationship between the two more subtle and tense.In the busy discussion in the restaurant, Ruan Tang, Wang Songrong, Mi Ge and others jointly explored the infinite possibilities of food, and the complex entanglements between Chen Moyu, Wang Tonghao, Tang Xingzi and Yang Zigeng were like an invisible network, quietlyloomed around them.

The above is all the content related to the plot introduction of episode 30 of 《MR.DELICIOUS MISS.MATCH》.However, there are a lot of great moments in this show as well as parts that may confuse viewers.In order to allow the audience to fully understand the storyline and surrounding information, we recommend that you continue to take our line lessons. Subsequent updated content will better help you watch and follow the drama.

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