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《Parents and children are not as good as adopted children. What are you anxious about when I leave? 》Full plot introduction

Auth:Enchanting Snow Time:Oct 14, 2024 Source:Network

《Parents and children are not as good as adopted children, why are you so anxious when I leave?》It is a short drama with a family theme. It tells the story of the male protagonist who was tortured to death and reborn to counterattack and take revenge. It is quite attractive. If you are interested, you can watch it.Watch the plot introduction!

《Parents and children are not as good as adopted children. What are you anxious about when I leave? 》Full plot introduction

Chen Han is a lost young master from a well-known family in Jinghai. When he was found when he grew up, he was disliked in every possible way.

He tried hard to maintain this hard-won family relationship, but was insulted by his family in various ways, and was even locked in a room by his adopted son and starved to death.

Neither his three sisters nor his biological parents thought of him.After being reborn, Chen Han felt relieved that this family was not worthy of his sincere treatment, so he chose to leave.

After learning the truth, his adoptive parents and family panicked and tried to find him at all costs, but the belated family love was worthless and could no longer impress Chen Han.

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