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《3 Body Problem Season 1》Full episode plot introduction

Auth:Core Water Time:Oct 15, 2024 Source:Network

The recent hit - 3 Body Problem Season 1 - has attracted the attention of countless fans and has repeatedly achieved high ratings on major video platforms, presenting the audience with a plot of reversals and twists and turns. Just recentlyAbout - 3 Body Problem Season 1 - Full episode plot introduction. The audience is also talking about it, so I will talk with you next.

《3 Body Problem Season 1》 Episode 1 plot introduction

《3 Body Problem Season 1》Full episode plot introduction

In 1966, students at Tsinghua University were enthusiastically participating in party consolidation and party building activities, shouting slogans, trying to break the old world and build a new world.In this turbulent era, Ye Zhetai, a well-known physicist, was regarded as a member of the reactionary party because he taught the theory of relativity in class.In China at the time, Einstein's new theories were considered taboo.Ye Zhetai was publicly executed for this, and his wife, because she drew a clear line with him, was considered by the government to be a real physicist.On stage, she openly questioned her husband's knowledge of physics, emphasizing the starting point of the Big Bang and the existence of God.This statement was not acceptable in society at the time, and Ye Zhetai was eventually beaten to death.

Time flies, in modern society, Saadi Muhammad, a doctor of theoretical physics in cosmology, suddenly passed away.At the place where he died, a large number of countdown numbers and the sentence “I will still see” were left on the wall.The Doctor dies in the same manner as several physical scientists in the past.At the Oxford University Particle Accelerator Laboratory in the UK, Saul has been exploring his theory, but has made no progress.He began to doubt the reliability of science, and his boss Ye Vera actually expressed her views on the existence of God to him before committing suicide.This is because theories and research at major particle accelerators have produced unexplained results, confusing everyone.

Oakie suddenly starts seeing “countdown time”, which shocks her and can't explain it.She revealed the situation to Sol, but he was helpless.Ye Vera's suicide shocked and puzzled the Oxford Five. Even if the research was forced to close, Ye Vera's personality was not enough to make her choose suicide.Oggy meets a girl named Tatiana, who tells Oggy that closing the lab will stop the countdown timer.If you don’t believe it, you can observe the flickering of the universe tomorrow, otherwise something bad will happen if the countdown reaches zero.

In 1967, in Mongolia, Ye Wenjie met Bai Mulin, a man who also had the ability to think independently.He learned from Bai Mulin that the radio tower on the mountain was full of mystery. The closer you got to it, the more strange things happened.Bai Mulin gave her a banned book - Silent Spring - which described the consequences of human destruction of the environment, which coincided with the behavior of the Construction Corps.The two gradually got closer and fell in love with each other.However, when Silent Spring was discovered, Bai Mulin put all the responsibility on Ye Wenjie.Ye Wenjie was taken to the division headquarters not to be punished, but to expose the reactionary party members who had contacted her father.She refused to sign as a witness.

Eventually, Ye Wenjie was sent to Hong'an Base.Her “solar radiation” thesis was taken seriously by Hong'an Base, so she got a chance to make atonement.At the base of Red Bank, she decided to spend the rest of her life.The police discovered that Evans was an unusual figure at Vera's funeral.He has been missing since 1984, with little coverage in the 42 years since he took over his father's oil company.Cheng Jian learned from Ye Wenjie about Vera Ye's strange behavior during her lifetime - playing video games.What he didn't know was that Ye Wenjie was once a researcher at the Hong'an Base.After returning home, Cheng Jian put on his helmet and entered the game. He was horrified by the harsh environment and dehydration of organisms inside.

Oggy told Thor about the “cosmic twinkle” and received a small gift of crispy toast for breakfast.However, this little gift was discontinued in 1963.She hoped that Thor could tell her objectively whether she really saw what she saw.In fact, people all over the world saw it.Thor used the small gift in his hand to unlock the “code”, and the code exactly matched the numbers Oji saw.

《3 Body Problem Season 1》 Episode 2 plot introduction

《3 Body Problem Season 1》Full episode plot introduction

In news reports of twinkling stars, Saul claimed that this was an illusion, visible only to the human eye but not telescopes, confusing physicists.Oji is waiting for the results of the research at the Nano Research Center, but she suddenly decides to terminate the project, shocking everyone.However, the countdown timer in front of me really disappeared.At this point, Clarence appears and tells Oakie that he knows what she went through and why the stars twinkled last night.

In 1968, the Red Bank Base tried to establish contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, convey good wishes, and hope to create a better life in the vast universe.Ye Wenjie believes that the transmitted power is too low and higher civilizations may not be able to receive it.So, she asked Yang Weining to help secretly contact Dr. Peterson in the United States, hoping to find a solution.Ye Wenjie realized that the sun could amplify signals and emit cosmic waves through the sun.However, Yang Weining reported the idea to Lei Zhicheng first.Although this was Yang Weining's protection for Ye Wenjie, Ye Wenjie believed that Yang Weining was taking credit.In order to confirm his idea, Ye Wenjie secretly modified the coordinates and aimed the signal at the sun.

Back in the present day, Clarence tells Oakie that when she was talking to a woman outside a bar, the woman was not on the monitor, making it appear that Oakie was talking to herself.Clarence also suspected the footage had been doctored.Cheng Jian entered the game again, and this time she met King Zhou Wen and his “followers”.King Wen of Zhou told her that her mission was to solve the mysteries of the world.Cheng Jian chose the name Copernicus and followed King Wen of Zhou to explain to King Zhou the theory of the world's “Chronic Era” operation.In the game, she witnessed the process in which followers were required to “ dehydrate and protect themselves, waiting for the Eternal Era to be soaked in water and resurrected.This is how people survived in the Age of Chaos.Jack also tried the game, and although he wasn't killed immediately, he was sure that the purpose of the game was more than just boring sun movements.

When Clarence missed his lover in the cemetery, he met a girl who claimed that she also liked cakes and believed that life was fragile.Clarence didn't know that this girl was Tatiana, who met Oggy outside the bar, and that she came here to pay tribute to ”Edith Marsh%.And Jack received a helmet just for him, and this time he could finally play the game for real.As he gushes about his crazy experiences to Will in the game, Will reveals that he has stage 4 pancreatic cancer and only has two to six months to live.Jack could not accept this fact and was angry at Will's suicidal attitude.

In the game, Cheng Jian explains to King Zhou that King Wen's Book of Changes - the Book of Changes - is only a divination prophecy and not a prediction.For the movement of the sun, astrophysics must be used.Obviously, King Wen of Zhou misjudged the Hengji Era and ushered in a sudden cold winter.At this time, a woman appeared in the game. She praised Cheng Tian that although she failed to allow civilization to survive, she successfully made science defeat mysticism and was able to enter the second level civilization to save the world.Clarence investigated Evans's penchant for sponsoring anti-science politicians and anti-vaccination campaigns.After the stars twinkled, he began to study radio telescopes and discovered that a signal called the exclamation signal also appeared in 1977. Scientists were shocked by this, as if someone was trying to communicate with aliens.

Evans was indeed in China in 1977, and his goal was to save lives, not selfish humans.He was particularly concerned about an endangered bird, so he planted trees to allow the bird to perch.He was dissatisfied when he heard Ye Wenjie say that Hong'an Base would establish an observation station here.Ye Wenjie can agree with Evans's point of view because she has seen human stupidity and deeply agrees with it.She tried hard to prevent the observation station from being located here, but Yang Weining understood her thoughts and mentioned that Tang Hongjing came to the base to work as a laborer.Ye Wenjie hoped that Tang Hongjing could repent for what she had done to Ye Zhetai in the past, but Tang Hongjing did not do so. Instead, she said that Ye Wenjie's brain saved her. People like her who have not studied have no future, so if the time comes again, she will still beWill do the same thing to Ye Zhetai, and no one will repent.

Ye Wenjie found that the receiver received a strong signal. After translating it, she learned that it was a warning from an alien civilization: "Don't answer, I am a pacifist in this world. It is your civilization's luck that I received the message first. WarningYou: don't answer, if you answer, we will come.Your world will be taken over."However, Ye Wenjie decided to send a message and hoped that alien civilization could come to Earth.She intends to help the Trisolaran civilization acquire this world.

《3 Body Problem Season 1》 Episode 3 plot introduction

《3 Body Problem Season 1》Full episode plot introduction

Clarence came to CERN and found that many projects here had been stopped, and some scientists had committed suicide here.At the scene, he found a doctor's gaming helmet, which aroused his alert.In England, the Oxford Five gather at Jack's house, and Oggy notices that Jack also has the helmet.After entering the game, Jack is also killed immediately.After questioning, they learned that this was a game that Ye Vera played before her death, but they did not know who invited them to join.What's even more disturbing is that Oji discovers that the helmet has been secretly put into Jack's home, and the surveillance video has been tampered with, which is eerily similar to her previous conversation with the air woman.

Saul speculates that this game may have caused Ye Vera's disorder.Aoji was worried about everyone's safety and hoped that everyone would stop playing, but Cheng Jian and Jack continued to discuss it in private.Cheng Jian's hypothesis is that the sun may be moving erratically, and she needs Jack's help to get into doubles mode and present her idea to the Pope.However, the Pope considered her a heretic and tried to burn her to death.At this time, a rare astronomical phenomenon occurred in the outside world - a three-day volley, and the world fell into chaos.The female swordsman appears again, saying that Cheng Jian successfully revealed the basic structure of the galaxy, which is part of the three-body problem, allowing her to enter the third level of the game.

Clarence gradually understood the content of the game by observing the discussion between Cheng Jian and Jack.At the same time, the Ministry of Science and Technology discovered that the helmet is equipped with a retinal scanner, blood oxygen machine and brain wave detector to collect the user's biometric data.This means that while you are playing the game, someone is watching you.

When Cheng Jian and her boyfriend met their parents, her boyfriend's father shared the story of how he faked his own death due to hypoxia and how he seized enemy supplies for his comrades.Will undergoes surgery to relieve the pain of his cancer, and he enters into a strange symbiotic agreement with the cancer cells.Oji faces a career crisis. If she does not give up her research on nanofibers, she will be banned from working and living in this country.This made her feel stressed, and the countdown timer in front of her appeared again, making her feel overwhelmed.

Cheng Jian and Jack enter the third level of the game, and they try to prove the theory that the chaotic era has no solution.However, the computer actually calculated the time of one constant epoch.Cheng Yan speeds up the game to prove the computer's error. She realizes that the goal of the game is not to solve the three-body problem, but to save mankind.

Evans' organization has been monitoring the content of these games.Cheng Jian and Jack entered the fourth level and became Evans' new candidates.Evans and the Trisolarans were able to communicate with each other, and they discussed the differences between humans and Trisolarans.Trisolarans believe that a lack of fear will lead to extinction, so humans should relearn fear.Cheng Jian and Jack were invited to a bar to meet a mysterious woman.She asks them to reach level four in the game to reveal the truth.

In the game, the female swordsman talks about the unsolvable nature of the three-body problem and how every civilization will eventually encounter irrecoverable catastrophe.To solve the problem, she said, new homes must be found.Therefore, the Trisolarans have built a huge interstellar fleet to go to Earth, which is their hope of survival.In the game, followers develop a deep emotional bond with Cheng Tian, ​​whom they hope will welcome them to Earth.

Although Jack thought the aliens' claims were too bizarre, Cheng Yan was convinced.She understands the pain of being forced to leave her hometown, which suffered floods when she was a child and her parents died tragically, and she subsequently moved to New Zealand to live.However, when Jack returns home, he is murdered by the mysterious woman Tatiana, and even Clarence is unaware of this happening.

《3 Body Problem Season 1》 Episode 4 plot introduction

《3 Body Problem Season 1》Full episode plot introduction

In 1982, at a seminar in London, Ye Wenjie and Evans reunited unexpectedly.Ye Wenjie has become a professor at Tsinghua University, while Evans has inherited the family oil company.Evans firmly believes that to fight power, you must first embrace it.Under this concept, Ye Wenjie revealed to him the secret of her sending alien signals from Hong'an Base.

As time goes by, Jack's death is revealed, and Oggy suspects that it is related to the mysterious woman.The police had no clue about the case, but found that the other party seemed to intend to stop Oji from working, and at the same time let Cheng Jian work for them.The police hope that Cheng Jin can cooperate with them to find out the mastermind behind the scenes.

Cheng Jian felt guilty for Jack's death, and she revealed to Oji the existence of the Trisolaran organization and the fact that alien life was about to arrive.Although Oji is surprised by this statement, he believes that if alien life does have technology that surpasses humans, then cooperation with them may bring new hope to mankind.

Evans learns that Jack failed the game test, but he is unfazed by the upcoming summit in London.He believes that “Lord” is invincible and promises to protect him.Even though the police had discovered the secrets of the summit, Evans remained confident.

At the summit, Evans told the story of Little Red Riding Hood to the Trisolarans, and was surprised to find that they didn't know how to hide their intentions or say things they didn't mean.This is because Trisolarans communicate through thoughts rather than human language.They were shocked when they realized humans could lie.

The Trisolarans began to believe that humans were unreliable and unable to cooperate with each other.Then the Lord suddenly lost contact, leaving Evans uneasy.At this time, Cheng Jian sneaked into the summit, and Clarence immediately recognized the mysterious woman's voice.What shocked Cheng Jian even more was that she discovered that the leader of this organization was actually Ye Wenjie, the mother of Vera Ye.

Ye Wenjie recounted the history of human cannibalism and how the Trisolarans came to Earth a hundred years later to teach humans how to survive and thrive.However, at this moment, the police rushed into the venue and the scene was chaotic.Clarence rescues Cheng Jian, but the mysterious woman discovers her cooperation with the police.

Afterwards, Will invited Cheng Jian to go on vacation together after Jack's funeral to relax.Unexpectedly, Cheng Jin agreed.Perhaps she realized that with the arrival of the Trisolaris, humanity had very little time left.In 1984, Evans used a ship to build Second Red Bank, which became the launch center.He explained that the Trisolarans had been in contact with Ye Wenjie and left the base before receiving another reply.At that time, the Trisolarans had decided to go to Earth.

After Ye Wenjie was arrested, her disdain for human beings became even more obvious.She firmly believes that humans cannot stop the arrival of the Trisolarans because they simply do not understand their abilities.

《3 Body Problem Season 1》 Episode 5 plot introduction

《3 Body Problem Season 1》Full episode plot introduction

Vader, the head of the Three-Body Investigation Team, found Raj and gave him the important mission of defending all mankind.Clarence questioned Ye Wenjie. He was worried that even if the Trisolarans would arrive four hundred years later, how could Ye Wenjie guarantee that they would be well-intentioned?Historically, technologically advanced civilizations often had disastrous consequences for primitive civilizations, but Ye Wenjie firmly believed that her approach was correct.She believes that human civilization has been unable to solve its own problems, and the reason why she cooperates with the police is because she believes that this is the will of the Lord.For Ye Wenjie, she has no use value anymore, and the secrets she knows no longer pose a threat.Now, the only important thing is the arrival of the Trisolarans.

Vera Ye is the daughter of Ye Wenjie and Evans, but in Ye Wenjie's heart, Evans is only her biological father.Ye Wenjie has been hiding this fact from her daughter because she thinks Vera Ye is not strong enough.In fact, Ye Wenjie was convinced that Vera Ye had never met Evans, and the first time her parents met was at Vera Ye's funeral.Ye Wenjie used the helmet to attract Cheng Jian to join the organization because she believed that Cheng Jian was the most outstanding physicist of this era.Clarence speculated that Evans had been staying on the Judgment Day and could not only receive signals from aliens every eight years.He thought Evans must have had faster, more instant communication technology.

In order to understand the true intentions of the aliens and Evans, Vader decided to snatch the call records with the Trisolaris kept on Evans' ship.Clarence believed the task had to be completed quickly to avoid giving Evans time to destroy the hard drive.Felix had doubts about the Lord's protection, and he couldn't understand why there was an attack in England.Evans insisted that this was the Lord's decision and plan and could not be questioned.However, Evans did not reveal the secret of the Lord's loss of contact with him, and he was very worried that the Lord would turn his back on him.

Cheng Jian revealed to Aoji that she never thought that Ye Wenjie was behind everything.Oji was very angry about this. She thought Ye Wenjie treated them as puppets.Clarence hopes that Oggy will continue to make nanofibers in order to avenge Jack's death.This fiber can obtain the Trisolaran communication records on the ship without anyone noticing.When Oggie turned on the device, she expected to see the numbers again, but the numbers in front of her suddenly disappeared.To Clarence, this seemed to mean that the Lord was no longer protecting His flock.Oji is upset that Vader chose Cheng Jian's boyfriend Raj to command the mission.Will feels ironic that Jack left him half of his inheritance because he was already dying.Saul encourages Will to accept the money and seek treatment from doctors around the world, which may be what Jack wants.However, Will just wants to enjoy his last life and does not want to be tortured by illness.

In Panama, Oji directed the guzheng operation on the spot.Since she felt compassion for the deaths of innocent people on the ship, Raj was ordered by Vader to not let this emotion affect the mission.In the end, Raj could only say to Oji: “We are going to fight.”This cruel scene shocked Oji, especially since there were so many children and innocent people on board.Evans realized the seriousness of the situation and tried to escape with the memory card, but was eventually killed by the nanofiber thread.Vader successfully obtained the memory disk, but it was not easy for human technology to decipher the information inside.However, suddenly the file opened.

This is obviously the Trisolaran people want humans to see the contents (including a sophon's file) and 1 billion GB of files.Ye Wenjie was shocked when she learned of Evans' death.She thought it was beyond her knowledge that the Trisolarans had not responded to Operation Guzheng, but she was certain that the Trisolarans would come to save humanity from self-destruction.When she heard the conversation between Evans and the Lord, she was shocked.She always thought that the Lord could bring prosperity to mankind, but she did not expect that Evans' stupidity would mess up everything, causing the Lord to turn his back on mankind.Now, Wade needs Cheng Jian to use her “high-dimensional” knowledge to help solve the puzzle of “Sophon”.

In order to gain a deeper understanding of the Trisolaran's intentions, Vader and Cheng Jian entered the next level of the game.The swordswoman told them that the purpose of inviting them into the game was to let mankind know that the Trisolaran civilization was destined to perish.The existence of sophons is a preemptive means for the Trisolarans to control the technological development of mankind.Since it takes four hundred years for the Trisolarans to reach the Earth, during this time, human technology will definitely surpass the Trisolarans and eventually destroy the Trisolaran fleet.Therefore, the Trisolarans sent two sophons to the earth, while the other two stayed on the Trisolaran planet in order to keep abreast of human technological development and limit its progress.For example, the meaningless and unreasonable results of the particle collisions studied by Vera Ye were caused by sophons.

The next day, people's electronic devices around the world began to experience interference, and the slogan “You Are Bugs” appeared on all screens.The sky is shrouded in sophons, taking on the appearance of an eye. This is the Trisolaran's surveillance and intimidation of humans.This scene caused panic and uneasiness in humans.

《3 Body Problem Season 1》 Episode 6 plot introduction

《3 Body Problem Season 1》Full episode plot introduction

As global panic spreads, the news that the Trisolarans are heading to the earth is like an inescapable disaster.People began to fall into despair, and riots and suicides occurred frequently.Various sects emerged, some worshiped the Three Body as the savior, while others began to seek unity and vowed to protect the earth and mankind.Ye Wenjie fell into silence after hearing the Trisolarans calling humans “bug”.Cheng Jian was confused by this. She didn't understand why Vera Ye had to die, and what qualifications Ye Wenjie had to decide the life and death of others.Ye Wenjie mentioned the slogan "Destroy the old world and create a new world" on the posters during the Cultural Revolution. She said that she would use the power of Trisolaran people to achieve this goal.

In Cheng Jian's view, Ye Wenjie was just looking for rational excuses for his actions and decisions.She believes that Ye Wenjie has never really considered the possible consequences of her decisions, and no one has given her the qualifications and power to make decisions for others.Cheng Jian felt that Ye Wenjie only cared about her own interests and ideas, and her behavior was actually a kind of betrayal.

At the same time, Vader began to organize scholars to fight back against the Trisolarans.He knows that the Trisolarans have sophons that can monitor all information on the earth, but he believes that existing scientific and technological research cannot stagnate.Vader plans to launch a probe to intercept the Trisolaran fleet and learn the Trisolaran way of doing things.His goal is to keep the two sophons too busy with research activities on Earth to fully monitor humanity's secret plans.

In order to achieve this goal, Vader needs Cheng Jian to use existing technology to make the detector reach at least 1“ of the speed of light.Cheng Jian proposed to scholars the plan of using nuclear weapons to accelerate detectors, but the scholars had reservations about this.They believe that four hundred years is still plenty of time and there is no need to rush for detection.However, Vader insisted on carrying out the plan immediately.

At this time, the Stars Project attracted the attention and investment of the richest people.These wealthy people hope to compete for ownership of the stars in the Milky Way by investing in the Star Project.Oji is disgusted by this kind of money being spent on nothing. She believes that these funds should be used to help those in need.Raj volunteered to join the space fleet and was sent to the moon to build a probe.

At Will's home, the Oxford ”4% group gathered to discuss the Trisolaran problem.Oji was dissatisfied with Cheng Jian's behavior in helping Wade, and accused Raj of being too cold-blooded during the Guzheng operation in Panama.Cheng Jian tried to explain the truth and plans of the Trisolarans, but Aoji was unwilling to listen.She believed that handing the world's resources to a select group of scientists would lead to tragedies, such as the creation of the atomic bomb.

The next day, Will said goodbye to Cheng Jian, while Sol and Oji encouraged Will to express his feelings to Cheng Jian.Although Cheng Jian already has a boyfriend, they think Will should not have any regrets.So Will boarded the train to London, hoping to find Cheng Jian.

In London, Cheng Jian and Raj argued over the loss of more than a thousand lives in Operation Guzheng.Raj thinks Cheng Tian has double standards because Cheng Tian is also saving mankind.She believes they are both fighting the same battle, and gradually begins to understand each other's positions.Will saw this scene and realized that his trip to London might have been a wrong decision, so he returned directly.

Clarence tried to understand Ye Wenjie's inner thoughts and wanted to know why Vera Ye would choose to commit suicide.Ye Wenjie revealed that Vera Ye accidentally discovered the secrets related to the three-body problem in her computer.However, Vera Ye did not mention this matter to Ye Wenjie, nor did she leave a suicide note.As a result, there was a gap between mother and daughter, and they were separated forever.

The next day, Will finally understood that his embarrassing experience in London should have made him realize that what Cheng Jian needed was the support and companionship of friends like Oji, especially Oji who had a wealth of knowledge.Will realized that if he had such talents and talents, he would definitely go to Cheng Jian and dedicate himself to her without hesitation.He was sure that although Cheng Jian was working for Wade, she would never make a decision like Wade's.At this time, Cheng Jian discovered that there was a problem with the ladder plan because the detector was not designed to slow down.This means that the probe will quickly fly past the Trisolaran fleet and be unable to receive useful intelligence.However, Vader stated that the Trisolarans would definitely accept the probe because he planned to send humans up there.This decision shocked Cheng Jian.At this moment, Oji came to Cheng Jian's residence.

After Ye Wenjie is released, Clarence plans to observe her behavior outside to collect intelligence.However, Ye Wenjie just returned home.She still thinks about the Trisolarans and believes that there will be a fierce battle in a few centuries.But she also suggested that confrontation may not be necessary at all.Will planned to take his own life, but in the hallucination caused by the drug, he saw the paper sailboat given to him by Cheng Jian.This caused him to give up the idea of ​​suicide and began to seriously understand the Star Project.Eventually, he uses the money Jack left him to buy a star.

《3 Body Problem Season 1》 Episode 7 plot introduction

《3 Body Problem Season 1》Full episode plot introduction

Will was satisfied to show Sol the star he bought. However, fate played a cruel joke on him and he suddenly collapsed from cancer.Cheng Jian knew nothing about all this. She was still in the dark. She didn't know that Will bought the star for her, which meant that she actually owned the star.The team is working hard to find a solution that will allow humans to survive on spacecraft for two hundred years.They plan to use advanced freezing technology to put the human body into hibernation and then revive it at some point in the future.This process is like hibernation and brings hope to people.

However, Cheng Jin discovered Wade's true purpose.He promoted the development of hibernation technology not only for the sake of the probe's passengers and pilots, but also for his own personal gain.Vader desires to live four hundred years later, so he needs hibernation technology to wake up once a year and continue his ladder plan.His desire for the future keeps him going, because with the development of technology, the future seems to be becoming more and more within reach.

Ogi started working on nanofibers out of sympathy for the people she had seen in the past.She hopes to create something for them, and Cheng Jian encourages her, believing that her current efforts are building a better future for everyone.Will wakes up in the hospital, only to find his family surrounding him, but they are not here to care about him, but to divide his property.Will takes this very lightly, because he knows he is not important in their hearts.

Vader is looking for a suitable person to carry out his plan.He wanted to find someone who was about to die, free from worries, and knowledgeable about physical science, and Will was his ideal candidate.Oggy couldn't agree with Vader's idea and decided to quit the ladder plan.She decided to destroy her life's hard work and research, unwilling to let the wealthy Denis take it for himself and abuse it.Cheng Jian tried to persuade Will not to participate in Wade's plan, but in the end Will chose to join because he believed that he could make a final contribution to Cheng Jian's plan.

Sol told Ye Wenjie bluntly that he knew that the reason why Vera committed suicide was because she knew the secret of Ye Wenjie's summoning of Trisolarans to the earth.Ye Wenjie hinted to Saul a joke that only the two of them could understand, that is, “never joke with God”.Will refuses to sign a contract of loyalty to humans because he believes that if the Trisolarans are better than humans, then there is no need for him to be loyal to humans.The reason why he is willing to participate in the ladder plan is entirely because of his loyalty to Cheng Jian, not to humanity.

The Trisolarans contacted Tatiana, hoping that she would cooperate with their plan.Will began to receive hibernation treatment, and Thor stayed with him.Thor tried to get Will to think about the meaning of going to space, but Will remained optimistic, thinking that the Trisolarans might love him as a pet.Cheng Jian learned that Will bought the star for her and felt deeply his love for her.However, she had no time to say goodbye to Will and could only watch as his head was removed and prepared to be sent to space.Ye Wenjie returned to Hong'an Base and prepared to end her life, but Tatiana's arrival made her change her mind.She realized that the Trisolarans did not completely ignore humans, but just selectively ignored them.Tatiana firmly believes that when the Trisolarans really come, everything will become better.

《3 Body Problem Season 1》Episode 8 plot introduction

《3 Body Problem Season 1》Full episode plot introduction

When Saul learned that the girl he had a one-night stand with was hit and killed by a car while waiting for a bus, he was urgently approached by Clarence for questioning.Clarence became interested in the conversation between Saul and Ye Wenjie in the cemetery, because soon after, both Ye Wenjie and Clarence's deployment encountered misfortune.Clarence suspected that this was an assassination operation targeting Saul, because the vehicle that hit the girl was in fully autonomous driving mode, and the original target may have been Saul.For Saul's safety, he was required to wear a body armor and be protected with the highest security level.

Meanwhile, Cheng Jian hopes to carry some of Will's favorite seeds into the stair capsule, but Vader is firmly opposed because he is precisely controlling every milligram of the probe's weight to ensure its speed is not affected.The core personnel of Project Ladder are about to conduct a test launch, and Thor was brought to the United Nations to participate in a ceremony called “Face Plan”.The plan is to prevent Trisolarans from understanding human plans and ideas through language and writing.The United Nations selected three wall-facers, namely General Hou Bolin, Professor Leila Erich and Thor.

However, Thor steadfastly refused to become a Wallfacer. He believed that he was not special and was not qualified to be a hero.He gave up all authority but was shot after leaving the U.N. building.Despite his injuries, Saul remains determined to find the assassins, hoping to understand their motives.

Cheng Jian was very nervous about the test results because the mission was to safely send Will's head into space.She firmly believes that if the Trisolarans find Will, they may be able to use advanced technology to rebuild his body and resurrect him.Even if this possibility is very small, Cheng Jian still has hope because she loves Will deeply.

Thor was confused in the hospital, wondering why the United Nations was still concerned about his safety after he refused to become a Wallfacer.The Secretary-General tells him that what matters is what the aliens think of Thor, not whether he is actually a Wallfacer.

Thor has always been confused as to why he was chosen as Wallfacer, and the Secretary-General hints that there is a deeper reason behind it, but cannot reveal it.At the same time, Tatiana found a message and helmet from the mysterious organization in her residence, inviting her to enter the game world.Will's head was sent into space, and Vader revealed that he had also sent seeds into space, hoping that the Trisolarans could rebuild Will and grow plants in space to create living space.

Oji uses nanofiber technology to improve the quality of life of poor people in Mexico.Although she tried to stay away from the Trisolaran thing, her technology played a key role in Will's mission to space.However, the ladder plan failed when several detonations caused the nanofibers to break, causing Will to veer off course.Vader received direct contact from the Trisolarans on the plane, and they seemed to be trying to interfere with his mind.In order to comfort Saul and Cheng Jian, Clarence took them to see the locusts to show that even in the face of difficulties, life still has its tenacity and tenacity.

The above is all about 《3 Body Problem Season 1》the complete plot and episode introduction.From now on, we will continue to bring you more detailed and exciting film and television content, as well as the latest film and television news and star information.Thank you for your attention and support!

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