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《Before dawn, she returns from rebirth》Plot introduction

Auth:Overlord Time:Oct 22, 2024 Source:Network

《Before dawn, she comes back from rebirth 》- is a new drama about rebirth and revenge, starring Song Yujia & Wang Yike. It tells the story of the heroine being reborn for revenge after being killed by her husband and mistress. The plot is quite exciting, if you are interested.Come and take a look at the starring roles and plot introduction!

《Before dawn, she returns from rebirth》Plot introduction


Song Yujia&Wang Yike

Plot introduction:

The heroine Shen Ningqing was betrayed by her husband Lu Haoran in her previous life. She was designed to bear huge debts and her life fell into despair.

In an accident, she discovered the conspiracy between Lu Haoran and her mistress Lin Yanran, and was eventually brutally killed.

However, fate gave her another chance and she was reborn back to the days before her husband faked his death.

The above is the detailed introduction to the plot of "Before Dawn, Her Rebirth and Return". There will be more exciting plot content in the future. The line class will continue to update relevant film and television information. Friends who like this TV seriesDon’t miss it.

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