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《Become a fairy in his heart》Plot introduction

Auth:Enchanting Snow Time:Oct 22, 2024 Source:Network

《Become a Goblin in His Heart》 is a short drama that will be launched on the 23rd. The relevant trailer has been released. It really whetted everyone's appetite. Many friends are curious about who the starring role is. The editor will give youWe have brought an introduction to the starring list. Friends who are interested, please come and take a look!

《Become a fairy in his heart》Plot introduction


Hou Chengyue: Hou Chengyue, an actress from Mainland China.His representative work - Saying Goodbye Before Graduation - The Bottom Line -, appeared in the short play and became a hit.

Wang Jiamao: Born on July 4, 1997 in Hefei, Anhui Province, a new generation actor in Mainland China

‌《Be a Goblin in His Heart》 is a short drama that mainly tells the story of the male and female protagonists in complex emotional and professional backgrounds.

Seven years ago, Chen Yaoyao was still a rich girl. She kicked Shen Yuxing, a poor boy.

Later, the Chen family went bankrupt and both Chen's father and mother died. Chen Jiaojiao lost everything overnight. She was desperate to make money and became what others said was a bus for selling her status.

However, Shen Yuxing suddenly transformed into a business tycoon.

When Shen Yuxing saw the down-and-out Chen Yaoyao, he taunted him unceremoniously and prepared to take revenge on Chen Yaoyao, but in the end he could not take action against the person who had hurt him and loved him deeply.

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