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《HEI BAI JUE》 Episode 3 plot introduction

Auth:Hungry Wolf Time:Oct 24, 2024 Source:Network

The audience's evaluation of 《HEI BAI JUE》 is also very high.Many viewers said that this drama not only did a good job in portraying the story, but also showed profound thoughts on human nature.Recently - HEI BAI JUE - the plot introduction of the third episode has attracted widespread attention and discussion. Today I will talk about it with you.

《HEI BAI JUE》 Episode 3 plot introduction

《HEI BAI JUE》Episode 3 plot introduction

Han Zhengfei analyzed Gu Xiaodao's criminal pattern to everyone, but was rudely interrupted by Ren Zhonghua, accusing his analysis of being empty.He pointed out that Gu Xiaodao specifically targeted women who had fallen into trouble, such as the hair salon girl who had been reported missing, and Ma Wenwen was obviously not among his targets, raising doubts about the motive of the kidnapping.Ren Zhonghua was full of confidence and declared that as long as Gu Xiaodao was still in Yangquan, he would capture it and immediately led his team to evacuate.Li Erlai comforted Han Zhengfei in private, explaining that although Ren Zhonghua was impatient, he was kind-hearted.While sleeping at night, Han Zhengfei had nightmares one after another. In the dream, the woman killed by the ancient knife was covered in bloody flesh and blood, surrounding him. He was also imprisoned in it, and he was terrified.

As the morning light began to break, Li Er came to report urgently the news of the mining disaster.Ren Zhonghua leads his team to the scene, while Section Chief Ma is anxious. The Yao family's housekeeper Mu Laitou appears leisurely and comforts people with the tradition of "Second Life Rice". In fact, the dispute between the Yao family and Wang Weiming's mining rights has surfaced.Han Zhengfei recalled the scene of the conflict between Woodhammer and Marbury, which added to the complexity.Li Erlai reveals the secret of Mu Bangtou's past. He was originally a disciple of Zhonghua, but later switched to the Yao family.Regardless of Han Zhengfei's objections, Ren Zhonghua insisted on withdrawing the team, leaving Han Zhengfei alone confused.

Captain Xiong asked Responsible China, and he admitted that he had a grudge against Han Zhengfei because of Dong Chao's incident.Han Zhengfei confronted Captain Xiong and accused Ren Zhonghua of accepting bribes from the Yao family's gold bars, which affected the fairness of the investigation.Ren Zhonghua angrily threw gold bars and receipts to clarify the truth. The gold bars were actually used by the Yao family to appease the deceased, and he was only a witness.New clues point to Dream Paris. Ren Zhonghua leads a raid. Manager Tan tries to mediate in the name of his godfather. Han Zhengfei is shocked to find that he looks exactly like his late girlfriend Yang Wenli, and he is upset.In the chaos of the scene, Ren Zhonghua ran into the rebellious Xiao Lei and punished him in anger. He also exposed the hidden passage and captured the hiding person.

The editor has brought a series of detailed interpretations of the plot introduction of the third episode of HEI BAI JUE-- and discussed the topic in depth from multiple angles. I believe it will be very inspiring and helpful to readers.If you have more questions and needs about film and television, please continue to pay attention to the line class. We will continue to bring you more interesting and practical film and television news and information.

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