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What are Zhang Zilin's short plays?

Auth:Charm Time:Oct 21, 2024 Source:Network

Zhang Zilin is a very good actor and has participated in many short plays, including - Playing too much, the prince of the Beijing circle comes to ask for status - and - The princess is promoted, the prince please retire - and so on.It’s very interesting. If you are interested, you can check out Zhang Zilin’s short plays!

What are Zhang Zilin's short plays?

1. Playing too hard, the prince from Beijing comes to ask for status

2. Her Majesty the Queen, please give me a favor during the banquet.

3. The young marshal is in love with me

4. The Young Marshal’s Revenge Maid

5. Never forget that love will reverberate

6. The movie queen CEO marries first and then falls in love

7. Surprise!Mrs. Gu has ten vests

8. After the wedding, he and Mr. Fu showed off their acting skills.

9. Lotus grows step by step

10. My boss is Bai Fumei

11. Layoffs were made to the sponsor’s wife

12. A deep love (CP Yang Pengcheng)

13. The princess is promoted and the prince please retire.

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