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《HEI BAI JUE》Plot introduction

Auth:Hungry Wolf Time:Oct 22, 2024 Source:Network

Recently a TV series called《HEI BAI JUE》has become the focus of attention.Since its premiere, the show has aroused enthusiastic responses from the audience and fascinated countless people.Among the recently aired plots - HEI BAI JUE - the plot introduction is undoubtedly what everyone pays most attention to. The following content is the reference provided by the editor.

《HEI BAI JUE》Plot introduction

《HEI BAI JUE》It tells the story of the police officers who were indomitable, wise and courageous in their struggle against the village bullies, and finally captured the criminals in one fell swoop.

Produced by Wuxi Star Times Film and Television Culture Media Co., Ltd., directed by Zhao Junkai, starring Yang Xuwen, Tian Yu, Zhang Zhijian and Ge Yuexi.

《HEI BAI JUE》Plot introduction

Young detective Han Zhengfei went through many hardships during the 15 days of hunting for the real murderer but remained steadfast until his death. He stayed true to his original aspiration overnight and finally succeeded in arresting the murderer while also finding his professional faith as a law enforcer.

That's it for the plot introduction of 《HEI BAI JUE》. The outstanding acting skills of the actors in the play are also a highlight, and the audience can't help but resonate with it after watching it.Interested friends can take a look. If you want to know more about the film and television drama, remember to pay attention to the line class.

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