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《Your lies are beautiful》Episode 8 plot introduction

Auth:Charm Time:Oct 21, 2024 Source:Network

《Your lies are beautiful》 has been liked by many people since it started airing, and many viewers are waiting for updates every day. So, what is the plot introduction of episode 8 of 《Your lies are beautiful》?For those who want to know the plot introduction of the 8th episode of 《Your lies are beautiful》, please come and take a look at the editor's analysis!

《Your lies are beautiful》Episode 8 plot introduction

《Your lies are beautiful》Episode 8 plot introduction

Luo Xiaoxiao asked her agent Chen Shen to help set up a matchmaking relationship with Qin Fei, but she did not expect that Chen Shen and Qin Fei had some minor disputes in the past and refused to match up with each other. Chen Shen, who had been secretly in love with Luo Xiaoxiao for a long time, also saw Qin Fei on the Internet.He took a photo of Fei and Liu Yanze and learned that Luo Xiaoxiao wanted to get close to Qin Fei for Liu Yanze.Qin Fei looked at the photos of her mother, stepfather and younger brother Xiao Cheng's family playing in the lake and sea. She felt lost and lonely and started drinking. Xing Zhizhi joined in after seeing this. The two talked about the past when Qin Fei left without saying goodbye when they were children. Qin Fei only saidI grew up at that time.

Qin Fei wanted Xixi to slow down her recovery process, so He Xingzhizhi took Xixi to eat, drink and go shopping to change her mood. Unexpectedly, this scene was captured by passers-by.In another corner of the mall, Yu Zhecheng, who was busy at work, finally had their first date with coffee.While watching a movie, Coffee was called back to the office by his boss Ren Siqi. Ren Siqi bought a photo of Qin Fei, Xing Zhizhi and Xixi taken by a passerby, and prepared to make a big fuss to prove that what Qin Fei had done before was not a show.

Xixi and Qin Fei returned home. Xixi gave Qin Fei the unicorn doll she fell in love with in the mall and named it “Prince Charming”, asking him to represent her brother Xing Zhizhi to accompany Qin Fei's sister. Qin Fei took the opportunityWhen it comes to psychological counseling, Xixi is still resistant.At this time, Qin Fei received the news about Coffee and learned that Ren Siqi was trying to use photos to hype up and restore his character. Qin Fei rushed to the company to stop it.

《Your lies are beautiful》The production is well-made, the storyline is compact, and the picture presentation is exquisite and delicate, which brings us all an excellent viewing experience. I believe that through the editor's detailed explanation, everyone will understand《Your lies are beautiful》The plot introduction of episode 8 has a deeper understanding. If you want to know more related content, please pay attention to the line class.

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