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《Smells Like Green Spirit》 Episode 4 plot introduction

Auth:Big Stuffy Head Time:Oct 15, 2024 Source:Network

The recent hit - Smells Like Green Spirit - has attracted the attention of countless fans and has repeatedly achieved high ratings on major video platforms, presenting the audience with a plot of reversals and twists and turns. Just recently about《Smells Like Green Spirit》Episode 4 Episode Plot Introduction The audience is also talking about it, so the editor will chat with everyone next.

《Smells Like Green Spirit》 Episode 4 plot introduction

《Smells Like Green Spirit》Episode 4 plot introduction

Mishima (Feiha Araki) failed to reach the end with Fujii (Yōi Katada), and became increasingly confused about his identity.Against this background, the rooftop meeting between Mishima and Kirino (Sunta Jukuno) continues.

“I hope that one day, I can openly say, 'What kind of person am I'.”

Mishima silently made a wish in his heart, and at the same time, Mishima's appearance became a hot topic among housewives in rural towns.

On the other hand, the reason why Kirino hides his true self, as well as the past events of Yanagita (Kenarashi Abe), a social studies teacher who has always cared about Mishima, will also surface in this episode...

The above is the detailed introduction to the plot of episode 4 of Smells Like Green Spirit. There will be more exciting plot content in the future. The line class will continue to update relevant film and television information. Those who like this TV seriesFriends, don’t miss it.

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