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《Take a hero to be your husband》Plot introduction

Auth:Enchanting Snow Time:Oct 11, 2024 Source:Network

《Take a Hero to Become a Husband》This short drama is mainly based on ancient costumes. It tells the story of the hero who met the eldest lady during the apprenticeship process. The two experienced many stories on the road and developed feelings for each other. The whole movieThere are no flaws in the whole drama. Come and take a look at the detailed plot introduction!

《Take a hero to be your husband》Plot introduction


Pan Xinyi, Gao Maotong

It will start broadcasting at 10:00 am on October 7th, with 2 episodes premiering for non-members and 2 episodes updated daily.Members can watch 4 episodes in advance, 3 episodes will be updated daily, and the VIP finale will be on October 13th.Broadcast on Mango TV.

Plot introduction:

《Taking a Hero as a Husband》It tells the story of the encounter between Wen Lan, a young lady who longs for a life of righteousness and justice, and You Ruolong, a master of the assassin organization.

In the process of studying under a teacher, a truth involving You Ruolong's life experience gradually surfaced, and the two also got to know each other, fell in love and became husband and wife in the process.

The plot mainly revolves around Wen Lan and You Ruolong.Wen Lan is a young lady who longs for a life of righteousness, while You Ruolong is a master of the assassin organization.

The two met while they were apprentices, and gradually uncovered the mystery of You Ruolong's life experience. They developed feelings as they got to know each other, and eventually became husband and wife.

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