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《bunker》Episode 2 plot introduction

Auth:Big Stuffy Head Time:Oct 21, 2024 Source:Network

Recently a TV series called 《bunker》 has become the focus of attention.Since its premiere, the show has aroused enthusiastic responses from the audience and fascinated countless people.Among the recently aired plots - bunker - the plot introduction of episode 2 is undoubtedly the one that everyone pays the most attention to. The following content is the reference provided by the editor.

《bunker》Episode 2 plot introduction

《bunker》Episode 2 plot introduction

The SBO department (secret welfare organization) of the Inning Nine Group led by Sakurada Seiichiro (Bando Yajuro) officially started operations, and Ne Suzuhana (Kana Kurashina) was appointed as the person in charge.

The target person this time is Yuka Aragaki (Fumino Hamakawa) of the collaborative business department who aims to apply for a private elementary school.She has to raise her kindergarten daughter while working. She pursues her dreams, and her spirit makes Yanagisawa Daisho (Suzuki Nobuyuki) want to support her in every aspect.

On the other hand, Yanagisawa Daisho is still passionate about professional baseball and he received an invitation to join the baseball team as a test...

The above is a detailed analysis of the plot introduction of the second episode of 《bunker》 provided by the editor. I hope it can solve your doubts.If you have other questions about film and television entertainment that you need to know, you are welcome to pay attention to the subsequent updates of the line course.

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