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《The darling wife of the 1980s has a trick》Plot introduction

Auth:Holy Son Time:Oct 08, 2024 Source:Network

《The 80s Wife Has a Secret Skill》 is a period drama with a time-travel theme. It tells the story of the heroine who accidentally traveled to the 1980s and cured her husband's paralysis. Those who are interested in this short drama can take a line lesson.Take a look!

《The darling wife of the 1980s has a trick》Plot introduction


Zhang Yilun&Wang Yueyi

Plot introduction:

A medical doctor accidentally traveled back to the 1980s and married a veteran who was paralyzed in bed.

In the beginning of Tianbeng, she passed through all levels and beheaded enemies, domineeringly protecting her husband,

Cured her paralyzed husband, slapped the bad guy in the face, and led a prosperous and happy life in the 1980s

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